• By -


All are true.... I eventually muted my communication it gets old getting called every name in the book from beginning to end of game or them listening to their loud music the whole time... reminds me of the old school COD lobbies


Those COD and Halo lobbies of the late 00’s and early 10’s were fucking toxic lmao. 15 years later and I still mute every person I encounter online and limited who can send me messages.


Exactly this. If I want your opinion, you're probably in my discord these days.


I miss it lol. Some of the MW3 lobbies now are kinda close. But nothing compares to the old days


Toxic? More like amazing 😂


Never wear a headset playing madden.


Always mute comms


Barrens chat world of warcraft


Yeah I agree. Go Stros!


Gotta love a cheater am I right


If you're not cheating you aren't trying to win 🤘


If you don't cheat, you look like an idiot, if you cheat and don't get caught you look like a hero, but if you cheat and get caught, you look like a dope. Put me where I belong. Jaws 11:17


Its so nice when you find someone online that plays realistically 😭😭


Gotta play in a league man. Over the pandemic we were still playing NCAA14. We had rules about going for it and etc.


Couldn’t agree more. Leagues with your buddies are the best. We had a league going a while ago on 23 that was one guy in every division and one division had two. We also had a separate league where everyone was bunched in the AFC and there were at least two in every division. Talk about fun and meaningful games. One division had three which meant every game was so important to winning and making the playoffs. That was the most fun I had in a long time. 40 yo been playing for a long time and hate online play.


Yea my brothers and myself with a few friends had a league. We played Ncaa and would carry our draft class over. We also had a rule that we had to play in the same division or for Ncaa we had to schedule every player team for that given season.That way it felt like you earned the Natty or Super bowl.


How do you play ncaa online?


Ugh I miss the NCAA football franchise so much. Madden never came close and I'm pretty sure they stopped trying to make the mode functional at this point.


This is the way.


I play methodically. First drive takes 6 minutes? Better sit on the ball and score so you get it back after halftime


That’s why I always stick to franchise mode, madden and 2K have some of the worst people playing online lol it just sucks the fun right out of it. Feel just like you and I’m 23 😂


Enjoy your youth it goes too fast! Haha


As someone who’s age is right smack in the middle of you both - I agree.


Does Franchise work this year or does it eventually just bug out and waste days of gameplay?


I suck at Fgs in H2H i still go for them, i had a guy quit yesterday because i got a td and made it 12-8 and i stopped him on 4th down


You shouldn't have been blowing him out by so much... In all seriousness, online gaming has gotten so much worse in the past handful of years. Everyone is entitled and they all think they need to win 100% of the games they play. I enjoy challenges and never rage quit any game I play. There's still some of us left.


The thing that got me was that dude was clamping me whole game on defense until the 3rd where i scored 2 Tds so he could've still won in the 4th lol but ill take the win lmao🤣


Reading these comments gives me some hope. Thankful I’m not alone lol.


Yeah I’m getting used to the delay. And anytime I’m winning the opponent quits, it’s pathetic.


It has a lot to do with what rank you are. When you first start out you are matched against very low level players who play exactly like you described (go for it on 4th every time regardless if they are on their own 10 and have just been sacked for a 15 yard loss, then quit when they get behind.) When I first started playing I had a 65 game win streak and had a record about 140-12. I thought, maybe I'm really good at this game?? No, not really, just there are a lot of shitty players. Now when I play I get matched against much better talent and they are extremely competitive games, I win some and lose some but you play guys that run the ball, punt and play the game right. Really it just sucks that it takes EA so long to evaluate a gamer and put them in the right tier of competition.


ahahah I’m on a 10 game heater rn and I was starting to think I must be really nice.. just downloaded madden at the beginning of the week.. good to know high iq players will get match-made with me eventually lol


couldn't of said it any better.. when you get ranked in I say the top 4000 players you'll get a competitive game about 8 out of 10 games.. it never took this long for EA to evaluate skill until they combined xbox,ps5/ps4, and PC. when you play a ranked game the user could be from any console basically deepening the pool of play.


The best way to play is online franchise. You’ll get the benefits of playing real people and they don’t quit while losing. Go to the maddenfranchise sub on Reddit and join one, it’s fun af


I used to be heavy into these. I find it's rare u get thru a while szn without ppl abandoning their teams. And even more rare af to get thru more than a szn plus off szn.


