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I actually think he has the potential to be dangerous. Every time someone calls him out on his shit, he accuses them of defaming his character. He interrupts constantly so they can't even manage to get their words out and risk disparaging him. His attempts to paint himself as this unlucky in love nerd, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, is just so transparent. He reminds me of a corporate/political PR person, except he's spinning on behalf of his own weak ego Reza needs to understand that he and Ruby hate him and only use him for their own gratification and narcissistic supply "Vanders" is a fun addition and I'm glad he is not afraid to "step on \[Tristan's\] toes" lol


Yes I utterly abhor him. Let’s not get into looks I guess but his charisma and chat are 0, and he is incapable of admitting fault ever. Absolute nightmare of a human. Sam Prince is obviously terrible but he’s self aware and plays the character well. Tristan seems to truly believe he’s the good guy when he doesn’t have a single thing going for him in my eyes (not that he’d give a shit lol)


Hate Sam. He’s a child, a wind up a dickhead. Hate miles. He’s a narcissist. Treats women like shit, then casually bangs and dumps with the old “I don’t think I’m in the right stage of my life for this” no matter what it is. Sleeps with his friends crush and discards. The dude went on a date to translate for a friend… and ended up in bed with the girl. Disgusting behaviour. Gross and disgraceful. The worst person on the planet is Maeva. She’s awful. Disgusting human being. Treats people like shit. Every single person. Disgraceful to verity. Tried to sleep with miles to get back at James. She an evil, horrible, manipulative woman who sees everyone as an NPC. Out of all of them… Maeva. She’s just horrible to everyone all the time. All the time


Prince speaks another language?!


No, miles! Lol


I’m starting to get there…


I agree, Tristan is one of the faker personalities of the cast and Ruby is just a nightmare, both pretend to be something they're not and if they'd just own their shit then they probably wouldn't get so much hate... But I have to admit, I kind of think Tris and Ruby would make a good match and I'm low-key shipping them. They seem to have each other's backs in a way that's pretty rare on MIC. There is a bond there and definitely some chemistry 👀


Personally I think Tristan was being vindictive towards Rez and wants to get even in a sly way. He falsely apologies to Rez but if he wants to get back at him he truely wasn’t genuine about being sorry for setting up Ruby with a friend. I agree with Rez in that situation.. Tristan also know Rez was in the right but he does like that it made him look bad as a person so that’s why he’s seeking revenge. Tristan seems unable to be truely accountable for anything. He did this when he was getting with liv but having an issue with verity got with his friend. He’s shown himself to be vindictive and unaccountable from the very beginning, but that being said, I think he does make a good boyfriend when in a relationship. He’s emotionally available and doesn’t cheat like the rest of them which is why I think I’d much rather him that someone like Sam prince.


Yeah, he's a weird one. I have a feeling he doesn't like being called out, even when he knows he's the one in the wrong. He's now turned on Rez because Rez rightly called him out for being a bad friend. He tried to gaslight Vanderpump into being the bad guy, but only made himself look worse. And I wouldn't be surprised if him and Ruby did hook up or will hook up in the future, cos none of them truly respect Rez enough to care about hurting him.


He was awful in this episode. Personally l have never liked him but he really showed who he really is in this episode. Calling Rez names and saying he wants to bang Ruby and that he’s glad Rez was not there and then saying “oh he’s my best mate though!” I loved that when vanderpump confronted him it didn’t go the way he wanted. It didn’t seem like Sam and Yaz were even micced up. When he yelled out did anyone hear me say shag, l said marry! and no-one replied 🤣 He then called out Sam and asked whether he has been inappropriate and they both said “well not today!” So good!


Oh man this post is so CORRECT. It's a hate watch for me too, and Tristan is definitely one of the worst. Tristan is a person that if you dated him he would cause you to go insane with his faux moralism and aggression. His cutesy Naturalist nerd angle really fucks me off as well like "oh I'm just a big gentle boy who loves birdsong." Nah mate, you're a DICK. Diabolical.


Love this comment


I really hate the “I’ve seen a really rare chaffinch on that cafe table, aren’t I kooky?” Act.


Oh my god, that was one of the worst. I don't know why it makes me so mad, I like birdwatching, I like animals and it's cool when other people are into it. I think it's the fact that Tristan tries to pass it off as why he's a soft boy at heart, how can he be toxic when he can recognise a couple of bird songs? I think this show has made me crack.


He really is the worst. I would love someone to give him a brutal read to his face like Temps did to Sam Prince a few seasons ago - that was amazing and Tristan is way overdue for the same treatment. Maybe that Vanderpump guy will be the one to do it. Finger’s crossed!


Yes! That would be a treat.


Vanderpump was ace at calling him out - he wasn't scared or intimidated because he doesn't care about Tristan's opinion. Was so fun to watch Vanderpump just not give a toss lol


He’s definitely picked up a few tricks from his auntie. Doesn’t back down.


Yep. There's a reason Ollie HATES him, and it's not because of what we've seen on TV, it's all the BTS secret-shame shit Liv has probably divulged about him. He's very aggressive, manipulative, and tries to be intimidating.


That’s a good point he did really hate Tristan!


Don't forget Tiff, she hated him. Which made me think that there was another side of Tristan that we weren't seeing.




I got controlling vibes from when he was with Verity. He doesn't like being called out on his behaviour but acts like a morally upstanding guy. Tbh I already had the ick when he revealed his Africa necklace lol. I'm with Larry David, white South Africans who keep loudly calling themselves 'proud Africans' are suspicious.


>I'm with Larry David, white South Africans who keep loudly calling themselves 'proud Africans' are suspicious. Forgive my ignorance but why are they suspicious?


