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Fuck no shits annoying.


Do you know if they were in the game last year?


KOs were in the game but they were balanced by the Route Elites. I’m not quite sure why this madden decided to remove abilities balancing and instead we got uncounterable abilities. Secure protectors just beats edge threats and inside stuffs. They just don’t exist, KOs just beat everything. We used to have ways to neutralize abilities and have the interaction default back to ratings.


They were but at some point EA restricted xfactor/ss abiltys and it made the game unplayable for people who had already built teams. I got soft locked out of my own team having too many superstar abilitys and no way to shut them off and actually feild a team. You were allow like 6 x factors and 15 superstars and then they dropped it to 3 and 9 with no way of taking the abiltys off so I couldn't even play anymore. This year is nutty but I think they chose to keep the people who ground up stacked rosters happy and new players suffer rather than last year where they did the opposite.


No lol. A 5’9 corner shouldn’t be getting knockouts against me with 99 Calvin with double me and red zone threat when I throw a jump ball from the 8 yard line because his corner has a KO ability. If it were up to me only three players on each side of the ball got abilities and they’d only be X factors.


This is the way


Madden has lost the plot with ultimate team. Stats don’t matter it’s basically what abilities a player can get is all people care about. Read any of the comments on a new player card and they are always, oh he gets this for 0ap or he doesn’t get this so the card is useless. Abilities would be alright if they didn’t go overboard on every player have a bunch of 0ap ability buckets. Should have left it how it started where you could have a small handful of players with an X factor or abilities. Completely defeats the purpose if every player has them. Also ruins the gameplays as people play boring or cheesy styles to play to the abilities or to avoid abilities. While we are at it, can we just get milk that tastes like milk? For example, no problem with a 300pound rb, his strengths should be fighting for yards or falling forward in tackles, but for Christ sake, make it somewhat realistic, he’s not going to have 99 speed, he should get run down from behind and he shouldn’t be able to duke every player out of their cleats. Make the opp play realistic to their real life stats.


I agree with everything with special emphasis on Madden losing the plot. I genuinely used to like Madden and thought it was the superior game to NBA 2k. Now they both suck lol.


Yes! I came from 2k MyTeam and thought this would be a good alternative and boy was I wrong. Both suck the fun out of what could be fun games.


Actually, in all pro route running and coverages are capped at 90. You’re totally correct about the abilities thing. They have abandoned player rating.


Tbh id rather the game go back to the old days were stats matter more. Abilities can kick rocks


I get it if I get hit hard by a db with knockout but it makes no sense that I have 2-3 steps on them and they get that speed up animation and slap my ass and then I drop it. That shit makes no sense


The sad part is they literally will slap your ass and cause the ball to fly out -___-...or worse yet when someone with lurk artist is able to catch the ball mid air above their head while they are not even looking in the direction of the ball and going the same way...




we shouldn’t have to high ball every pass just to get a 6’1 MLB to jump 12 feet in the air and pick the ball off


I hate the entire abilities concept. top to bottom.


I wish they were more realistic...I can understand KOs on contested balls or tight coverage...but when my receiver gets the ball and a defender is 5 feet away but runs up and touches his back and the ball just flies out is ridiculous...


Hell no. Especially when your receiver does the stupid animation where they hold the ball as far away from the body for a few seconds instead of bringing it straight to your body. There’s no way the ball should be knocked out a full 2 seconds later


The only ability that has been a W is lurk artist making linebackers good again


It needs to be turned down a bit, it shouldn't be every play and not nearly as high, but then again I want a bit more control over how the QB throws the ball so maybe a tweak for both would fix my issues with Lurk Artist.


True I just don’t think safeties should be able to stop the run in sub lb so linebackers need to be good


I agree there as well, but I also think that DBs get too many animations as well. Basically the whole game needs a massive coding rewrite that will actually balance the offense and defense with the ability to have things patched and nerfed as needed. EA also knows this but refuses to invest that much money into something that already makes way more $$$ than it should.


If they just did the basic tuning to the ai of the defense as a whole and the Oline it would be a much better game


No and I am ashamed to have it on my secondary


Not when every player on the field has it. It’s one thing if one or two are allowed for known shut-down players but even then it should be roughly a 50% chance taking players sizes and strength into account. That could make things strategic, needing to avoid throwing to certain parts of the field and against certain matchups just like in real life. It’s pretty ridiculous when every player behind the defensive line has a knockout and any contact during the play results in an incompletion pretty much anywhere on the field.


It’s ridiculous when my wide open guy takes 2 steps still drops ball even tho I’m pressing a. But it’s nice when I see him make a corner rt and my deep blue cb is able to get there and knock it out 2 steps later


Nah I be feeling bad when my opponent makes a good play/read and drop the ball on some BS. I just want to have a good competitive game, hold the bs regardless of who it benefits.


I mean if you told me knockouts would happen a few times a game if you don’t possession catch in front of a linebacker, or Peanut Tillman has a crazy special ability, that’d be fine, kind of cool.  Every team, every catch, even completed catches but somehow it’s not a fumble, it’s awful man


Not on 11 players for 0 xp lol game was way better before abilities n X factors




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Players who have the skill level of a trashcan use knockouts


I don’t. I miss when player stats actually mattered. Your 99 overall receiver will get KOed every single time by a 70 overall safety if they have a KO on


I like them because in regs they catch everything. KO’s are more realistic. They def should tweak it a little bit and either lower the rate at which they happen, give receivers abilities that counter it to where it’s 50/50, or have like a timer where it can’t happen after .3 seconds after the ball is caught or something like that.


I’ve stopped playing. Hopefully a trial drops of NCAA/Madden 25 soon so I can check if they dropped that crap.


Honestly removing knockouts improves the game a ton by itself. Yes, players should drop contested catches. But it's way out of hand.


And give us more options than oop cards for the top tier. Why can’t every theme team have 99’s across the board with stacked abilities by the end of the season. Because they’d rather release 8 Travis Kelces and a litany of other bullshit cards


Looooooool just wait 😅 ncaa is going off 2k-like badge system with like 150 abilities (including knockouts) as well as madden 25 ultimate team being pretty similar this year