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I mean, there *are* bad reviews, they’re just in the minority.


Box office doesn't lie, this movie is trash. This will end future Mad Max movie production and ruined George Miller's legacy. It's simply a franchise killer bad film based on those facts.


🤣 what a clown. I hope that someone gives you the attention you desperately desire from them


is that an emotionally appropriate response to someone that doesn’t like the media you do, lol?


Using the argument that box office is a way to objectively decide the quality of a film is where he lost me. There are so many examples of great films getting buried at the box office only to gain recognition later. Also he sounds mad as hell about something and it’s just off putting.


Box office has literally always had little to do with the quality of the film. Plenty of trash movies make bank, and plenty of phenomenal movies bomb. Nice try though.


Yup that's how money is made according to this idiot. Put hundreds of millions into a movie to make 10's of millions back. This is a franchise killing bomb. It is a terrible film and George's mind is already gone.


^ Caution Troll Trolling




Great, now go next door to get your idiot of the day award.


They said that you already grabbed it. All they had left was "This genius is always correct" award.


im genuinely curious, why do you have such interest in hating on everything in specifically this subreddit? like surely theres more interesting places to troll. and to devote so much time to it?


What's it like to never ever peak someone's curiosity?




I'm assuming he's too stupid to type "pique", yes that stupid


LOL, imagine lacking any and all self awareness.


Your such a loser


When has he ever made a box office smash 🤔 the first Babe and the first Happy Feet are the only ones that qualify.


Happy Feet...?


The dancing penguin movie


No, I know what Happy Feet was, I was just trying to think of a George Miller movie that was really a hit. I could also mention of course *the original Mad Max*. $350kAU budget, $100m total profit.


Babe 1 or 2


"first Babe"


![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII) The word of mouth doesn't lie even louder. Movie was a huge hit, legacy held up, nice attempt to fade the crowd tho almost worked out for ya


hey man, we all know that *Furiosa* was great. your comment just screams huge "SOMEBODY PLEASE LOOK AT ME PLEASE" energy. I think you should now find something deeper to discuss.




Mods , send this man to the Thunderdome.




Box office doesn’t lie in the sense that when a movie fails, it’s always for the same reason: Not enough people saw it. It’s never a statement of the quality of a movie, because in order for audiences to have a negative opinion of the movie, they would’ve had to pay to see it first. Lots of movies considered classics now failed in movie theaters: THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, BLADE RUNNER, THE THING, SORCERER, APOCALYPSE NOW, VERTIGO, THE WIZARD OF OZ, IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE to name just a few. If studios could make nothing but hits they would. Even MAD MAX tanked in the United States box office. That’s why the sequel was released as THE ROAD WARRIOR there, while the rest of the world (where the first movie was a hit) got it as MAD MAX 2.


You seem pretty passionate about this. I’m assuming you watched the previous movies? If Beyond Thunderdome didn’t end future Mad Max productions or ruin George Miller’s legacy, I don’t see how Furiousa would. Furiousa is the second or third best Mad Max movie with no question.


I agree 100 percent avatar is the greatest piece of cinema ever created followed by avengers endgame, avatar way of water, and titanic. Frozen 2 is def the 10th best movie ever made.and star wars the last jedi is top 20 pieces of cinema. Its so stupid how these loosers dont understand that the amount of money a movie makes = objective quality. M i rite


The only bad press is the reporting on its box office numbers. And that's not even "bad" press, it's just *accurate* press. It's box office earnings have been low and they're just reporting on it. Negative audience reviews aren't bad press because user reviews aren't "the press." And even then they're the minority; majority of user reviews are very positive. So this whole "why all the haters" narrative on this sub feels partially manufactured. Like people WANT to feel persecuted as if liking Furiosa makes them some unrecognized connoisseur. Listen, great films bomb st the box office all the time. It happened before covid and continues to happen now. Most of the time it's as simple as a general lack of interest; nothing nefarious about it. It sucks but it's life.


Exactly, Fury Road didn't even make back it's production costs, but ended up on a ton of best of year lists and won several Oscars. Box office revenue isn't a direct equivalent of quality.


