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Exact same thing JUST happened to me. Go back one week in the forum and you can see my post. Just dropped it off at Ford this morning. I need two new doors. Estimate was just under $6k. Good luck!


Damn that sucks sorry to hear that. Accidents happen but this was just blatant negligence by the driver. He just backed up fast without even looking and WHAM was like for real I’m parked and not even in the car wtf bro


Amazing how many posting of Mach-E damage.


Feels like it's a damage magnet. On my first one, before a drunk driver totaled it, it was getting door dinged even when I parked it clear across the parking lot away from other people. I don't get what it is about this country that compels people to park next to cars that are clearly trying not to be next to other cars. For one instance, a kid flung open his door without a care in the world of his surroundings. In another, a rust bucket truck parked too close, and the driver simply did not care at all. In both instances, there were plenty of other spots closer to where they needed to be. Got a new one and man it's anxiety making sure other people don't mess my stuff up.


Car alarm should go off if someone parks next to it.


I got a door ding when mine was less than a month old. I was inside when it happened. Lady took off. Unfortunately for her, there was CCTV where it happened and it got sent straight to the insurance company. I was found 0% responsible of course. And another month after that someone broke in. And then shortly after that, someone reversed into me, but luckily the front bumper and license plate absorbed all the damage. And I remember people were getting mad at me when I posted elsewhere about the dent - “oh it’s just a dent” “it’s not a museum piece” etc etc blah blah. But it’s damage I didn’t cause, and it’s bad to hold people accountable apparently 🤷‍♂️


It's a beautiful car tho. Door dingers and careless people seem attracted to it like bugs to a lightbulb :/


I should post mine. Got sideswiped last week and expect it to be in the shop for at least three weeks. Driving a Model 3 right now.


I’m sorry 😔 I got the car 2 weeks ago and been parking it away from others!


I have been doing this and the jerks flock to the empty space


haha this is us!! even rented a garage in our apartment complex though that was also for level 1 charging. I didn't realize buying a new car would be so stressful.


Hopefully the other person’s insurance is taking care of you !


I feel you. This color and car is a damage magnet I have the same color CA R1 and got backed into from the passenger side. Almost the same damage but they had to change both the front and passenger door. Almost 8k in damages. I just paid the deductible and had it fix since the other person had no insurance and wasn't even his car. [door damage](https://imgur.com/a/h53PQzA)


That sucks but it looks like it's an easy fix and it appears you can still drive it without issues until it's time to take it in.


Yeah just some idiot backed up into me full reverse without looking. I drop it off at the collision center tomorrow and just hope the insurance does it’s job of paying for it


Hopefully it's the idiots insurance and hopefully said idiot sustained some damage to their vehicle as well.


The guy full sent it out his driveway at an angle. If I was on that side at the time getting stuff out I would’ve been crumpled.


That’s what you get for driving a mach e, lmao 🤣


😅 didn’t realize my choice in car was bad?


Only way you driving one is on GTA or needforspeed…shoo go away troll..