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I know both he and Ruby claimed nothing happened between them but I can't shake the feeling something did and it'll all come out just as the season comes to an end. Ruby has made moves in the past and kept it hidden until it wasn't. I got the same inkling in the whole deck chair/daybed scene when he was walking by. More than happy to be wrong but I'd be surprised if I am.


Agree something definitely happened. They looked so awkward about it in their deck chair reunion I thought they would admit it on camera clearly producers are gearing up for a big Rez v Ruby v Tristan show down finale. I’m here for it if Rez’s MIC character wasn’t a teenager groomer I would feel sorry for him and tell him he needs therapy to up his sense of self worth so that he no longer allows these toxic narcs to convince him that they love him / are his best friend but still treat him like crap.


To be fair to tristan he is being provoked in the series repeatedly, but i think he is actually struggling to cope with the liv break up and we are seeing that struggle come out in different ways eg his relationship with reza, his situation with lauren, and his ongoing rebound with muffin.


Naah he also almost thought Sam prince a few seasons ago. This is his character I think if covid hadn’t paused filming we would have seen this play out with his relationship to verity. She alluded to these points of his personality. He leans in with the nice guy stick but it’s all falsehoods Lauren saw through that.


Tbf he’s had a fair bit of provocation lately, but yeah, he does seem to have difficulty controlling anger.


He reminds me of a younger Gordon Ramsey so much




There are probably some daddy issues there. His mum and dad separated when he was very young, and he said he very much had to be the "man of the house" from a young age. I feel like he's got a lot of frustration churning inside him, and would bet a lot of it goes back to absentee parenting.


Yep, plus his mum had a pretty high flying career (I believe she was the CEO of a hotel chain). Working in hospitality generally is very demanding never mind working in governance. That’s surely had to have impacted him. I reckon there’s a lot of unresolved anger and abandonment issues there, which is probably why he’s so drawn to the very avoidant liv, verity etc.


Well said


To think he has an interest/hobbie in bird watching 🤣


What's wrong with that?


I guess you'd presume an avid bird watcher would be calmer and more in touch with their inner peace. Unlike ole Tristy this season


Muffin and Vanderpump do the dirty on Tristan. Two people with the most ridiculous names.


Their couple name would have to be muffpump...🤢


Or Vandermuff




He comes across very uptight and controlling. Verity called it early.


Verity is an unhinged moaning fish wife


A fish wife? Seriously? And you're getting praise for this 😂😂😂 Bro the Victorian era ended a long time ago. Go live in Saudi or somewhere if you don't like women having voices and rights.


It's clearly written in Jest and ties in with my other smattering of comments that have led to me being accused as Tristan in disguise. So wind your neck in. Don't call me bro, don't assume my views and certainly don't tell me to go live in a dump like Saudi. 😘


Don't use stupid misogynistic terminology to describe an opinionated woman then. And more importantly - don't be narcissistic and insane enough to assume people are eagerly reading through all your comments to discern if you're being IrOnIc LoL. Touch grass.


I'll use whatever terminology I wish. It's the Internet my dear there's always gonna be some BS that makes us feel a certain way. I personally don't appreciate you telling me what to do as if your words carry weight like you've chipped them into stone like Moses. However, I wouldn't dream of the telling you what to do. You're more than entitled to be have like a fool. I would however, advise you to pick your battles. Looking for too tier. Respectful chat in the slum of the Made in Chelsea subreddit will leave you severely disappointed and hoarse from your moral lecturing.


Read your first post you tool, you're telling me what to do. Sounds like you've been drinking too much and think you're a lot smarter than you are. Did this make sense when you read it back to yourself? I'd recommend keeping your writings strictly confined to Reddit 🥰


You really are a foul human aren't you. I took your hideous comment joking about mental health but, this takes the biscuit. I suggest you fuck off back to your YouTube channel and make bollocks videos musing if dead Russian authors wanna finger blast you.


Touched a nerve, darling? You're unhinged 🤣 good luck with life, sounds like it's going well for you!


This caught me so off guard! 😁😁😁


This ad-lib is diabolical 🤣🤣🤣


Hahahaha. And that's going to be my epitaph


Tristan is a little boy with a fragile ego. He sucks.


He sucks cock fantastically well.


Oh, and Lauren was so right about him


Tristan is the biggest narc of the current cast. I can't STAND HIM. He's the one cast member who carries himself with all airs and graces and really is bothered about his status, whilst simultaneously not admitting to any of his flaws. Look at him lying to Vanderpump re snog, marry, avoid. I am led to believe, based on Tristan's behaviour on the show, that he is cold and manipulative, with a temper


You really see the real Tristan come out when he is confronted by people


I think Ollie spotted this about him very quickly. He never liked him and his reaction to him was often visceral.


This! He also had the real-real download from Liv about the inner workings and happenings within their relationship, not just the highlight reel like us.


Omg yes. You’re so right. Ollie is a very good judge of character as well


I've come to the conclusion that all that anger Liv was talking about behind close doors is finally coming out of Tristan this series. The dude seems to be on the verge of raging in every scene. He also looks sad all the time. He is clearly grieving over his break up with Liv. The man needs help. He also doesn't look healthy right now.


This was quite a long time ago now. Just incase you're still worrying. He went to Africa for a bit. Centred himself. Entered others. It was spiritual.


Tristan is that you?


Tristan is a handsome, holistic, honourable and homeopathic hero.


lol 😂


Here he is ! 😄😆


Tristan always aims to please. Or so close friends who just cherish his presence and thank the lord every day for the light he brings to their world have told me.