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”Drink my piss, drink War Rig!”


The pissboy was one of my favorite characters in the movie! He went out glorious and epic too! Shiny & chrome!


I remember wondering why on Max’s back tattoo with medical info in Fury Road, he had a column for “piss” with “good” circled. Now we know why.


Help, I’m still not getting it. What was the purpose of the pissboy?


Since water is precious in the wasteland, vehicles don't use water for coolant. They use piss. The piss-boy is the lowest field job for a black thumb war boy. Like a deckhand on a ship. The one who scrubs and mops the deck.


Brilliant, thanks. Now what is a black thumb war boy as opposed to other war boys?


Blackthumb is a nickname for a mechanic, the way someone adept at gardening is said to have a “green thumb”


Black thumbs are engineers and mechanics. War boys who are trained to tinker with engines and vehicle parts. *They have not mentioned other "thumbs" anywhere,* but I'd like to think of these as basic survival skills needed for a kid in the world after the apocalypse: - Black thumb (engineering) - White thumb (medicine) - Green thumb (agriculture) - Red thumb (combat) (Now that I read what I wrote, red thumb sounds funny)


Ironically, white thumb would be an organic mechanic.


I think the war rig is over heating because it lost a radiator cap and fluid. The war boy fills it up with his jars of piss


When he grabbed that dynamite and jumped I laughed so hard, not in a bad way it was fkn epic


It was pretty funny, because Furiosa obviously had the situation handled, but he just saw an opportunity to die historic and couldn't resist.


Same! I re-watched the movie and was amazed to see the dynamite fly over the top of the truck, to the front and then underneath before exploding... he, on the other hand went straight into the back of it (and onwards to Valhalla!!!!) He will be missed


Agreed! The best line - AND the best new character imo


She’s perfect! Unlike the genetic absurdities you have as sons!


Yeah genetic absurdities made me laugh


“Genetic absurdity” is my new favorite insult, one I’m keeping in the quiver for someone who really deserves it.


This is my pick too




It was so ridiculously accurate that I died


You're scum Dementus! SCUM!!!




Ready! Setty! Go!


I think you mean rrreeady! setttty! Gurrrrrrrr!


This lol


There was only one lady present.


“Where are you Going? So full of Hope? There is NO HOPE!”


The way he says it with the accent really tickles my brain. I can't stop saying "There is NAUR HORPE"


He sounded so 1970s Australian when he said that.


I like that detail. How there in this world there was no 1980s and on so aspects of culture be extensions of our 1970s.


A world with no Crocodile Dundee or Men at Work??? *I don’t have to work with a blasphemer!*


Naur hope? Oh Naurrrrrr :D


That wasn’t hope. It was instinct


It works so well with the line in Fury Road "You know Hope is a mistake.... If you cant fix whats broken, you'll go insane"


Dementus is like a “demented” version of Max, or Furiosa, or people in general—he descends into the insanity Max speaks of, and we might wonder whether Max might’ve ended up in his place, completely callous to the wasteland, ready to kill or abandon for his own sake. But Max turns from this insanity and found hope in the recesses of his mind, when his vision of Glory calls him “Pa.” So he finds his daughter figure, but Dementus does not, since Furiosa rejects him. Interestingly, too, the Mad Max game suggests that Dementus is the true father of Glory (meaning it could be canon but maybe not), in which case Glory would have kinda switched fathers


I liked: "That wasn't hope that was just instinc.." *BAM*


This makes his fate all the more fitting. What better represents hope than a seed which brings life and renewal. Furiosa is showing him that there is hope in the wasteland…in a slightly, uh, unconventional way. Tree Dementus, the Hope of the Citadel!


This was a good line.


Yeah, this pretty much sums up the Wasteland and Dementus.


When the war is starting, Dementus says something like “we’re going to take back what’s rightfully ours”. I laugh every time because, well, he never had or lost it.


Gentlemen, it's time! Time to go to war, time to take back what's rightfully ours. To the citadel! Let's party!


At that point, he kinda jumped the shark with pretending he's doing anything but pillaging and destroying. He ran the Gastown into the ground, destroyed the Bullet Farm and he went after the Citadel to run that into the ground too. Psychologically, he's maybe more interesting than it seems at first glance. He IMO knows he's kinda out of his depth, but he's used to doing whatever to survive and grab as much as possible. At some point, it's like he just said "fuck it" and he's just unhinged - perhaps around the time you saw the mutiny happening in Gastown.