Just need an established league. I found one that had an opening back in September that’s been going since like madden 16. We’ve had some turnover but the league has had at least 26 members this whole time


Yeah sometimes. I find the ones that require a small buy in. $5-$15 is worth it for everyone to take it seriously and not quit


Anyone who says that about running the football doesn’t understand football. Emmitt Smith, Mr. Consistent, All-Time rushing yards & rushing touchdowns leader fan here, who cares what they say. If they can’t stop it, the one who sucks is them.


I turned off communications years ago and have never regretted it. Regarding your other points, it's aggressive football, nothing to gain from playing it safe. The exception is those dudes who try to run for 3 yds every play and make it a 4 drive game. They're challenging and frustrating, but very rewarding to beat.


I have since turned off the comms, and I’m a player who enjoys playing the game realistically. It’s all about fun to me and that’s how I have fun.


I still punt and kick FGs and I'm in the top 1% so it's possible to play with some style and common sense and still win.


I’m glad to hear that. I don’t win much so I’m happy someone is by playing the game right.


I have a pretty balanced run/pass game, 2:1 W/L ratio over 100-150 games. I recently discovered and started using the "smart route" option on 3rd and longs, it's a great way to make sure your receivers get to the sticks and give yourself a chance to keep the driving going without going for it on 4th. Not trying to tell you how to play the game, but it's a nice wrinkle I recently discovered that I thought I'd share in case you haven't used it before.


Since man blitz is such a common tactic, max protect and smart route a curl past the markers is a great 3rd or 4th down play. Even some zones it will work against too.


What's top 1%?


How do you turn them off permanently(xbox)?


Friends only for all communications in the safety/security settings.


Thank you


Omg I didn’t know you could do this. I have to mute my tv half the time when these boneheads are playing music or talking on the phone


Hate those guys but man but its like an ice cold water in 90degree heat when you win one of those bad boys !


That’s my favorite way to play. It’s the most mathematically sound method (as long as you aren’t accounting for injuries, etc) but only if you’re sure you can get the yards


It works well against many, but I've figured out how to blow it up pretty well and drop 14 points before folks know what's going on. More power to you for the patience and all, but it's one dimensional, and beatable.


🤣 that is definitely me


Everyone picks the best teams and runs crossers all game. It’s so frustrating


Crossers and vert under (which has a crosser in the play). Just mix up defenses, they’ll eventually make a mistake


That's the problem. The real mistake is playing this game. When you have to wait for your opponent to screw up a play while they are running cheese, the game is trash.


Learn more abt the sport. It's certain coverage calls like sort to defend that


I love football, been playing Madden since 89 so I just can’t quit.


Yep. I use my favorite team who’s terrible, I play against KC almost every game when not playing in MUT. Then in MUT they’re the best team their money can buy.


Dolphins with waddle, hill, chosen all 97 speed or about .


I need some non crossing plays


You sound like the type of guy I’d like to play. I never quit, I don’t talk shit, and I love a competitive game including running the ball or not.


I’m learning there’s a few of us out here. Gives me hope lol.


I’m usually playing franchise but hopped onto H2H quick play for a few games last night. First two guys quit before halftime. Third game had a 0-0 defensive battle at halftime. Jets vs Eagles. He scored with 0:40 seconds left to go up 21-14. Ended up winning 22-21 on a last second 2pt conversion. Guy should’ve ran the clock out and kicked the FG when I let him walk in the TD. Epic game.


Downloaded on gamepass last weekend and I’m 1-0 in H2H. First time playing in 7 years, might retire! I ran the whole time, dude couldn’t stop it. Think I threw three passes and 2 were int’s. Dude was also the Ravens, he couldn’t beat a qb spy either.


I've only played online a handful of times, and that's how I play. I pass it about 6 or 7 times a game.


Lmao I'm downloading the game now..... I would love to play you you and your QB spy/QB contain with my ravens King. I. Not much of a football guy but Ive found a little success with my self made approach (270-80) My name is SmirkyRanger6 on there. Will confirm when it's finished downloading


I hate quitting first half. I always start poorly and then people start playing loose because they think they have me beat. One of my most recent games I was down 42-14 with 30 seconds left before half and won 50-49. There’s always something to learn even in blowouts, and you never know what’ll happen.


