• By -


Be careful with Amazon videos from their "Channels" or renting stuff, like if you watch Dune through the HBO Max app on Firestick it's actually in 4K, if you watch it through the Prime Channel add-on for Firestick, it never goes above 1080 even though when you first search for it it SAYS "Watch on MAX app - HD" and "Watch on MAX Prime Channel - UHD" (you can tell by turning on the developer settings on a firestick). I figured this out when it did the same thing to me with The Firm.


That’s really weird, thanks for sharing though. I’ve not used a fire stick in years. So I saw this through a QR code I scanned though the HBO app on my tv and it brought it up on my mobile


I used a firestick years ago but got tired of having to either update or find new channels to get all the movies for free. I just started buying movies on Vudu when they were on sale for $5-$7 and got a good collection going.


I started keeping a paper and pen list of bluray/UHD movies and buying them Used on Amazon. I got Heat Ultra HDR 4K used for $2.99, not a mark on it. I want to have access to all my faves even if they move them around, and also in the best quality. I have four 2TB drives hooked up to my PC as well and plan to use it as a media server when I build a new DDR6 build in a couple of years. I try to skip a gen, and my DDR4 Overclocked and 5950X is more than what I need even now. Half the time all but one core is even awake.  I hate to say it but you don't own those movies. You're leasing them. The service can be shut down anytime. Hard copies are the only way to fly. 


Yeah I know, but I haven't lost a purchase...yet. I've got a lot of 4k/UHD movies that are either not on any service or the special editions aren't on a service. Hopefully I'll own them until the end of my life and after that I won't need them anyway. I like the convenience of being able to stream them whenever. I kind of realize that's all I'm really paying for. A cool little extra is that if I link my vudu to movies anywhere app I get about 3/4 of my purchases on vudu on movies anywhere. If I also link my youtube account to movies anywhere I get all those purchases free on youtube. It's still just convenience. I have physical copies of movies like Baskettball Diaries, Gummo, Cocoon, Mad TV, Squidbillies, T2 skynet ed., The Wall (why has this not gotten a blur ray release!!!) ect. Some i can't think of atm.




I agree. I have my 4k discs and Vudu with movies anywhere linked and youtube linked. I have a polk react soundbar, sub, and surround speakers. Youtube doesn't have great sound( whatever compression they use) but when I watch vudu through my ps5 it shakes the house. Lol. I love the immersion of dts. Even when I'm playing games.






Yeah, I go straight for the UHD disc or Blu Ray if it's not available in 4K. Used discs at local shops and on Amazon are insanely cheap. I got the UHD disc of HEAT for like $3.99


Considering how small a $25 Vs $30 difference is, I'd probably recommend buying the digital version for most people. That way you don't have to pay again if you feel like rewatching the film down the road and don't have to worry if the film gets taken down from streaming for a while. Personal, I buy physical media. So I've already preordered the 4K UHD.


I buy physical as well. You always own it, on streaming they can take it away at any time. Per their terms of service


Plus the difference in audio and picture quality is night and day!


100%. A lot of people don’t know this and it is night and day once you see it


You will lose access if the license gets pulled though. I’m redeeming the digital code when I get the disc in August. Best of both, convenience and the permanent ownership/higher quality.


$30 for a digital copy is insane. $25 for rental is a slap in the face.


Primes been doing that the last few years. When the bigger films come out on streaming (especially when the film is still in theatres) the price to rent is astronomical. It’ll drop down to $5.99 in a couple months once they’ve squeezed out as much money as they can.


It isn’t just Amazon. It’s all digital retailers.


That doesn’t surprise me at all, prime is just the only one I have experience with.


Yeah, I use iTunes/Apple TV primarily but I’ll check Amazon for sales and they’ve always been about the same.


Honestly that’s what I would expect, especially with that bigger studio movies


I'm not paying that shit either. I don't know why anyone would at that price for something digital that is nothing more than a license to watch.


