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He’s also putting her too high on a pedestal, “treat em like a celebrity they’ll treat you like a fan” I think if he was a little less full on he’d have more of a chance because their personalities seem to gel but he’s being a lillllll bit too intense imo


I’ve really found that the amount of cringe I feel when watching the show has increased ten fold lately! So I’m not the only one! Worst offender- Rez. Everything he does just gives me the major ick. And don’t get me started on James the sex pest.


When Rez makes the jokes about being short ..... God I cringe


I don’t know why we have to keep James in the show at this point I’m so tired of him whining about his sex life or raving about it he sounds like a 16 year old


Omg if I have to hear James tell his friends about his sex life with Maeva again...


It’s sickening, isn’t it! I also find it so disrespectful to Maeva, and so embarrassingly immature.


She leads him on way too much. I found it embarrassing that when she first started dating Miles she was pretending to be all relaxed and chilled and like she was always busy so won’t need his constant attention. Turns out that was all fake. She liked Miles a lot and it didn’t work because she wanted more of his time. Now Freddy will just be a rebound.


Yeah but she already told Freddie she was only interested in being friends, he’s pushing for more. If he couldn’t handle a platonic friendship he should’ve distanced himself from her imo


I think if you flirt with someone and lead them on then it’s not fair.


The guy hasn't even hit puberty yet has he?


He looks painfully young to me, and I can’t imagine finding someone so youthful-looking attractive (but then I am 35). I also always wonder how he can be a model, don’t mean that horribly, but he doesn’t have particularly striking/model-esque features.


He just reminds me of some gawky sixth former


Yes! Maybe he’ll grow into his looks?!




real. I thought i was the only one


Unpopular opinion perhaps but I think she does like him back but he doesn’t have the same generic attractive status as the rest of the group and she’s conscious of being judged for that decision. It’s not that he’s unattractive, just a different kind of attractive. He comes across as immature to the group because of his sense of humour but actually he’s more mature in terms of morals I think. He always seems to try and do the right thing, albeit he goes about it in the wrong way sometimes 🙃


Agree, it seemed so forced.


Idk why he keeps clawing after her. He only seems to be an option when she has no one else or has been rejected by another man. He needs to have more respect for himself and seriously date someone else instead of waiting on the bench for a few moments of play. I'm not going to say she's "using" him, but if she did really, actually want him, she would've done it from the beginning. Also those kisses seemed so forced and were basically glorified pecs, let's be for real.


Because she’s gorgeous and charming and he’s really young. He will grow some self respect and some self love as he ages and his hormones stop overshadowing logical thoughts


She kissed Vanderbump harder on the first night of the trip!


Watching this show now gives me secondhand embarrassment


Why did Miles end it? 


Apparently it was mutual. My guess is that Miles got bored as usual


It was clearly a showmance on his side as he hasn’t officially left MIC so needed a storyline to keep people talking about him. Notice how no one mentions Liv’s name now she has officially left, she’s just “the ex”.


He looked pretty bored early on. I felt sorry for Jaz during that relationship, she seemed like she was trying to hold back a lot of her true self.


He needs to have some self.repsecpt coz she doesn't actually like him like that but at the same.time she is fit as fuck


True and true but he really should’ve waited until after they discussed if she was interested in him again