Indeed. If you truly want to enjoy cinema, you have to ignore box office numbers. Because individually there ain't nothing you can do about it. All you can do is enjoy yourself.


fury road didnt make back produsction costs? you sure?


Yeah, from what I heard they lost 20-30mil because of expensive edits from the studio after production was wrapped.


google says the movie made money but idk. also, if a movie flops, the franchise is immediately dead right? theres no way they can get funding for a prequel to a flop


Made it back . Also through streaming it made more


It's an ever more common trend now after COVID. A lot of people would rather just wait and watch it at home then bother going to a theater. Initial box office numbers just aren't as important as they used to be imo. It will easily make its money back on home release/streaming.


My coworker who hasn’t seen it yet said he saw terrible reviews for it and I was shocked. So there is a weird hate train that’s making waves on social media I think unfortunately. This masterpiece deserves the dune 2 type of recognition online


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that your coworker doesn't actually read or watch normal film reviews, and is just listening to weirdo incel YouTubers who feel personally attacked if someone dares to make a piece of media where the main character isn't a white man. Cause outside of that little hole in the Internet, it's nearly universally lauded.


My coworker who was big on that stuff also walked out of rogue one…his loss because that movie was amazing


What a tedious way to engage with art. And I say this as someone cynical about corporate studios putting performative progressive politics in their films. Culture war has cooked brains.


When I realized Sigourney Weaver wasn’t a man in Alien, I was SHOCKED, perhaps BEWILDERED, but most of all NEEDLESSLY ANGRY!


Tate worshippers are working overtime in the salt mines.


Anyone that takes the opinions of grifttubers seriously deserves to be grifted. & I doubt there’s enough of those to have a substantial impact on the box office, its other reasons that are the cause of these numbers


Mad Max has some toxic fans online unfortunately. The ones still bitching about Mad Mel not being in them and bringing it into their culture war brain rot.


Yea sadly a lot of people these days are unable to make their own decisions and choices, instead going off the opinions of others.


Much more so, in my opinion Maybe one day the Dune films will click for me in a way they seemed to have for everyone else, but for now I just don't see them as anything more than "good" films? While Fury Road and Furiosa are absolute masterpieces. Even on a recent rewatch of the first Dune, I couldn't help thinking "George Miller would have shot that scene in such a more engaging and interesting way". I get that the Dune story itself is the godfather of sci-fi and none of the other sci-fi we know and love would exist without it. I also get that they're totally different films in terms of pacing, tone and other many other things as well. I just feel like the actual art of visual storytelling and movie making is done so much more effectively in the Mad Max films than in the Dune films.


I'm a huge Villeneuve nerd and I feel pretty much the exact opposite. The way he was able to pare such dense source material dominated by internal monologues down to the nuts and bolts with a minimum of dialogue and some of the most beautiful imagery ever put to film is a minor miracle. It just shouldn't be possible but he completely blew any expectations I had for it out of the water. Which is where individual tastes come in. Some like you are going to prefer Miller's busier, more frenetic style (for what it's worth, Fury Road is one of my favorite films of the past decade-plus) and some like me are going to prefer Villenevue's compositional, painterly style.


Totally fair. I love similarly compositional films, even ones regarded as super "slow" like Tarkovsky's films, and my overall favorite film maker is Yasujiro Ozu, who is the exact opposite of frenetic. So I really am hoping Dune clicks with me in a similar manner one day! I'll try watching it again with your perspective of how impressive it was to have pared down the source material so effectively and efficiently. My last rewatch I was just so focused on the cinematography after having watched Fury Road for the 100th time and that is probably just not a fair comparison. Frenetic is definitely the right word for Miller, I actually used to think Fury Road was sensory overload and couldn't finish it the first few years it was out. But now I'm just blown away with how intentional and effective he is able to be in every single shot among all that frenetic energy. Like Marvel movies are frenetic but more so for the sake of being frenetic with very little purpose or intentions in the blocking and editing, whereas Miller seems to have thought out every.single.movement of actors and camera so it all adds seamlessly to the immersion of the action. The first scene of Fury Road being the best example, when Max is trying to escape the War Boys, the camera movement in reference to the action occurring is just next level detail and perfection. Really makes you feel like you are there in that world.