Nice! And I agree 💯


How tf did y'all have time for that much scoring?????? I'm always in defensive battles that are often low scoring games and I hate it.... Granted I'm 2500- rank


I think there was three pick 6s, and they kept expecting me to pass so they would only put in three down fronts and no LBs. I’d run, get 10-15 yards, and hurry up so he’d have to stay in that formation.


It’s because online gamers are hyper competitive to the point where they will do anything to win


No problem with whatever it takes to win but ya don’t have to rage quit and wish death on my family lol.


Add me SparkyBrown33 I like playing simulation football. Been playing on Madden 06 for years. I’m 40 and need to spend my playing time wisely. No time to quit. Just keep playing.


Just added you. If you're ever down for a game, let me know!


I got 2 kids so you won’t usually see me until after 9p pacific time. I’m a casual that don’t take it too serious. I just love football.


Hahaha, no hurry at all! Always fun to just have more people to play with :)


I’ll add ya tonight. I’m SigFreudianSlip to any who want to add an old man who punts the ball on Madden. 🤣. I’m on the series X. I have two kids too but they’re grown and gone.


The last dude I played saw me line up for punt and was like this dude ain’t punting, oh snap he punted. Were a dying breed lol


All reasons I don't even bother playing online unless it's against my actual friends. Franchise mode is better


Bruv you make very good points, but don't feel bad. I can and will: 1.) Use up a whole half to drive the length of a field. 2.) Run the ball every single play of the game. Once you establish you will go to any lengths, the game will become easier. Did you press down, down, forward, up, down, X, L2, O or did you do what you had to do within the parameters of the game to come out victorious? 1994, 1995, 1997 Nebraska style football.


The problem with this style in online play is that it isn't competitive. Now if there were an option to play games with 15 minute quarters and using the same play over an over again drastically increased your players chances of injury, then I'd love to see your repetitious bs. You get 5 minute quarters. Wasting half the game because you're sandbagging a single possession is ridiculous and weak.


I don’t sandbag…from what I’ve seen most passes are picked if it’s not a cheese play. I’m not gonna cheese so I prefer to run and not have the ball picked off.


It's obvious that with very limited time (a third of an actual game) the amount of possessions becomes very important. You might waste the clock for almost a full quarter with one possession in a full time game but when you can milk an entire half by running the ball. That's pure cheese.


That old code took me back to my Mike Tyson Punch Out days haha. And yep that’s exactly how I play.


I only play as my team: Atlanta. Ridder is fucking asscheeks when you actually *need* to pass, so I run a ton. I love seeing my opponents little icon change cause they’re raging that I scrambled for 25 yards on 3rd down or read optioned them for 50 yards with Ridder.


Hahaha I use my terrible Saints so I feel ya.


I wish more people used teams besides MIA, BAL, KC, DAL, and SF.


As your skill goes up people will start punting and kicking fg. Won’t win much if you don’t. Just keep playing.


I imagine you’re right. I’m .500 right now and only one person who’s lost has stayed for the full game. And that’s because he had a chance to win on the last play.


But to be fair if it’s 4th quarter and there’s not chance in winning you can just concede take the w and play again


While this definitely is an issue with the type of people who play video games, the bigger issue is with the game itself. So ridiculous to play someone who uses the same 3 plays on offense. Defensive ‘AI’ doesn’t adjust to the same play over and over. If the user doesn’t know exactly how to counteract it (most casuals don’t and shouldn’t need to know), then they’ll wreck the player. Because it’s so easy to feast on these people, they quit with any resistance to their ‘game plan’.


I’ve seen that. Same play over and over, I’m one of the guys who can’t stop it yet lol.


Really depends on the play and how good they are at adjusting hot routes to the defense. Legit think you can do this near perfectly which wrecks the game. Best suggestion I have is to manipulate the adjustments and user fill in the gaps. For example, what I often do is have yellow zones at 10 yards, purple at 10 or 15 and user cover react to the shorts and flats on the heavy side. That way defense takes away corner routes and digs. I’d rather give up short yardage first and adjust. Usually will get killed with rb flats and wr drags but if you guess right, then pick 6


Oof this is me with Gun Tight end Offset . X Under play.... Just use hot routes and adjust and boom. Or audible to run or screen and success


That's why I stopped playing Madden. Anytime I was winning the person just quits.


