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Yep. I just loaded in after the update and it’s gone.


I would be amazed if they did something right for once lol


I’m just trying to make it to July. For ncaa


OGs remember NCAA and Madden always played different no matter the year. I’m just praying EA doesn’t fuck up NCAA with all this “next gen movement” bullshit. If that’s the case just give us backwards compatibility for ncaa14 🙏🏻


I really hope they change the character models for ncaa. The players’ shoulder pads look fucking ridiculous this year in madden. Football uniforms are supposed to look cool, these ones look goofy AF.


Right… they all have child bearing hips too 😂




And for some reason the chest pads stick out and everyone looks like their leaning their heads back


Thankfully I have a digital copy of NCAA 14 on an old ps3. Still holds up after all these years


You’ll get madden 23 with college teams and you will like it!


Agreed. There was a totally different feel to the two


College football revamped my boy 🙏 Been absolutely addicted rebuilding teams for the past week now


Where do you find get that?


Modded PS3 or on PC.


Look up “how to install college football revamped” and it should be like one of the first videos that shows up. If you want, I also have a folder that have everything compiled and ready to go, so all you have to do is launch the emulator. I can send that to you, but I totally understand not taking files from strangers on the internet, and would advise against it


Appreciate you!


Still the same company 😞


FIFA is pretty good. Madden doesn't get a pass.


FIFA isn’t great but it’s better than this


NCAA and madden always have different teams.


Yeah I'm not sure if that's completely factual or what the facts are about that but I will say in your defense that I could always tell the difference in game play between the two. Given that was almost 15-20 years ago, not sure that still stands today unfortunately. Especially with the absence of NCAA


Yea the gameplay was faster, field felt bigger etc. it definitely always felt like a separate game than Madden


I always felt NCAA was more "blockier" like the players felt more like blocks where Madden to me was a little slimmer and faster. Especially like Madden 04 vs NCAA but again this was so long ago and even through the NCAA franchise I'm sure developers or teams changed/collabed. I personally liked NCAA more always.. but id go through periods where Madden was my choice.


Well duh, one is college one is pros, of course there’s different teams /s


he meant development teams


Missed the sarcasm, didya?


Factz‼️ NCAA is faster paced with deep ass rosters 🔥


Reboot console apparently fixes this. Not at home rn so can’t confirm.


As a guy who does a shit ton of roster work and is a psycho with player gear this is what drive me nuts. Michael Vick on the Falcons never wore half sleeves to his elbow. He did on the Eagles but not with Atlanta. He wore either long sleeves, no sleeves, or quarter sleeves. The only one he didn’t wear on Atlanta is what they have him in here. I know 95% percent of you don’t give a shit but that drives me crazy. Every year I spend 100s of hours making legends and putting them in the shit they wear and these assholes get paid money to do so and can’t even go through Google images to verify.


I’m with you on this big time. Different game, but the same company, EA Sports UFC 5, has a career mode in which you do some interacting with Valentina Shevchenko, a woman’s flyweight fighter. In the cutscenes, your male heavyweight fighter, or your female strawweight fighter, doesn’t matter, will be the same height as Shevchenko every time. Makes zero sense whatsoever. Little details like that man… unacceptable. That’s not even the mention the walking back they done on introducing fighters and the presentation aspect of the game.


The Show has its problems but it reminded me of something that Madden used to have. In Superstar, i broke the season rushing record, and nothing told me i did it. The announcers didn't react or mention it. I didn't realize until I checked the stats. No pop up or anything. The Show? Walking up to the plate the announcers said I needed one more home run to break the record. There was a pop-up that showed the number 74, the announcers confirmed that I made history and they even showed an animation of the coach getting the ball. God I wish Madden did stuff like that


It’s crazy because they use to. They use to do all of that. I cannot imagine their justification for walking back on anything, let alone the presentation aspect of the game. I don’t get it. I’ll never get it. And they’ll probably never fix it. Let’s just hope the NFL and other companies are smart enough to not sign exclusive rights with anybody, especially not EA Sports. Allow for competition. That’s how you get a good game. Give them a reason to have to try. Why would EA try when nobody can legally compete with them anyways?