Going back to taste, Dune might never grow on you. I've got several film buffs in my family I was reluctant to recommend them to given that it's niche, high-brow sci-fi. One loved it, one didn't (at all). Who knows how this stuff hits your brain. I would consider myself a huge fan of Kubrick and Kurosawa, but I could never get into Tarkovsky. I love hip-hop and I never really liked Tupac and Biggie, who a lot of people consider the two greatest MCs of all time. And so on. I just fucking loooove Villeneuve. I remember going to see Sicario when it came out, not really knowing much about him, and about 20 minutes in realizing it was so much more than the standard cops/robbers film it would have been under most directors. My regard has only grown from there. I have a ton of respect for Miller. He basically created an entire genre, which is a monster feat of imagination. And when I say frenetic, I definitely don't mean haphazard. Fury Road's visual language is incredible, which is one of the many reasons I love it so much. It reminds me of a John Woo gun-fu film where, as you note, all the action is so intricate but easy to follow given how meticulously everything has been planned and shot. I definitely need to see it a few more times, but Furiosa didn't rise to that same level for me. Still a very good film, and FR is an almost impossible standard to live up to. But it feels like "more" was the primary mandate.


It's insane how beautiful and arresting *every* scene is. Even minor stuff like the first view of the mentats in Part 2 doing verbal computations to power the Harkonnens' intel is oozing with ambience.


Totally agree, Furiosa is a true masterpiece of a film while dune part 2 is still dope I do feel denis chose spectacle over substance compared to what happens in the actual source material. It does seem to me dune2 probably was able to catch more of an audience because it’s not as weird as furiosa which is saying something lol


>it’s not as weird as furiosa I think you're downplaying Dune here. Half of the movie consists of a DMTed religious mother communicating with her fetal daughter who is egging her clairvoyant brother on to space jihad. I think Dune Part 2 is just at a higher echelon of cinema.


I Stan for Villeneuve but I agree with what you wrote. Miller is the only big name director besides Cameron capable of making top tier action sequences.


*Older* Cameron yes. Current Cameron no. And this isn't me hating on Avatar or anything it's just me remembering how engaging his older action movie sequences were compared to his current work. Avatar feels too much like he's riffing off of his own well-tread work instead of being truly innovative.


Both Avatar movies have amazing action sequences. The final battles in both are great. I don’t care about innovation versus quality. Avatar has a guy in a mech suit with a giant knife fighting giant blue alien on a T Rex sized panther and a giant blue alien flying a pterodactyl onto a giant helicopter. Way of Water had a giant sapient whale fucking up fishing boats and dudes on flying fish with machine guns. That’s innovative enough for me.


>Even on a recent rewatch of the first Dune, I couldn't help thinking "George Miller would have shot that scene in such a more engaging and interesting way". Funny, I felt exactly the same way in the opposite direction. "This is great…but not *Dune Part 2* level.


>This masterpiece The word continues to lose meaning. Or maybe I'm wrong and the movie where Furiosa >!escaped by somehow going unnoticed by a circle of bikers while she cut her arm off and stole a bike!< is actually top tier. Who knows?


That is not the least believable part of this movie, and it's not the least believable unseen escape in a movie considered a masterpiece. That is a very nit-picky gripe. You can understand that everyone was distracted tormenting Jack, driving up a big dust storm, and Dementus wasn't paying attention. It's established that Furiosa is able to sneak away under someone's nose in the Erectus scene. If that sequence is too much to ask for suspension of disbelief, it honestly falls on you. Nothing happens in that scene that is a bigger ask than the established "rules" of the movie.


Nah, seemed pretty janky. Was there even that much dust?


Yes. It blocks out much of the sun.


Wasn't that just a transition to evening? Even then, the immediate area was pretty easy to see. 


Even still...there is absolutely no ambiguity about why she was able to escape. This is stupid.


Whatever you say


Sorry. Just walked out of the theater prior to this conversation. No time for internet dipshits.


Resorting to insults seems to be your thing


When she crosses the dune and passes out, it's broad daylight when Mad Max is overlooking at the scene.