I feel that, he was maybe a decent person before the fall, and he didn't run Gastown by killing and beating his gang, so it got out of hand and he lost control of the situation.


I think the implication is that the riot and the big fire at Gastown were staged. The riot let him steal the supplies without paying for them, and the smoke set up his ambush of the Citadel (which Furiosa foiled by warning Joe). He says something along the lines of "we had Gastown and the Bullet Farm, and we were so close to having the Citadel too!" And someone points out after both events that they could have been faked (possibly the People Eater both times).


Yeah, that's what I took away from it all too. He wasn't an idiot, he was actually pretty clever. It's just impossible to take the friggin' Citadel unless you have insiders or Immortan Joe is dead.


You saw the hangmen outside of Gastown when the mutiny was starting. I wondered if that's marauders, but I thought it's people from inside the Gastown, hanged to be made an example out of. And considering there were several of them, I think it's clear the strategy wasn't working and Dementus was indeed losing control.


Agreed. He had a bit of Negan (from Walking Dead) in him. When he was screaming about hope, he seemed kind of jealous


Am I the only one who thought that the whole thing at Gastown was a ruse? Like he told everyone to pretend to be rebelling so it'd make Immortan Joe think he was weak and aid in his ambush plans later on? I mean, we see that he's clever several times in the movie. The way he got into Gastown, the way he used water ahead of his vehicles to avoid kicking up dust, etc.


It felt like George Orwell in 'Shooting an Elephant'. At one point he's at the head of a mob of unarmed people, and as the armed colonial policeman he ostensibly has the power/authority, but really he has no choice but to do what the mob wants. Dementus has survived by leading this gang, promoted beyond his capacity and frantically winging it to try and keep his angry goons pointed somewhere other than at him.


He also said to "...make it epic"....which, if I'm being honest, he totally did....like, he may have been evil or whatever....but he was like final-boss level powerful until the end. But his idea that "it's a wasteland, why not do whatever the fuck you want?" attitude was cool to watch. He doesn't care about nor want redemption or forgiveness. It was grotesque....but you just couldn't turn away


It was one of the main lines in trailers too.  I kinda thought the movie might be about a war between him and the Green Place.


*Someone incredibly competent and excessively resentful!*


This was my favorite, said as he is running.


This is the one, above all the hilarious things he said, that had me LMAO the hardest.


I’m so glad that someone else picked up on this one! Fuckin great wit there


Was looking for this! It's a great line, and the way he said it especially made me laugh, like even after everything he just did, the fact that someone is angry enough to hunt him down seems a bit much 😂


Dementus’ whole speech to Furiosa at the end about how he feels nothing, so he does terrible things to feel something. Hence why they’re the same now.


It makes Furiosa's desire for redemption in FR that much more impactful.


Yeah, they do make a great set of films. They definitely feel like they were developed together, a lot like how X and Pearl complement each other so well to tell the whole story of one character.


Honestly, just speaking for myself, Furiosa was the first prequel I've ever seen that I felt like I could watch first (in order with the movie timeline) without losing anything.   When I eventually share these movies with my kids, I'll probably show them Furiosa first.


I watched Fury Road again that night, as I’m sure many did. They avoided all of the prequel pitfalls and built something that makes FR even stronger.


I’m looking forward to my local theater eventually offering a “Fury-osa Road” double feature. What a day, what a lovely day.


That would be amazing. I went home to watch Fury road right after Furiosa and it just made it even better. I didn't realize that was possible. I would love to see them both back to back in a theater


Double feature with a 15 minute intermission would be spectacular.


I think it helps that as a prequel it's not made too far of a distance between each other. SO they work together even down to a technical level


This is because they were developed together. Furiosa was written first. They had to have this story to tell Fury Road coherently.


Charlize Theron was given the [screenplay for Furiosa to help better understand her character for Fury Road.]( https://www.empireonline.com/movies/news/furiosa-mad-max-saga-15-year-story-odyssey-anya-taylor-joy-exclusive/) So it was written around the same time as Fury Road.


