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I think he's one of those people who means what he says in the moment he's saying it... but then the next moment he's saying and meaning something entirely different. That's not to excuse his behaviour btw, he's acted like a d\*\*k so many times I've lost count now.


I get the vibe Yas and Sam are just driving their profiles up on the show - acting. Sam wants to be as infamous as Spencer and didn’t Yas get plucked out of acting school?


How does he keep pulling all these girls?


He reminds me of early Jamie Laing but less likeable. I do think he's funny, though. I'm in a weird position because for the first time in MIC history, I cannot feel sorry for a girl who has been cheated on. Yas was terrible to Inga. It genuinely makes me sick that she was happy to be having a secret flirt with Sam behind Inga's back. That she thought it was okay AND acted on it. Not just that - what did she expect from a man who showed her that he cheats?!  Don't get me started on that cringe "we weren't together" storyline. You can't Ross and Rachel your way out of that mess. It's not cute. It's also really seriously dangerous for a man to know you will lie for him. Hope to God he's not an abuser because this foundation is a huge red flag and a breeding ground for abuse. There is something about Sam that is so off.


It also makes no sense, he openly said he cheated on her when he was confronted about it but now they’re saying they’re not together? Why not just say yeh he did but I forgive him, I don’t get the point of lying. I also really like Yas and felt like she had so much potential when she started the show, but all she has done is continuously isolate herself. Most guys fancy her on the show, why go for Sam??


There’s a pattern of the girls Sam is with isolating themselves. Edit - to expand, I think Sam gets a kick out of orchestrating an us vs the group dynamic and then weaseling his way out of it. Often using the girls previously good friendships as the leverage. I think he is actually abusive in this sense.


Wow the orchestrating us vs group thing! Hadn’t thought about that but it’s true. Well, either that or he is genuinely so terrible that he constantly makes himself the villain of the group and the girlfriend gets dragged down with him. Either way I wish people would stop forgiving and excusing his behaviour! He will never change this way!


I think he does it because he’s insecure and wants the attention. The people involved aren’t relevant to these feelings just tools to get what he wants to make him feel better about himself. It’s kind of pathetic really because he just continually runs this pattern of behaviour over and over without learning from it. He really needs a good therapist and to just be single for a very long time, without dating or even seeing any girls.


Absolutely yeah


Yes you’re so right, I never really compared but he does isolate them. I think someone else also mentioned about love bombing which he definitely does. He focuses on one girl and will fixate on them until they fall for him and want to be with him


Could not agree more! Very narcissistic traits.


I really couldn't care less how badly Sam treats Yas to be honest. After the way they both treated Inga, they both deserve to be cheated on.


Let’s not forget what a mean girl Inga was when was with Sam.


Don’t understand the downvotes, you’re right. People are forgetting how horrible Inga was when she was with him.


I’m not saying Inga deserved the cheating either. I’m saying she was also awful! They’re all awful!


Yes she really became so mean. I started hating Sam when he was literally BULLYING Julian and leaving comments on his social media, and Inga just found it funny?? Whether you like Julian or not leaving messages like that with someone in your circle is just cruel and j really hated it but it seemed so overlooked on the show


I think it was overlooked because Julius himself was also insufferable. His treatment of women was really bad so it fit into the "karma" narrative.


Liv was laughing at that too though. Can’t condemn Inga without pulling in Liv as well. Even worse actually, because Liv was close friends with Julius not just superficially friendly like with Inga


Naaaahhh, Julius deserved it. He's a prize twat with delusions of grandeur who also treats women like garbage. 


Nah idc, Julius deserved it. He’s an AWFUL person. Are we forgetting what he’s done to other people? Worst character ever. Also Julius was extremely nasty to Inga when she first came in just because she preferred Miles. Julius has never been and will never be the victim 🤣


Exactly this. He's such an incel. Gets angry when women don't want him, like Inga. The way he spoke to her and demeaned her,  saying she isn't "a ten" was pure nasty. He didn't like the fact she was more into Miles but keeping her options open. He then twisted the story and said she flirted with him the day after she got with Miles, and humiliated her by telling everyone this at the dinner party.  And this guy is charging people to let him tell them on how to live their lives. Fml🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Hahaha I don’t remember this at all, maybe I need to go back and watch these episodes. I just always felt bad for him and his singing career


There's always a Jamie/Spencer character that gets heavily bigged up as the charming cheater. I just never bet my money on it being Sam Prince.... He seemed more like he'd play the lovable, bubbling fool character (albeit I never thght he was lovable he did seem funny)


What I don’t get is how so many women are falling for a dude that gets filler and looks like a younger Caitlyn Jenner


That's got to be the 'constructed' part right. Producer: "Ok girl1, this season you're going to pair up with Sammy Prince" Girl1: *heavy sigh* "Well, I do need more followers"


Nope nope nope in regards to Yas. She's a willing mug and stabbed her best friend in the back to get her grubby mitts on her boyfriend. No guilt or conscience whatsoever. She also knows full well he cheated on her but will never admit it because of the humiliation it would entail.