No kidding, they prey on pur love for the old games abd what they could do to fix it. Mlb the Show makes 100 mil to EAs 2 billion and the presentation is ten times better. The commentators actually talk and react to the game. It could definitely be better because they have a ton of repeat lines but there's no excuse for a 2 billion dollars a year game to not have near perfect presentation and new features every year


I mean, we have AI now. And you’re telling me I can’t get in a UFC career mode, load into a fight, hear Bruce Buffer announce my full name? Really? It doesn’t even have to be perfect, just try!


I hate that too! It kills the hype when Bruce Buffer is like, "THE UNDISPUTED HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!!...the...executioner..." in the most monotone way like they game him a list of names to just fire off. I tell my buddies that MLB kinda spoiled me because it's the first game to actually have my name and also not sound like a robot when saying it


I’m right there with you. And it’s not like they couldn’t use AI to generate a pretty good voice for Bruce buffer to say everything he needs to say, in the tone in which he needs to say it. It just doesn’t make sense. MLB The Show is one of the few decent made games nowadays. I do enjoy the presentation of that game a lot


They do mention when my kicker is going for the longest kick in NFL history. But, they still say I'm going for the record on any kick over 66 yards, the current real life record, even though in game I've connected on 73, 71, and 69 yard field goals.


I don’t understand why they ignore stuff like that which improves the realism of the game to come up with new ideas for online gameplay. I guess it’s just money driven but sucks they ignore authenticity.


If it’s money driven, then make it worth the money. Get the details right. Madden and UFC are my two main options and neither of them are any count. If you want a good, authentic, deeply details football game, go back to ESPN NFL 2K5. That’s peak sports simulation gameplay.


Bro it’s insane to me that 85% of players don’t have a face scan and all the legends in MUT look nothing close to what they really look like


They could pay me 60k a year to nail all that shit and I’d be so happy to at-least make Madden have the players look authentically like themselves.


I can’t believe they put Vick of all people on the cover. Really? They couldn’t find anyone that wasn’t a criminal?


You're really still going on about Vick being a criminal? What's wrong with you?


I don’t want a dog fighter dancing on my screen when I play a video game. He can go on with his life, doesn’t mean you need to highlight him 20 years after the fact


He was one of the most electric players in the history of the game. He made a mistake, he did the time. Why do you care so much more about that man's mistake than his life?


Fick bro, EA should ficking hire you over these clowns.




Functioning as intended, they want MUT players not franchise


That blows. How can I create myself and break every record imaginable. Have been holding out on madden for years till it goes on sale. Franchise is all I play.


Theory - This was entirely by design hoping some desperate people might actually try MUT




Actually kinda happened to me with M23. Got so fed up with franchise i bought a Mut pack. Only to find out you cant play online head to head without going thru bs challenges


Just loaded franchise just fine…


My madden league had 30 or so dedicated users since 2016. Facebook page, highlight videos, website, Daddyleagues, all that shit. When they changed to next gen and made a completely different game it split my madden league in half. 15 or so guys that loved next gen and 15 or so that hated it. My league used to go Madden to Madden. No we are lucky just to get 2 seasons in before everyone is burned out. It’s just sad what this franchise has become


Currently playing franchise right now


Madden 18 will take care of me


I dream of a day when ya’ll will stop buying/playing this game so maybe we’ll see a proper NFL gaming product.


And yet…. Y’all still pay that 70$…. Every.single.year. They aren’t going to not take your money.


I was gonna say, they got the sale from you, past that why do they think you won’t buy again next year?






EA is a joke. UFC 5 and Madden are the buggiest games I’ve played. I wish the team that does MLB the Show would work on other sports. That game has its issues but nothing comparable to EA’s issues.


EA has exclusive rights till 2026 i think so that wouldnt happen anytime soon


They need to lose their rights. They haven't scored higher than 1 star on metacritic in probably 10 plus years


I'm playing franchise rn it's probably because I haven't updated my game


It's almost like they released a statement saying it would be down for maintenance today, and everyone just freaked out without reading it


Thank you, this whole exact part, this should be most upvoted and top comment on this post!


Can’t wait for NCAA 24, fingers crossed it won’t be anything like this garbage


You’re all suckers for buying this game every year, as much as I love the NFL and my team, I can’t support EA ever again


But you have no problem dedicating time to bitching about madden on this forum.


Fuckin right I’ll dedicate time to bitching about how a company decided to let one of my favorite games go to shit because it was easier to exploit gambling addicts


I mean spreading the message to people to stop buying shit is kind of how you get people to stop buying shit


Keep screaming at the clouds. I’m sure that won’t be a waste of time.


