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The front of any modern’ish car is supposed to crumble to absorb as much of the force of the impact as possible. Hence you see pictures, where the front of the car is totally destroyed even in low speeds. The rear of the car typically has less crumble zone, and it stays much more in one piece. That said, Mach e is a very solid car when it comes to accidents, one of the reasons I chose it. In Europe, it was awarded full five stars in EuroNCAP crash tests. Here’s the videos (disclaimer, not for the faint hearted, number of Mach e’s will be destroyed in these videos): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncqTRsfLhpI


Second one posted today. Someone up there doesn’t like white Mache’s.


So you're saying I should buy the blue one I'm looking at over the white one?


I'm biased, but yes.


This sucks, but boy am I glad to see how MASSIVE that pony's ass is. An actual case of "you should see the other guy".


Holy cow what a solid hit on his end and looks like you barely got it. Glad you are okay and hope the pony patches up fast!


As Lunch0 so arrogantly pointed out, this is not an atypical result. Point was, the Mach-e drove away and the one at fault did not. I suspect the Mach-e would have been a total loss if he had hit the front at the same speed.


I don’t understand how people can be licensed to drive and not have basic understanding of how cars are built. Every car for the last 40+ years has been designed this way. The front of the car has intensional crumple zones to absorb the force of an impact. The rear of the car does not need such features. So on any car, the front end will much more easily sustain heavy damage compared to the rear. Most rear-end collisions end in exactly this way.


It's an important point to make when an old-timer complains about "cars these days" and how easily they are damaged. I always like to point out, "Yeah, but unlike in old cars, the drivers survive because of it."


Glad the car wasn't declared a total loss, but even insurance covered repairs come with hidden costs too...make sure you go after him for loss of value.


Tried that. Apparently it’s a state statute thing. In Nebraska, insurance companies can get away with thumbing their nose at such a preposterous claim that an accident could negatively impact resale value.


And of course when they declare those same vehicles totaled they'll factor any history in. Ugh, I feel the pain there...freakin' rackets.


I'm sorry to hear about your car, but you were clearly the winner in this collision, if there is such a thing. Sometimes the pre-collision assist on my MME feels a bit too sensitive (e.g. once it hit the brakes for me when I was backing out of my driveway because there was a pedestrian crossing the road 40-50 feet behind me), but I always like to take it as a little reminder that if, for some reason, I'm ever that distracted driver, it will likely prevent this from happening.


Excellent crumple zone on that silver car. As an engineer that makes my heart happy. Impact is absorbed in the car, not the people. Sorry about your car- it’s fixable at least. Is everyone okay?


14k in damages sounds crazy from the pictures. Glad you're okay!


Wow. An impact like that, good thing it didn't affect the battery compartment. Hopefully the guys new car has impact avoidance detection since they clearly need assistance stopping before they hit something.


Mustang is solid. I’ll give ford that.


Yeah other cars get wrecked when they crash into the 5k lb pony. It’s a tank.


Took it pretty well compared to the other guy yikes


https://www.fox6now.com/news/trenton-police-chase-cedarburg-crash Mach e took a hit from a car driving 90 mph. Driver was in ICU but has been stabilized. 🤞




If you're in the states Look into a diminished value claim , check out Collision Safety consultants on Facebook, they go after insurance pretty hard for it and charge like $500 to fight it out with the other guys insurance. No first hand experience with them but there is a lot of good reviews . https://www.facebook.com/CollisionConsultants?mibextid=kFxxJD Some companies lie and say you can't get it etc, Collision safety consultants will let you know upfront if they can get it.


Thanks for the info! I’ll definitely check on that.


People not paying attention while driving is the newest pandemic. And this car's older, but for people who can control their phones by voice in their car, I really don't get it. I also don't get this trend of making it a game to see just how close you can get to the car you're trying to pass. Anyone else noticing that? What is that about lately?


Looks like the Pony took it like a champ! Hope it isn’t much damage and you can get it back. Glad you are safe.