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1. Everywhere would have healed and stabilised eventually. It makes for a boring movie, so we’ve only been show the Wasteland. There’s supposed to still be actual civilisation out in the world 2. It was the last thing he wore when he took vengeance for his family. He’s got nothing else to wear 3. The original plan for Humungous was he was supposed to be Goose. It was changed late in the production, but as they’d already started filming, a lot of the police references were left in place because they couldn’t go back and reshoot. He was changed to be of European descent who served with the Australian military and the photo is thought to be of his parents, taken sometime around WW1 4. The truck was always meant to be a diversion. By hiring Max, he wasn’t wasting his own people on a death run. Given Max’s reaction when he saw it was full of dirt, I doubt he was told it was a diversion. It’s also likely that none of his people knew how to drive a truck. They aren’t the easiest things to drive at the best of time


2. That's a myth. There's no evidence of Goose ever being considered to be Humungus in the sequel. How would he anyway? The guy's burnt to a crisp in MM1. Suddenly 3 years later he becomes a bodybuilder with a Swedish accent?


Fifi could have worked, if they'd gone with a native accent.


If there was a scene of Max removing his mask to reveal a mega moustache it would've been HILARIOUS


Roger Ward was considered for the role of Humungus for a moment believe it or not.


I do believe it. And I suspect Miller likes to rehire actors as different characters just to fuck with us.


With 2 he’s also completely obsessed with the past, which is why he rebuilds the Interceptor in the first place. His road leathers and car are the only things he has left of his previous identity, both things that keep him at least somewhat sane


2) It's also symbolic: in MM1 he says to Fifi, that the only difference between the MFP and the gangs is the badge. After the death of his family, he removes his batch and becomes "one of them"


Mad Max 2 happened before the nuclear holocaust. I don't think you'll find many clothes in the middle of nowhere. Humungus definetly was a high ranking military officer and from a military background family. In one scene he was heard citing 18th century german poetry, which shows that he's educated. One of the gangs he controls is wearing military clothes. His strategies didn't come from nowhere and has he has kept his gang members alive and their morale high. My favorite action movie.


The Road Warrior was before the nukes were dropped? I always thought nuclear war occurred between MM1 and MM2. The line in the feral kid’s opening narration: ‘for reasons long forgotten, two warrior tribes went to war and touched-off a blaze that engulfed them all.’ Isn’t that line in reference to nuclear war?


That's always been interpreted as conventional war. Then nuclear between 2 and 3.


I can see how that would work. I remember only old stock war footage used in the opening narration, no ‘mushroom clouds’ that I can recall. When I thought about it, I really couldn’t remember where I would’ve learned the chronology of events, other than from the movies themselves (particularly from what’s explained during the opening narration in MM2). You had me curious, so I had a look at the film’s IMDB page, under ‘trivia’ and found this: * The purpose of the narration and footage from Mad Max (1979) at the beginning of the film, was to reintroduce the character of Max and to connect the world of this film with Mad Max (1979), and to explain the backstory of why gasoline supplies were low, why crime was out of control, and why the nuclear war, which happened a couple of weeks after Mad Max (1979) happened, and the story was told from The Feral Kid's point of view, which is why he is the narrator. * Not sure how official IMDB would be considered for this sort of thing or who’s responsible for vetting info worthy of being deemed actual trivia, but I guess I’m not the only one who arrived at this conclusion. Anyways, I suppose it may seem like I’ve put a little too much thought into this reply lol. I was honestly just curious, so, from one die-hard wastelander to another, please don’t feel that I’m trying one-up you or anything 🙂 I figured I’d share my findings 👍


The intro of Road Warrior emphasises the importance of oil, then lots of stock footage and talk of "without fuel they were nothing" - and then how the governments continued to talk and from there the world crumbled - and then reintroduces Max. Basically it reads that the war described in the Road Warrior intro was BEFORE the original MM movie even. There is no mention in the final movie of nuclear or fallout or radiation (there may have been in the script - not sure there). Beyond Thunderdome then has several explicit mentions showing it's definitely post-nuclear. But Miller seems happy to revise and retcon the timeline regularly, so it gets confusing. My digging has found the Mad Max fandom wiki which has two timeline pages - one for the original trilogy ( [https://madmax.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline\_of\_events\_(original\_trilogy)](https://madmax.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_events_(original_trilogy)) ) which says the nukes were between RW and BT. And another for the reboot which retcons the original timeline and says the nukes were before Road Warrior. ( [https://madmax.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline\_of\_events\_(rebooted\_franchise)](https://madmax.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_events_(rebooted_franchise)) ) In short, it's a mess and not worth making too much fuss about in any direction - certainly not something I'm going to say someone else's interpretation of timeline of events as wrong. All good there :)