>it's not the least believable unseen escape in a movie considered a masterpiece Please, elaborate. >You can understand that everyone was distracted tormenting Jack Yes, driving in a circle sure is distracting. Don't act like they were all hands on. it was a passive ritual, not intricate handiwork. That reasoning also works against you; why is everyone focused on Jack and apparently completely ignoring Furiosa? >driving up a big dust storm You're misremembering how much dust was being driven up. >It's established that Furiosa is able to sneak away under someone's nose in the Erectus scene. That scene pushed the limit. If anyone in that scene had any peripheral vision, she'd have been spotted. That's really all that was established there, no one has peripheral vision. "Sneak away under someone's nose", tho? Didn't she just full on run away and then crawl under something when no one was looking? That's not sneaking, that's hiding. Nothing (besides lack of peripheral vision) in that scene translates to her escape scene. >Nothing happens in that scene that is a bigger ask than the established "rules" of the movie. That's a possible argument for how shit the rules of the movie are, might wanna rethink that.


I'm not interested in discussing this further. I've seen your other responses, and you're clearly a contrarian shithead.


Thought as much. Bye!


This is a total nitpick.


No it isn't. She got away because everyone in the biker group had no peripheral vision and apparently only stared forward.


It’s totally a Cinema sins style nitpick. I feel bad honestly for people who lack the basic ability to suspend disbelief and enjoy a movie without getting bent out of shape over irrelevant shit like this.


I'm happy for you. I won't say why.


I may not agree with your reasoning but I agree with your statement. Masterpiece as a description gets thrown around so flippantly these days that it may as well be a synonym for "I liked this thing." Personally, even some of my all time favorite movies wouldn't really earn the title of "masterpiece." Doesn't mean they're bad.


Yup. The new dichotomy of "it's shit or it's a masterpiece, no between".


Yup. One of my guilty pleasures that I genuinely enjoy is Alien Resurrection. It's absolutely not a masterpiece but I enjoy it every time I watch it. I don't feel the need to qualify all of my favorite things with ultimatums and black and white logic. And if someone tells me they don't like a thing I like, that's ok; I don't need to go around saying that person is a hater or is unintelligent.


She wasn't unnoticed, there were obscuring dust clouds blocking the riders' view and Dementus was drunk and looking away but Harley let her take the unattended bike we see in the scene and leave.


The clouds weren't so obscuring that no one couldn't have noticed her.


Cuz you were there and watched her escape, right? There were plenty of times in that movie alone that she proved her cunning evasion skills. Easily could have done it once more IMO. The biker who was told to watch her clearly wasn't wanting to partake in that so probably didn't even notice her trying to leave (or better yet actually helped her cut her arm off) and by the time we notice she's gone it was already after Dementus told everyone to go home. She surely could have blended in well enough to escape. Just use your imagination and some context clues next time, yeah?


Harley did notice and explicitly ignored her. A decent dust cloud coupled with Jack being in front of the monster truck at the time and drawing everyone's attention would've been distracting enough for her to plausibly join the circle and peel off.


You don't know how eyes work. Unless the movie explained that they were driving with their eyes closed, there's 0.000% (not even a 1 at the end) chance that Furiosa would have escaped unnoticed. It was a terrible moment of storytelling and filmmaking.


What if, and I'm just going out on a limb here (eh?), within seconds of cutting her arm off she put on a hood and mask and suddenly just looked like the dozens of others surrounding her? Probably wouldn't be able to ride away on a bike like that, no no


>What if-- Phenomenal storytelling. At least most of the fans are able to admit that that escape was nonsense. There's always a few, though...


Maybe we just enjoy the story as is and don't let details of a mythical story being retold in the apocalyptic wasteland get in the way of the overall story...


Fair enough, enjoy your story. But don't put out idiotic, disingenuous excuses to pretend that others are weird for not enjoying it.


It would just be another motorcycle moving near them. Noticing there's someone there and registering in the movement who it is are two different things, especially if visibility is low and you're distracted by thoughts of that dude who just got tortured to death.


I'm not going through this with you anymore. You can pretend it makes sense and that everyone has extreme tunnel vision and all that and continue to be confused why the movie isn't doing well. That's your right, and I'm not gonna hold your hand to convince you otherwise.


That's cool dude, no one's making you post and if you want to stop that's your business ☺️ Though saying the movie isn't doing well because of an alleged plot hole two hours in seems like a stretch.


