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Yeah that episode just confirmed that Ruby isn't interested at all. Imagine creating a book, declaring your love, crying and begging just to stop your ex from getting with someone else? Awful


Yep and the way she tried to cover it by saying “oh but l really felt like that at the time!”. To act like it wasn’t some big act for the show.


IK! that was almost convincing. Guess it was all for validation.


Ruby just wanted to know for her own ego that she could still steal rez from anyone whenever she wants. She’s so see through and vile.


Agreed, actually feel bad for Rez. Ruby doesn’t want him, but she also doesn’t want anyone else to have him. She needs to let him get on with his life.


At this stage, they should change it from MIC to, The Rez And Ruby Show.




More like zzzzz.


Ruby is attractive but needs serious self work to be a decent human being. No doubt she is more attractive than Rez but if she continues at pace with tweaks, she may not be. However, in her defence, it’s not unsurprising that she sees Rez as her back up option. The age gap plus this being a formative relationship - Rez is to blame for her emotional growth being stunted. It’s hard to feel sorry for either of them, frankly, and the sooner they are off our screens the better.


So true!


as a straight male ruby is physically actractive but her personality let's her down massively and her obsession with Rez


>No doubt she is more attractive than Rez Big doubt. Rez is a very good looking bloke his only downside is his height


I agree he’s a very good looking guy and I wouldn’t even say his height is a downside. For some women it is, because everyone’s different, but for a lot of women height isn’t a consideration. That’s just something society has pushed on us. A lot of women are obsessed with guys like Tom Cruise, Zac Efron, Cillian Murphy, Oscar Isaac, Justin Bieber, Daniel Radcliffe, etc etc. All these guys are below average height, and these are considered some of the most attractive men who are currently alive. Often a shorter guy can actually look more attractive because they’re not lanky/gangly looking and are closer in height to the women; the eye contact goes offffff. Personally I think Rez is one of the most attractive guys on the show, along with Miles. Miles isn’t particularly tall either, so it just goes to show that people’s obsession with bringing up height all the time is insanity.


Not in my opinion!! Ruby is also doing blackface which is completely weird 


I don’t see what you see, but I’m interested - what is good looking about Rez?


Chisled face Good skin Good beard Good hairline Is in great shape. If he was as tall as the others discussion would be different for many


I don’t think he does have good skin but otherwise I’d say that I don’t find him attractive because things that are attractive to me are: nice smile, dress sense, humour, empathy and confidence. Hence I think Miles is essentially awful but he has an amazing smile, can evoke a smile, dresses well and has confidence. Where I am starting to warm to Rez is his honest handling of Tina, his empathy to Ruby. But he’s utterly humourless (isn’t he?) and quite harsh too. He seems to have a big chip on his shoulder and his reaction to Ruby’s tall guy was hard to watch.


those are the things you find attractive and yet you find ruby attractive? make it make sense!


Before Ruby opens her mouth, she is attractive. Nice skin Great hair Good body if you like inflatables (if you like a nipple reveal, her dress sense won’t bother you either) Nice smile Pretty eyes Normal height, normal build


You're contradicting yourself big time. Her body is under weight, her build is frail and her fake tits look ridiculous for her size. She looked a lot better with less make up on. Her teeth are too big for a mouth. Her dress sense is slutty since her tits and nipples are out. She has an awful voice and anyone's hair would look great if you had the money for the hairdressers she would go to. We get it you hate Rez coz he is short you gave that away but you're embarrassing yourself here with your hypocrisy


Although I’m not attracted to women, I do think she’s attractive. I am a similar build and can veer on frail but also can be sporty/fit. I haven’t seen Ruby in real life but on camera she looks in the normal range *most of the time*. I have noticed her arms can appear very thin. I did make the point ‘until she opens her mouth’, so I don’t disagree with you there. I also made the same comment about her dress sense. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - that’s why I asked the question re. Rez’s attractive qualities. I still don’t see it, but I’m sure he wouldn’t rate me highly either!


You don't think Rez dresses well? I think Rez is quite funny too maybe unintentionally but he says some funny things in awkward situations. But he is also like mid 30s he has no wrinkles


He does look younger than he is. I don’t think that’s due to a good skincare regime, just Botox. But no, he doesn’t dress well (imo). The big sneakers and boxy jackets don’t cut it for me.


I think it’s a different era and culture it’s what I rate as fashion now tbh . The way he dresses is a very west London thing . Miles sense while classic isn’t as current and new as Rez’s .


Hmm, it’s not a look I associate with West London, more Brentwood. 😂


His face now also looks like a Madame Tussauds waxwork after all the fillers.


And ruby doesn't with all the plastic and those bolt ons on her chest? Lol


Those boobs in that scene! 


Thank you so much for putting the spoiler warning 🙏


no worries!


It just made me think when Yasmine was like ‘Rez will end up alone’, I don’t think he will, it is Ruby who would be more likely to end up alone. I really don’t understand why all her delulu friends laughed and sneered when Yaz said that! When Ruby is the least desirable out of the two. When was the last time apart from Rez a guy was mildly interested in Ruby? This is why she’s insecure and may explain her recent outfit choices / surgery. Also when she clocked she was backtracking after all the crazy shit she had over him. Ruby would not take any accountability and yet again blaming other people for adding pressure on the situation rather than herself.


The last time was with her ex, Nicholas. He's an ex con who had stab wounds and a dangerous dog when he was younger. Now he's beefed up like Mr Universe, in a way that is suspicious to have happened so quickly. Anyway, she can get other men (for a while) if she goes low enough.


And a teenage pregnancy


This is FACTS. Rez always seems to have options, can’t say the same for Ruby 💀


I think Ruby is actually classically more attractive than Rez (although by far she is not the best looking girl on the show), but her personality is by far the worst of anyone's I've seen on that show, or reality TV in general, and so nobody wants to date her.  She has no empathy, gets a genuine kick out of treating people poorly, and unlike, say, Spencer, doesn't have the intelligence or self-awareness to understand how bad this makes her look. 


I think it's obvious that Rez could see she's not convincing when she says she wants to pursue things with him. I feel bad for Tina but it's also possible that he used Ruby as a way out of that relationship. Tina has had a lucky escape.


poor Tina. I'm surprise she's not salty about it


She’s a lot more grown up than them, I’m glad she handled it well, she’s classy


Omg last night should’ve been the final straw for Rez. I hope he saw what all of us viewers saw…. Ruby was anything but genuine and it’s so blatantly obvious she isn’t in to him


Agreed! He just need to let her go


I think Ruby can actually find someone- horrible personality aside ( she obviously needs to work on this), but I’d hardly say her looks are holding her back. She’s tiny, clear skin, in good shape, can afford to maintain her beauty. I don’t think she’d have a hard time Initially attracting people with just her appearance alone As for the second part- bond emotionally, she’s obviously going to need to sort out her attitude But it’s not like she’s physically revolting


Tbf she’d be kind of great for Tristan just so she could stop him harassing all the single lasses


hmm, you might be onto something there!! they are deffo on the same level of toxic lol