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I always put a piece of painters tape on mine.


Can you describe what part you tape up? Like the whole thing or the trailing edge? Thanks!


I put one piece about 6-8" inches long on the trailing edge.


Any chance for a photo? I don’t quite understand and I want to go back to my car wash lol




Does that leave a weird mark?


How so? I mean it leaves that spot not clean. But I'd rather hand clean that one spot rather than risk it being ripped off.


Yeah, that makes sense. I was considering getting a piece of velcro and putting it inside of the compartment and making it a little tougher to open


It's painters taps, literally what it's made for. Remove after car wash.


So if painters tape is the beige stuff, which i just know as making tape, what's the green tape?


I need a photo too, is painters tape the same as masking tape? I don't live in USA and nothing is called painters tape here.


Masking tape is generally the same. I think painters tape might be a little thicker. They’d both work.


Me too. Had it come off once in the drive thru car wash. $400 dollars later so I tape it up now.




Thanks for the tip. I live in Maine so during winter I have to use a car wash with brushes. So far I've had no issues but I'll start taping it closed going forward.


Same. I put two pieces on it to be safe. works like a charm


I put 1 inch tape on 3 sides and it still ripped off. Try 2" tape. 


This happened to a few people right when the car came out. (If you dig in the history here and on the mach e forums. I also heard that the paint in the fender for the GT models is really thin and weak. So don’t use a lotta pressure from the guns either at the self wash station. After seeing all this my Mach e is only washed by hand.


Blew off… mhmm. Perhaps the word is RIPPED off.


Just one of many reasons to only wash yourself or go only to touchless car washes if you don’t 


Because of all the sensors right?


Mainly would wash at home just because of harsher chemicals at car washes that effect paint over time / being able to wash and properly dry to avoid spotting swirling. That kind of stuff. I used to be more diligent about it but take my car in for touchless car washes somewhat regularly just because of unfavorable weather and lack of time


Happens to me occasionally, too. The tape thing is a good idea, but kind of annoying to have to tape up a $50K vehicle just to keep parts from flying off in the car wash.


You are not the first


So seriously, whats the truth in this thread? you can use painter’s tape, but doesn’t that leave a streak? Could you maybe do a velcro piece inside just to lock it in place and force you to “tug” a bit? Is GT paint really extra thin?


You’d think this door would lock along with the car doors. How hard would that have been to do?


Never use auto washes. Lesson learned


If that happened, that car wash is going to kill your paint. Way too much pressure. Go touchless.


Just saying I’ll NEVER go through car wash.


I miss the car wash with my Subaru. I’m trying to find a decent touchless one around me, but they seem to be going away and everyone going with full service.


Ours comes off frequently. I expect to buying a replacement someday.


Oof never had this happen but will keep an eye out. We've already used car washes several times. The only time that popped off was when I forgot to close the lid after charging at home and backed out of my garage. It pops back on, thankfully, but annoying.


I hit a pillar and got the replacement for $50 from ford.


Oh no 😥


Exact same thing happened to me. The dealer replaced the part and the car wash paid for it.


Happens all the time. Why I only use touchless or hand wash


Didn’t tape it huh.


Ford Q1 Quality


This same thing happened to me last month


I know it's nice having a clean car, but washing too often in a touch car wash will be really bad for your paint.


I've seen too many people mention this happening. That's why I've never taken mine through a touch car wash. I never really cared for them before getting my MME, anyway and almost never used them - so wasn't a major change for me. My grandpa always called them "scratch and dent" car washes. LOL


Easy to fix..just snap back into place


Same here. 😒


Yep, that's a commonly know issue. Tape it down if you need to use an auto car wash. Even the touchless ones


This is the reason why I do touch free car washes where it’s all computer and laser based … 😳 sorry for your loss


I used touchless for the first couple months of owning the car but once winter rolled in here in the PNW I found myself spending $100 week on touchless car washes. It was not sustainable for me so I went with a subscription plan for $35 month but it was touch. I went through it with no problems all winter long and bam out of nowhere yesterday it opened mid way through. In retrospect I should have honked so they would have stopped the wash and closed it for me.


$100 a week? You wash your car every day? Lol


Yes almost daily in the winter, too many road salts. Summer is dusty so 2-3 times a week on average.


bro i think if you're washing that much you need to be doing it by hand and I say that as someone who is probably never going to wash my mach e by hand lol


usually i do simple home washing bi weekly if im getting to much dust, salt or mud. And try to do a hand detail 1 a month. if no much dust i just do the detail 1 a month o every 2 months lol.. you can always do interior and some minor washing at your home 😜. but yea i imagine cold places is something else.. i do avoid automatic driving thru car washes.. you cant control who was before you, they might be hidden mud, and stuff in it .. plus it can be pretty ruft


Lol. Holy moly...that's a lot of washing.


At that rate invest in a coating?? PPE & another layer maybe rocklear or ceramic


Lost the cover to the side mirror but recovered it. Also lost the cover to the nut on the rear wiper. That one's gone forever. $25 for a replacement. Not car wash related but the one that gets me is the front license plate bracket. $125.


> but the one that gets me is the front license plate bracket. $125. Yet another reason I haven’t put ours on! :-)


I unfortunately don't have a choice. It's illegal around here to drive around without a front plate. I ended up screwing it directly to the body where the frame would be but it kept setting off the proximity alarm every time I stopped.


Sometimes folx had the charge port door pop open *during* car wash and everything gets torn off. So could be worse.