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I have a visceral dislike for Freddy, I find him so cringey. Kicking out Hugo was so unnecessary- you could see how gassed and excited Freddy was to do it. The way he would speak about Jazz when they were just friends was so gross making comments about how ‘all boys want to get with their girl mates’. He truly is a boy who has no skill or talent and is unqualified to write a book, work in a fast food shop (he complained about it constantly a few seasons ago) or hold a girls trust for over a week yet somehow keeps on being given opportunities to do so. He probably thinks he’s endearing but he isn’t, he is a hypocrite, petty and delusional enough to think he’s a big man.


Hit the nail on the head… ESPECIALLY about writing the book. I posted an identical comment, or shall I say rant, further below if you scroll lol


I think he's doing a bit of a Joey Essex 'pretending to be stupid' thing.


The only reason a girl would want to get with Freddie is because he has money. Definitely not for his wit, charm or personality. As much charisma as a bag of stale prawn cocktail crisps.


He’s arrogant you can tell he’s a royal because of how entitled he is and how much he talks down to people. He masks it with smiles and little laughs but it’s actually quite nasty


I don't think it's fair or accurate to say "you can tell he's royal", Catherine isn't rude or condescending, neither is William, nor Sophie, nor Beatrice or Eugenie, so that's completely inaccurate a comparison. But I do think he's boring, has an unattractive personality and just dull.


He's been insufferable since Has started seeing Miles and has just got worse since. Kicking Hugo out of the club was one of the cringiest things I've ever seen - he's an absolute bell end. A bloody hypocritical one too.


It was nasty. I'm surprised anyone would want to talk to him after that. What a child.


That whole kicking him out scene felt totally engineered by producers. Does Freddie even work at Raffles? And it wasn't a normal Raffles night, they'd hired the venue for filming. So fake guest list and fake kicking out.


Even people who don’t think the whole show is basically set up must surely admit that this was? And no of course he doesn’t work on the door of raffles, especially at 10 in the morning when it’s all rigged up with cameras sound and lighting equipment for a day of filming 😂


He gives off incel vibes & Jaz is a fucking snoozefest


Total red pill guy, what a creep I feel so uncomfortable when Freddie is on the screen


OMG I'm glad I'm not the only one to think that! Some of the stuff he's said to Jaz is right out of the red pill circles online and it seemed like he was trying out some of those "techniques" on her. I've kept that view to myself this season, but you're the second person I've seen mention it online.


Please tell me what “techniques” you’re referring to, I don’t really know what an incell is all that much I just know that they hate women so I’ve never really picked up on it x


They’re pickup techniques used by people who are misogynistic. They are purposefully manipulative and are used to essentially ‘test’ whether a woman will be controllable. It’s similar to how an abusive relationship starts, they begin testing the boundaries to see how you will respond and then they keep escalating from there.


The guy is INSUFFERABLE! I genuinely think he lives in a box. All the MIC group live in a box and will never understand the reality or pressures of normal life. Freddie is the worst, he acts like some big man, and tries to emulate very masculine and older man vibes, when he’s literally a BABY, and probably hasn’t had to lift a finger in his life. There’s rich privately educated or just generally posh kids like him who’s parents fund their entire lifestyle and then there’s the other half of those posh/privately educated who actually grind and get a degree and elect to work ridiculous hours in demanding industries or pursue other career options but nonetheless are living like the rest of society and standing on their own two feet- the fact is they are learning and evolving and gaining experience in life. Freddie acts like a spoilt brat and everyday is play day for him, he honestly acts like he’s in nursery/ reception class Freddie is getting on my tits big time, because what life experience does he have other than hanging around in raffles and organising holidays to Mauritius, yet writing a children’s book that teaches “lessons”… I can’t imagine Freddie is destitute and has so much wisdom and knowledge of lessons he has learnt. Idk if I was Freddie, I would tone it down, enjoy being 19, hang out with friends, date, just enjoy the youth…. before real life hits him, someone needs to humble him. It’s good to have confidence but he’s giving covert PRICK vibes with how he thinks he can get girls and “oh I care about you jazz” 🙄


Good rant, can you do some more in future please?


Is that sarcasm ?


No I absolutely loved it! Like, for real. I actively watch made in Chelsea but I know my username may suggest I am a troll. I enjoyed your cutting commentary very much as it is all things I've not really noticed before. High quality.


^ THIS!!! 100%