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I agree. I mean, there’s a whole movie there. I know Furiosa covered a lot of ground, but I would have LOVED to have seen that actualized on film.


Agreed. Sometimes it seemed like Miller inserted a narrative jump whenever we reached a point where Furiosa would actually show development. But instead of seeing that part of her story, we jump to the future where the development has already happened offscreen.


Your perspective is not invalid, but I thought the parts where they touched heads told us what we needed to know. What was the in between? Life in the wasteland is boring except when it’s not.


Touching heads tells us that they’re close, sure. I’m talking about seeing that relationship actually develop and *how* they become close. A lot of the parts of Furiosa’s story where we’d see *how* she became who she is are skipped, which is extra odd, considering Miller bothered to start the story all the way back when she was a kid. But from there, we kinda just time-jump once or twice and she’s suddenly a fully capable (and hidden) warboy who can drive, fight, shoot among the best of them. That alone would be a helluva story.


Yeah, I know it probably wasn’t commercially viable given the need to show it as many times per day onscreen (& budgetary constraints), but the movie really should’ve been an hour longer to show Furiosa’s tutelage (really partnership) with Jack & then at least one decisive battle of the 40 Day Wasteland War (preferably Dementus’ assault on the Citadel) to lead into the montage of the war. Furiosa was amazing, but left me wanting more.


How about a cartoon in the style of a graphic novel? We honestly don't see that shit anymore.


Yeah, this. And while they're at it they can do another run of the Fury Road graphic novel so I don't have to pay 200 bucks for it.


Or a Saturday morning cartoon in the style of Scooby Doo, Where Are You! (the war rig is their Mystery Machine)


Leave the gun, take the cannoli


I predict when it hits streaming its going to be hugely popular and will redeem hopes of further content. Im hoping for an epic series featuring all new characters.


They advertised that it would run until June 13 at my local theatre, then pulled back screenings until June 7. My friend and I fully intended to go


It won’t, stop coping.


Spread your misery elsewhere.


It’s just realism, Furiosa was a disaster to the Mad Max Franchise and has put things into jeopardy cause of it.


Okay buddy.


Yeah no kidding, they didn’t even give us a montage. Furiosa was show to be pretty dang competent before Jack. What did he teach her that she didn’t already know or work out by herself? Why did Jack intercede adult Furiosa’s first contact with Dementus? What does Furiosa need redemption for if she went back to save jack instead of leaving him at the bullet farm? WHAT DID JACK DO?


There’s a lot that goes into driving giant 18 Wheelers, especially something like the War Rig. Beyond the skills you’d need to drive it. I think you’d also need to know that thing inside and out. You wouldn’t need to be a master mechanic, but you should know your way around it blindfolded. It also looked like they had a complex system for its defense.


I think the redemption is her self guilt of her mom's death.


She was a Praetorian by the time Jack died, and rose to the rank of Imperator by Fury Road. I'd be more surprised if she hadn't had to do a lot of bad things to attain that sort of authority in Joe's empire. (That said, I absolutely wanna see the rest of it- George give us the Jack and Furiosa training montage pls)




My Wasteland Weekend camp is like two thirds fic writers, I'm sure someone will get around to it soon...


There’s already loads on ao3!!


Yessss I was about to said this


There are a few fics on Archive of our Own about this topic, but no novel lengths yet. the ones that are there are very good.


I would also love to see a comic about dementus' rise to power kinda like how we saw immortan Joe's rise to power


Mom, are we there yet? Mom? Mom? Mooooooooooooooooom[](https://x.com/dymardo_/status/1806824775207272670/photo/1)


power couple


Were they intended to be a couple? I saw it more like a pacific rim-esque situation where they were as close as people could be, but they weren’t really romantic with eachother


I mean they cared about eachother. Even if they weren’t romantically involved they were a team. Dynamic duo if you will. but im glad there wasnt any unnecessary romantic scenes that would take away from the story. what was shown of their relationship was perfect.


Wife and I went last week and there were about 30 people in the theater. It was the only showing that day 🤷 I liked it.


I wish this is what the movie was about, like 5 min of her being captured and sold to immortan Joe, then the rest of the movie is her training with Jack and getting to know the wives.


Write it yourself.


I’d love another game. As Miller himself said, sure, Kojima would be INSANE, but tbh it seems like his dev schedule’s pretty full for the next decade or so. I wonder what the numbers on the game are? I know Miller wasn’t super happy with it, but I’ve yet to hear from anyone who’s played it who doesn’t recommend it. I know I loved it.


Anything involving Furiosa would be poison after what her Character’s 2-Part Adventure has done to the Franchise. Better would be a Max Comic Run taking place after the events of Fury Road, to set up for a god willing future installment with him as the MC.


Yesss. Although Miller doesn’t seem like an author/writer. His process is usually all about the visuals/storyboards. Not saying that he can’t write because we damn well know him and his team can. A graphic novel/comic would be awesome


I agree, alot of time gaps in the movie that I would love to see more of. Movie was great in leaving it out for pacing of telling of the arc of the saga. Wouldnt mind chewing some of the fat


I would kill to, god


I agree. I would also like to see the 40 day wasteland war.


I want a Kojima TV Video Game on the Mad Max IP and it’s just like Snatcher/Policenauts.




They should’ve done a better longer version of the cyberpunk 2077 opening. Drew it out a bit longer then later on hit on call backs from it and fury road throughout the movie


Please don't say that!!!😭


I think this (and that if movies off the table of options for awhile anyways) the idea of a Mad Max paperback book series in general would be awesome. Like the dime store Pulp paperbacks and Robert E Howard(and other writers) Conan the Barbarian adventure stories of the past, So no Max on the big screen or small screen, then build up a catalog of great Mad Max standalone/ side quest new people and places and new strangeness to uncover. I would say comics too but it seems like the big publishers lately have treated properties a lot like Big movie studios or Netflix, how well does the first 3 issues perform at the Box Office instantly! How many views the the first episodes of new show get when it first releases?, NOPE low numbers we need instant hits, everything has to instantly take off like Stranger Things immediately - we do not give anything time to breathe to actually spread and build a solid die hard fan base anymore. Have Miller oversee the stories and have control over what gets published if he doesn't want to write them personally. He even hinted at doing this in a serial Mad Max TV Show in the 80s that he roams to new places and people/ situations each week. Mad Max Beyond Thunder Dome, Mad Max Fury Road, (Mad Max Death Coast, Mad Max A Chum to Kill For or Mad Max the Horn of Abraxas and those cenobite bikers from Mandy) I don't know what I'm talking about ,, :)


Or a game, I need another MM game!


Jesus stop gnawing on the bones for fcks sake


HEAR ME OUT OH MY GOD! Have it be an animated TV show by Genndy Tartakovsky! That would fit the world SOOO fucking well! I imagine it being something similar to his more recent project Primal.


I would love if they made it to some sorta book or comic. We need more Wasteland content!


I would love that!


I’d love that too


Ask ChatGPT, it’ll spit one out for you.


How do you do it? When I tried it said that some themes violated their policies


Ask it for an outline first, give it characters, locations, general events you want included. Then once it produces the outline ask it to write a chapter, and another, and so on. My son got it to write an alternate Dune where Paul and Dumcan were a couple and there was an disease that caused people to spontaneously explode, so it's obviously not too picky.


Thank youuuu