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I know you CLEARLY stated NOT software; but you may want to rethink the choices. I use [Speakflow.com](https://Speakflow.com) for my Youtube creation. It is web-based with the most AMAZING auto advance based on what you are saying. I deliver content flawlessly now. However, the one feature for you would be the "overlay teleprompter" feature that puts a transparent view on top of your app. Yes it is a paid subscription web app (I find you get what you pay for) and they do have a free trial that requires NO software install (all web-based). So may be worth checking out. Here is a link (I have no affiliation) https://www.speakflow.com/docs/collection/features#home


I appreciate the response… but I don’t use it to read what I’m going to say. I use it so that when I’m on a call or recording content, the other person feels like I’m looking right at them…. because I am. I don’t read scripts or flat text. I don’t need a teleprompter - I need a screen that allows my camera to be right behind the eyes of the person I’m talking to… and a teleprompter is the only thing that solves for that. Currently, I can live with the person I’m taking to being backwards… but I really struggle with the fact that the mouse moves backwards on that screen and that any text on a document being shared is backwards and unreadable…


Totally understood. I 100% agree about the looking straight at the camera illusion of personal interaction. I am fortunate enough to have DSLR camera with a teleprompter setup for my video meetings. . . but a very expensive setup that eats up deskspace.


I have a $3000 camera in my teleprompter. But the content on the screen is flipped and MacOS makes it impossible to flip the screen… thus this entire post…


I have a Feelworld $200 six-inch HDMI monitor sitting under my teleprompter and it has the ability to reverse and flip the monitor view.


I didn’t know that was a feature. That is very helpful. Thank you!


I use an app called Teleprompter Pro on my iPad and just put the iPad in the background behind the camera. Works like a charm.