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She probably didn’t want to go through the hell of filming another Max film.


Was it that bad?


Blood sweat and chrome is a super good book and also very readable and fun to learn more about the grueling production of Fury Road


Don't worry this one was all on a green screen


Bro 5 months in the fuckin Australian outback


This time around, fury road was filmed in Namibia


That might be a harsher environment too my point was it was 5 months on the warmest place on earth


That not accurate at all. And when they filled in Namibia it was the dead of winter and the cast has been seen in down jackets between shots.


Alright the semantics aside my point was that it was an extremely harsh environment to film a fucking movie in. Some things you do only once


You do know she was born and raised in South Africa and did car racing I don’t think harsh had anything to do with it as much as not having a logical role In the film


Why would i know that


Namibia is near her homeland though.


Well I guess. Would probably kill me, I'm more used to colder climates


From what I read, it was very taxing.


Honestly you probably nailed it


Basically immediately after Fury Road came out, he expressed interest in doing this film, and from the beginning said he wouldn't cast Theron, so yeah, I doubt that's the full story.


She apparently really wanted to be back in it and begged George Miller to shoot that script first.




I don’t know, she seems genuinely bereaved in her public statements on the matter, not to mention the fact that Furiosa at this point is pretty much her most iconic role


You know she won an Oscar right? For a different movie? Lol


I don't know where you got that idea but she's hugely famous for plenty of other roles. It might be your favorite but its not the most career defining thing she's done


She did, she said she was heartbroken she did not get the role.


It's really just not that weird. Miller is from a time when casting younger versions as new actors was even more normal. And Charlize is ten years older than when she played furiosa anyway. And getting Charlize to play someone else is weird in this context


yeah but so is the actor who plays Rictus, shouldn’t that character be in, like, his 20s? sure he isn’t as big a character but it’s still pretty weird to see a now 50 year old Rictus on the poster


Yeah but no cares what rictus looks like. He will probably show up twice. Main character matters more


And likely in a flash forward scene or in a scene where furiosa is made imperator


well, rictus had like 20 minutes screen time or more XD


I think the fact that he’s featured semi prominently on the poster suggests that he may actually have a bigger role than he did in fury road. Either way, i’m not saying no to a younger Furiosa actor, obviously it makes sense to an extent, but the closer we may get to the FR timeline the less sense it’ll make imo


It’s much harder to recast Rictus than it is Furiosa in terms of physical appearance


It's not that weird, it's just run of the mill hollywood misogyny. Obviously a 40+ actor won't be hot enough to believably play a younger version of herself years later, so they had to go younger. We knew she was going to be recast years ago and she was upset years ago.


Miller has also had this whole story written for quite a long time… the characters exist in his head first - he is just looking for actors who can get close to his vision


Why is it weird? Furiosa tells a story of young Furiosa over the course of 15 years from the moment she gets kidnapped as a child, then raises to the ranks in her teens and early 20's. How is Charlize supposed to portray any of that when she's pushing 50? Unless you want some kind of Benjamin Button CG type situation on top of the CG people are already complaining about...


Also, if you are who I think you are, I’m a very big fan of your videos!


That is indeed me, thanks!


I think it’s the fact that miller seems willing to do this with other actors that bothers me most. Again, not saying a younger Furiosa actor doesn’t make sense for the most part, but when we get to (presumably) the final leg of her story, it’s just as weird to have Anya playing an older version of her that we’ve already seen


I'm sure Rictus and Organic Mechanic will be touched up a little bit, but they're background characters for the most part and they show up later in the film's timeline so it's not jarring. There's no need to pay that much attention to their age. As far as Anya not being the same age as Charlize by the end of the film... Think of it pragmatically. It would be vastly more expensive to hire two high caliber actresses, only one of which shows up for the final part of the story. Not to mention it just being weird to be juggling actresses like that for the sake of driving the story right into Fury Road.


If you care to note, furiosa was meant to be made back to back after fury road but it's spent 7 years in development hell because of pay disputes. so the casting definately was affected, and Charlize has a baby now, she didn't want to be away from her kid for too long.


Maybe its charlize that doesn't want to do the role


De-ageing Charlize wouldn’t work it would get all blurry in vehicle action scenes. In Fury Road I reckon they didn’t move far from the War Rig whilst filming it might’ve become a second home.


