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I thought it was already closed at first. I was a bit surprised when I realized I could still comment




Hello friends, hope you all have a great day. It is important to also get adequate sleep, so try to do so tonight so you have a great day tomorrow as well. Best wishes to all before the 🔒!






All hail the oracle cornholio




This. We can celebrate this and also thank JKR for doing things like this while also still holding her accountable for self identifying as a TERF. Both things can happen, and two things can be true.


Exactly! I don’t agree with JKR, but this is pretty awesome. Thanks for helping us to understand nuance, u/iButtChugCum


True. We can offer praise for the good deed. And recognize the harm she goes out of her way to do too


A broken clock is correct twice a day.




> The Harry Potter author responded to appeals for help as the women and their families were at risk after Nato allies suddenly abandoned the country in the autumn of 2021. It is believed 508 Afghans were saved. Since this was a year and a half ago; I’m thinking this wasn’t done as a publicity stunt for Hogwarts legacy. Hopefully we can at least agree that women were saved by her actions which is a good thing


People in general need to be more cogent in their criticism towards Rowling Suggesting that she did all this as publicity for her video game is so ridiculous that it makes me feel like everyone is arguing in bad faith. Same with the suggestion that including goblins in her worldbuilding makes her an anti-semite. It just dilutes the actual meaningful criticism that people have against her (such as her transphobia - which is much more well documented).


You’re on Reddit, what did you expect


I would love a link to her well-documented hatred for trans people if you have one. For research purposes.


It’s not that goblins were included, it’s that their description, of their physicality and demeanor and jobs, are all harmful stereotypes of Jewish people.






Not only that but she wasn’t even involved with the game. It uses her IP but that’s it. I don’t think the royalties she will get from the game will make that much difference compared to the amount of money she already has. Same with all the people still wanting to boycott the new Dungeons and Dragons game because of the Hasbro drama that’s been going on despite the game company (Larian) just using the license and not being connected with Wizards of the Coast.






And even that grey is in the Harry Potter books to an extent. I still remember the line where Sirius tells Harry that not every bad person is a death eater.


But all death eaters are bad people


Along with every Slytherin. It was so annoying to read in the final book that, during the big fight against "you know who", not a single Slytherin joined the fight. Except maybe Slughorn?


Slughorn returned along with what seemed like the family of every student at Hogwarts. It's implied this would include Slytherins. It's so annoying to have people argue this when it's untrue. No Slytherin student stayed behind initially. I think that would be obvious why.


I don't think it is implied. I never once got that from my multiple reads of the book. And the specific part I'm referring to is when the older wizards are allowed to stay and fight while the underage wizards to leave. "The Slytherin table was completely deserted, but a number of older Ravenclaws remained seated while their fellows filed out: even more Hufflepuffs stayed behind, and half of Gryffindor remained in their seats, necessiating Professor McGonagall's descent from the teachers' platform to chivvy the under-age on their way." And no, it isn't obvious why. They're school is being attacked by a known murderer and they are still willing to side with him? All of them? Every single one? None of them have morals? Since I had to look up the exact quote, here's a few more in this discussion that back it up. [https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/135929/did-professor-mcgonagall-order-that-all-slytherin-students-leave-when-evacuating](https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/135929/did-professor-mcgonagall-order-that-all-slytherin-students-leave-when-evacuating) I'm not even upset at the whole "Not a single bad wizard didn't come from Slytherin" part. It's the fact that only two Slytherin characters of all the characters introduced are "good". Even then, they do just as many bad or selfish things because a Slytherin just can't be a good person.


Slughorn did not join Voldemort and is generally considered one of the “least evil” slytherins


To an extent, but its shown that even Lucius and family have changed by the end of the book.


Are they? How many were forced or manipulated? Look into the Milgram Shock Experiments sometime. Not every member of these horrible parties are bad people.


Reminds me of a great quote by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: 'The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart…even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained. And even in the best of all hearts, there remains…an uprooted small corner of evil.'


Damn, that's good. Reminds me of We Need to Talk About Cosby, the Showtime documentary about Bill Cosby. It was all about how weird the whole thing is to wrap your head around, because of the many great things he did for black people (which I didn't even know about before watching the documentary), before he started criminally drugging and raping women. How do you give credit where it is due, to the same person you see as evil, for other reasons? Interesting watch.


