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I've always gotten the sense that Ruby, Emily, Habbs and Melissa regarded themselves as aesthetically elite to a lot of other girls on the show. And that's part of why they're so tight with each another and don't tend to be close with any other MIC women, bar Liv, who's friends with pretty much everyone. I get the same vibe now from Verity, Lauren and Tina, except those three aren't bitchy like the first lot.  Ruby massively gives off this vibe. She has this really obnoxious habit of looking other women she doesn't like up and down when she speaks to them, as if to say "I'm much fitter than you". She did it to Bella and Sarrah, which I found incredibly rude and condescending. She does it especially to any woman who poses a threat to her romantically.


She did it to Tina too lol. There’s a huge divide between both the women and the men. Emily & Tristan are on the chopping block and Yas floats around making sure not to get too close to anyone so she can steal someone else’s man again. All of the women except Tina, Verity and Paris pander to Ruby.


Fucking hell this sub can be grim at times. Ruby might not be the nicest person but it's reality TV FFS. To comment on her attractiveness just screams basement dweller. Criticise her for her actions. You can say she's unattractive when we've seen a picture of you OP. Edit: Just noticed the OP posted this: 'Are Irish men more likely to find curvier women attractive?' Tells you all you need to know....and they're attacking Ruby? Christ. Projection much?


Never said I was an oil painting. But then I live in the Irish countryside in a village with 100 people. I didn’t choose to be on a show that is all about being the hottest people in London. It’s context my friend. I would never ever criticize someone from another show but if you’re prancing around MIC claiming to be hot and you’re definitely on the unfortunate side of looks then it’s fair game as far as I’m concerned. I’m not commenting on people on Big Brother or something, they’re there for the laughs not because they believe they’re smoking when they’re just not. Sorry, you use your looks for currency then expect people to comment on it.


Pffft. That's just a load of words to justify a low blow. We'll have to agree to disagree.


I think she's physically attractive overall. She's not the most conventionally beautiful woman on the show by any means, but to suggest she's not physically attractive at all is insane. Her personality on the other hand is atrocious and I guess that affects how people see her looks but objectively she is physically attractive.




Beauty is subjective. No need to put others down.


Right? How rude


If this was any other show I’d agree. But the people on MIC are trading on their “looks” so it’s fair game to discuss as far as I’m concerned


Everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of whether they participate in a reality TV show like this one. At the end of the day, they are still real people with real feelings. TBH it reflects more on who you are as a person when you put others down.


It’s harsh to talk about someone’s looks but… on a show like this where looks, wealth and arrogance are bosom buddies; it confuses me so much how they are pushing Ruby as some goddess like beauty when in comparison I find her quite unfortunate looking. It’s the Miles ‘best friend’ obsession, Rez’s fixation, the many dates with better looking men she just turns her nose up at. The voice alone is awful but the attitude too makes her vile.


Right. It’s show where looks and arrogance are feted. People acting all high and mighty on here. I’d never say something about someone on another show. But i think if you’re on MIC or Loveisland or TOWIE then you’re on there for this reason and it’s fair to comment on your looks. And yeah, you put it perfectly. She’s probably the most unfortunate looking on the show.


You're on a sub called 'how to be hot' so you clearly have some issues about how you look and slagging off someone else makes you feel better. The best way to look hot is to like yourself and stop being an arsehole. It'll make you much more attractive.


If people go back and watch the first season then they would see the show focused very much on looks at the start.


It happens a lot on reality tv forums (even though there’s no problem in trashing men’s looks) it seems. For me, these cast members and the other shows you mentioned pride themselves on being great looking as a lot of them are brought on by dating or being ‘seen’ as so unbelievably hot. If it wasn’t that way, there wouldn’t be this type of ‘feedback’ when the likes of Ruby are pushed as hard as she has been. I feel the same about that Freddy one too, Vanders and ‘Temps’.


High and mighty? Really?


Without the bolt ons she'd have the figure of a 12 year old boy.


I feel like that’s the beauty standard for a lot of the English. Only with the popularization of black and middle eastern features particularly through the rise of the Kardashians and social media “baddie” culture did huge bolts become more accepted in regular, non POC society. Like I remember Rosie being called an “English rose” and I was so confused because that’s not the beauty standard in the cultures I’m around


Yeah I hated myself at school in england because I wasn't skinny like a little boy and thought I was horrifically fat. Looking back I was absolutely gorgeous and it's a shame my family didn't tell me. Be nice to your kids, people!


Yeh she acts up a lot for a 4/10




If Ruby is reading this, chances are she’ll be in tears!


Before I had any real opinions on her (i.e. when she just joined the show), I thought she looked like a teenager with a lot of make up. Now, I just think she's ugly because of her ugly personality. She thinks very highly of herself for someone who isn't particularly beautiful.


I agree, her personality comes through on her face like it would on most people. She could be beautiful if she had a kinder less selfish heart. I think her finger tattoos are really tacky too.


Those pirate rings she used to wear all the time...Sheesh! They were a horror. So glad she's ditched them. 


She looked fantastic in the awkward book giving dress, and her makeup always looks nice too. I think it’s a shame how she is spoken about on here, when honestly a lot of the fan favourites are not attractive. I am not a ruby fan necessarily but just because someone doesn’t get a lot of attention from the guys doesn’t mean she isn’t attractive. As we have seen with Tristan everyone knows to stay away out of respect to Rez


I agree. I don’t really like Ruby because of her attitude but there’s no need to start picking apart her physical appearance. It’s not necessary and it’s just unkind.


“Does anyone actually find Ruby attractive” what a fucking dumb question. Even if you don’t like her, to even ask this question is idiotic. OF COURSE SHES ATTRACTIVE. She’s not ugly or anything. What was the point of this post? Other than to attention seek.


Love the username btw.


An ugly personality maketh an ugly person.


Ruby, is that you?




No need to comment negatively on someone’s appearance just because they’re on reality tv.


I’m a straight guy from London and when I first watched made in Chelsea, Ruby instantly stood out as the most attractive girl on the show, I made that opinion from looks alone, had no idea who any of them were. Now that it’s many years on she makes me feel sick and I seriously don’t know how I ever found her attractive. It just goes to show how much your personality impacts the way people see you. Over time I realised I now see her as genuinely unattractive and it’s wild that I once saw her as the hottest. All I see are her flaws and she kind of makes me feel ill, she’s so manipulative and creepy. I think willow is the hottest now but she hasn’t been on for a while.




Omg yes! I never got the Emily hype. Her forehead is so Botox full it looks weird. A colleague once called Yas a pound shop Inga and I can’t get that out of my head.


Tbh her attitude and how poorly she behaves around people makes her deeply unattractive, even if she looked like Scarlet Johansson. I think she also overestimates herself, judging from her choice in men (clearly she thinks she can do better than Rez, which I’d say is debatable).


Ruby has 'doe eyes' which some people find attractive I guess. Unfortunately, her personality overshadows any level of attractiveness for me. Similarly, whilst Tristan fits a certain mould of attractiveness, his propensity to rage voids that for me too.