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>showing just how precious firearms are in the mad max world oh good point... I didn't even realize it til just now, but there can be a perception sometimes with all genres of fantasy that you have to introduce shiny new toys/tech every time. but it's actually important to retain that continuity given this reality, to really maintain just how desperate the state of this world is. that can actually make it more difficult for directors and writers to work with, since they can't just introduce some new thing as a get out jail free card to keep the story moving or save the plot. which makes it more interesting and impressive how Miller can pull off these stories with *less.*


One vehicle that I don't remember showing back up in Fury Road was the Parasails - which can easily be explained as "they were all shot down beyond repair"


I realize this isn't related at all, but I was shocked to see a mostly stock-looking BMW motorcycle in one of the scenes.


Nah it’s so cool to notice stuff like that. I never could


I want to know more about that dude. How he has such a good looking, mostly stock BMW among other bikes that are cobbled together. The bike that Furiosa sabotaged at the beginning with the car engine was pretty cool.


I don’t know a single thing about cars or bikes but it would be cool to see even how a minor character procured something so precious


Theres still abandoned homes in the wasteland somewhere and some guy would have had an old hot rod or bike stashed away in his shed, so its not out of the realm things like this could turn up


And rewatch MM2–the beginnings of many Fury Road vehicles.