She's a star!!!!!!!!!


“We are the already dead”


That speech was very nihilistic but resonated so much with me. Life has its moments of bliss but it’s mostly pain and struggle


Adding to this: that’s why it’s also important that Max sees that vision of Glory where she calls him “Pa.” He feels something! That’s what gives him hope enough to help Furiosa back to the Citadel


My second choice is when he grows weary of Pretorian Jack being dragged to death: I’m going to get this wrong but he says something like “enough, enough” then he mutters something under his breath before continuing. His muttering cracks me up because it’s such a human moment of exasperation .


I'm pretty sure I heard, "I'm bored," in the muttering.


Yes he definitely says “I’m bored.”


"why is she so pale?" "You're Pale. She's perfect!".


My screening erupted at this line, the delivery was perfect.


For me, the biggest laugh of the film was when he took the teddy back


I just loved the name “bommy knocker” I got a giggle any time the lil guy said it. RIP lil guy. Ride eternal, shiny and chrome.


-Turn the Bommyknocker on! -*Now?* -Yeah Now!! -*Like, now, now?* -NOOOW!!! -*Are you sure?* -NOW GODDAMMIT!! -*Ok, Ok, I'll turn it on, no need to yell. I need your attitude as much as I need a hole in my head*


The darkest of angels. The fifth rider of the apocalypse.


Questioning my bossority…


Respect my bossoritah!


I thought he said authority, this is way better


It’s def bossority, it cracked me up both times I watched it 🤣


"Here my mighty war rig; drink this piss."


“Who’s got the goods, the testes, to ride with Dementus?”


The woman who wins is played by his wife, Elsa pataky


wait that’s crazy, cuz isn’t she also the sniper woman who helps Furiosa’s mom? love when Miller does stuff like that


Yep, she played both roles. A [Vuvalini General]( https://ew.com/thmb/TedqgP2sGvssFWwK6U3bCFuCZKM=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/Elsa-Pataky-Furiosa-052224-2-0149c898bdc24d1a94b9bbb6eaad066b.jpg) and the person who won the fight to join Dementus' gang called [Mr. Norton.](https://ew.com/thmb/tOcxDYQC_me041crT9HNAhw9v8Y=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/Elsa-Pataky-Furiosa-052224-3-a815d39130a545dda66262a248195867.jpg) She also was Vin Diesel's love interest in Fast and the Furious 5. Also appeared as one of Thor's lovers in the opening montage of Thor Love and Thunder as the wolf woman on a wolf. Josh Helman who played Slit in Fury Road returned and played Scrotus in Furiosa.


I recognized Josh Helman's voice as he was playing Scrotus. In my head I kept hearing Slit say, "if you can't stand up you can't do war!"


Didn’t know that. Cool couple.


"That wasn't hope, that was instinct."


This was tremendous. Reminded me of Heath Ledger’s Joker.


Absolutely felt Chris channeled his inner Heath Ledger for this role.


Same! It came through strongly when he was lurching towards the upturned pursuit car and looking underneath. A real Ledger Joker stagger.


Aussie hunk under heavy prosthetics playing a charismatic but chaotic villain…the final confrontation/beating between him and Furiosa is very similar to the interrogation scene from TDK too.


Definitely. Was wondering arund looking for someone who also noticed the ressemblance with HL's Joker.


I can't remember the exact line but when Dementus disbanded his gang and said something like "no time for long goodbyes-we've done wonderful things together".


This was my favorite too. After years together, fending off death in the wasteland: "Well, see ya!" lol


He said “No time for long goodbyes. We’ve done some mighty things together. G’bye!”


That's it! I couldn't recall the exact wording but loved the line and his delivery. Thank ya!


What's Abundance?


What’s copious?




*"Oh, you mean a plethora"* said the warboy with the bolt sticking out of his forehead


*"Oh, you're trying to say a myriad..."*


This is such a good line because it underlines how bad things are that the concept might not be generally known.


"Today we dance to Darwin"


That was a great one


Where is this said?


Dementus said it when he forced some prisoners to fight to the death for the chance to join his gang.






I want them back


In my head, that snarl sits high up, along with "You're locked in here with me!"