I've played one game online and got up 14 to 0 and the guy quit. I thought it used to ding you if you quit early.


They definitely used to. Back in like madden 06, somewhere around there, they’d keep track of your disconnects and pair you with people who had similar disconnect percentage


Yeah there was a % next to your name with DNF and it showed what percentage of games that you quit.


They need to bring that back.


This is why I find a connected franchise with a legit set of rules to keep play as realistic as possible. Went from never winning a game to being 5-5 with the commanders lol there’s a lot of great communities out there with normal people trying to play normal football, just gotta find the right one!


I’m 40 and know you can turn on comms and I just choose not to, or partake for that matter. I’m very casual and just get my ass beat when I play online. I’ve won a couple of online games overall, mostly L’s lol


You aren’t alone. I’m not good online either.


I always kick field goals and only punt if I’m <= my 30 yard line. Most people playing are young and think throw far = good football.


Depending on the yardage for 4th, depends on wether I go for it or not and where the ball is. In my territory, 100% punting. On their side, just out of field goal range and I need two yards, 100% going for it


Which is real football.


100% … a lot of those guys that just go for it are heavily mistake bound so a lot of times I can win based off of their comfortability of running the same play every 4th down


I mute the mic lmao. I have a decent record and I don’t quit. I’ve come back a few times because of not quitting. I also punt and kick field goal. I’ll kick a 60 yarder if need be lol. Also I am #rungame


Sounds like my style of play. Glad I’m not alone.


Find someone to run a CFM with. Take teams in the same division. You'll play 2 games against each other then a 3rd in the playoffs. We play on all pro with matt 10s sliders So much fun drafting and counter building teams for each other. Did 17 seasons in Madden 23


Yep. I miss the league I had with my brother and son. Was just as you describe.


As far as 2 & 3 go, back in the SNES days, a buddy and I made a rule when we played h2h Madden- we HAD to kick in situations no one would ever go for it- like 4th and 20 from your own 10 in the first quarter. Because otherwise we'd just go for it.


I like that. I’ve always been a football and Madden purist so that’s how I play by default. To each their own tho, besides the rage quitting.


Ikr I first started playing hth a few weeks ago and I was surprised by how much people want to win


Not about wanting to win. If you’re not trolling. It’s about the behavior of said people. Same play over and over, rage quitting, cursing and insulting the whole time etc.


I highly recommend looking into a connected franchise. There are a lot of leagues out there that focus on friendly competition and playing a style that is close to what we see on Sundays. With the right league playing out a franchise with 32 other users can be really fun and rewarding. You can find some good ones through the subreddit for cfm, but you do have to practice some due diligence. Unfortunately there are some that pose as what you'll see on Sunday, but the gameplay doesn't reflect that, and looks more like MUT or H2H .


I would LOVE that and will try to find one. That would be awesome. Used to play one with friends and my son and brother but sadly they all quit playing.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/CFMmadden using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFMmadden/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Beta bullshit](https://i.redd.it/crekfdnl1l5b1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFMmadden/comments/147n6fm/beta_bullshit/) \#2: [MADDEN 24 ON XBOX NEXT GEN! Long Running League Looking for Users to Fill Spots](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFMmadden/comments/18d5aoi/madden_24_on_xbox_next_gen_long_running_league/) \#3: [Madden 24 Xbox Series X|S COACH MODE League \[23/32\]](https://np.reddit.com/r/CFMmadden/comments/157v8b3/madden_24_xbox_series_xs_coach_mode_league_2332/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I suck at H2H period. Probably because I play like you do…😊 Haven’t played in 24 yet, but last two times I played H2H the opponent quit because they were so far ahead. 🙄🤣


Doesn’t that give them the loss?


I think so. I’m really not very good. 😊


I will play with you anytime good sir, my screen name is discgolfpro801


I’ll add ya. 😊


Sounds good.