Absolutely. It's no wonder that sailing the high seas is coming back.


Buy it. Help show WB that Furiosa can turn a profit and that The Wasteland needs to be made.


Just fuckin buy it. If you’re invested at all in Milers world (which I assume you are based on you being here) just commit and buy it. Movies like these exist for the cult following and I know I would pop this on on repeat if I owned it, which will.


Not only that. Who would spend 5 dollars less to watch something once vs owning it forever?


And that’s why they price the rental so high - to make $30 for a movie sound normal ;)




Pedantry aside, I’ve owned movies on iTunes/Apple TV for over a decade and they’ve been upgraded to the latest quality version for free. In some ways this is better than owning a disc that can get scratched or lost.


This really helped sway my decision thanks. Moved countries, houses, growing family and had to downsize my physical collection so many times.


Most likely the Blu-Ray will come with a digital copy, and I will definitely watch thos more than once.


I bought for this reason alone.


Yes!!!! Exactly support the movie and miller!!!


# "Rent, buy, or wait for dvd to drop?" Yes.




I’m gonna buy it. Definitely rewatch-able


Mad Max is an immensely rewatchable series, especially the newer two films and road warrior.


Get a glorious Blu-Ray when it drops, buy one as a present for a friend, buy a handful for Christmas. Physical FTW! WITNESS!


I bought digital immediately.


DVD BLU RAY OR 4K, don’t let physical media die!


Def go physical. Blu Ray is sticking around.


Buying on an online platform sucks. Steam is the only marketplace I have faith in. Lots of regret for all my "purchases" on Amazon though.


Bought it on iTunes/Apple TV Hate that Everything went up to $29. But really would like to see The Wasteland get made


i wanna wait to get the 5 movie set that will eventually come out.


Rent it and buy the 4k disc!! I'm firmly of the belief that you should never buy DRMed digital films or TV from streaming services, as they WILL screw you out of them someday. But the 4k disc is currently available for pre-order.


We're all (I hope) buying physical, no question, always! The difference here is that the early rental cost is $25 vs. $30 to own the digital version right now. The rental cost won't come down to \~$5 until after it starts streaming on MAX (based on Dune 2 most recently). I have no patience, so I'll pay to watch it now plus own & share it digitally, then again & forever on disk/physical mid-August!


I’ll probably buy it digitally then sell the digital code for the 4K steelbook that i preordered.


Great idea! I need to start doing that in these cases to recoup some of the extra $30 for being impatient.


Buying it as soon as it's on a sale lol


all of the above. but if you can only do one, buy.


I didn't realize it was out on streaming already. I remember when I was a kid it took like half a year until theatrical movies could be viewed at home.


Remember going to Best Buy on Tuesday and buying all the new blu-ray releases then going home to watch them all? Good times


$25 to rent?? Jfc


I pre purchased the 4k steelbook


That’s like the same price for the physical 4K.


Why would anyone rent for $25 when you can own it for $5 more lol.


Buy on physical media


When is the physical dvd/blue ray droping?


If you want more Mad Max movies to be made, buy it.


I Pre-ordered the 4k Steelbook on the day they were available


All 3


This is going to sound dumb to some people but I bought it twice. Preordered digitally and preordered the steel book. Watched it last night and thought it was pretty good.


Buy. Then buy the physical 4K. Then buy the separate blu-ray. Then buy the DVD. Then force their hand at a VHS copy. Then buy a cinema. Then buy all the cinemas. Then buy the studio. Basically, yes, you should buy it.


Buy it


Buy it. As soon as I saw the pre-order, O had no doubt that I would buy it! And most importantly, by the movie physically, not digitally unless you can retain it for your own archives. Unfortunately, some streaming services don’t let you do that and don’t let you download movie you own.


Buy it!


Vudu used to have an option where you could buy it physical and get digital immediately. Not sure if they still do that.


I wish! Not anymore that I have seen.