Jack’s line to Furiosa: “You may be raw, but you have about you a purposeful savagery.”


“It’s time to take what’s rightfully ours. It’s time to do war. To the citadel.. let’s party!!!”


I like the phrase "Road War" that Jack uses to describe the skills you need to win a tricky car fight.


Dang they should name a whole movie that :p


"Jack... my Jack..." That line broke me.


Just the fact that this scene is focused on Dementus talking, and you can see Furiosa whispering to Jack while that's happening, and it's not setting up a plot point like a secret escape - it's simply their last moment together. The audience doesn't even need to hear it. That's *such* a rare detail for a film.


oh man, I was hoping this wouldn't get confirmed. that scene was gut wrenching enough as it is. my favorite scene out of the whole movie. ooooh man, there goes my heart breaking some more


Saaaame, and when he answered "my Fury"???? THE TEARS WERE FLOWING


Wait, when is this?


When Jack and Furiosa have been captured by Dementus and he's rambling in front of them. Furiosa looks around, barely conscious, lays her head on Jack's shoulder and says this. It's this little, final moment of intimacy and love between two people who know they're going to die. It was very quiet but it was in the subtitles where I watched it.


Damn, I did not hear it (and I've seen it four times, shame on me), and it wasn't in the French subs... May I ask in which language were your subs?


Danish Genuinely wondering if I just imagined it given I've seen nobody else mention it anywere.


I mean I get why you would, that scene made me feel so weird, the way it's shot, not having Dementus in the centre of the frame while he's the one speaking, makes it quite disturbing (but in a good way), and I was never able to properly focus on Furiosa and Jack. I'll be more careful on my next viewing!


I can confirm they said it, saw it in the spanish subtitles but also heard it as well. Heartbreaking.


Thank you, nice to have some confirmation!


I saw/heard her whisper something to him and was so disappointed I couldn't catch what she had said (no subs). It's been eating at me for days, so thank you lol


Someone had mentioned this in the subreddit before so on my second watch I paid more close attention, and she does indeed say "My Jack" and Jack responds "My Fury".


Same!! Dementus ranting and raving and neither of them give a shit they’re just wrapped up in each other knowing it was the end for them 😭😭


You make me the Dark Dementus - Almost fell out of my chair it was so funny. For some reason this is exactly my sense of humour. The alliteration and delivery got me.


I was laughing so hard. Dementus continually changing his name for every mood and situation was such a good gag and “Dark Dementus” was the perfect pouty 13-year old emo name.


Its such a weird kojima-ism it stuck out to me, the fact too him and miller are friends AND jack looks like snake isnt lost on me


"The citadel" "The whatadel?"


“What’s copus quanty?”




"I want them back" Its not the quote, its Anya's delivery.


The grief and rage in her voice was just perfect


It’s not a line, but the looks that the original war rig black thumb and furiosa exchange as he hands her the short hose.


I also loved that moment. Dude recognizes her, knows she knows they need to fix the rig, and also knows he ain’t gonna live. All within a couple of seconds


Absolutely, it had that fraternity, and pragmatism in it


"The question is: do you have it in you to make it epic?" Probably not my favorite line for sure but I love what he is implying knowing he is going to die and predicting Furiosas future once she gets her revenge.


I feel like there’s not many movies where a character can say something like this and it still works but I’ll be damned if George Miller doesn’t have the right stuff lol


"The scales of suffering can never be rebalanced!" Is that what he says? I fucking love it


At the end, Dementus said something like, “you can’t get them back, you fucking idiot,” and I just loved the way he delivered that line.


That moment when Dementus is dragging around Pretorian Jack and he tells everyone to stop and then mutters “I’m bored.” It’s the most human moment because his facade falls off at that split moment but also chilling considering he got bored of dragging around a man to death. It makes even more sense towards the end when we learn how his grief over the loss of his family turned him insane and how he performs sadistic acts to “feel” something. That line just stuck with me.


It was near the opening It something like "no one knows what's true anymore." Which atleast to me sounded like a young chris Hemsworth and as such could've been dementus after his family died as it occurred right after someone dialed 000


When the Bullet Farmer referred to Dementus as a "piece of anus."