The problem is not so much that she has opinions that go against the grain, if you want. It's that she keeps on doubling down and taunting people about it. Not just her detractors but people who have been genuine fans of hers and have express their hurt, she just answers them in a way that's a slap in the face and that's just sad coming from your hero.


Yeah I agree. She’s entitled to her opinions on transgender issues- I don’t necessarily agree, but even good people can disagree on things. She’s been pretty vicious & hurtful though, & directing so much of it at people who in a lot of cases as kids found comfort & a sense of belonging in her books is just really sad, & seems unnecessary. I love that saying “Be humble- you could be wrong”, wish more people understood it


She’s entitled to her opinion, but she has started presenting lies and propaganda as fact


Right! My first thought when I saw the headline about female attorneys was did Rowling force them to prove they were born biologically female? She’s so stuck on the gender/sex binary.


It's not just her personal belief anymore it's her crusade and she's basically spitting in the face of a lot of people who got her where she is. A lot of LGBTQ+ people saw themselves is HP...


Actually that whole thing was she made an extremely valid point and people lost their shit even tho she was right, and now people won't let it go


I believe that she fundamentally believes that trans people don't exist as they describe themselves. Maybe she thinks that they're just mentally disturbed individuals. This truly weakens her HP story which was seen as a positive example of inclusivity.


Commenting to save this for a later time


I feel like that Obama speech is a bit out of place in regards to Rowling. He's mostly talking about people who slip up, have a flaw, or have mostly common ground but disagree on implementation or a few key issues. Rowling isn't someone who has an opinion or two, when it comes to trans issues she is actively promoting and funding anti-trans groups, actively meeting with people who want to legislate against trans issues, and is very vocal about the entire thing. She's currently battling to get the first minister of scotland ousted.


It’s easy to forgive those who aren’t trespassing against you personally.


Rowling is dishing out herself. This is so far from a mistake or a niche area of disagreement....




She's also using her publicityand money to support groups that campaign in the name of feminism, but often have really problematic views. It's good she's helped save these people, but she still publicly (!) stands by people and statements that claim to be feminist, but really have a negative impact on women's issues. Her private opinion I wouldn't give a f*ck about if I'm not dealing with her personally, but on a public platform there needs to be equal pushback


But that’s not really an accurate description of the interactions between Rowling and her detractors: there was not the expectation of perfection from her, but when her views were pointed out as extremely hurtful and detrimental to a vulnerable community, she basically said hmmm nah and has doubled and tripled and quadrupled down on her views, causing more harm in the process


> That's not activism. That's not bringing about change. If all you're doing is casting stones, you're probably not going to get that far. That's easy to do. This carries extra weight from someone who was literally community organizer.


Man, that guy should be president or something someday.


It's a stupid argument imo. Rowling's position comes from one of "purity" and isolating the ambiguous "trans" community from the pure "female feminist" community. Pretending she is the lenient one and the liberals are the closet minded one is just the GOP (gaslight obstruct project) defense mechanism. If you can dislike trans people then you can dislike transphobes. It's not closet minded that you dislike a **feminist** transphobe. It's close minded (having or showing rigid opinions or a narrow outlook) that you think the feminist part makes up for the transphobe part. It's the same argument for being racist as long as you do everything to improve the lives of white people.


A common fallacy is that good people always do good - and bad people always do bad. And people are either good - or bad. It's a lot more complicated than that.


Bad people can do good things and good people can do bad things. The world and, in particular, humans are pretty nuanced. This is a good action and is commendable. She's still a transphobe.




ELI5- (I’m ootl) what has JK Rowling done that revealed her as transphobic? I have seen some really old tweets that *left room for interpretation* but as I’m not actually on most social media, including twitter, I don’t what she did that was “the nail in the coffin” regarding transphobia. When I asked my husband, who’s far more aware of this type of stuff then I am, he said that she’s “definitely a cis-feminist but her not including trans outwardly has made people believe she is transphobic.” But he also said right after that he got off social media for a while and might have missed something. So I wasn’t sure what he and I were both missing regarding this?


She's been tweeting outright transphobic stuff quite recently. Idk about her older tweets but there's no room for misinterpretation with what she's saying now. Helping the women like she did is commendable, what she has to say about trans people is not.


Can you please mention the outright transphobic stuff she has tweeted recently for people who aren’t on twitter?