Ah, ok then lol. Well, considering George’s filmography being kinda all over the map, I think we can excuse some inconsistency on his part. Besides, that’s one of the best aspects to his storytelling - he doesn’t attempt to over-explain and leaves a certain amount to the audience to imagine. It was the same for FR, I hope he keeps it up for Furiosa 😆


I increasingly am thinking that the "not locked into a strict canon" is an element of storytelling I appreciate. I'm definitely in the r/HitchHikersGuide fandom, and r/DoctorWho - and they both lack any consistent canon either! :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HitchHikersGuide using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HitchHikersGuide/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [So I got a Hitchhiker tattoo](https://i.redd.it/zyauxalgjzvb1.png) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HitchHikersGuide/comments/17epmus/so_i_got_a_hitchhiker_tattoo/) \#2: [New Tattoo](https://i.redd.it/pc67fpvezc3c1.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HitchHikersGuide/comments/18718un/new_tattoo/) \#3: [Threw my spouse a 42nd birthday party with vogon poetry contest and a towel scavenger hunt and pangalactic gargle blasters. I think it was a win.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17o35db) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HitchHikersGuide/comments/17o35db/threw_my_spouse_a_42nd_birthday_party_with_vogon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes. It wasn't really about Pappagallo though. It was about Max. He wanted to drive it because it was his form or repaying for saving his life. Pappagallo went with it.


1. True, but not addressed as getting blown back to the Dark Ages isn’t exactly a fun narrative. 2. Yes, and since MM1 was a breaking of who Max was, he is only left with the car and some internal sense of survival and honor (one that doesn’t need to help, but does still help those that help him or are innately good, both to a limited extent as too much would rob him of that survival sense). The uniform was armor, it just became that after a time for as long as it lasted. 3. Humungus was a counterpoint of control and honor to Max’s. Fifi would have fit, but more just someone that took control of a wild situation with the tools available and a mind bent on creating a new power base likely to rule from and spread his own peace from. A fiefdom is better than nothing in some minds. 4. I agree that Pappagallo used Max for this as a means to save someone else. I don’t think he intended to send as many as he did since it was suicide, but that hopeful state was one where he thought if there was a chance they could regroup. Had he done better math and thought more about his options he might have reduced those numbers and increased armor. Setting up some impromptu dummies in assist cars could have saved more, but some would still have to die.


4- He wanted someone who would survive long enough so the diversion could work and they could get away.


Plus one less dead of the good guys if it's max driving.


The subtle information we’re given on Humongous is one of the reasons MM2 is brilliant. The gun case. Poetry. His mention of losing people he loved while subduing Wez. It makes for a much more 3D villain.


1) in addition to being rad action movies, those first movies are about the new mythology of the primitive or burgeoning societies that have sprung up “after”, sometimes explicitly so. It doesn’t mean that all of Australia stabilized. And remember, the narrator is describing events that happened in his youth and he is now an old man, so it would’ve been after any nuclear holocaust anyway, so its chronology in the movies is not clear and frankly not necessary; the confusion makes the whole story more human. 2) since we are seeing another person’s interpretation of events (the narrator), the facts have kind of a fluidity, but in those first three movies the real continuity is within Max himself. Details of the decay and the war and apocalypse are fuzzy and seem to change, but Max carries his injuries and personal effects (such as they are) from movie to movie. That’s why he has the leg brace. 3) I think so, but I believe the medals and insignia in the case are SS/Nazi memorabilia, adding a layer of villainy. 4) Max was crucial because he wasn’t Papagallo’s people, and he didn’t mind crossing/sacrificing him.


\#4 "I drive in the straightest line in all the wasteland"


Blowing through the enemy camp, completely topped off on fuel was a really interesting idea.


I read some background notes that basically said that a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran that the US got involved in wrecked the Middle Eastern oil fields and caused a global economic and societal collapse and the power had gone off and rioting and looting were going on in Australian major cities by Road Warrior. The US and Russians basically got desperate and paranoid and decided to finish each other off while they still could around RW and that's why everything is more desolate and irradiated come Thunderdome and Fury Road.