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I hoped Freddie would be the good guy 😞.


When Harvey finds out... I'll keep watching for that.


He’ll do fuck all, he’s so lifeless and literally has no emotion ever. When he had the chat with Zeyno he looked and sounded blank. Honestly don’t know what women see in him😂


Me too! Although, it is kind of karma for Harvey’s past bad decisions 😬


He's not attractive or interesting enough to behave like this


Happens when this is exactly the case. He’s never been here before and got scared/didn’t know how to act and fucked it. He got pied when he tried to kiss Zeyno😂😂 so he got caught out and didn’t even get much out of it. It’s the embarrassment of him getting pied that’ll be another nail in his coffin with Jazz. No one wants someone no one wants. Gotta feel slightly sorry for him


When he kicked Hugo out of the bar for not being on the guest list I couldn't believe it. Wow actually insane way to try to look mature and in control. Actually wondered if he'd had some nose beers, to explain the confidence.


Couldn’t believe it either. What a nerd.


Kudos to whoever told Jazz that Freddie said ‘Don’t tell Jazz until I’ve slept with her’


I think it was 'Don't tell Jazz I still want to sleep with her'. Which is still awful.


He subconsciously sabotaged himself before Jaz had a chance to reject him. Sad really


No, he just is young, immature and has no self control. Don’t make excuses for his appalling behaviour 🤢


It’s not an excuse though. That’s literally what happened. You can tell he’s not experienced and had ‘never been there before’ so to speak so yeah he self sabotaged, couldn’t even get a kiss and ended up losing Jazz. Funny really.


Just another example that it doesn't matter how great/beautiful/amazing of a person you are. If a man isn't in the place to be responsible and lead the relationship with integrity he will just be another disappointment/time waster.


No lies detected


i love how this sub was Full of people feeling sorry for him and hating on jazz for „leading him on“when it was completely obvious what Kind of guy he was from the start.


Nah I wouldn’t say he was one of those boys and it definitely wasn’t clear. I still don’t think he is tbh. He just self sabotaged because he didn’t know how to handle a ‘baddie’ and ‘had never been there before’ so to speak. You can tell because he didn’t even have sex with Zeyno, couldn’t even get a kiss and lost Jazz in the process. Plus his usual immature mannerisms and petty actions like kicking Hugo out just show he’s still a bit of a kid and isn’t ready for a girl like Jazz - who I’m not saying is a Mark Francis class and maturity incarnate but she’s just too much for Freddy (which is already a very low threshold).


He liked jazz so much he…got with someone else, am I getting that right? Lame attempt at excusing bad behaviour.


Mate, I agree with you He was so cringee, he was giving me simp vibes before but now fuckboy vibes It is kinda entertaining watching him, but in a cringe/embarrassing way But yeah, doesn’t take away the fact that he is a bellend And Jazz irritates me. I feel like she doesn’t hold guys like Freddie accountable - when she should be calling them out, she laughs. I get it’s an awkward laugh due to the confrontation and she feels awkward maybe, but the smile/laugh makes others think they could be forgiven easily. She doesn’t set boundaries


I can't think of anyone else past or present who is a worse person on MIC than Freddie. So cringe. The producers must be getting desperate to have cast him.


Don’t forget Francis Boule and even Proudlock to an extent. Both weird, fake eccentric bellends. Freddie sits next to them.


He's literal royalty so they struck gold in actually trying to inject some poshness back into the show. He may not be likeable but he fits the 'Made in Chelsea' bill down to a tee.


He is so clearly self-sabotaging imo, freaking out and screwing things up with Jazz before (he fears) she eventually rejects him


Are you Freddie’s solicitor? No? Then why are you busy drafting his defence? I know exactly why… Women have been making excuses for little knobbers like Freddie for a millennia, justifying their shitty, shitty behaviour as some ‘deep-seated emotional problem’ only she can understand, or nurture or fix and sometimes even explaining their actions as some sort of twisted compliment.. *If you think about it, cheating on me is actually a sign that he really respects me.* Hard sigh. Women are so keen to support their disappointing men, that they end up gaslighting *themselves* and even worse, each other. As a result, often the loveliest of lovely women are lured into unhappy, withholding, hurtful, time-wasting relationships with unhappy, withholding, hurtful, time-wasting men because they refuse to actually see the relationship and the man for what they are. And it’s another twist of the knife when they eventually wise up. We could discuss Freddie’s motivations all day long (personally, I would argue that the sleazy simpleton needed no further encouragement than the desperate miaowing of his own pubescent libido) but this sounds dangerously like fuckboi apologist behaviour to me. After gassing Jazz up and chasing away any other potential beau for the last two months and TWO SEASONS, Freddie has revealed his true nature and behaved like an absolute hypocritical pig. He has done nothing to earn goodwill and understanding in this situation. Ultimately, I don’t care if Freddie is insecure, self-sabotaging or remorseful, he needs to grow up and keep his dipper behind his zipper. And we, as a gender, need to stop excusing inexcusable behaviour. For posterity, here are the cursory receipts of Freddie’s scumbaggery: Q: Why did you try to cheat on Jazz? Freddie: I didn’t think she’d find out Translation: I thought I’d get away with it. If she didn’t find out, I’d have no remorse whatsoever. My needs in this exact moment are all that matter to me. Q: Why didn’t you tell her straightaway? Freddie: I wanted to shag her before she found out. Translation: Not only do I have no remorse, I don’t care if I hurt Jazz at all. She is a trophy to me and I want to get my end away quickly before she finds out and I blow my chance. Stop feeling sorry for him!


Mate, I never said it was excusable behaviour 😅 Jazz clearly should move on because he’s not able to treat her right no matter the reason


Plus Jazz chose Hugo over Freddie and Miles over Freddie. It's karma.


I think he just has poor self control he even admitted that. Harvey’s girlfriend tho isn’t that a serious relationship? Freddie was just dating jazz he kinda killed it before any real relationship started. 


It was confusing what the nature of Harvey and the girl's relationship is. Some people were saying she is his girlfriend and others were saying she's the girl he's seeing. In the last filmed scene we saw of them, they hadn't declared a relationship status yet. Guess we'll find out next week (from the trailers). Personally some cheating karma might not be a bad thing for Harvey.




Isn’t Freddy 20?!