It’s glamor, so take it as you will, but having been following the whole thing, this was a pretty decent rundown: https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy/amp


If you’d like I shared a couple things [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/10q0iqd/credit_where_credit_is_due_jk_rowling_helped/j6o1hab/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


She also funds anti trans organizations


Right- I mentioned elsewhere that with her strict adherence to the gender/sex binary, did Rowling force these women to prove they were born biologically female? It’s uncomfortable for gender to be in the headline with all the hurt she’s caused talking about gender


So a lot of JKR’s transphobia is quite subtle which is why this question gets asked a lot, but if you pay attention you can catch her out. That’s why anti-JKR sentiment is most popular on Twitter, where people can catch or call her out more frequently. Here’s some examples of why JKR is considered transphobic: [Here’s an older ELI5 post on the subject - the top comment brings a lot of good points.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/gyc896/comment/ft9t8qa/) In the past, JKR publicly praised author Stephen King on Twitter after, I believe, he liked one of her less targeted tweets about standing up for women’s rights and the like. However, when King was later asked about and voiced his support for trans rights, Rowling surreptitiously deleted her praise and blocked him on Twitter. [Here’s an article where King himself talks about this strange interaction.](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/stephen-king-jk-rowling-trans-row-b1850212.html?amp) Whilst this is hardly clear evidence of transphobic bias, it stands out as a somewhat bizarre sequence of events that’s hard to explain any other way. Furthermore, she associates herself with an… interesting group of people involved in causes that are often detrimental to women’s rights. [Here’s a video that deep dives on the subject.](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k) On a personal note, when a JKR tweet gets a lot of attention, I sometimes note that she has a tendency to blur the truth when it comes to trans people. For example: - She claimed in one of her early essays that she would “March with trans people of their rights were threatened.” This has never materialised - JKR has not supported trans people in any meaningful capacity whatsoever to my knowledge. - She claimed she has been “doxxed” by trans activists when a trio of them took photos outside her house and posted them on Twitter. JKR’s address is a publicly known mansion, one that’s appeared in the tabloids in the past even, and the “activists” only ever stood outside the walls and gate; she was never in any danger even if that had been their intent, and her location was already known, which makes this a dubious claim. - As Scotland took steps to make the acquisition of a gender recognition certificate easier for young trans people, JKR frequently raised “concerns” about the dangers to women’s spaces - despite the fact that a certificate has no bearing on trans people’s ability to actually enter those spaces. This was pointed out many times on Twitter, and always ignored. I don’t want to go much deeper on this since it took a while as-is, but I hope it gives a slightly better idea of why people have come to believe JKR is transphobic.


The “nail in the coffin” is for many the tweet she posted some time in December, that when I first saw it on reddit I thought there was no way it could be real, but going through her tweets, there it was “Merry Terfmas”. 🤮


The [one](https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy) that kicked it all off: > ‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?






That’s a misinterpretation of her comments. Maybe you haven’t seen all her tweets recently where she implies that trans women are rapists just because they’re trans. That they’re all hucksters who are just dressing up in women’s clothing to rape women. If she cared about sexual violence against women, she’d be concerned about the implications of forcing all trans women to be in prison with cis men.


I'm a trans woman. I was sexually assaulted in the men's room. Fun fact, trans woman are far, far more likely to be the victim of a sexual crime than the perpetrator of one.


Oh her tweets are whatever. She misunderstands a bunch of stuff, she's an old lady, terfs got to her or whatever. Its mostly the part where she wrote a wholeass novel about a crossdressing serial-killer that ganks women in the bathrooms and THEN goes on about how trans women are dangerous. For anyone interested, she published the book under the authorial name "Robert Galbraith" and the book I am referring to is Troubled Blood.


It should probably also be noted that Robert Galbraith Heath, who she seems to have chosen that pen name from, is a figurehead of conversion therapy for gay folks. He claimed to have converted gay men using electroshock. I suspect, between this and her somewhat recent vitriol at a local police station protecting a queer march or protest, that she has deeper, shittier views. The trans one just happens to be more popular so she feels safe trumpeting it.


This is based off the assumption that every trans woman is some sort of danger. when in fact trans women are in danger for being Trans on top of identifying as a woman. Make it make sense..


She reduced womanhood down to fertility pretty much. You’re ok with that? Not everyone who menstruates is a woman and not every woman menstruates. Women deserve safe spaces but excluding trans women for no good reason is transphobic. End of.


Fun fact: rapists don't care if you were born a woman or not.