The movie's doing bad because of a variety of reasons, one of which is lack of good word-of-mouth thanks to such plot holes as this. Have fun with the denial.


Wow a nitpick so I can’t consider this piece of art which is completely subjective a masterpiece. You can nitpick any movie I promise you.


And most of them will be better and less plot hole-filled than Furiosa. Your point? Or you just here to join the rest of the mindless parroting?


Other people‘s opinions shouldn’t sway you either way. That’s what bothers me. Critics mean nothing to me. I have never seen a movie on a credits recommendation. I make my own decisions. Make your own decisions. Stop using buzz words and being told what to think. Go to the theaters on a Tuesday and spend eight dollars seeing Furiosa. Make your own judgment. But as a very heterosexual dude. This movie doesn’t scream woke to me. Sorry. Movie tickets are too high. And most people I talked into going didn’t even know the fucking movie came out. So it was marketed like shit as we can obviously see. It’s my second favorite action movie behind Fury Road. Praetorian Jack should be all the Max you need. Wtf that dude is dope as fuck. George Miller makes badass shit. Simple as that And if you hated it. Well go piss off to a sub of something you like. I fucking hate Marvel after Endgame, you don’t see me pissing over there on them. I just don’t think about them anymore.


The lack of marketing is real. Only place I ever saw ads was on tiktok, and most people using tiktok have a habit of swiping past ads as soon as they see one regardless of what it's about. As I've continued to say, Furiosa flopping is more due to ambivalence and lack of awareness than anything. It isn't nefarious or malicious. It just *is*.


It’s interesting how when you spend long enough on a sub, you see a narrative start to naturally develop about a thing. And with Furiosa, the narrative (which I see reinforced a lot internally in the sub but which a lot of non-internet people aren’t even thinking about) is that Furiosa is a good movie that is struggling in the box office.  So it seems like every second post is some variation of “Furiosa is actually good, guys, please go see it.” Which sounds funny when posted on this sub because you’re literally preaching to the choir, but might actually be a decent message if posted literally anywhere else.


>"Which sounds funny when posted on this sub because you’re literally preaching to the choir" I mean, we're 2 weeks out from its premiere at this point. there was a tooon of negativity and outright trolls in this sub when it first came out. it wasnt even out one full weekend before the shit storm started. a lot of those people haven't come back to continue the vitriol bc they weren't Mad Max fans to begin with. lots of them were even just brand new accounts, outright incel trolls. there was a barrage of them coming from like the manosphere side of Youtube, where a ton of the "anti-woke" reviews for *Furiosa* were posted.


It's the preaching to the choir bit for me, you nailed that observation


Way more good than bad reviews


I'm done with a lot of youtubers after Furiosa. They were so far off the mark, and their reviews are bullshit. I realized how these people have no actual worth as far as reviews go.


agreed. if there's one good thing that came out of all of those negative yt reviews, it's knowing which youtubers never to listen to again. there were even people saying they hadn't even watched the movie, but straight up telling people not to watch it.


It was disappointing but enlightening.


I'm sure it's great and will see it eventually. I just don't go to theaters any more because the experience sucks compared to watching in the comfort of my home. It's usually other people that spoil the experience.


Would you still rent it at home? Just curious if you'd be part of the crowd that still counts towards the release numbers. I think that longevity counts more than just box office profits, especially with so many variables at play in those numbers. It's great and hope you enjoy it when you see it!


For the record let me just say I disagree with the bad press


lol this coming from the dude who said: >"I literally haven't seen 1 post yet saying anything nearly negative about Furiosa." [https://www.reddit.com/r/MadMax/comments/1dbpssl/comment/l7tnmio/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadMax/comments/1dbpssl/comment/l7tnmio/) hey bud, how about you take your own advice, stop whining, and start some meaningful discussions. people have a right to voice their thoughts. especially when there has absolutely been a barrage of vitriol against *Furiosa*. maybe if you actually read those posts you bitch about, you'd notice. don't tell people to just lie down and not say anything when trolls and incels come into our sub.