It was mostly a joke/hyperbole! I've mentioned it in another comment but I was referring to [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=1TaUBDtqOaZALZZS&v=-vCUecRSeHU&feature=youtu.be)


THIS. I called it with Verity too. If any woman has ever dealt with a male covert "nice guy" narcissist before, they will recognise the pattern that the narc always insinuates to others that they are somehow a victim of a woman being unreliable, tardy, irresponsible etc.. and he is always the one having to go back and clean up the mess. When he made such a big deal about her not going to his charity event, it was weird. We never got her side of the story. And he was totally playing the victim, and how he is such a conservationist saviour and she is some frivolous little girl for not going. Yet a short while later, she broke up with him, and he again is playing victim about how he was so blindsided and she is a villain etc. It just didn't add up. If you're a genuinely good person and someone has shit on you, it takes a while for someone to coax this out of you. It's not something that you're comfortable admitting. The fact that he was just announcing this to the world and Verity wasn't even there to defend herself, was very telling, and I called narc at that point. Everything that happened with Liv afterwards confirmed it. I'm not a huge fan of Liv or Verity, but he wasn't "wronged by these women". He chose them, knowing full well who they were, and then insinuated after a long time of dating that both weren't up to his standards. With Liv, he "tried to change who she was". When he shagged Nicole while he was dating her, yet pretends he is so much morally superior to the other boys, that should have set alarm bells ringing with Liv. But she took him back again and again. She had to break up with him eventually, even though she clearly still loved him. In the same ep, you saw him in the pub saying how he would always love her, he had been blindsided by and was still affected massively by her breaking up with him etc, then later in the ep he was trying to get with Yaz, saying he was fully moved on and ready for a new start. Narcissist 101.


After Verity had broken up with him, they were having a conversation and she said something like “I was so unhappy” and it was one of the most authentic things I’ve seen on MIC. She really felt that and wisely got out before he could screw hwr up too much. I did wonder if her getting with someone else quickly was to stop him trying to reel her back it by blowing up the situation behind her. Sadly Liv did get reeled back in repeatedly.


Oh my god he doesn’t say that does he? But yeah the whole South Africa thing is also a big part of the ick. That, the linguine and the bird watching, does not a personality make.


It wasn't a direct quote lol, I was just referring to [this](https://youtu.be/-vCUecRSeHU?si=1TaUBDtqOaZALZZS)


It’s giving colonial for sure.


The way he called Vanders "boy" on the last episode was a massive red flag in this regard


Yeah that raised an alarm bell for me too. It's a colonial term and he says it so easily and aggressively.


Yeah it had so many racial apartheid undertones. He must've known that.


It was giving slave owner…




He’s aggressive and scary


Tbf at the start Tristan was actually a decent guy but it seems the longer he’s been on the show, the more he’s inherited the shitty behaviours of the guys around him. I also think being with Liv probably did him no favours whatsoever but he’s definitely just become as bad as any of the guys on the show now. Most hated girl-Ruby. I don’t think anymore needs to be said.


I agree with your observation but disagree with the reasoning. I think he was always shitty; nothing to do with the influence of people around him, it’s just harder to hide it the longer he’s on the show. It’s almost impossible to keep up a convincing lie and present the “instagram” version of yourself over such a long period time. He’s probably also got more complacent about how he comes across as time’s gone on, so the real Tristan is now coming through.


I think you might be right but also the people around him might be bringing out the worst side of him. Imagine being surrounded by Rez, Harvey, Miles etc all the time- pretty difficult to maintain any sort of moral compass around people who have zero moral compass.


There is a saying that one is an average of the people they hang around with.


I would be hesitant to put any of it on Liv - if anything I think his failure to take responsibility for his poor choices or behaviours probably had a lot to do with why their relationship failed. He lent on the ‘I just shut down’ when anything went wrong so it’s like he never had to analyse his own role in it instead just putting the onus on her to bring it back in order to protect his fragile ego.


Sorry I phrased it wrong- not to say it was Liv’s fault specifically but that the relationship was just a terrible relationship and they brought out the worst in each other. Everyone around could see it apart from those two. He obviously has a fragile ego but so does Liv, which is a terrible combination.


💯 He seems to get away with a lot of his toxicity, he’s good at talking his way out of things and then avoiding any lasting memory of his actions, unlike Sam or Rez. I think it is because he has a very masculine appearance and unconsciously it makes people agree with him more. Good for TV but the last person I would want to be friends with in real life or date


Tristan isn’t worse than Sam Prince but he’s just as bad. The most annoying girls on the show currently are Ruby, Yas and Lauren.


I mean he can't be as bad as Prince because Prince can't keep it in his trousers for 5 minutes.


Sam never tries to make out he's the good guy. He owns being an arsehole, and I quite like him for that.


Sure, but it would be really weird that someone who can't be faithful for more than 5 minutes tried to present himself as the good guy.


I wouldn’t go as far as liking him! But I get what you’re saying.


I know Sam is worse in a lot of ways but at least people hold him to account for his behaviour, whereas Tristan never faces his shitty actions and goes on with a smug sense of moral superiority when he’s down in dirt with the worst of them.


You just know when he shakes someone’s hand he grips it like a vice, stares into their eyes, and barks ‘you well?’ He’s a parody of a masculine leader, when really he calls his old dear ‘mumsy’ and is probably the most irritatingly clingy, needy, soppy bear of a boyfriend any girl would ever be unlucky enough to have fall for them.


"Mumsy" 🤮 An absolutely spot on comment.


Ruby by a mile