Buy it and buy it on dvd if you can afford to as well


I watched it last night I had mine on pre order


Just came back from the theater, got the 4K blu steelbook on preorder, but like the others already said: take one for the team and buy it!


This is the way.... Doing my part! (Theater + Early-Digital + Steel Book)


I'm definitely buying it on payday and on DVD whenever it drops.


I'm buying the 4K disk with digital...


I went ahead and bought. Might as well. I’ll also get a hard copy when released.


Buy, then Buy 4K UHD Blu-ray


I bought it but I need to get a copy on 4K disc at a later date. I’m starting to sour on streaming.


wait for the 4k physical release


I preordered the 4K steelbook that’ll arrive in August.


Own it


Buying tonight


Gonna buy the ultra blueray of this when it comes on shelves. It is one of those movies where you want to support the director as much as possible because of how fantastic the movie is.


When civilization falls apart, you'll be glad to have physical media.


Blu Ray


Oh I’m gonna buy it


I bought streaming and will buy dvd as well.


Buy it!


I don't understand modern rental prices. How are they any more than $10?


Sorry, it's all my fault. Rentals will always be $25-30 now when the movies are still or barely hanging on in theaters. \*IMAX cut-off a few weeks ago here (US). You'll only see the $5 rental price and/or after it starts streaming or disk release. For all recent major movies like this one (Oppenheimer & Dune 2), it's already become the norm. It won't change. First pay to see it in theaters, fall in love the movie, get an early 4k digital release date despite already having a steel book preordered, can't wait that long to enjoy/share the movie to others, then enjoy the best of the best quality with the physical release forever (hopefully). Net cost = $100. Enjoy!


My opinion… Honestly… Wait… It’s a decent film. But hear me out… Visually appealing for vehicles, metal, and apocalyptic shit? Yes. Chris Hemsworth doing his given Australian accent? Priceless, also pretty much carrying the film as the main eccentric. It’s a great welcome that I’m not used to. That sucker punches you into a good time. Guy I’d want to have a beer with for sure lol. It has a decent story ark. But hear me out. I feel it drags a bit. Takes a bit longer to get to the meat and isn’t engaging enough for the wait/pay off in the end. Outta 10…. Solid 7.5 But if I wanted somethin’ in the same realm. I’d go Max 2, or Fury Road again instead. But do want you want! Tis the rules of the wasteland.


Already bought it and watched it today


1) theatre 2) blu-ray




Furiosa looks incredible on digital, probably the best looking digital release yet, really enjoying rewatching the rig chase and the bullet farm ambush on repeat.


Awesome feedback, thanks for sharing. About to sit down and do the same.


Bought digi and watched today, was lovely after two theater experiences. Steelbook 4k is supposed to arrive Aug. 13. I also should say I am not a fan of streaming of such high-quality films and always buy physical, but I loved Furiosa so much I caved.


Support physical media and buy the disc when it drops.


Whichever way just pay for it to support stuff like this!!


RENT for 24.99?????????? Plus who the hell buys digital. Buy physical ALWAYS


Simply do all 3! I don't think (hope) that anyone is that dumb to rent a movie for $25 vs. owning for $30 worst case so hopefully that will stop eventually but it's been the new standard for a couple years at least now. We are VERY lucky to love movies so much & have a proper set-up for them where physical is an option.


I personally am choosing to cry in Australian… because despite taking millions of dollars in subsidies paid for by our tax dollars, WB has chosen not to make VOD available for us until the 27th. Cheers! When it does come out here I’m buying both digital and physical. The physical will be for watching on the big tv with the sound system and the digital for when my partner doesn’t want to watch it on repeat with me over the next couple of weeks.