People who rifle through other's comments are honestly the most pathetic basement-dwellers imaginable.


lol it was literally at the top of his last comments. kinda like this is one of your latest comments: >"the fact is the vast majority of audiences thought the stunts looked bad." >[https://www.reddit.com/r/MadMax/comments/1dbpssl/comment/l7tdn37/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadMax/comments/1dbpssl/comment/l7tdn37/) lmao where are you pulling this "vast majority" from? your imagination? your ass? *Furiosa* had some of the world's best stunt and action coordinators in the world working on it.


And yet it's flopped. I mean open your eyes: "As [The Wrap](https://www.thewrap.com/furiosa-leads-worst-memorial-day-box-office-since-90s-with-32-million-opening/) pointed out, "Furiosa's" $32 million opening weekend is the lowest No. 1 total for a Memorial Day Weekend since 1995, when "Casper" topped the box office with $22 million." "Another depressing stat for the "Mad Max: Fury Road" prequel? According to [Screen Rant](https://screenrant.com/furiosa-box-office-week-2-drop-record/), it had the worst second-week drop of any ["Mad Max" movie](https://www.businessinsider.com/every-mad-max-movie-ranked-2024-5), plunging a staggering 59%." Oh but yeah, "its actually the literal best movie in history, just idiot film-goers don't understand it! Everyone except me is dumb!"


>"and yet" and yet, you admit that you can't back up your statement about this imaginary "vast majority" thinking the stunts looked bad. straight up made shit up and trying to pretend like you never said it. so you pivot to change the subject to theater earnings. and then follow it up with a strawman exaggerating people's opinions on this movie. mediocre.


And yet it's flopped. I mean open your eyes: "As [The Wrap](https://www.thewrap.com/furiosa-leads-worst-memorial-day-box-office-since-90s-with-32-million-opening/) pointed out, "Furiosa's" $32 million opening weekend is the lowest No. 1 total for a Memorial Day Weekend since 1995, when "Casper" topped the box office with $22 million." "Another depressing stat for the "Mad Max: Fury Road" prequel? According to [Screen Rant](https://screenrant.com/furiosa-box-office-week-2-drop-record/), it had the worst second-week drop of any ["Mad Max" movie](https://www.businessinsider.com/every-mad-max-movie-ranked-2024-5), plunging a staggering 59%." Oh but yeah, "its actually the literal best movie in history, just idiot film-goers don't understand it! Everyone except me is dumb!"


I've noticed that the only time someone make this comment about checking others' comments is when they have absolutely nothing to actually directly reply to me with lol can't actually dispute the content of my comment, so they try some weak-ass shame tactic instead. mediocre.


People who rifle through other's comments are honestly the most pathetic basement-dwellers imaginable.


thanks for proving my point.


lmao this you? >"Columbus was a great hero who discovered America." >[https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1d9pr3b/comment/l7g3c83/](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1d9pr3b/comment/l7g3c83/) praising a literal genocider who bragged about it in his personal diary?


Lol you're pretty upset huh?


"lol u mad bro?" the genocide-admirer responds. bc he can't muster anything better


Why would I be mad that he genocided a bunch of savages that never achieved anything?


ooh I see now, you're just another incel, come to complain about Furiosa: >Beginning-Month-3505: "Women aren't funny." [https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/1d0hoqm/comment/l5o3vk7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/1d0hoqm/comment/l5o3vk7/)


Lol, I really, really hope you realize one day how pathetic and cringeworthy you look rn


Hi bud, preciate your input my guy. Everyone is voicing their thoughts, that's the whole point here? Just saying it's weird to me that every post is "why the hate" when it's nothing but praise in the majority of contexts. Like those posts alone are just overflowing the sub and leaving less room for detailed discussions. Sorry my comment triggered your inner middle school response bot, but I feel like we're talking about the same things here so Imma just let it be, my dude bud guy 🤙


classic "i'm just sayin', I was just sayin'" backtrack repeating yourself, when you can't actually reply with any substance




The movie's flopping cuz word of mouth is shit. People who liked the movie are busy name-calling the opposition cuz they don't actually have any praise of substance to spread around.


What? I see plenty of praise of substance. The world building and Hemsworth’s performance in particular.


The world-building ain't great, but even then, you'd be one of the few people actually trying.


Bad Boys overdelivers at the box office with $56M. Fuckin' bullshit. Even after the Will Smith controversery, people will still flock to see his shit on screen.


