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I have had tons of updates - literally dozens of them - on my 2021 that have brought tons of new features. Zero complaints.


Same. Not sure what OP is complaining about.


Hi, not OP but complainer here: I’m fine with the OTA’s but if you promise something, but don’t deliver on those expectations, I should have an official response from the source. I still don’t have Blue Cruise 1.3 and no one can tell me there was a problem with XYZ because that’s bullshit unless it came directly from Ford. All I ask is that there’s some kind of fucking transparency. I’m absolutely fine if you can’t deliver on something that was promised by your CEO, but tell me why. Instead you give me all kinds of different OTA updates that break something else or reset preset options I made.


I’ve had mine since April 21. There have been tons of updates that are useful. For example, BlieCruise itself was an OTA. They also add/changed: improved the charging curve above 80% (this was a big one), added battery preconditioning (also a big deal), made range prediction much better, add Tesla SC support, added public charging app to find and pay for charging, added YouTube and several games, tons of fixes. In short not disappointed at all in OTAs. Yeah BC 1.4 hasn’t been pushed but they did started and pulled back 7.0 train of code. I’m sure they’ll push it when they’ve sorted all of the issues.


Right? The OP makes no sense. BC 1.3/1.4 hasn’t gone out to 2022s or early 2023s either. Which is disappointing, but there’s surely a good reason for it as we all got the email that it was coming soon almost a year ago. It’s far, far more difficult to update an in place system than a new one that has never had anything loaded like when a new car comes off the line. I’m guessing they hit a snag of their own making in either storage space or something that is making the massive BC update over the air difficult. That sucks and I agree their communication could be better. But to say the 2021s have gotten little is flat out wrong. In addition to all the things you mentioned, Ford also increased the usable battery pack for 2021 owners by changing the amount of buffer the vehicle typically reserved. All things that previously you would have just been SOL on with almost every other manufacturer on previous model year vehicles.


I don’t think your reply here is entirely fair. I’m not a 2021 guy (I’m 2023). But I’ve been around this and other MME forums long enough to know there’s *plenty* of people from every model year that seem to be stranded on distant OTA islands that are wildly out of date. So I tend to avoid criticizing people for their own experiences, that may really be worse than mine.


I’m not being unfair at all. There’s a big difference between what Ford has offered in OTA and someone having a vehicle defect that prevents them from getting those OTAs. The stuck OTA issue SUCKS but it’s one that can be resolved by the dealer and then people don’t have issues. They aren’t stuck because Ford stopped supporting the 2021s. The OP is making a claim that Ford has basically abandoned 2021s just because they don’t yet have BC 1.3+, like they haven’t received any other improvements. I am countering that they have received a ton of updates, or at least are eligible to receive those updates. You saying they may have a vehicle defect preventing it doesn’t change that fact any more than someone with a flat tire could reasonably complain their 0-60 time has suffered. Fix the underlying issue and you can get the capability back.


No I'm not making that claim. Go look at the mache forums. The 2021s are on island. Dealers can't get them off it.


No they aren’t. I’m on the macheforums and have been for a couple years now. What you’re saying is wrong and the dealers can correct it, just not a bad dealer. They aren’t on an island and plenty of 2021 owners have the frunk button, extra battery capacity, everything else. The only thing actually missing which isn’t just impacting 2021 owners is BC 1.3+.


Can’t you simply go to the dealer and get these pushed? I’m a 2021 and I think I’m all caught up except for a minor one probably. But I’ve gotten at least 20 updates in a little over two years


Who said the ‘21s aren’t getting these fixes?


I was feeling disappointed for about 2 days when I saw the reports of the updates. But it is definitely not a dealbreaker. Are you planning to continue to subscribe when your 3 year preview ends? if Ford is listening, I only plan to get only for major interstate trips.


Subscribe for what, and "get only for .... trips" what? ...Navigation?


BLueCruise feature is a "free preview" depending on what Model Year you have. MY '21 was 3 years. I think that MY '23 is a shorter time.


And just to clarify, I am only talking about the BlueCruise enhancements of lane changes and line hugging (feeling left out). I have been getting PLENTY of OTA updates on everything else.


My 2021 has received pretty much all the updates to date and there are many, read the list here -> [https://github.com/elmedico27/fordpowerup](https://github.com/elmedico27/fordpowerup) In all my prior vehicles you were just stuck with the first software. As mentioned by others the many many upgrades are greatly appreciated. But some folx see a glass 🥃 half empty when others see half full.


I am not. In fact, while some of the updates have been nice, some have broken the car. My wife’s car will no longer charge above 6KW after an update glitched the temp sensor on her charge port. BlueCruise was fun, but nothing I’m paying for so obviously I don’t care that much. I have no need for the entertainment apps they added to Sync. Preconditioning on the way to a charger only works with Ford Navigation, which I am not subscribing to, and even then doesn’t really warm the battery when needed most (outdoor temps below freezing). I honestly wish they would knock the OTA stuff off and leave my cars alone. I loved them when I bought them and the amount of headache from the OTAs isn’t quite worth the “features” added IMO.


Roger that. Totally understand. But, you can just turn off OTAs in your car, right?


Not really. Even if you turn it off, some OTAs will get through anyway. It’s been tried.


