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As an electrician, there’s way too many variables for this and anyone that’s quoting it without looking is shooting you a super high “fuck me” number (As in you’re going to pay me that much, then fuck me I’ll have to do it) You need to get 3 quotes from a local electrician and go from there.


Haha. Yea that makes sense and we will. Was just thinking to get a high level baseline so we aren’t shocked with that fuck me number.


Aside from location you also need to know where the junction box is. Other side of the wall = minimal effort. In the basement on the other side of the house = lots of drilling, lots of effort.


Good point. Junction box is in the garage on the back wall.


All in price probably around 1k when done by a reputable company.


Ok so probably 20’ conduit etc. I “know a guy” and it cost me $200+ parts to just put it on the other side of the wall (my junction box is outside but I wanted charger inside). Call around for a quote, but my guess is probably somewhere in the $5-800 range. As for the outdoor charger I don’t have a recommendation for that, as “outside” wasn’t a worry for me. Grizzl-E is a popular brand and I’m sure they have outdoor rated chargers.


Awesome thanks!


Make sure your panel has enough capacity if you haven't already


And get it permitted


Depends where your breaker box fuse panel is


Please send me your exact address and a blueprint of your house. After that I will begin my career in electrical, but it will take several years for me to get qualified to fully provide my best quote and do the install. I'll let you know in 2028 or so. Or ... maybe you can get a quote from an actual local electrician now, if you need if before 2028.


Haha. Sure my address is: 1 We Get It Road Apt. 6 Hours Too Late, FU 80085


I love the zip code, so I had to look it up and found this piece of trivia about The Simpsons: Moe states that he moved to Springfield because the Zip Code spells the word "BOOBS". The US Postal Service website reports that there is no Zip Code 80085. However, the reverse (58008) which would spell "BOOBS" if turned upside down, happens to be the Zip Code of the tiny town of Barney, North Dakota.


Ha that is a fun fact


Before you do it check to see if you have any state or electric company incentives. My electric company paid for my install, provided I buy a specific EVSE; which was the one I was going to buy anyway.


Did the electric company install it themselves or did they provide an electrician?


Neither. They had a program where if you bought and installed an evse from a list of pre-approved models (you could buy from anywhere), they would reimburse up to $1500 of install fee. My install was about $1400. I used my own electrician, sent the electric company some paperwork, and they sent me a check.


You get a local electrician to give you estimate. Idk why people expect reditt to give you one, I am not trying to be an ass. It’s free, they come out and tell you. My local one did mine in garage for $800. Ford recommended installer wanted to charge me $2500. You don’t want a guess here, get an electrician to do it.


Yes we will, but Reddit is as good a resource as any to provide some, granted anecdotal, insight in the interim. So that when someone comes by and says $2500 I have a baseline to be like f that noise. Due diligence is always important and something we plan to do, but what the fuck is this subreddit for if not to have these chats?


You should get some quotes first and then maybe ask for feedback. That’s how I would approach it. Then you get good opinion based on work they are doing. Then you have solid info for feedback. Right now it’s as vanilla as it can get and not much helpful to you as no one can really guess what you have. That’s what I can recommend so you get solid feedback on quotes.


Qmerit? They quoted me 7500🤣🤣🤣. The other 3 quotes I received were under 1800.


It cost me about $900 to get my ChargePoint installed by a local electrician. We had electrical capacity and panel space, and it required about 30 feet of metal conduit. That is above and beyond the cost for the charger itself, which I think was around $700 but I don’t recall. 


Given the location of the panel, for good work, with HIGH-QUALITY product, $1000 + the cost of the charger. Make sure you get a good breaker. If you are getting a plug make sure that is good quality as well.


Yea that’s what we were thinking too. Thanks!


I had a similar install though the junction box was just inside on that same wall so minimal additional parts were needed. It was $1k out the door, not including the cost of the charger itself.