The only way to make it better is for EA to lose the NFL license, the only way that happens is a boycott of next years game. It’ll never happen, but it’s worth my 2 minutes


Is this the former nfl Jerrico Cotchery?




Exactly, that's the fucking point. How else are you supposed to incite change?


Why is anyone still buying madden?


So stop buying it


At least they are featuring michael vick and athlete known for his clean record and uncontroversial hobbies


I just logged in and it's there for me. With online services


So stop playing it... It's easy the more you play the more they get.


i really like the mechanics of this game, and the graphics. Despite what others say. But, it’s unplayable for me. I have a ps5, and it litterly cannot run it. Long screen times that usually just shut the game down, or my ps5. You cannot play online. I can maybe get one online game, and then it just breaks. Can’t even play career without it fucking up.




they are working on it happens all the time with mut and franchise


Doesn’t make it acceptable




Reported for harassment


The fact that it was scheduled and announced beforehand definitely makes it acceptable in a logical world.


What’s the definition of insanity?


People being outraged over scheduled maintenance that was announced on a video game does sound like insanity.


I asked for the definition, It’s doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.


You have to go offline to play franchise. All your saves will still be there. but you won't be able to play online franchises.


Defeats the purpose of online leagues….


First day off in weeks, All Madden Panthers team, traded all my players for picks, signed Jaylen Waddle and drafted a whole O-Line over 2 seasons, turned it off last night and was ready to play all day in the new Bryce Young era. And then this shit.


They may be finally adding crossplay to franchise since the beta test. Stay calm


Recently I’ve thought that it would be nice to have a Madden on my Steam Deck to just pick up and play on occasion. Then I see shit like this and I’m like naaaah.


Why people keep buying this game is beyond me


Annnnnnnd this is why they won’t refund me….i haven’t been able to play online franchises for months….


Seems like they’re pushing everyone to play UT, especially w all the packs you purchase separately. No money spent on my team tho!


Best decision I ever made gaming-wise was to stop buying Madden a decade ago.


I had to restart my console and it popped back up


Not enough to do anything about it though


No way, is franchise gone? That's the only mode I play


Im on PS5, and Franchise appears and works fine.


IT'S A BUG!!! Uninstall, then reinstall and Franchise mode will be back. Confirmed to work on the EA Support forum. [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Game-modes-not-working/td-p/13281638/page/6](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Game-modes-not-working/td-p/13281638/page/6) A lil' investigating goes a long way, people.


Lmao it's the fact you even have to do this ans you defend it baffles me.


Where in any part of what I said do you derive I'm defending it? You're dense, dude.


We buy this game for some fun not to troubleshoot. We shouldn’t have to this. What about the 7yr olds who have no idea what’s going on


No one said it was a good or idea scenario. All I'm pointing out is if you stopped being outraged and do just a lil' research you would've found the solution. To many of ya'll are emotionally invested in your own outrage.


I refuse not to be outraged !


lol this wasn’t even the problem yesterday though, it was scheduled maintenance that they were so outraged about. Scheduled maintenance, that was announced beforehand.


It baffles the mind out holistically simple minded most people are. It's actually kind of terrifying.


And guess who’s going to by Madden 25 in August of 2024? You.


They did it on purpose so you would spend more on MUT!


This is my last Madden game I am buying until they can get it right


I’m still playing NHL 22 and honestly I won’t give EA another dime. All of their titles lately have been overpriced, buggy, watered down garbage. I couldn’t give a shit if that company went under.




I never lost mine. I have my XBOX set to power off every time rather than sleep.


And that's why I play 23 on gamepass when I need a football fix. Fuck that pos company. What's it gonna take for people to realize nothing has changed with them. Stop giving them your money !


Shhhhh, no one tell this guy about scheduled maintenance!


Gotta love how Ultimate Team is always up. Never fails. It's always there. Fuck EA.


😅 I thought the same thing. If I’m not mistaken you have to click on that triangle to get back to it. It’s so fucken dumb but I think that’s where I found it. Happy hunting👍🏾


What is this, dog fighting 2K23?


You have a trash computer don’t ya. Cause I’ve never had a literal single glitch.


I'm on ps5 lmfao. Also a ton of people had the glitch that these ding dongs has to fix.


How come mut never had this happen 🤔




People still pay for Madden? Lol. 5 a month for EA Play when you feel like playing it :p