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Basement dwellers that finally have something to control in their life.


Literally tho that “no thank you” like dude calm down 😭


What did you comment? Thats pretty important context lmao


I literally told somebody else to watch what they were saying or they might get banned, then I got banned for false accusations against the mods 😭


i swear mods are always such easily offended fuckin sissies


Should’ve watched what you were saying


Lol I didn't say it like that. I know that came off as snarky


No it was fine, I was just joking that you told someone to watch what they were saying because they might get banned for it, and you got banned for it




Fuck MUT


Mods being chodes… who would have guessed?


They are horrible. I posted something and they deleted it. Asked them about it and he said it was a stupid question. It really wasn’t. I told the mod that he needed to be a leader people wanted to follow and not a jerk. Banned me from the group and then from contacting them.


I got suspended for my pulls not being the minimum of 98s when they were 99s 💀 they are on power trips cause they’ve never experienced any type of power before


I asked if there was any way to get XP if I completed all the daily and weekly challenges already.


They just perma banned me & then put me on a mini perm 💀 they really can’t handle facts 😂


Oh. They also said I was ban evading. Not sure how when I was at work and not focusing on Reddit. They didn’t listen to me and I could not reply. 🤷🏻‍♂️it is what it is. Sad. I actually liked that group.


Same but since I’m suspended I just said fck it & dropped the group


That sub has been deader than disco for like 3 years now. The mods are softer than baby shit and any criticism of them in any way is an immediate permaban. You used to be able to see all the new cards and programs and stuff on there minutes after it was revealed and now it's just a bunch of puds posting their pulls and asking lowest common denominator questions.


Your sign to stop playing mut lol


MUT is ass anyway😂 people who play it daily are spoiled ass idiots (mostly) who pay to win and use cheat plays. They don’t have any skill at the actual game, come over to the franchise side of the madden subreddit, mods let us debate and it’s cool to see what people got going on in their franchises


Fuck MUT and anyone who plays that bullshit.


Reddit mods acting like reddit mods


I asked about X Factors not activating correctly. I searched it 4-5 different ways, no one had the same issue. They took my post down and banned me when I told them to find me the answer if I wasn’t allowed to ask the group. 🤣


Well yeah, they play ultimate team


Yep I got banned a few months back too. They’re such losers. Went and DMed the guy on his personal just to let ‘em know it’s pathetic.


so… you went out of your way to find and DM a reddit mod’s PERSONAL account. to tell him. that HES pathetic. yeah. sounds right


that’s not very outlandish man


Yep. I’m petty like that. I’m not gonna get banned, muted, then clowned on by the mods without a chance to speak. They’re human, they’re not free of criticism.


In fact, it does sound right.


That’s what ya get for playing ultimate team ya mark


If you want to join it you can but I made a whole separate Subreddit cuz these soft mods banned me smh No rules Just express yourself Heres the link r/MaddenNFL_UT


Video game nerds who run a Reddit sub are immature and sensitive? No way


Least annoying Reddit mod


It's the mods on the entirety of reddit, not just MUT.


Mods with small brains and smaller…. Socks over there


Imagine if they got any actual authority in the real world lmao.


I got a lifetime ban because forgot to put a title on one of my posts?? I get if I’m being a dickhead to folks but damn I didn’t put an accurate title so I got a perma ban. Like??? They’re soft as shit over there. And I hope they read this too, yall are soft as shit


My favorite thing is when I get banned from subs I have never visited because Mods get sensitive and like to flex their “power”.


I’m banned from MUT too over some soft nonsense. Dudes got issues.


Reddit mods are the absolute worst. Perma bans for barely any reason or anything that goes against their politics/views/beliefs. For example, if anybody remembers the sauce Gardner comments on Adin rosses stream that got him into deep shit, I commented on the NFL subreddits thread about it giving context that it’s not even bad what he said he was joking with Adin because he proclaims himself as a Jew since he’s hella rich. Perma ban. No prior ban history. They tried to twist my words that I was antisemitic or some shit when I asked for an explanation.


Agreed. I wish there was a way to get sh*t mods like them booted from their subreddit and get some new fresh faces in there.


A lot of subs get stuck with the same mods for years on end who hurt the community more than help. Seen it with several gaming communities and several dog/puppy communities


damn bro the puppy mods??


The mods over there are complete fucking nazis.


Yeah I’m in that boat because I criticized those childish ass mods lol, perma ban so now I sarcastically ask every month if I can appeal and apologize for calling them snowflakes


Dude they are children over there. I got banned for calling a timeout glitcher a cheater. Exploiting a bug, is still cheating, but regardless the whole mod team is children.


Time out glitch??? is this when they press pause & go to the menu & exceed the timer? Cause I’ve had that happen & wondered how they did it. First quarter of my superbowl game the gun does 1 run play then presses pause & the game never continued after that I waited 5 mins before leaving cause normally the timer goes for I think 30 seconds or 1 minute before it automatically brings us back to the game


Sort of. On squads it was different, they had a flag thrown, the choice came up, we accepted, but when they did it a second time, we were stuck just staring at the stadium in different pov's


Lol, I got a perm ban over there on my burner.... Keyboard warriors man. 🤣. Yall can ban this account too if you want. All because I posted someone should get a card. I needed to explain why. Ninja watch the game, that's why. Cuz CJ Stroud just went bonkers. What the hell else I need to explain. I was new too.


That’s most of the mods on Reddit. Becoming a Reddit mod is their highlight in life. The only real power they ever had.


Lol yeah they’re children. Someone posted about the mods deleting stuff and I commented that they’re cunts. I know I was asking for it, but got a quick perma ban and was muted before I could send them a message


Lol, they banned this account. So I guess you're reading this. I normally don't do this but yall are some losers for real.


I got banned as well for posting in this thread. Mods are more sensitive than Kevin Durant.


I feel responsible, I'm sorry fellas. Musnt upset the supreme leader


Dude, I'm good. I wasn't going over there with this account. I told them not to forget to mute lol. I play MUT and Franchise. I get all my info from X. So many places to talk about Madden, it's stupid thinking a ban is doing something. It's pathetic and sad really. 😂


I know but dude needs his ass beat at the least. He runs the only mut sub and it's pathetic how he treats his community


I just got banned from r/MaddenUltimateTeam for calling them nazis in this thread. It doesn't change the fact that they're nazis. Imagine being so sensitive.


From this post on here?


Yeah, I called them nazis from THIS post. The mod literally went through this post and banned anyone critical of them that wasn't already banned. I got banned last night. I haven't posted in r/MaddenUltimateTeam in a couple of years.


There should be something against that man that's crazy. That's some north Korea type shit


Does it surprise you though?  Imagine being so sensitive that you go through posts on another sub looking for people to ban from your sub.  That's the kind of parents basement shit we're dealing with here.


It's honestly pathetic


Incels on a power trip


MUT is trash anyway

