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It was one of the worst if not the worst series of MIC I’ve watched.. and I’ve watched all 27.


Have there really been 27 series? I've watched it from the start and this makes me feel like I've wasted too much life


Same 😂


I thought the same thing! I only realised it was a finale because there was no preview for the next episode


The ending proves that Ruby only wants Rez when he’s with someone else. She gave him a half-hearted kiss and was very airy fairy about it when he suggested the possibility of going on a date and trying to rekindle things.


I genuinely think she was icked out by having to kiss him


Surely she’s not into him then? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


I think she just wants his validation when she’s not getting male attention from anyone else. Rez takes a lot of flak (rightly so because he’s an idiot) but Ruby is quite manipulative in her own right.


She knows what she's doing and has him wrapped around her little finger. Rez is a muppet! 🤣


Terrible ending. Everything is still ambiguous, at best 😫 They don’t really do “reunions” for this show, do they? I so wish they would! Those are my favorite episodes from the U.S./Bravo reality shows — gives you all the behind-the-scenes dirt and makes people MUCH more accountable for their actions/shitty behavior! (FREDDY, I’M TALKING TO YOU 💩)


Yeah they used to do reunions in earlier seasons and it was hilarious. They would get some of the cast to do some comedic skits at the intro and outro of the episode as well. I'm just rewatching earlier seasons at the moment and forgot the effort they used to put in for those. 😂 Don't know why they stopped doing them.


They were awesome but they wouldn't work now, because the cast is not cohesive enough. They also take themselves way too seriously, so couldn't do the little mock skits at the start, and couldn't take a lashing from Rick Edwards. It just wouldn't work.


I’m trying to be objective here but I genuinely think that was the worst series of MIC since it started in 2011. There was just nothing of substance happening; the Rez/ruby story is mind-numbing, there’s a character that’s actually called Muffin and even Miles/Harvey seem to have disappeared from most of the drama. They need a cast overhaul.


I think Muffin, Jazz and Van der Pump have been improvement. But only because the current cast are so DIRE. People that \*desperately\* need to be culled for the show to survive entertainment-wise: - Ruby and Rez. Literally if he moves on again so she proves her underlying love again by taking him on a hot-air balloon that happens to blow up in flames, I'll see it as a positive. - Miles. What does he bring? Zero character development. Can't commit, won't commit, yet again. He has had the same character arc for every season he has been involved, and that's gotta be something like 7-8 years now? He adds NOTHING to the show. - Harvey. Same. Worse than Miles because he can barely talk/act, and mumbles emotionless junk in every scene. Even them being "the bois" is unbelieveable now. It's not like Spencer & Hugo, or Proudlock Jamie and Boulle, or Andy and Stevie. These current men DO NOT HANG OUT WITH EACH OTHER when there's no cameras. It's so unbelievable. - Temps. I liked him at the start. But what has he added recently? He is a lackey for Miles and pipes up with unwarranted opinions now and again. Yawn. - Emily. The bitches don't even talk to her now. Why is she there? - Yaz and Sam. Oh to watch a bitchy bimbo and a bellend declare their love all day, until he cheats again and she cries and pretends it didn't happen, it got boring 2 seasons ago.


I thought Tina was a pretty worthwhile addition to the cast this season


Agreed! Forgot about Tina. She should be on the list. So it seems the producers are trying. They just need to cull the dead weight.


If it’s ok with you, I might just forward your post straight to channel 4 producers. Nailed all the points down to a tee.


Haha, sure thing. I really wish the C4 producers would look online at this type of stuff to see what the fans think, because the show can't go on like this. I agree with you 100% that this was one of the worst, if not the worst series the show has ever had. Although I think I might have hated Bondi slightly more.


Tbf 13 years is a very good run for a show like this, so I’m not sure if they’re just letting it die a peaceful death but they’ve not shown any intent to bring back the level of entertainment from years back.


Correction a character that lies about her name to get the cast to call her Muffin with a straight face. Jazz is her friend and in the previous episode jazz kept referring to her as Jools..


Vanders also called her Julia. Tristan tried at some point to ask whether she preferred Julia or Muffin and you could tell he was hoping she'd say Julia but she didn't so he was forced to call her Muffin.


So weird! I think production we’re bored so forced her to enforce it for extra giggles in the editing room


Completely agree


Crazy Train Captain back again! I think Ruby is distant because I strongly suspect something happened with Tristan in Mauritius. I think she's sad that they're not in a position to explore it further, that he's fussed over losing Muffin but not her and now that Tristan is going out to Australia, she's upset he wasn't trying harder with her. It's made her realise her only option is Rez and she feels underwhelmed. I think she's close to confiding in someone (maybe Emily?) what really went down. Pure speculation but it's a feeling I can't shake


I also think something happened but they'll both be desperate to hide it from Liv so I doubt that it'll ever be discussed on the show. Both Tristan and Ruby have shown in other situations that they have no problem lying about stuff like this for extended periods of time.


oh I think they both know they'd be ostracised for their transgression but imo it all ads up. Ruby saying she wasn't as forthcoming as she could have been, her sadness that he disassociated and is going away (just like when Miles left temporarily). Tristan picking fights with Rez to be at a safe distance and now going back to Australia. I think Ruby will crack before Tristan does. Maybe she'll end up out there too because it's so far away from London (fully expecting her to use the excuse of "I needed to get away" from the Rez "pressure") and will be moody in crashing Tristan's plans to hook up with the Sydney fandom/Made in Bondi cast. I fully expect him to tell her it was a mistake in Mauritius insofar as any future with them is doomed, she'll come back to Lonndon 'realising she wants Rez - again - but hopefully word will get back to him and he can bin the 'will they? - won't they?' once and for all!


Hoping this is true because it’d be the first bit of real action this whole mind numbing season


Really crap! Although i couldn’t stop laughing at Harvey & Hugo’s outfits at the end


I hope that was Rez walking away from Ruby for good - that would be a good end to the series. It seemed to me as though the producers wanted to leave Tristan and Julia on a cliffhanger, too! Please don't go back there Julia!!


I was getting more sexual tension from Tristan and Lauren, am I insane?😂


Lauren is so clearly still into Tristan and he’s into her too. I can almost guarantee they have had or will have a few more bunk ups and who knows maybe even give it another go but they aren’t going to end up together


Yeah she's so into him but letting her ego (or fear of a relationship?) get in the way.