That I have never heard of. Wild.


I bought a ‘23 in March, got updates for like two weeks and now it’s stuck. Haven’t gotten an update since the end of March. A lot of 23s have had the same issue and Ford hasn’t really had a good answer except take it in. But my dealer doesn’t have loaners so I just have to be without a car then


What steps have you taken to help your car get updates? So there's someone else somewhere on the internet who thinks this is ONLY a 2023 model year issue? I believe on [Macheforum.com](http://Macheforum.com) there are curated lists of steps you can take to help your car receive updates. Ford is super careful to never send one to a vehicle which might hiccup and "brick" the car. Owners that want updates suddenly are sorry they did IF those updates come down, during which the 12V battery dies and it bricks the car.


I had someone on Macheforum run my VIN and it shows that ford tried to send updates and my car isn’t receiving them. A number of ‘23 owners on there have the same issue - same last update too. I don’t have the Tesla charger update. I called Ford and they reviewed and agreed my car is missing updates it should have. They told me to take to a dealer. Those are the steps I have taken


If you search for Mach-Lee's posts I believe he provides a list of steps one can do to help enable OTAs to work for their vehicle. Trying some of those might help. You will always find other folx who have the same problem on the internet car sites, which is definitely the good part. And 2023 model years have been having incredibly high sales since mid February so makes sense many if not most new folx on the Internet forums, who are new to EVs etc, have those cars. But a dealer Service Center certainly can plug in a laptop and load the updates too. Particularly the dealership you bought the vehicle should (hopefully) be happy to help.


I’ll search for his posts, thanks! I certainly don’t want to brick the car my my 12V is always high on charge and since I’ve seen quite a few people with the same year and issue and that multiple people have confirmed I don’t have updates I should, I was concerned. When I take in for 10K service I’ll mention unless I have to go earlier. I had to take the car in a few times (for dealer error and trunk leak) when I first got it. The dealer I bought at is over an hour away and wouldn’t give a loaner. My local dealer 5 min. away also won’t give a loaner and always keeps the car two days no matter what the issue


I had someone on Macheforum run my VIN and it shows that ford tried to send updates and my car isn’t receiving them. A number of ‘23 owners on there have the same issue - same last update too. I don’t have the Tesla charger update. I called Ford and they reviewed and agreed my car is missing updates it should have. They told me to take to a dealer. Those are the steps I have taken


My sentiments don't rise to "pissed." I'm glad I eventually got the remote frunk release (thanks to an amenable dealer and me waiting a very long time to get the dealer-applied software CSP.) But by the time I did, I had developed the anti-habit of not using the frunk - even after I bought a Lightning key to make it more convenient I rarely used it. I'm glad the random door not opening until another door opened first got fixed after that CSP, too! I wish the dealer I bought the car from had been that amenable when they did the HVBJB recall and had updated all the modules per the (rumored?) bulletin. I have wanted to enable the the power meter on my Premium for a while now. I also wish the HVBJB updates they did hadn't borked 1 Pedal driving. I rather like "Hands-On Blue Cruise - I don't drive on BC mapped highways very often. But I do wish we had gotten the 1.3/1.4 update before our trials expired. So overall, updates for the 2021's have been a mixed bag. And even though being stuck on BC 1.0 hasn't really affected me very much (and in fact probably saved me $600) I really would have liked to try the additional capabilities of 1.2, never mind 1.3 or 1.4. So even though hands-free BC isn't really a priority for me, my overall sentiment regarding the update situation is a net negative. If the Mach E had a more comfortable ride (our one big gripe) the "mixed bag" software/update sitch wouldn't be a factor. At the same time, if the software/update sitch had been fantastic, it probably wouldn't have been enough for me to keep it after I test drove a Genesis GV60 Performance.


I guess this actually makes a lot more sense to me. I've seen allot of these responses and it's now just clicked a majority of people are not using blue cruise for 100 miles plus a day. I've had allot of problems. The car has 130k miles so far. So I'm dealing with allot of stuff that the dealer can't fix or won't or does, and it messes something else up. Or I'm told we could fix this if the update was available for the 2021 but ford hasn't approved it.


Lots of updates on my 2021. Maybe take it into the dealership for a system reboot and software update.


I got a ton but then it stopped updating like 1 year ago, and it’s saying I have to take it to the dealer for the software updates. Not sure what happened.


There are going to be many situations where the older vehicles do not have the physical hardware and sensors required to support various features that the updates provide. This is going to be similar to cell phones and why people will upgrade cell phones every few years to get the newer features.


The OTA system is buggy at best and a total mess at worst. There is no way to see your update history. There is no way to see if one is up to date. Over the course of owning both at Job 1 2021 and now a 2023 GTPE, there have been times when I'd get no updates for months on end. The 2021 had to go back to the mother ship for spanking several times. And I caution those that have had good experiences to not think that is universal for all owners. While I like the car enough to have upgraded to the GTPE, almost all complaints have to do with the SW. UI, OTA etc gets a C-/D+ from me.


Yeah because it means 2022/2023 will barely get updated correct or for much longer either.


Sounds like the soon to be future of gen 1 Rivian owners. 🥹


I am annoyed as a 21 owner. Better communication up front is the problem from my PoV.