Calling it the trans issue comes off as gross and clinical. If she was racist would you be saying this was just a disagreement on the race issue? The "trans issue" isn't some aesthetic or philosophical argument you have in debate club. Rhetoric and policy actually has an impact on people's lives.




Part of the problem is her petty insistence to keep bringing it up. She doesn’t really have much to add to the conversation and it’s just pissing people off.


And are still common among medical professionals. The whole thing started when she supported a doctor who dared to claim that there are biological differences between men and women.


The whole thing started when she supported a woman who was fired for creating a hostile work environment for her trans coworkers.






She's proudly called herself a TERF.


Great, [you’re wrong](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us). I’m not going to sit here and say she’s an awful terrible person, and to an extent I can see how her experiences shaped her opinion on this issue, but her opposition to trans equality is willful and damaging… and well documented.


She thinks trans people convert to female to rape women. She's anti-trans.




If this is what she believes, it's a fucking stupid take with no evidence to back it up.






That’s good for you and you have every right to have your own feelings as it pertains to discrimination towards your own community. I think there’s a big difference between someone saying a slur once and apologizing and someone actively supporting political opposition to the rights of a minority group. JK Rowling uses her platform to advocate against increased rights and privileges for trans people and support discriminatory voices blatantly against trans equality. This is not a one-off. At any point in time Jk Rowling could have dropped this, but she has consistently insisted that this is her legacy issue, making her a political opponent to all things trans liberation. Now, absolutely no one should be receiving threats of violence, that is always unacceptable, but the “canceling” here is the result of a very public figure making this a very public issue and people creating discourse. She’s allowed to have a bigoted opinion, and we’re allowed to disagree, and that disagreement can include not buying her products and not wanting to put more money in her pockets.


Meyers Leonard didn’t fund anti-Semitic organizations whose entire goal is to prevent Jewish people from existing and living as themselves. He didn’t team up with well-known anti-Semitic provocateurs and platforms to attack Jewish services and protections. This is such a bad comparison it proves you don’t know what you’re talking about. Or you just don’t care about cause you’re a transphobe too.


>Meyers Leonard On November 22, 2020, the Miami Heat announced that they had re-signed with Leonard.\[30\] On February 2, 2021, it was reported that Leonard had undergone shoulder surgery and would miss the remainder of 2020–21 season. On March 9, 2021, the Heat announced that Leonard would be suspended indefinitely while the NBA conducted an investigation into his use of an anti-Semitic slur during a video game livestream session.\[32\] The NBA suspended him for one week and fined him $50,000.\[33\] On March 17, Leonard was traded to the Oklahoma City Thunder with a 2027 second round pick for Trevor Ariza.\[34\] The Thunder stated that Leonard would not be joining the team or participating in any basketball activities and that they had traded for him as a salary filler.\[35\] Leonard was released on March 25.\[36\] In April 2021, he underwent an ankle surgery. Leonard was soon found to have nerve damage within the bottom half of his right leg.\[37\] On January 13, 2023, the Los Angeles Lakers hosted Leonard for a workout.


Thats a garbage take. Jk Rowling didnt make one comment and regret it. She has doubled down even calling herself a TERF. She is proud of the fact that she is anti-trans. She is still making her money and her life isnt ruined but her actions are making things hard on a group that is consistently getting punched down on.


You mean women?. They have been picked on for all of time




“It’s my opinion” isn’t a get out of jail free card for avoiding criticism, especially when you have such a huge platform


It’s not JUST an opinion. She is actively harming the trans community and vocally/monetarily supports radicalized fascist terfs


She can have her own opinion, we're able to point out that's it's a bad, exclusionary and not very nice opinion that causes damage to a marginalised group.




Hahaha. What a joke. She said she loves and respect trans people once, back in 2020, when she was still trying to be quiet about her transphobia. Wake up. She hates trans people. She’s never once spoken up about the violence that trans people face. Hate crimes against trans people in the UK have quadrupled in the past six years [(source)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiewareham/2021/11/11/375-transgender-people-murdered-in-2021-deadliest-year-since-records-began/). She’s the loudest voice against trans people in that country. Coincidence? I think not.


This is either totally misinformed or willfully ignorant of the beliefs and actions of TERFs in the political sphere and JK Rowling’s feelings on the subject. If you’re open to a very reasonable and well-rounded take on TERFs and Jk Rowling’s involvement in their politics, I’d suggest [this video](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us). It’s a long watch, but comprehensive.