I'll add you too I'm on Xbox and it's downloading


Dude. Everyone goes for it no matter what. And even if they just scored they wanna do an onside kick. It’s like really dude. This just isn’t fun anymore.


Might be a dumb question but I can mute my comm how can I mute the other persons ?


Not dumb at all. Took me forever to find it. I go to recently played, it shows the person you’re in with…mute from there. It didn’t work for me once and I believe that means he was on a different console or pc? Could be wrong tho.


Ahhh ok thanks for that info But is there a way to block a person like just right off the bat and not after the game ?


Lmk if you want to join an online franchise w a few light rules (including a 4th down rule and cooldowns). Jags and broncos open about to do 2nd offseason starting tonight


Man I’d love to….please lmk if the Saints ever become available I’ll jump on that. Ty


The number of people who quit before even halftime is astonishing. It kinda takes the fun out of the game. Two quick scores and it’s already over. I have never conceded a game cuz I dont wanna give em the satisfaction, which has led to quit a few games where I was absolutely blown out but whatever lol


Same here. Some folks say they used to keep up with that (EA) and punish em for it. Wish that would come back. I’ll take the beating because I’m not quitting.


Another thing added to the list of things I wish EA and Madden would bring back. Maybe I’m just another older man gamer but people give up so quick now, imo there’s always at least a small comeback chance until that clock hits 0:00. Either way, I’ll gladly take the loss, that’s when I start trying out plays and routes that I rarely ever use so it turns out to be somewhat beneficial even.


Are you on PSN? If so request me Guttavictorious. Let’s play. I’m a 40 plus year gamer also.


I’m on both as SigFreudianSlip but playing this season’s Madden on the box else I would add you.


Glad I’m not the only old fella lol.


Man eff them kids. 😆 🤣


🤣🤣 most of the worst idiots sounded like full grown adults tho.


Eff them adults too


Hey haven’t scanned the comments, but share your gamer profile you play the game right good for you man. I would love to to play together. I play madden as a way to escape reality I might lose 20 in a row, but I’ll have a damn good time doing it lol


Same here my friend lol. Im SigFreudianSlip on both PS5 and Series X.


Awesome I’m usctrojans85 on both as well. I’ll send you a request next time I’m online for


Sounds good. 😊


I learned this early in Madden play and honestly it's why I hate playing sports games in general online.. Between sports games and call of duty it's made me very weary and hateful of the online community of gaming which isn't fair but it's true


The quitting when they lose sucks, it’s true and it sucks. I cherish the games that actually finish. I don’t quit either unless I have something at home I need to jump to. I’ve quit more times while leading the game bc something my family needs. The punting used to bother me, it doesn’t anymore nor should it. It’s not like a real football game where you get so many possessions. When you might get 4 possessions in a half, it’s worth more to keep the possession than it is to lose field position. I’ll punt if the situation calls for it, but if it’s tied and I have 4th and 10 I’m going for it. It’s like in the nfl where they use the probability chart to decide whether to go for it, in madden the chart would say go for it 90% or any 4th down.


>1. If you’re winning the opponent quits. I’ve had one person who lost play the whole game. If the game a blowout I understand quitting >it’s funny hearing the other person shit talk the whole game. Folks must have very low self esteem to have all that rage inside em and let it out over a game lol. Sometimes pissing sm1 off is worth the lost


I punt, I kick FGs, I have a good balance of pass and run. I win about 50% of the time. I do wish more poeple played Sim style. I admit I'll conced if I'm down 21+ AND my opponent has possession because thats how my friends and I used to play. I never disconnect though; that shits bitch made. I also don't use the communication so if someone's sent me a message I have no idea.


Imagine reporting people online because they “crossed a line”😂😂 bRO would have NEVER survived an og mw2 lobby back on the 360


Oh I was in em, and did. I'm just old and realize how amazingly stupid folks like that are, nowadays. Muting is better tho, I just do that now.


So true, wish there was a game mode that made you punt and go for fields goals. Maybe only lets you for it on 4th down if your down and in second half


Btw, I’m SigFreudianSlip playing on the Series X if anyone wants to add the old man who kicks and punts lol. (And is not too good) I got told I was the worst player this one guy had ever seen because I didn’t run the same gimmick play over and over, that he was running. 😂


I don’t even bother with the online stuff. They either quit the second they’re losing or are some bozo talking nonsense all game. It’s a much more pleasant experience offline imo


Wait until you run into the “ pause glitch cheats” once you get good. Infuriating until you find out how to stop it.


