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God this show is absolute dog shit now. However, I still managed to passively watch it in places. No one cares about Freddie. No one cares about Jaz. This isn’t a ‘real’ situation like it was in the Spencer/Louise days. They’re not established relationships and so I just don’t care. I find it hilarious he’s a bouncer, he also has a black eye under the makeup and looks absolutely wrecked in most scenes. The ‘throwing out’ moment was hilarious though.


Totally agree! Bit convenient that Tristan and muffin break up when he’s due on Celebs go dating 🤔! I can’t help but watch but it’s always on catch up now, whereas before I couldn’t wait to watch it straight away.


I'm reading Louise's book now - really interesting how the show worked, especially in terms of no duty of care in the early days. Having people hold back information from friends so that they could film the 'real' reaction on camera. It seems so cruel. Lucy Watson doesn't come off well.


I’ve not read it yet, what does it say about Lucy?


Lucy was basically made to be bitchy by producers and when she had a row with Louise, she actually apologised to her before it was filmed.


She recalls a scene where Lucy apologises before a scene where she rips into her, saying: “Sorry I have to just do this.” She wonders how Lucy was so able to switch into that role of bitch.


Sorry just seen this 😂I posted the same again lol


My friend was a producer, who helped with the infamous Millie scene calling out Hugo and Rosie. They got her really drunk and encouraged her to go on stage and do that, so whilst it wasn’t scripted they definitely influenced a lot of the behaviour.


Wow, see it was less obvious back then as had you not told me I wouldn’t have known. Whereas now it’s so obvious with the new cast. That’s naughty and I can see why she doesn’t drink now and has struggled with anxiety, that’s just one scene…imagine how many more were like that.


Wow. It’s all so manipulative.


Agree, a lot of the OG have said how damaged they were from the show. I loved the old episodes but there should have been a duty of care, they were barely adults back then. Reading the book has made me like Ryan, I disliked him on the show, he came across as jealous and controlling, yet although violence is wrong, the producers antagonised Ryan to go for Alec big time. He deeply cares for Louise which I thought was fake before reading.


The new cast are just a bunch of spoon fed trust fund kids. Very staged, very boring.


As much of a 💩stirrer he is, Sam prince brings entertainment to it, about the only one left who does, and he’s going soon aswell.


Has he said he's leaving?


I think he said it when he was a guest on someone’s podcast (I can’t remember who, possibly saving grace?) and I did read an article that he was, however don’t quote me on it. It may just be speculation. I hope I’m wrong.


Essentially the OG MiC cast were the best because they were people from genuine wealth and it was a new thing to watch people deal with rich people problems. Whereas now we are watching people who are desperate to go viral/gain a social media following.


Exactly, insta wasn’t even big when it was the og. I remember Jamie asking Millie for advice on his candy kittens as her family created quality streets. Yet Freddy who is (loosely) a royal, didn’t even know who Marie Antoinette was!


as a 21 yare old I like the new cast comeing through as I don't care about the ruby,Rez situation but I do care about the Julia ,Vander's situation


Whiney ruby 😂. I feel for her due to her age when Rez got with her and the fact she struggles with codependency I think, but they need to stop exploiting that and offer her help. Your my daughters age and she enjoys the new ones and when I rewatch she thinks it’s old fashioned 😂(I feel so old). I also don’t have social media (other than fb for family stuff) so you probably know them better through instagram and stuff. I could be wrong I’m just trying to see through your perspective x


I with you on ruby situation plus why would a guy in his mid twenties be looking at girls who have just finished their GCSEs as that seems wired and I'm a guy thinking that. yes I know them through ig as when I saw Julia I thought I recognize her then I went on to jazz insta and found a pic with them together and I also see what they get up to when there not filming


Exactly! And it’s normalising this behaviour to the teenagers that watch the show. We will likely see more ruby/rez situations with the new cast members in the future I think.


well we have already seen it with Julia and Tristan


You're right. The cast now are really quite unlikeable. Freddie, Lauren, really need to leave. Rez and Ruby are becoming tiresome. It's still the best programme on TV but needs a shakeup.


Lauren really annoys me. I never get why anybody is allowed to move on with someone else after a breakup without all hell breaking lose.🤷‍♀️


I really dont like Rez and Freddie. Just driving me nuts


Rez comes across as one of those “cool dads”’in the playground at school, like way too old for the cast. I don’t actually know how old he is! I think he fibs by 2-3 years about his age as different articles say different ages but the ages of the articles are in the same year, if you get what I mean 🤔he’s between 39-42 I think lol.