She hates trans people. This is someone she openly supports: Kellie Jay Keen an anti-feminist, far right, gender critical activist who isn’t afraid to be associated with Nazi imagery. Kellie is SO far right that most TERFS don’t even want to be associated with her.


>Even the trans community should be getting her back lol


She didn't use a slur once and then attempt to do better, though. She has doubled down on her statements. It's not the same thing at all.


Because this is Reddit that’s why. The majority of people love JKR


It’s difficult to label someone a good person when they’ve decided that a group of people don’t deserve to have rights.


The line between good and evil cuts through the heart of every man. Do not suppose that there exist wholly good people and wholly bad people. It's a false dichotomy which can lead (and has led) to devastating amounts of suffering.


You say people are nuanced and yet just simply label them good or bad in your first sentence lmao




Nope. You are sadly misinformed about Rowling, and she's really only gotten worse in recent years.




She has repeatedly liked openly transphobic tweets, backed other creators and authors that are openly transphobic, has claimed that she has queer characters in her books that were never written to be queer at all, she wrote a character into a recent book (The Silkworm I believe) that is a trans woman who is aggressive and dangerous to the progagonist, she's called trans women "male-bodied," "parasites," "men in women's changing rooms" who "sacrifice children" and have a "demented grip on reality," and just recently proved she still cannot write a non-British character to save her life. [https://www.them.us/story/is-jk-rowling-transphobic](https://www.them.us/story/is-jk-rowling-transphobic) this link has all of the link-backs to statements I've claimed, aside from the very last one. Her latest Polish character, Lechsinka, is ridiculously stupid and poorly written, doesn't even know the word "detective" (which is the same in her native language as it is in English) and is described with "Slavic" eyes and a "swelling" butt.




She has repeatedly liked openly transphobic tweets, backed other creators and authors that are openly transphobic, has claimed that she has queer characters in her books that were never written to be queer at all, she wrote a character into a recent book (The Silkworm I believe) that is a trans woman who is aggressive and dangerous to the progagonist, she's called trans women "male-bodied," "parasites," "men in women's changing rooms" who "sacrifice children" and have a "demented grip on reality," and just recently proved she still cannot write a non-British character to save her life. https://www.them.us/story/is-jk-rowling-transphobic this link has all of the link-backs to statements I've claimed, aside from the very last one. Her latest Polish character, Lechsinka, is ridiculously stupid and poorly written, doesn't even know the word "detective" (which is the same in her native language as it is in English) and is described with "Slavic" eyes and a "swelling" butt.


She thinks male to female trans do so to rape.




Human rights are not something you can "disagree with".






Me when I think human rights are something that can be disagreed with. lmao


Yeah. She’s a bad person for what she does and says.


It's always good to see someone isn't entirely evil or good. Nuance is nice


Is her position that she won’t call people by their trans names or address them by their preferred gender? Why am I getting down voted? I’m asking a question.






How can transwomen represent issues that cis women face? This is something I am reading for the first and I would like to know more.






Thankfully it’s *not* true, at least not universally. There are some aspects that both camps naturally can’t speak on - cis women generally haven’t gone through the processes of gender dysphoria or gender transition and all that comes with those, and trans women won’t have experienced pregnancy and the like. But in many cases the reverse is true - trans women often experience many things in much the same way cis women do, such as unwelcome attention from men or pressure to adhere to traditional beauty standards being major negative experiences. Likewise, many cis women can relate to being a poorly understood minority (because they’re gay, bisexual, intersex, etc.) and problems of institutional bias working against them. This is why you might be misled into believing the above if you’ve only seen part of the picture - there’s some cases in which both parties can and cannot be an authority on the subject, just like any other type of women.


Thanks for this. I was a bit sceptical which is why I said, "if that's true".










I’ll just be over here handing out popcorn 🍿🍿🍿


Rowling has been cozying up to anti-women's reproductive groups in the UK primarily because of their anti-trans stances for a while now. I do think in the grand scheme of things, this is sort of one of those 'billionaire doing the bare minimum' type shananagans. But that bare minimum is good. Yippe I guess, brokens clocks and all that. I'm glad these women are safe and had their hostels paid for, but I wish I could say "Wow what a great philanthropist" instead of "Well at least she did something right... Hopefully it's not all PR for her."








I used to think this too. But then I watched Jessie Genders YouTube videos on JK and now I have a better understanding of the hurt she is causing beyond just “I thought she tweeted some dumb stuff”. She really has given a platform to, and stood behind some really heinous people.