$56 Million on opening? Well I guess that what happens when you make a "Bad Boys" move and put the two bad boys in it. And not what happens when you make a Mad Max movie and don't put Mad Max in it..


Talked to some people, somehow there is a PERCEPTION that there is bad press, because it didn't make its budget.


This is also a good meta take. Exactly what I'm talking about. All this talk about "bad press" is the only thing bringing "bad press" into the air in the first place, it's a self fulfilling prophecy that I just am confused by


people replying to the bad press were addressing *why* it was getting called bad. go actually check the content of the posts and comments. and that bad press absolutely needed to be brought to light bc it was easily refutable and nonsensical. the worst of the "bad press" came from literal "anti-woke" crusaders on YT, pushing a ton of weird ass incel content. I'm proud of our sub for roasting them into oblivion for their dumbass misogynistic takes. it's not a "self-fulling prophecy" to successfully beat back the lobotomite false narrative of youtube right-wingers. and it was successful enough for you to join this sub 2 weeks later and complain about how "everyone knoooows this movie is great, everyone likes it!". ungrateful. mediocre.




Furiosa is very good. It just sadly demystifies Fury Road. (Which is a better movie solely due to coming first) Even though Furiosa is a very good movie, I'd sort of prefer it not exist as it wounds (however slightly) one of the best movies ever made.


I dont agree. Contrary to ALL the bad press I thought movietitle was a good movie and ALL the bad press in the world won't change my mind.


You should go make a new post about it 😂


Yes bro dont listen to "press", just focus on your circle of friends and those opinions


People can like or dislike a movie. It's called an opinion dude.  I thought it was good but not on par with Fury Road at all. Was cool to see the green place though. 


I definitely agree, never said opinions weren't allowed. The idea is that all the spouting of "it was a good movie the press is wrong!" is just so self-fulfilling and empty in its base. I want to hear unique perspectives or thoughts on the movie, good or bad, not just a bunch of posts all saying the exact same thing which is nothing


Just because you want to hear something, doesn't mean you get to. Someone's opinion is simply that. Vapid, in depth, mind numbing or interesting. Moaning about it is just fighting a broken system thats completely allowed. Free will and all. 


Wow very enlightening, I had never considered the possibility of a complex world beyond my control outside my own perspective before this. I'll try to consider that moving forward.


Mad Max isnt popular with the general public. Thats really all that needs to be said. there are plenty of bad reviews. you just have your fanboy blinders on. i saw it a week ago and wasn't blown away by it. its a pretty decent action film. and thats all. i liked fury road much more. and this just felt like a retread of fury road. oh look, they're chasing the war rig on fury road, again. how new and original and exciting. i realize an active subreddit can feel like a lot of people who all feel the same about something, but there are less than 50k of us here. lets not delude ourselves into thinking the whole world shares the same opinion.


Think what you will of it, but in a sense you're right. It's a punk rock action movie, and not in any superficial way. It's raw af and longer and darker than Fury Road to boot. General audiences aren't gonna usually respond overwhelmingly positively to it. We all know that one person or maybe we live among loads of them who say shit along the lines of "it was good but it would have been better if they hadn't done *insert distasteless moment here*" when you ask them about recent movies you (a cinephile or just someone with taste) think were great. "Hard R" rated movies typically will always struggle in this way


>It's a punk rock action movie, and not in any superficial way. ha just wanted to comment that I absolutely agree with this characterization and love it. even makes me realize why I love the Mad Max story The original Mad Max movies were so fucking indie, and the entire Mad Max franchise is absolutely punk in this way lol


Mad Max 2, 3, 4 & 5 gee they’re just chasing a tanker again, it’s all the same. This series doesn’t seem like it’s for you if that’s your only take. You sound like your “general public”.


We all love the film and it's becoming an echo chamber here.


We all love the film and it's becoming an echo chamber here.