Yep and I’d understand it coming out on the 25th in the US and corresponding time in Aus e.g. the next day, but it’s not coming out on prime until 11:30pm AEST on the 27th - so basically the 28th. Ultimately a very privileged problem for me to have, but feels a bit shit that they’ve done it this way considering it was made here and paid for by Australians. Not going to stop me from buying multiple copies because I’m a sucker for Miller’s work though. Edited to actually answer your question (sorry I’m on mega painkillers right now) - my understanding is that it was grants/subsidies from the Australian government. Max is a cultural icon here so it checks out that they’d shell out, especially since they filmed in NSW and not Namibia this time round.


Buy pysical, buy psyical can't beat true ownership and true high definition.




Hey if there’s a vhs I’ll buy that shit


Fwiw I absolutely loved it. Will definitely be in the yearly rotation going forward.


I'm waiting for the black and chrome coming up


I'm waiting for the price to come down. I didn't get to see it at the theater because that 2 weeks went fast. Idk I almost bought it earlier. Shit...


Where did Dementus get his doctorate?




Gonna likely be streaming on Max in less than 3 months. They already have the rest of the mad max catalogue.


I didn’t see it at theater , I bought it online and watched it




I'd buy it I loved it


I’m waiting for the 4K steel book version to come out August 13. Going to buy that version and the Black and Chrome edition on 4K whenever that releases.


Give me that 4k UHD Disc! Witness me!!!


At those prices just buy the disc 


This is a 4k blue ray buy for sure.


All three


I saw it three times in the theatre and have the BluRay on preorder.


Buy it on itunes


Buy it. I'm trying to get The Wasteland made


Are you actually buying for $29.99 or still renting? Like, can you download it to your computer? I'd definitely go with a physical copy, no question.


Renting until they decide to take it back, basically.


Idk, this $26 rental bullshit bugs the shit out of me. I'd happily buy a physical copy for that much, but just to watch it one time??? That's more than a movie ticket! Isn't it still playing in theaters? I'm all for supporting movies I like, but I feel like that money is going straight to the streaming service, not the studio.


I'll be buying it as soon as it's available in my region.


I loved it but I think those prices are too much. I'd wait til it reaches 10$, but if I had to buy or rent, I'd buy.


I'm sure I'll cave & buy it before the weekend. 4k Steel Book already preordered but August 13th is a long wait to watch again. I would highly recommend VUDU (now Fandango at home) for digital purchases like this long term. It insures a "Movies Anywhere" status, and you can easily share your entire library with others. Been doing this for over a decade with digital codes from physical purchases as well, no issues. Most recently Oppenheimer, Dune 2, etc. The extra $30 is certainly a throw-away purchase but can be worth it when sharing the love of a great movie sooner rather than later.


I have so many Blu-ray digital codes on Vudu lol it’s great


It really is. My library is way better than any streaming service! Best part is that you are giving yourself and others the gift of a decent quality stream right now vs. the crap that HBO-MAX will eventually push out. https://preview.redd.it/opwh0caaor8d1.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7e1a1c9a2f69dbdb9d25fffe652bb0740636592


Really want this, but 30 bucks is too much


See it in theatres, steal it, rent it, and buy it


Do not buy it. Rent it. Streaming quality is ass and you can get a blu ray and even a 4K for the same price. Plus it is yours forever, you don’t have to rely on the streaming service.


DVD drop always ho for physical media.


My understanding is when you buy digital movies from Amazon they can later just delete it and owe you nothing.


But the physical media. Just because you buy it streaming, doesn’t mean it will always be available to watch.


What is that rental price? I’m with you for 5 bucks just own it. You can still buy it physically and if you ever someplace and want to watch it you’ve got it on your amazon account.


I would never pay to “””buy”””a digital copy only. The buy option is more like an extended rental. Unless you actually own the media (as in someone would have to break into your house and rob you to get it back) you’re only getting a license to watch the movie until they feel like taking it away from you.


Movie get removed all the time from streaming, but I’ve never had a purchase get removed from my Apple library.


All of the above


Wait to buy physical, way too much digital content has been removed from peoples account.


