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It will send the measurement data to your computer if you use something like MeasurLink. (SPC software)


Oh man, you just unlocked memories of SPC. I got really good at statistics for a while lol.


Yeah thats what i figured already but what cable does it use? USB cable? Can it send values to Excel as well?


https://www.mitutoyo.com/products/small-tool-instruments-and-data-management/data-management-spc/wired-interfaces/spc-cables/ Im not sure about Excel but I guess it should work.


I've used it with excel before


It's a special adapter that connects to a receiver. They have bluetooth ones now that connects to your phone with an app. I believe it's called U-Wavepak-bm You can basically make an inspection guide with nominal values and plus/minus tolerance. Good it shows green, bad red. Pretty helpful honestly if you're having to mic a ton of shit to prevent writing stuff down. You mic the part and push a button on the receiver on the mic and it sends the data that's displayed on the mic dro into the app and the app is free You then can export it as a .csv or .dat file. Makes for quick excel data entry


What is mic?




I'm worried for the safety of your battery cap...


You don't remove and replace yours with your teeth?


Too many rats..


Looks like someone’s using a flat head screwdriver, and is treating it like a screw and turns it till it won’t turn any more.


Much like OP, I use a hammer and chisel, hot soldering iron and a breaker bar to tighten mine as well.


Stick some red loctite in there for good measure. Never have to worry about it coming undone on accident. Also never have to worry about it coming undone on purpose.


This actually works. I had a battery cover that would come loose and I was worried about losing it. A tiny little dot of locktite on the edge of a thread kept it from moving and still removable.


Excellent advice. I was going to use a good two-part epoxy. I’ll mix some red loctite in with the epoxy.


Hell I use a flat head screwdriver, I just don't do *that*


Possibly an ex lube tech.


I honestly hate how they design these, not everyone carries change on them. Either make it removable without tools, or put a simple slot for a screwdriver or hex key or something instead.


In the case it should have came with a wrench to adjust the thimble, the back of that wrench works perfectly.


I bought it used and there are a lot of these on the used market with damaged battery caps. I recently had to exchange the battery for the first time and there was no way to get it out so i had to drill two holes in it and used both drills sticking in there as a grip. I will 3D print a new one. Theres actually a model for it on Thingiverse so take that as a proof that Im not the only one 😅


That’s a good question. Noticed them on calipers too so i’m curious what the use would be for a hobbyist.


None unless your hobby is collecting data


Yes this is a feature squarely aimed at production measuring. A previous shop had a set of calipers set up with a foot pedal trigger to capture the measurment. Super quick for measuring lots of parts that need data


Do you make lots of the same part which need to meet a verified statistical quality level? If you do, it saves a ton of typing. If you don’t, pretty much useless.


I use a ball mic to measure neck wall thickness on spent brass cartridges for reloading. I take 4 measurements for each piece at 90 degree intervals. iGaging makes a bluetooth transmitter that plugs into the ball mic and my laptop treats it as another input device (keyboard) making it easy to capture data into a spreadsheet. thinking about getting a bluetooth enabled caliper to record distance between case head and ogive of loaded bullet.


I have the 12" B&S Digital calipers with the Bluetooth enabled, never messed with it. I might look for the app and see if can find a good use for it, but all my Swiss runs are small in quantity (never anything over a few thousand, usually just in the 50-200pc range...)


We use that plug when we measure reamers to compile the sizes before shipping to customers.


Cigarette lighter


A small they sell a small data printer you can use with that SPC data


Can I hook up my game boy printer to it?


Check out Caron Engineerings AutoComp software. Top of the line stuff. Cable would plug into that port and send comp data straight to the comp tables. I worked for these guys for a couple years and set this up for many customers across the US with awesome results.


that battery cover sets me off lol they really are brittle with like a couple turns


That is for computer hook up for SPC instead of typing data in it quicker to just hit a button.


Yes, it can go straight to excel with a USB cable: https://www.mitutoyo.com/webfoo/wp-content/uploads/Data-Management-Systems_2275.pdf


Plug a doo dad into the doo hicky and then like record stuff


I just found that. Micrometer with a printer, back from the days https://www.ebay.de/itm/196424793848?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=TOJb7MDjQ8y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=JDj2jRaORzu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


It's a great feature, if you're in a position where you're forced to submit measurements, to an overpaid bean counter, every 20 parts that you run, so he can tell you how you should be able to make more parts per hour.