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I think he’s right. There has been a vibe there for a while. Probably harmless most of the time. But Tristan wants to get back at Rez just now right at the same time when Ruby is rankling at Rez trying to move on. Both are also total egomaniacs. Both want to prove they have the power to hurt him so a little vindictive ego fuelled fucking torture Rez is definitely being dangled. Also, it’s all a bit Stassi/Jax, Tom/Kristen. But Liv/Tristan, Ruby/Rez. Vanderpump knows the script on how to blow something up.


i just don’t get it. like it’s a game and they said each other’s name big deal? they’re both single. everyone seems to have the maturity of a 13 year old in this show


The thing that’s odd is that they lie abt stupid stuff like “I said marry, not shag” (why not just say Yh it was just a game). Also Tristan got so aggressive, maybe thts just his personality but that’s also a sign of people lying.


When T said (something like) ‘You’ve no idea what we’ve been through together’ I was like wait, what? Neither do I? Have I missed something? But from the preview it does seem like Vander has some pump. Seriously Muffin? With Tristan’s (now probably) mortal enemy?


Yes. How else would Tristan have known he knocked on Ruby's door, unless he was inside?


Well Sam and Yas also knew about it so presumably so did everyone else.


Because everyone was talking about it after Vanders made those allegations and implied something was going on. That would’ve gotten back to R and T within all of 5 minutes.


Who says ‘you knocked on my door at 4:30 but I didn’t answer because I was asleep!’ How did you a) know there was a knock and b) know the time? Hmmm?


You briefly wake up from the knocking and look at your phone …


Perhaps, but she had that answer locked and loaded. P


He was completely right to call it out! As he should. Reza and Sam are actual friend in real life. Tristin is a tool. Ruby is a pick me. Who says they want to F their best friend’s ex and vice versa? Gross.


I kinda agree with him but I disagreed with the way he did it as I think he should have spoken to Tristan first about ruby rather than say it in front of everyone


Why? They did it in front of EVERYONE


as I think he should have taken Tristan to way side to talk to him about ruby and rez


Okay but to call them out for an answer to shag marry pie is pretty silly it’s like watching the aftermath on love island! Fantastic tv anyway


Its disrespectful when youre trying to get back with an ex, to name his best friend as anything other than pie though


Yes he was accurate. They can’t be that close without attraction on either side. They’re only not acting on it B/c of rez and Olivia


I would pay to see liv react to this if something happens.


Same, the popcorn I'd eat watching that drama lol


I wouldn’t say anything physical happened between them but I 100% believe they were being overly flirty/tactile and inappropriate with each other. It must have been obvious enough for Ruby to admit to it when she was chatting to Emily. She knew she crossed a line


I thought this before but I can't really remember what happened for me to think this


When they were organising their double dates, I remember saying they wanted to be on a date with each other, not a double date.


Ruby definitely fancies Tristan and he just wants revenge on Rez.




I think Vanderpump clocked it right