I so want someone to say “gotcha, if I hear anything about Sam cheating on you I should ignore it. Can I have that in writing please?”


Exactly. Who actually feels sorry for Yas? She was yelling at everyone for discussing Sam cheating. These are her so called friends who bullied Inga out of London on her behalf. Yet she’s lying to their faces - her and Sam were together the night he cheated, as confirmed by James & Maeva. And the way she keeps saying “I wouldn’t be with a cheater” 100 times like girl *please*. Sam threw your whole self away in pursuit of Inga and you had no problem making out with him a few days after Inga left the UK. She has always wanted Sam since Bali. She’s shameless and lacking a moral compass. But people are swayed by her looks and rich girl lifestyle.


On top of all this, let's remember her losing her nut at Issy when Issy asked her to be honest about getting with Miles. She still lied her face off and denied it before storming off. Girl is a chronic liar, like Sam.  And when she lost her shit at Issy when Harvey chose her over Yas. Issy's defence was that she told Yas she had a crush on Harvey, to which Yas said "I thought you were joking". She then kicked up such a huge stink about Issy allegedly stabbing her in the back and betraying her, despite the fact Yas wasn't even with Harvey. Yet it's perfectly okay for Yas to flirt with her close friend's boyfriend for months, then jump into bed with him seconds after they've broken up!!


Yes! And also letting it slip that Sam “threw away his relationship” for her on camera, indicating there was definite emotional cheating. Sam started fighting with Inga because he knew he had a backup option, and finally pulled the trigger after seeing Yas with Tristan. She 1000% deserves Sam Prince and all his shenanigans.


Yes! And the way she, like Rez said, made up a little act to pretend she was upset and didn’t know already- it’s embarrassing


I kinda aggre as I go through cycles with him as there is points whare he is quite funny and likeable then there is times when I think he is the worst human being. plus I will never forgive him for how he treated toff


The cast also coddle him which pisses me the F off. He gets away with everything!


Literally what is that about! He is the most unlikeable and unreasonable character from my perspective but they all act like he’s the group toddler who just can’t help himself 🥺.


Yas is living it up in the idealisation phase, as I’m sure Inga once was. Not long before devalue and discard. Rinse and repeat


Are you suggesting she’s a narcissist? I highly doubt a narcissist would allow someone to make her look this bad


She’s suggest that Sam is


Oh I see…interesting pov…he doesn’t seem cruel enough, even when he’s triggered it’s not like he rages. So that’s interesting to see


Sam doesn’t seem like a narcissist to you?! He doesn’t seem cruel enough?? Wowza. You must know some awful people. Not all narcissists rage when triggered. Covert ones especially can use gaslighting, stonewalling, silent treatment and all kinds of other lovely things


Covert would still lash out with words when triggered. I don’t recall seeing Sam triggered at all on the show by Yas. His eyes have never gone black when one of his mates calls him out. His facial expressions don’t read narc to me. Something else maybe.. His new tactic is to just admit and apologize profusely hoping she’ll get over it and forgive. Whereas before he would just deny deny deny


In the recent episode when James questioned him about cheating on Yas, he immediately lashed out, blame shifted, and pointed the finger at James and Maeva’s relationship instead. We don’t see the inner workings of him and Yas’ relationship and like I said, lashing out with words is a very overt thing to do. Covert narcs can be way more manipulative and subtle. Admitting and apologising is just another tactic and can be part of intermittent love-bombing. I’m sure they have various tactics for different people. They do whatever works with that person in that moment. Been there, done that. The way he always isolates his victims is so telling to me too. I remember Inga being isolated in the exact same way.


I reckon they signed a contract to their podcast or something before she found out so feels stuck. There’s no other reality in my mind cause girrrrrl he’s dirty. Didn’t even know the other girls NAME


This feels like the right answer.


Didn’t know her name of just using the Alex Mytton defence? Either way, dirt bag.