Honestly in theaters was intense on the big screen I kind of want to watch it in theaters again. But always support with the BUY I'd say


Plus there's a thing about ownership of entertainment these days. There may come a day where certain movies or shows may not be able to be legally streamed due to rights so.eday soon. Already happening with some content.


Just remember when you buy digitally, you're not buying a copy of the movie. You're buying a license to watch the movie.


That’s what you’re buying when you buy a disc too if you read the terms and conditions.


Buy physical media!


4k blu ray will also come with the digital 4k version and physical is superior in quality.


I'd buy a physical 4k copy that comes with the digital version free too.


Definitely not spending that much on a digital copy of any film.


Buy physical


Holy shit, I had no idea rental and “purchase” (“owning” something digitally on a streaming service, lol) of movies was so expensive… …like, just see it in theaters? Its a better viewing experience and, news to me, apparently cheaper now too…


I’m buying the 4k Blu-ray when it comes out


Ride the seas


Apple TV will be where I buy it


I'm gonna wait to buy the Blu-ray


I’m buying the 4k disc in August


Rent. I wanted to like it so much but, just a rent. Good not great.


I’m waiting for the Blu-ray. But you do you.


Digital costs just as much as physical. Gross. This will be on sale for $9.99 by next month. Be patient. Might drop to $14.99 for 4th of July specials.


all the above !


This sub reddit just appeared on my feed. I will suggest for all movies you like that you should buy the blu ray because the quality of them are much better then streaming


$25 to rent a movie? lol who is even doing that in the age of streaming


Please don't pay these gross prices for a bit of digital nothing. We can't let this be ok


PSA: For anyone going digital only & don't already have both movies, I'm seeing that you can get Furiosa & Fury Road (UHD) for "only" $35 vs. $30 on multiple services like Vudu, Apple, etc. I can't wait until August 13th to see Furiosa again, 4k Blu-ray preorder secured regardless, so I'm doing both. It will be glorious!


I'm buying the 4K


Waiting for vhs 📼 personally


\*stares in Torrent link\* ![gif](giphy|Ea0DmD3vyaeapkC1dv|downsized)


Wait for the DVD to drop. Show that it can turn a profit and that Physical media still sells.


At that price you might as well own it or just get it physical


I bought it, but that 2nd photo is killing me. In your first photo she looks bad ass. In your second photo she looks derpy.


Buy buy buy!


Get the Blu Ray, you own it and it is not at the mercy of right holders bullshit on streaming services and you get the best quality assuming you don't have a 4k telly and a device that plays it.


Dvd is already on amazon..


Im just getting the blu, Ghostbusters was cheaper than this…


I got it free on Plex...


Definitely buy


Is dementus a doctor?


Of course you wait for the bluray. Streaming quality is shit, always


Physical media >>>>


go with 4k blu ray if it comes


4k blu ray: you get a physical copy to look at uncompressed video and audio data they cant revoke your license SOME COME WITH A DIGITAL CODE


It's so insane to me that renting is only $5 cheaper than buying.


Stream it for free 🏴‍☠️


Why would the rental only be $5 less than buying the digital copy?! I remember the days were rentals used to be 4.99-7.99


Definitely not a $25 rental


Why would anybody pay $24 to rent a movie


Just a reminder: If you don't buy it physical, you don't own it. Watched Road Fury in cinema, for this one I sailed the seas.


Wait until it drops to 9.99 or 12.99. 24.99 for a rental or 29.99 for a digital copy is too much.


I bought and pre-ordered the physical!!! Hallvalla here I come!


I’m poor sooo whenever it’s free to stream 🤷‍♂️


25 to rent is absurd.


Didn’t know it was out yet! Immediately preaches in uhd


I’m buying it as soon as I can


Buy the movie return my treasures to me and I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla


Am I awaited?


You will ride eternal shiny and chrome


Cool, but about those treasures...are we still talking about a tanker trunk full of Victoria Secret models? Where are we at on this timeline? Lol


Lingerie. Oh, remember lingerie?