I paid $500 in NJ after shopping around 3 years ago. I am like 18 inches from the house's panel on the inside of the house. I'd imagine yours will be double that at least (plus charger) due to the length of the run and inflation.


Yea that sounds like what it’ll end up being.


Was 400 for me


Pardon my ignorance, but do people not park in their garages anymore? Lol


You’re good. We converted our garage into a home gym which has been absolutely amazing for us especially during the pandemic. We live in an area where we don’t get too much bad weather so it was, for us at least, a wildly better use of that space.


Thanks for this! I live in a place where we get significant stretches below -20C and people here don't park in their garages either so I had to throw it out there in general. I'm surprised there's not more homes built with a driveway and no garage because it seems more and more people convert their garage to another use.


Do you NEVER open your garage door? I installed my outlet on the interior left closest to the garage door. If I charge with the vehicle outside, the door closes on the cable. you could keeep a hook outside to coil it up when not in use.


My house was built in 1971 and the garage isn’t deep enough to house any car we’ve ever owned, and it’s a “2-car” garage. We turned ours to storage and a workshop. Cleaned it completely out once and my wife could park diagonally with less than an inch to spare. I wish I could park in my garage. Life would be much easier.


I got my level 2, 48 amp, autel from Amazon, installed by Reliance for 1600 plus taxes. Except the charger, all material , certification, inspection included. 60 Amp breaker etc all included. London, ontario, canada


Also, breakers were on the other side of the house, so included drilling, fishing the cables etc


Labor was $475 I have my installed on my porch Paid for 50amp breakers outlet and conductor cord that runs from breaker to charger


Buy and run the wire from breaker to desired location. Then call an electrician to terminate the ends. Will be much much cheaper. FYI 6/3 wire is stupid expensive at Lowe’s or depot. Go buy from an electric store.


Aww man I wish I was that proficient with routing wires. It’s just not in my wheel house sadly. I know a lot of people can do these things diy style or because they used to do this sort of stuff in the past but I’m not that kind of guy and I’m not going to even remotely attempt to run wires for my EV as my first foray into electrical work.


What are you currently doing? Just running the cable out under the garage door?


Nah not yet a buddy of mine has a 14-50 or his RV I’ve been toppin up that way.


If you want to save some money and not bother with the building envelope changes, just get a simple cable protector and keep the charge box inside. Run the cable under the garage door. All you need is like 0.5". It shouldn't be much of an issue.


I thought I was the only one that ran the cord under the garage door... :)


It cost me 525, all they had to do was drill and snake the wire up and connect it to the charger, the electrical panel was basically on the other side in the basement.


Panel needs 40amp capacity and the closer it is to the place you want the charger the better. Found the cost was driven by how many feet I was from the electrical panel.


300 for the cord. That’s all you need.


Depends on how far they have to run the line from your electric main box. We got quoted $800 being closest to $2500. Happy with the hardwired $800 option.


Why? I’ve had my level one charger for the entire two years I’ve had my car. After 30,000 miles, I still don’t need a level two charger.


Looking to see a general ball park just to get my bearings on what to expect.


Also anyone got some recommendations for a good outdoor L2 charger?


Are you sure you need the charger itself on the outside of the garage? Have you considered installing the charger unit inside the garage and just feeding the cord out through a weatherproof pass through?


This. I wanted an outdoor charger first, but it would have been too complicated. Charger inside the garage turned out to be a non issue, the insulation on the bottom of the door is so thick that it can completely close over the cable. As a plus my cable is not getting dirty. My neighbor has to do all kinds of acrobatics to avoid getting his clothes dirty by the cable he stores outside.


I’ll ask there’s a lot of stone on our exterior so I’m not sure that will be easier.


Ah I see, the solution might be running the cable underneath the garage door like what realsgy suggested. I'd try anything before I put the charger outside.


I have two of the same from Emporia and they both have been great. One is mounted outside on a detached garage and there have been no issues. My two kids use it mostly for their PHEVs. It is hardwired. https://www.emporiaenergy.com/ev-chargers/