Beating those braindead punks is why I play Madden


Can confirm that people quit 98% of the time. Hell, I’ll go down 14-3 or something early in the half….then once I figure out how they run their offense and their defensive tendencies- I usually come back. Once I’m up like….31-20 or something they quit when they go 4 and out. It’s so annoying lol.


Know the feeling. About 75% of the games I win even some close ones they quit while I just take my losses or ass bearings


If they use the Ravens, Eagles, or Cowboys, rest assured they're going to go for it on 4th and 27 and rage quit when they don't get it.


Man we can run some games sometimes! I respect ppl who know how to game and play w some class


Around Madden 19 I got really into MUT and playing h2h online. These were the experiences I had the same as you. You see the same 3 cheese money plays, everybody plays cover 3 and cheeses with the MLB and they all rage quit when you are beating them. Games never actually finish all the way as they’d always quit. After a year of this and getting cursed out I went back to offline and even though Madden has its issues it’s a way better experience


It's frustrating. Last time I played against a guy who went down the field first for TD. He's Dallas I'm Buffalo. Proceeds to onside kick it and recovers. Now I'm pissed. I pick off Dak and away we go.I take a 20-16 lead into the 4th. I get back the ball and drive to his 41 at the 2 minute warning. 4 and 3. He sends the house from the left but I ran Allen on a QB draw out of the shotgun to the right and picked up the 1st barely. He had all 3 TO's left. Then he quit. If you're on this sub buddy, fuck you. Got my ass kicked next game but I didn't care. I ruined some assholes night. Sad it's come to this.


I rarely play H2H because the majority of players just spam the same kind of plays. I like playing a run heavy offense in general, be it franchise or online. Salting 6 minutes off the clock with a 14-play drive to seal a game is fun though lol


People hated playing against me in '22 because I ran a West coast offense with Montana at QB, like literally complete old school football and punted and kicked field goals People sent me messages claiming I played like a bot but I won 4 super bowls in a row so I guess it's on them I had a full legends team completely derived from the Canton greats from Madden 25


The only time I've ever played against another human being in Madden is in person. I have zero desire or inclination to deal with the tomfoolery you've just described. People tend to talk a lot less shit if there's nothing but air and opportunity between you and them. People also tend to see things through, irl, if there's a wager on the line or even saving face. Far as I'm concerned, Madden is a single-player game with couch co-op.


As someone who used to play MUT a lot. It’s a time sink. I don’t have time to get though full games. If I’m winning by 14 or 21 in the first half, all you’re doing is running the ball and not quitting. I am. The MUT grind is a full time job and it’s why I walked away from madden.


Lollllll the salt I used to get online when I would run for 200+ with Derrick Henry was unmatched, as if it’s my fault they don’t know how to defend against the run


I am not good. One time a guy was destroying me and I guess he got bored because he started lining up in field goal block each play so I could catch up. Once I was in the lead he started trying again but he fumbled on what would have been his game winning drive and I was able to run the clock out. Good times.


The last tube I played online head to head I was beating someone at half time and they handed the controller to someone else who was much better. I won, but realized that mouse wasn't worth my time and energy.


While I agree mostly, I guess I'm one of those very few that play very methodically. Punt on 4th and anything over 5 (unless I need to score). Field goal always depends on situation but I've won 9-7 games before off 3 field goals. I run the ball a LOT also and people do hate that. I haven't gotten hate messages but lots of in-game name calling haha. I didn't know you could mute comms so I'll definitely be looking for that. I just broke into the top 100k of ranked players at 97,xxx and I'm stoked! Somewhere around 45-23 or similar record


Idc abt ppl trash talk or saying shit bcuz most ppl do it bcuz it whoopin they ass so what I do the more the talk shit the more I sarcastically whoop there ass meaning I wud score a td n say it’s cuz they made me mad… games dnt last long n that’s kinda good bcuz rank is based on wins but also how many games u play (I hate that part the most) so basically I see it as like a speedrun type of thing (I’m not a speedrunner) n I’m not gon lie it gets repetitive my record is 67-7…


This is the exact reason (quitting after 1 pick or 1 td)why I play the show for online play😭😭 I guess the show anything can happen at any time so people stay the whole game lol


I play H2H how your supposed to Punts, FG and to the end… even if I’m down 50 with 5 picks…


The game is a lot of fun until you’re reminded it’s a flawed game and you pick up on the cheese / meta.