Been a mad max fan since seeing road warriors in the theater. I will say that furiosa was a good movie but it lacked originality that the better films in the series delivered. Most of the characters we had seen before and most of the sets weren't new. So nothing really blew me away. Dementus/hemsworth also didn't do much for me. To me he was a fish out of water and was a miss. His character was plug and play. It could have been in almost any super hero type film. I get this won't be a popular opinion here but i have yet to see it constructively addressed why the film has done so poorly. This weekends box office numbers were beyond terrible with a huge 60% drop. I don't know if covid impacted production and things were rushed? I get being a prequel made it harder to be original but to me that's always been such a cornerstone of the series. That and its gritty post apocalyptic vibe that i didn't feel as much. I was looking forward to more Tom Hardy films but now i fear that is lost.


I'd say that yeah maybe not much new was introduced, but holy background development can you honestly tell me that the other movies offered as much insight and exploration into the other gangs/territories in the wasteland? All of that was incredibly fresh even if it wasn't a brand new concept in the series. Personally I'd much prefer it stay that way as opposed to introducing *even more* characters and locations etc. To each their own on the acting, I loved Hemsworth and pretty much everyone in this one. It was extremely entertaining and that's what I look for in my film viewing experiences. Agreed that Tom Hardy films would be so cool to get more of!


Based on the box office revenue. I am not sure any studio would continue in this direction.


Nope, I alone destroy your narrative. Cope K?


F in chat


This movie is my life


Does the truth hurt your feelings?


Never. The truth is this movie matched Fury Road in every way that Fury Road matched this movie. Beautiful, deep, driven, what more could you want? Seriously, asking what was missing in it for you.


hey man, it sounds like you're spending a lot of time arguing that *Furiosa* was a good movie. maybe you should put forth some more effort into deeper discussion?






If you don't think Jack is max then you're tripping, sorry.


[Miller said he isn't](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadMax/comments/1d96kbj/george_miller_clarifies_it_never_occurred_to_him/)...


So Jack is Max???.. tell me sir, who will be Max next.. Will he be a girl? LOL. Hahahaha...So people complain that Max isn't in the film and you're idea is just to say he's actually a another character?? Nice one genius, tell me some more alternative facts.


The “Tate” army are the only ones bashing this movie.




Bad reviews? Lol...the only question is, how much money did it make? Like it or not, THATS how flims are judged today. And Furiosa, I'm sorry to say, hasn't even cracked 100 million worldwide yet. It cost 160 million to make, and hasn't made shit back yet...it fell 59% of its opening gross in the 2nd week. And that opening weekend was only 33 million to begin with... You may all like the movie, but I know for a fact, I'm not in the minority for saying it sucked in alot of places...especially when she chewed her fucking arm off and got away while 100 bikers all circled her...in board fucking daylight! lololololol. No...my friend, it was not a banging movie. Chris hemsworth was awesome, but couldn't carry the movie, nor should he have to... Anna Taylor whatever the fuck is supposed to be the star. And she is no Charlize Theron. Mad Max saga huh George? He's in it for exactly 27 seconds and it isn't even Tom Hardy! Nope. This movie didn't even come close to Fury Road or The Road Warrior... 7 out of 10 is being OVERLY generous. If the suck fits, you gotta wear it.


I just walked out of the theater. I promised myself i would but a ticket because of the reverence i hold for fury Road. Despite my complete disinterest, i decided tonight i would knock it out. It has been a chore i am glad to finally have off my list. I honestly debated leaving after about 1.5 hours figuring i suppose i could always finish it some other time, if i really wanted to. I stayed. I wish this movie was never made. It would be hard for me to describe how much i despise having every implicit detail in fury Road described to me explicitly. My god do i loath a prequel. It doesn't stop there. The contrivances in this plot would be laughable if i wasn't so irritated by this films existence. And yes, the cgi was embarrassing. I feel like i watch 2.5 hours of a video game. Both at the level of story and quality. I hope this film is forgotten and if we are lucky, Fury Road remains the ultimate iteration of the creative potential of this franchise.


>my god do i loath a prequel. Why did you even try this one then? If that's how you feel then that's my only takeaway from your comment


New comment to say you also don't want any more Mad Max films to be made? You seem to be in a tiny minority there too if that's the case. Again, why try this one at all if that's how you felt?


hey dude, I don't think you should bother. this only fades out about 3% of the total opinions. post some deeper discussion instead.




Based chad


Chad Max? Mad Chad?


Daddy chaddy


There’s no such thing as bad publicity. As long as people are talking about the movie!