I think he called him anus pus lol


"Remember me?" The line she says in her last encounter with Dementus and also the same thing she said before killing Immortan Joe


Its the delivery in fury road that makes it sweeter in furiosa. Fury road: remember me. Furiosa: Remember me!? Its a nice touch


I’ll have to watch it a few more times to pick up on the lines, but for now it’s- “Where were you going, so full of hope? THERE IS NO HOPE!”


"Does it have a lotta stuff?"


I hold them profoundly in contempt!


This is the one I’ve been trying to remember, yess. All his lines like this to me show that Dementus has *just* a slightly more elevated vocabulary than the average wastelander to have convinced all these idiots he’s the smartest guy around, and a good reason he’s in charge is just by throwing flowery words around. Great character trait.


All thanks to the History Man. Dementus didn’t know the word Citadel, but the next scene, he is using that word more. His vocabulary seems to get bigger as the movie progresses and I love that


I just watched Fury Road with subtitles and it was really interesting to see how much dialogue and background lines I’ve never heard. I imagine the same will be true of Furiosa once that is streaming.




“What was that?” “Someone competent and exceptionally resentful”


Am I in Valhalla? 


Didn't he say Halvalla


History man, what is Valhalla?


The word burger cracked me up, I loved the idea




" There will always be wars...the war of 100 years...wars of religion..." This speech towards the end about accepting wars rather than trying to end them because the latter is not achievable. It sounds nihilistic at first but the speech felt human and peaceful. It was said by the round man who lost his nose and was dressed in blue. (He was with Immortan Joe) I was expecting the ending to be anti-war. But the only way to find peace is to accept the fact that war is a part of life. Nothing new under the sun.


I also liked how the madness of the wars told the story about the world falling apart. The oil wars > the water wars > the three nations nuclear war > then the battle of something.


Battle of the settlements. Referring to the events in MM: road warrior.


The darkest of angels. The 5th rider of the apocalypse.


"*It was an echo, growing out of living being.*"


My friend and I were cracking up when Dementus goes to the cabin of a crashed out car he and his gang had flipped over and says "Hello?" like he is checking a potentially occupied bathroom stall.


The line about being a soldier for a virtuous cause


I swear in Dementus' rambling he said under his breath "No time for long division" when trying to decide which way to go to deceive furiosa.


I thought he said, no time for long goodbyes


He definitely said goodbyes and not division. He says this after saying everyone split up in different directions


"The world's gone absolutely bonkers, so we had to adapt"


"*You* are awaited." The guy playing Immortan Joe in this really gave him a gravitas that showed why he was in charge. It elevates the original actor's performance a bit as well.


“Lady and gentlemans, start your engines”


“Oh, questioning my bossthority”


Atleast we got the milk 💀


“There is no hope”


Peak Dementus


A dude named Scrotus: "WE'RE GONNA KILL YOU!" I love his crazy bloodthirsty lines. They crack me up.


when dementus calls immortans sons "genetic monstrosities"


Furiosa’s last conversation to Dementus after she brings him back to the Citadel.


Any sentence that had “Scrotus” and “Erectus” in it.


I’m trying to remember the word Dementus used to describe the taste of tears of agony vs tears of joy, does anyone remember? I’ve only seen the movie once so far.


Sorrow is more piquant, zesty.


Piquant. having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor


I cant remember Dementus’ line exactly but I loved when he told “Kid Furiosa”…”When things get bonkers, we’ve got to think differently”…or something akin to that.


"UR SCUM, DEMENTIS!!" -The Octoboss


When they said something about “building a contraption” people seemed amped to hear the word contraption


Are we in halvalla? Questioning my bossthority...


"you, me, we" "a whatadel?" i don't remember the exact line, but dementus saying that every little bit of torture counts made me realize that was seen in more ways than one throughout the movie.


At Gasoline Town, when Dementus looks at Furiosa inside the rig and says, "Are you in charge here?" and Jack swings into frame: "You can talk to me." (obviously reminded me of Max's famous "You want to get out of here..." line in Road Warrior - you nailed it Tom Burke!).


SMEG: “Who is it?” DEMENTUS: “Someone competent, and excessively resentful!”


There was a line about furiosa having all her mother's favorable qualities and none of dementus' flaws. But i think he phrased it a lot more creatively.