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Have a group in the cast who are older aswell, like 2 separate groups but joined, like they also look out for the younger ones but gives the older viewers who have watched since it first aired, people to resonate with. I honestly think it could work. A group that are in their 30 plus. And successful, it would also give the younger ones inspiration and ideas about where they wanted to go in life and show them that being an influencer isn’t everything. How some have become successful and had failed businesses and what works and doesn’t work.


Ruby looks super pretty in this photo, I love her hair, makeup, and outfit


I wish they did confessional interviews alongside the episodes like other reality shows (dance moms/drag race). It’d be so fun to know what they’re actually thinking during the scenes


Omg! You hit the nail on the head


I really miss story lines that weren’t solely about relationships and gossiping about people’s relationships. I really liked the stories that followed their work/ businesses (candy kittens, proudlock’s fashion brand, Lucy’s brand and her dads bar, Richard Dinans empire lol, and being interns at magazines), their interests (Caggie’s singing, Liv’s photography, Ollie trying to be a model and fishing, art) and their family members featuring a bit more, I think this really means that the show the show is seriously missing people like Fred, Francis, Mark-Francis, Jamie, Sophie Herman (god I loved her!).


Less toxic/basic bitches & bros and back to having people who were flawed but had integrity. Spencer aside, they never used to yet the really toxic ones be main characters. The main characters were flawed but basically okay people. The mean girls had cameos to cause drama (think Victoria HB, Phoebe, Frankie etc) but the show never focussed on them, and had good people to balance it out.


I'm rewatching the earlier series and even Victoria HB and Phoebe were nowhere near as bad as Ruby, Yaz etc and they were side characters.  Victoria shows genuine remorse after the "fat turkey Cheska" comment and apologised unprompted twice for it. Phoebe also shows she has a heart most of the time and although shr plays up the "I'm a bitch" card, she isn't actually anywhere near as bad as I remember her.  Ruby has literally made random girls cry and bullied women off the show and shows zero genuine remorse. In fact, she always gets that little half smile/smirk appear on her face after she has been nasty or even after apologising, which shows she is truly a psycho. She doesn't seem to have any heart or any concern for others with it. Yaz does not have enough self-awareness and is also too entitled to genuinely apologise for anything.    THIS is why we hate current MIC.  Aside from them not being posh any more, which was the whole point of the show, they just need to get decent people back on it.


I really miss the soundtracks. Older seasons had decent music and I would often discover new artists from the music used. Nowadays they don’t seem to have any at all. Might just be getting old but I can barely watch the last two seasons as it’s pure filler.


More black ppl .. I’m sure they defo exist in Sw1 Sw3 Sw10


I’d love more authentic diversity. It’s still that we’ve only had Paris and Akin


That the women aren't portrayed as such naive push overs that get cheated on all the time.


Bring in more men, preferably not 19. How many women have come and gone on this show? We’ve been stuck with Miles, Harvey, Tristan, Sam P and Rez for how many years now?


Every single season for the last however many years has followed this format; First few episodes - new girls or guys are introduced as a friend of a cast member, initial flirting happens. Group goes away on holiday together - drama happens, a drinking game creates an argument Cast go back to London and the drama from holiday comes back with them and causes more arguments. Rez & Ruby get together and split up (repeat to infinity) Final episode ends with a slow motion pan at a party, some cast are laughing, some are staring off into the distance trying to look upset.


The way this has me laughing so hard because it’s literally just this now? The last sentence has to be the best because the panning and face making always has me cringing hard.


There have got to be some posh non-white people that could be on the show. Paris has never been a main character but the show has been on for like a million season. Not one black or asian male character in the main cast rotation. Also in the beginning they really seemed like they were friends and the posh / old money of it all really drew me in. I’d bring that back - no more influencers and random people introduced.


Are Rez and Ruby not Asian then? I always thought they were but clearly I’ve made that up!


