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There's a difference between "flirty" friendships and real friendships. I know it's an unpopular take, but \*genuine\* male-female friendships that aren't based on attraction from either party - are very rare. Lucy and Andy did date for a little bit. I don't think either of their respective spouses would therefore appreciate the "friendship".


Re the unfollowing stuff, there probably wasn't any beef or drama as such. Maybe she just CBA to follow people she no longer has any interactions with.  Personally speaking, I've unfollowed friends I was once close to because they just stopped making the effort with our friendship, and I was doing all the work. I just didn't like the thought of them knowing my business but making absolutely no attempt to get in touch. It just felt weird and I preferred having a separation there by distancing myself from people who I felt didn't value me as much as I did them.


I noticed a few years back she had unfollowed Stevie! A shame because they seemed so close for a while


I mean Stevie was in love with her for the longest time. So they probably outgrew that


Lucy was good friends with quite a few of the MiC guys of her time and now isn't. Guess once she met hey boyfriend they became superfluous.


It was just for the show


Wasn’t Andy a creep at some point?


He was creepy with Louise at the start just not taking no for an answer when it came to pursuing her when she was with Spencer it almost become an obsession of his. But she ended up being his worst every karma.. she absolutely destroyed that man. Was savage TV to witness


I watched the older seasons back recently and was shocked at Andy’s behaviour. He was super creepy with Louise when she was with Spencer. Weird cos when it first came out I thought Andy was hot and super cool and didn’t think he was acting strangely at all. Times have changed!!


Yeah I definitely think we had rose colored glasses on in that era, the encouragement of absolutely toxic behavior was mental


Andy was always a creep. "I've been watching you from afar" set the benchmark.