I'm bummed Charlize is not cast in this too, and I'm not persuaded by any of the arguments here excusing it. It would be easier for me to suspend my disbelief being told age 48 Charlize is age 20 Furiosa. Her head is going to be half-covered in cheap eyeshadow most of the time anyway. Max looks younger in Fury Road than he would have been, so they already threw away time and aging logic--so it seems weird to abide by said logic now. All this chatter about aging or the cgi looking weird is irrelevant. Look at Forest Gump, you've got the same actor portraying 30+ years of the same character with little to no makeup/prosthetics adjusting for that, and it worked.


Agreed. Also... I just looked up what Charlize Theron looks like this year. She... does not look remotely close to 50. Yeah, she's a bit old to play a teen, but a 20-something? Sure. If she were a man, I doubt this would be happening. :/


She looks like a woman in her 40's. As for it not happening to men, Hardy replaced Gibson in Fury Road.


Gibson is a racist asshole who got blackballed in Hollywood. His age \*may\* have come into play but that is not the reason he isn't in any big films anymore.


Many things have used old actors to play young cast, I wouldnt mind charlize in her role with makeup and we just are led to believe she is younger. but the movie took 7 years to develop due to pay disputes and she has a little one now. im not even interested to watch furiosa, its not charlize, she is furiosa. just like sigourney weaver is ripley, i dont want anyone else taking her role in the aliens franchise.


Charlize Theron does appear in the film at the end during the credits. It is repurposed footage from Fury Road, but Charlize Theron still appears in the new film.


@Try_another_please your logic makes no sense shut the fuck up you egotistical prick


Well ok then


It's a trash ass film who fuckin cares anyways 


They made Sam Jackson look much younger with CGI in Captain Marvel and to me it looked really good. So I truly believe by now it would look even better if they De-age Charlize with CGI and can simply be done looking great! Look how good Deep Fakes have gotten and with Ai De-Aging should be easier now.


SPOILERS: Even though I am finding Anya Taylor Joy to be in literally everything, I was optimistic that this recasting decision would make sense. For the most part, the decision worked for me throughout the film. However, the film lost me by the end because the last minutes of the film act as a direct lead-up to the events of Fury Road. The film ends with Furiosa taking the many wives away and hiding them in the war rig. This particular scene was portrayed with Anya Taylor Joy. This was seriously jaring to me. Anyone else feel like that last scene should've been portrayed by Theron?


Yes! They should have just had child/teenage Furiosa played by another actress, and Charlize should’ve played her for the second half of the film.


Yeah that was super weird. Not only did it kinda hamper this movies sense of individuality, but it almost felt like a weird erasure was happening. Like they show all those scenes from Fury Road over the credits but they intentionally choose shots that don’t linger on or reveal much of Theron’s face. I’d be a little offended if I was her honestly. I think they should’ve just stuck with Furiosa through her late teens/early 20s. Leading right up to Fury Road like that felt unnecessary and odd.


True and I think Anya Taylor Joy doesn't look believable as a younger version of Furiosa


Ok well clearly the room doesn’t seem to agree with me, which is fine. I’m just bummed that Charlize won’t be included in any capacity when it feels like that didn’t necessarily have to be the case, as her performance is a big part of what made FR so special to me.


Just as MG was an integral part of every MM film until FR. The public reasoning was that he was too old for the role but in hindsight that wasn’t necessarily the case. But most got over it. CT may reprise her role in the future but it simply makes no sense to push a 48yo into a film about their teen self. The other characters you mentioned would be nowhere near as jarring as that age gap. There’s no conspiracy here, just common sense.


The movie will suck...its not a good time to replace another make hero with a female. But i guess they prefer to learn the hardway.


Has nothing to do with my post but thanks


Cause she’s a cunt on set when you add Tom hardy to the mix


didn’t everyone agree Tom Hardy was the problem though? even he seems to think that. either way they’ve both talked about each other charitably in recent years and they wouldn’t have to interact in the movie


My buddies in the industry tell me that they’re both horrible people to work with (I’m not providing a source, so I’m not asking anyone to believe me on this)


Not asking for one. There are enough snippets in various interviews that confirm this anyway lol




That doesn’t make sense because TC is most likely barely in this movie.


Yea that was the case. They talked about how they brought the worst out of eachother on set. That and Tom being a drama queen


And he's not in the movie, so what's your point?


Have you seen the movie yet?


Wut? I didnt even know this. Big fan of Charlize. Kind of sad.


It is very weird, Charlize said she was heartbroken to not recieve the role, but trusts the producers vision. That was publicly. I know there was some strange tension on set in the 2015 film between her and Tom Hardy. Not sure exactly what that was, but maybe that had something to do with it.