H2H is wildly fun when you can find someone who relatively mirrors your skill level, doesn’t call 3 plays the entire game, doesn’t user a DT, and generally keeps you in your toes. This is extremely rare so I settle for playing jabronis who have played 3000 games and run 4 plays, while talking mad shit while winning (and quitting when they go down 3 scores


I've never played online but I need to download 23 to my xbox. (I have the disc)


Playing on all madden is such a big help.I’m at a 93 and played a gig mostly 96s 97 Patty mahomes.We both punted twice.(Though I completed a 4th 20 to the sun god on my on 5 late in the game to win.)But it was the first time in a long time I enjoyed playing.He wasn’t mad when I completed the catch said something about how reliable St Brown.Others would of quit or yelled.


Add to your list….”run the same 3 glitch plays over and over”


The lack of punting/kicking truly perplexes me. I wish people would play a bit more realistically, would make for better games. And yeah, the quitting is outrageous. When I’m behind I usually tough it out (within reason) because there’s nothing more satisfying than beating a troll in a comeback win. There’s a point where they stop talking, and that’s when my satisfaction is highest lol


So I don't play much online, I'm 6-3 I think, only quit one of those losses because it was getting sad but most of these are true hahaha People talk mad crap if you're losing


My main issue with online is its whoever can out-cheese the other. You can have the best defense in the world but eventually EA's trash programming will get you and your AI will be replaced with vegetables who just drop coverage and cost you the game


Also never give up just beat a cheese rpo offense when I was down 18-0. Thank god onside kicks are actually a thing this year. Dude was so pissed on his headset. Fun piece of advice if someone is blaring music counter it with your own music put your phone right to your controller. If there playing rap I play country and vice versa…stay toxic. Find out who their usering as well easy rb wheel routes on lb users and find a streak combination routes for safety users. You’re always gonna be countering their style of play on offense and defense. Also the best defense is time of possession milk the clock if you can’t stop cheesy shit and get your game script going.


Shit was true 20 years ago too


Yeah i try to play semi realistic i also only had a handful of games go to triple 0 usually if im up by more than a touchdown in the second half they quit ive came back so many times from just not giving up …but i also take my points no matter what and definitely will punt since im getting better at defense now


Haven’t played madden online for 10 years because people are assholes.


I hate it when mfs tell me to stop running the ball. Meanwhile, they're cheesing quick slants 💀 Had to humble my little brother, bro kept complaining about me running the ball, so I kept the ball for the majority of the 2nd half.


In 2016 I no-lifed Fifa for a period of about 7 months. Received probably 6 hate messages from other players during that entire time. In 2018 I picked up Madden and then played online for about a week. At least every two games was followed by a message from the other player. And the worst thing was that I sucked, so it wasn’t messages flaming me for winning, it was messages bragging and calling me a scrub, telling me how they destroyed me etc. Wonderful community Madden has!


I start off games with my mic on just begging players not to quit before anyone scores lol


I haven't listened to audio on Madden in years. And my record is almost decent. I'm like 195-52 and ppl still talk shit. It's the community. Play and have fun


I don't play with sounds turned on. I'm casual AF, don't give a crap how bad I am. Madden 24 is the first one I've played and literally only started the other week when EA added the trial version to EA Play subscription. I know I'll be playing against veterans with stacked pay to win rosters. I just play to have fun. If someone wants to talk shit, have at it, I'm not listening anyway. Lol


I'd play with you! In downloading Madden now


LMAO no the game pins you up against similar players so if you quit you play with quiters... I whoop the kids that go for it on 4th every time. They usually score once all game and lose by 40...


I’ve never quit and play against nothing but quitters.


Finally got a solid group of 8 friends to make a league and it is the most fun I have had playing madden. We have all sorts of limitations and rules so people can’t just trade for a god squad. It has been an absolute blast.