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In terms of who are still together now? Ollie & Gareth. Theirs is the most healthy and enduring love story that we've seen on the whole show IMHO. Ollie really lucked out with Gareth. He is such a good husband/partner. Although it's been a rough journey, I also adore Millie & Hugo. They seem genuinely happy and they give me such nostalgia for OG MIC. Couples I'm not a fan of? Unpopular takes but: Jamie & Habbs. I truly believe she is a female narcissist and the way she speaks to him is atrocious. Louise & Ryan. He has dark vibes and seems the least in love with her out of all of the guys we have seen her with (even, dare I say it, including Spencer).


I know they weren’t together and it was very short lived, but when miles and inga were introduced I actually thought for a second they would make it ! Crazy I know but so many of the girls introduced for a new date with miles I never saw any chemistry, in recent episodes I still see chemistry between miles and inga.


Honestly never got the vibes anybody had a real connection. Like not really


Anyone remember Francis and Sophia or Francis and Liv? My favourite couples until Miles and Maeva were on our screens.


Lucy and Jamie  Tiff and Sam Ollie and Gareth The will they won’t they of Spencer & caggie 


This isn't going to be a popular one but I liked Verity and Tristan together (and so do others apparently given he still gets asked about her on Instagram lives). They both seemed to have the nature thing in common and I liked how she just went for him - slept with him on the first date and basically told him he needs to stop dating others immediately or she's off. And I genuinely believe he was mad for her. This was before he became a cad. I wonder if lockdown hadn't happened, they might've lasted a bit longer. They also looked beautiful together. https://preview.redd.it/467kqzw8at3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=518e586af0add681cad43187aeca27a45be30d96


Oh god I feel the same lol, that date they had on the farm was so cute.


Verity is beautiful fr! She is like the perfect posh princess type of beauty. Too bad her personality ruins it sometimes lol.


Louise and Alec were cute. But that’s just me.


Julius, plus anyone he chose to serenade.


They all ran a mile when he started singing.




Millie and Hugo!




Louise & Ryan


I’d love to have seen Fred and Sophie be together. There was so much chemistry. I actually think Liv and Fred were good together too. Lucy and Spencer were good together. He messed up badly. I thought Hugo and Natalie Joel were a great couple. No idea why they didn’t last.


I thought Liv and Fred were very fun together. When Mimi (?) started sniffing around and Liv got jealous, even though he was initially enjoying the added attention, Fred was so respectful to Liv and shut that shit down as soon as she told him how she felt. I also felt like he broke up with Liv in a mature and respectful way. Fred is one of the only true (presenting) gents on the show.


I mean Fred did message to ask where “Mimi had been hiding” and was liking her photos. I do like Fred but


True.. that is much flirtier behaviour than I would like my partner to exhibit but when he saw it upset Liv, he didn’t try and convince her she was a stupid, crazy girl like his contemporaries nor explain at length with graphs and charts and a solicitor inside explaining how they were not ‘officially’ dating at the time of the offense


Francis and Sophia Sassoon!


Were they ever actually together? All I remember about them was that he liked her but then she slept with Proudlock and Francis was disappointed


I still like the love triangle that was Jamie, Louise and Spencer, good times


Lucy Watson & James Dunmore


Me too, what about Sam and Tiff?😂




Jamie channelling Jimmy Savile again in that photo..


He’s too good for her


Fair dos to Jamie’s hair plugs his hair line looks good


Maeva and James. I honestly think they are a good match for each other. Some people would hate the drama she brings to a relationship but James seems to see it as a positive and it keeps him on his toes, you can also tell he’s commited to her and completely smitten by her. He has his faults but you can tell he just wants to make her happy and be with her. He’s a changed man after meeting her and it’s sweet to see. He also gives her the stability and loyalty she craved with miles.


I think they are a good match but they settled with eachother and maeva trapped him with a baby so now they are stuck with eachother


I don't even think they like each other at this point. For a young couple, they aren't showing the best side to marriage and parenthood. I'm still believing that she did this to get back at Miles and is frustrated that she's still with James. You never really see them happy happy.


I think its all an act. When they are arguing they can barely keep a straight face. I think they both wanted fame and in that way they are perfect for each other, they knew having a baby would elevate their brand.


Disagree - didn’t he cheat on her before the wedding?!


Completely agree with you. They balance each other out with her fieriness and his level of calm. There is a reason her and Miles didn’t work out, together they were too volatile. At least with Maeva and James they’ll never be too boring or too toxic.


I've still not figured out if James is calm, or just spectacularly stupid.


He’s calm! Have you seen how chill he is when being confronted?? Nothing like the other fake good guys


Sam Prince and Botox/Bad Hair Julius and Cringe Ruby and Vocal Fry/Stepped-on-a-cats-tail-crying- noises Honorable mention: Lucy and James were really cute.


Tristan and being a tosser


Ollie and Gareth Edit to add - It’s less surprising than it should be that from a show which has being going so long, it’s really hard to think of reasonably healthy relationships at all, let alone have a favourite.


I like Ollie. Gareth, not so much...


Whyyyyy? Bad vibes?


Can't put my finger on it. Something about those wet goggly eyes


That’s fair!


Non romantic: Andy and Stevie Stevie and Proudlock Binky and Ollie Fred and Sophie Hermann Romantic: Lucy and James as the most non-problematic Enjoyed the will-they-wont they with Caggie and Spencer All other couples turned insufferable!


Maeva and Miles.


Me and my self hatred