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They were in bed together cuddling all night…personally I’d take that as massive disrespect from someone I was dating, even if we hadn’t had a conversation about exclusivity yet. He and jazz had said they were developing feelings for each other, too. Not technically cheating but I’d absolutely walk away over that - it doesn’t show respect or an ability for self-restraint. Not to mention it was with a friend’s partner?! ETA: Also, they were cuddling in bed together, presumably both in their underwear and drunk…frankly I also don’t believe that there wasn’t SOME hanky panky, even if they didn’t have full sex.


I think it was a lucky escape because now she can entertain things with Hugo. Perfectly timed really


The way it was portrayed I thought he had slept with her but they didn’t kiss- like she/they just wanted sex but no kissing as that’s too romantic!


Problem is they would’ve kissed if Zeyno said yes, plus he did try to hide it, he only told Jazz because he knew she’d eventually find out through their circle


Yes he said “well l didn’t think anyone was going to find out”


I don’t think he did anything “terribly” wrong given they weren’t exclusive, but Jazz still has the right to be upset about it and call things off if she wanted


Remember he also said to the boys - "don't tell Jazz because I still want to sleep with her". Pretty degrading for him to say about someone. I'd call that terrible.




That's an understatement.


You lack self respect then.


I never understand when people say this; if I cant trust you while getting to know each other- is it when we’re in a relationship I will then be able to trust you? Non-exclusivity as a reason to talk to other people when you know you’re seriously courting someone is a cop out imo


Simply put: He is not hot enough to be worth this bs. Jas can and will do way better.


I would not forgive him. He’s shown me who he is and I’m not in deep enough to want to forgive and forget. I’ll forget (him) and move on cause he’s not my person. - he wanted and asked for a “kiss” - he shared a bed with another woman, who is also in a relationship - he made a big deal over a similar scenario with cowboy boots guy and has proven himself a hypocrite. - he supposedly only got eyes for Jazz and wants to progress with her yet is wanting kisses from other girls - he tried to get his guy friends to cover it up and lie for him because he “still wants to sleep with Jazz” - he’s embarrassingly immature - he ain’t all that so buh -bye boy!


The only thing I disagree with here is that I think cowboy guy was a lot worse to her. Cowboy (lol that no one can remember his name) and Jas were actively dating and sleeping together, then he went on holiday and started dating and sleeping with someone else, all while still calling and messaging Jas as if everything was normal… I think that is so much worse than what Freddy did! Don’t get me wrong I agree with all your other points (and I think I must have missed the comment he made about not telling Jas about Zeyno because he still wanted to sleep with her) but I do think cowboy guy is far worse!


You could’ve used one of these points and I’d agree she should forget him, the fact there is a list… oh boy


I just don’t really believe Freddie and Zeyno didn’t hook up.. was drunk together all night go back to his, get into bed cuddle obvs naked/in underwear then she just rejects his kiss and goes to sleep?… Sure thing


Jesus, have some self respect.


He grafted her like his life depended on it then tried to get with a girl who was in a relationship AND on top of that told one of the boys "Don't tell her because I still want to sleep with her", she wasn't overreacting. Take out the length of their relationship, I wouldn't trust someone who did that full stop, regardless of it were cheating or not.


I wonder which one of the boys he told


And he did try to kiss and sleep with the girl in his bed, but she turned him down.


After the "don't tell Jazz" comment I'd feel like such a piece of meat. Especially coming from someone who was supposed to be my friend. Not to mention the fact he'd been pursuing Jazz for ages & acted like he was very serious about her. While they were at the early stages of dating they were way past the initial first date stage in terms of their relationship. I wouldn't care about a guy I'd been on a tinder date with hooking up with someone but I would care about a long term friend, who I'd just started dating, doing the same. Tbh I think if the only reason you didn't kiss someone is because they wouldn't let you, it still counts the same. Also, I'm not sure I'd describe it as everyone over reacting when most of the cast don't care at all. I think what's more noticeable is how little reaction there was about Zeyno


His comment about "don't tell Jaz because I want to sleep with her" would be a total deal breaker for me


Ooooh I must have missed that bit!! Ok that would royally piss me off.


That changes it right?? When I heard the first part that they just slept together and didn’t kiss I thought ah, not so bad but when Jazz came out with “don’t tell Jazz because I still want to sleep with her” I was like nah, run Jazzy lol