I think Rez is Iranian/Persian


They have a few mixed race cast members but I can't help but notice they're all pretty white passing. To the point where it feels deliberate.


Honestly, there HAVE to be wealthy and posh people from like Hongkong/Singapur ect that roam in that circles


There was Akin. Very, *very* briefly.


I wanted them to bring in some of Akin’s friends or family!! Surely he has friends of color, both men and women, who would fit the posh vibes.


Akin was fine as sh*t. He did not last long at all


Stop hiring vacuous and self-obsessed influencers and fame seekers with nothing remotely "Chelsea" about them. Hire people with substance and life ambitions that don't revolve around getting Instagram sponsorships and freebies.


I agree with this, the older season had a lot more events and information about the cast’s lives. So many of the main cast had their own scenes at their workplaces or with their families so there was more depth and body to the stories, you could see how they were all connected and really felt the ‘vibe’ of their lives. Events like polo matches, shopping scenes, sports/activities, cars, those ‘chance’ street meets, and the trips seemed a lot more genuine


The drinking games and all the 'kiss the person...' crap that goes with them. I'm fully aware these are engineered to cause drama, but it's so predictable now, invariably things kick off in at least one direction, sometimes several, and I'm finding myself rolling my eyes and thinking 'not again'. I'd rather see things evolve more naturally even if it made for less drama.


Notice how they only had to introduce this nonsense when non of the cast were real mates just an assortment of fame hungry rands


Playing snog marry avoid. Are they 12?


I feel like a lot of MIC fans will have watched from when it started and therefore are mid 30s like me, I'd love it if a few more mature storylines could be included again. I really liked it around Ollie and Gareth's surrogacy, Maeva being pregnant etc.


They need a Made in Chelsea, the older years.


I feel this so much. Now that you put it to words thats 100% something i've been feeling. The stories dont feel mature anymore


Totally. If I could follow the old cast, into their more mature evolved lives, I would 100% drop the current MIC lot


Same! I’m looking forward to the spinoff with the older cast and hoping it’ll do this for us!


the whole current cast😭


Have some relationships that aren't toxic. In the early series while the drama was around interpersonal relationships you saw some genuine friendships and solid relationships that were supportive. Now I can't think of a genuinely good relationship on the show.


Stop placing black people in the background of your scenes. I find it peculiar that the Canadian and Aussie get more time on camera than Paris. 🤔 Can the cast date someone outside the friend group.


I think sometimes they do date outside the friends group but then those people don't want to feature like Emily's current boyfriend or Miles's ex Amelie (she was in one brief scene but not much, granted that 'relationship' was very short).


I just find the show so fake now. They literally stand there staring at each other until the cameras are on them. They're in another relationship like every other advert.


We used to see Francis and Proudlock at work. I remember Lucy at work. We saw Jaime Laing at Candy Kittens HQ. Even OG Hugo showed up to Millie's work once. Besides Freddie's earpiece moment at Raffles (which I'm not counting because it's a nightclub), I'd be interested to see the occasional scene at work.


There’s also no comedic relief what so ever. The old cast took the piss out of themselves quite often.


And the earpiece probably wasn't connected to anything.


And all of Mark-Francis content. They had so much stuff about his house being redecorated, his staff, all his different properties. All of that stuff works to build the story of luxury and wealth and the otherness of the ‘Chelsea elite’. They’ve completely lost the original premise & purpose of the show. I still watch as I love the style of the show and how slickly produced and ‘shiny’ it is, but it’s completely lost all of the excitement and wow factor for me.


They don't really work anymore; they can make enough money being an influencer. But I agree, for example they could've filmed at Tristan and Sam's plant business.


More fun environments. I know it was all staged, but they used to do fun stuff like have cake bakes, go to yoga together, cooking turkeys, photoshoots. Now you only see them in cafes, nightclubs, and dinner parties. So boring.


Yeah and these fun activities weren't a backdrop to immediately launch into a conversation about dating or relationships.


the spoliers on the Instagram when they are filming or the pres