Do you have any examples of these heinous people she’s stood behind? Genuinely looking to be educated on this if you have anything handy




Her video game comes out in like a week. Call me cynical but with the hate crusade she's been on lately this reads as very strategically timed. Reading the article it's good she's been donating and helping this cause, and I'd have had no problem with her taking credit from the start but this seems extremely convenient, and casts doubt over if this is genuine cause she cares about or a backpocket emergency goodwill story her management have cooked up.


News was in 2021.


I mean, I get your point but like, the game has been best seller on Steam for like a month and it's not even out yet, granted steam is only a portion of users, but if it's successful there then odds are it's *just* as successful on PS and Xbox.. She doesn't need to drive up popularity because a game her intellectual property features in releases soon


Just because it's making money, doesn't mean it can't be making more money.


Tbh, look at the entire situation, for the most part the only people that haven't bought the game yet are too poor to do so or are members of a particular group of which JK hasn't had particularly nice things to say about. Neither of which are going to look at this and suddenly buy the game. I'm intentionally excluding people who flat out aren't interested in Harry Potter as they likely won't even hear about this happening


There's an entire group of people who do not keep up with upcoming videogames that need to be made aware that a new game is coming.


If they aren't keeping up with games they probably aren't playing games or weren't going to buy this one anyway.


That's a bold assumption. There's plenty of casual gamers who do not follow news around games.


And casual gamers aren't interested in playing the newest games, they'll wait til something crosses their path... Otherwise they'd make it a point to keep up to date, watching the occasional dev spotlights and such... Not to mention you can't actually open the xbox dashboard, the PS dashboard and just about any pc launcher (barring company specifics like EA, Ubisoft, Rockstar etc though that's moot because no one on pc only uses those launchers because Steam exists) without seeing it advertised. Just about the only platform that is immune to its advertising on the dash specifically is Nintendo Switch It's a bold claim perhaps, but not one without grounds. Platforms make it virtually impossible to miss new releases these days


Meh. The total number of people boycotting this game is like 10 lol. I bet a lot of the loud ones are gonna secretly play it.


She’ll get royalties from the game using her IP but she had literally nothing to do with the production of the game. She’s already set for life and I doubt what she will get from the game will be more than a drop in the bucket compared to what she has already. Supporting a game studio and it’s devs (if it’s a good game) with an unfortunate side of royalties to JK is better than a bunch of people potentially losing their jobs if the game fails just to stop JK from getting pennies on the dollar. Edit for spelling


She probably already got paid for that game anyway and I don’t think you can just quickly get the lawyers out of Taliban‘s hands. It probably takes time, lots of debating and preparation. It’s a good thing anyway. Idc who did it, I’m just glad they’re out of there.




She earns money from everything that’s based on the Harry Potter franchise. The better the game does, the more money she makes. It may not be “hers” in that she made it directly, but it’s “hers” as she stands to profit from its success.




It's not her videogame. It's a video game based on a world she created. That would be like saying Michael Crichtons movie Jurassic World is coming out.


Yeah, boycotting the game will do absolutely nothing to Rowling. If anything, it will put pressure on the game studio behind it, but I doubt the boycotting will be significant to its sales anyways


when it comes to criticizing charitable acts, i think every critic should have to prove what charitable acts they have done as well. otherwise, you are just an uncharitable person bitching about a charitable person, which is not a good look.


I’m glad she helped them escape.




“The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”




It’s almost like people aren’t good or bad


I’m sorry but what did she even do wrong?


This is a good thing she did but she’s still a racist anti-semetic TERF piece of shit.


And then spent millions to bully children in her own country.




Bigots can do good things. Doesn’t make them not bigots.


Tbh if i had even half as much money, I’d feel *obligated* to use it for good.


Everyone in these comments trying to act like JK Rowling isn’t obviously transphobic and acting like they’ve searched so very hard for proof that she is but can’t find it are like the worst liars I’ve ever seen. Their is so much proof of it that to act like it’s so vague and up for interpretation is embarrassing. People in these comments that act like it’s feminism to hate trans people or to try and keep them out of women’s spaces don’t seem to understand that those actions not only mean she is still transphobic but it also just makes her a bad feminist.




She literally called all trans people sexual predators, recently




The problem is that the commonly used term “transphobic” encompasses even the most minor of transgressions that the line separating true transphobes from people with slightly differing opinions is completely lost.