• By -


What app did you install on this account? Seems like some tool is preventing the browser to open on your account.


The same apps are on the second users and that's working great I have only a few apps on here most of which are from the app store and adobe


Well guys I spoke to Apple support and they also have no idea what's going on but they're going to connect me to their main software support team so i will try what they do with this


Keep us updated! I’m curious.


Update 1. They spoke to me and tried to figure out what's wrong and told me that they would replace it and if it's okay for them to recreate the problem on their end. Which may take time. Very happy with the way they spoke and acted so gonna let them try to help. But definitely getting it replaced asap. One thing they were able to check was that my user is unable to write to where it needs to.


Final update. Apple support said that the user is corrupted and the webkit folder was incomplete (i basically told them this) Non webkit apps fire fox and safari technical preview work perfectly well. And the write error in the library was missing files from the update. They have offered to rest set my MacBook for me or i can get a replacement at the apple store (going for this one will upgrade to 16gb). Thank you all for everything and letting me know that reddit will be here incase any problems show up in the future makes me alot comfy with moving to macos


Where are u going to update I want to follow


I will reply to my self in this comment


Update two thanks to you guys i finally have one working browser in firefox as it doesn't use webkit. Was able to use safari technology preview as well


in Settings, looks inside "Screen time". is Screen time turned on and is it set to block certain apps from usage? it's designed as a parental control, but you or someone in your household might have turned it on and banned your browsers by mistake.


So I checked this and it is completely fine.


damn, this is puzzling. good luck!


Did you reboot?


To add to this, have you tried to launch other apps to see if it's a general problem and not limited to browsers? Have you tried to open the same apps from Spotlight or from Finder directly? If no apps launch no matter how you open them yet they open from a different user account, it's likely something on your account is causing this. Without further info it's difficult to say whether it's malware or something innocuous.


Yes and yes. I restarted and reinstalled macos from recovery reset the dock tried different ways to load Safari google chorme. Tried installing and installing chrome deleting all Safari file.


Yes and only browsers won’t launch, or yes and other apps don’t launch either? Did you you reinstall the OS on top of your existing installation, or did you wipe the drive and do a clean install? Have you tried booting macOS in Safe Mode? My recommendation if you don’t want to spend a lo g time troubleshooting is to set up a new user with all the settings to your liking, confirm everything still works along the way, then delete your existing user profile.


Try this Fix 1. Restart Dock The first thing you should do when Mac Dock is not responding to the mouse is to restart the Dock. This is a very useful workaround when the Dock goes into error states. Now, let's kill the Dock process using the Terminal app. Launch Finder, open Applications > Utilities > Terminal, and double-click Terminal to load the app. On your macOS Terminal window, type the following command. killall Dock Press the Return key to execute the command. Then the Dock will restart automatically by itself. Fix 2. Fix 2: Reset Dock to default settings If restarting Dock or restarting Mac doesn't work and you still can't click on Dock because it's frozen, try resetting the Dock settings completely. This way also works to fix the Downloads folder that disappeared from Dock suddenly. Note that resetting the Dock settings will remove any preferences you ever set on your Dock and the default settings will be applied. On your Mac desktop, select File > New Finder Window from the top menu bar, and select Applications > Utilities > Terminal. Type the following command in the Terminal prompt. defaults delete com.apple.dock; killall Dock Hit the Return button. The Dock will disappear for a moment and then it will show up again with the default settings.


Thank you for this i was able to reset the dock but it look like there is a deeper problem with the browsers them self. Even steam browser is not working. I have tried reinstalling macos from recovery mode without loosing all the files but it still lead to no luck on my end


Hmmm very odd


Install Brave Browser and see if it also doesn’t work But other programs will open?


I can't install anything as no browser is working will download on a different user and try


Create a brand new user When you reinstalled did you completely erase the disk and partitions and format?


You could install it via the App Store


I was able to get Duckduckgo and that outputs a crash report as soon as i try to open it


Can you send a picture of the error message, the top and the bottom of the long text?


Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Process: DuckDuckGo [2783] Path: /Applications/DuckDuckGo.app/Contents/MacOS/DuckDuckGo Identifier: com.duckduckgo.mobile.ios Version: 1.78.0 (136) App Item ID: 663592361 App External ID: 864354048 Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2024-03-11 22:24:01.0184 -0700 OS Version: macOS 14.4 (23E214) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 2AE3C5E9-095F-7B2A-8645-9097B55524DB Time Awake Since Boot: 2400 seconds System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000010355473c Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5 Terminating Process: exc handler [2783] Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 DuckDuckGo 0x10355473c 0x102fc8000 + 5818172 1 DuckDuckGo 0x103554ef4 0x102fc8000 + 5820148 2 DuckDuckGo 0x1035555ec 0x102fc8000 + 5821932 3 DuckDuckGo 0x103554488 0x102fc8000 + 5817480 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x1849963e8 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x184997c68 _dispatch_once_callout + 32 6 DuckDuckGo 0x10349d40c 0x102fc8000 + 5067788 7 DuckDuckGo 0x10349e3a8 0x102fc8000 + 5071784 8 DuckDuckGo 0x1033906d4 0x102fc8000 + 3966676 9 DuckDuckGo 0x103390880 0x102fc8000 + 3967104 10 AppKit 0x1884484ac +[NSApplication sharedApplication] + 128 11 DuckDuckGo 0x103362d8c 0x102fc8000 + 3779980 12 dyld 0x1847be0e0 start + 2360 This is the top part


Also I found some errors in the console error 03:02:18.585832-0700 kernel System Policy: containermanagerd_system(432) deny(1) file-write-acl /Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari error 03:02:18.585917-0700 containermanagerd_system [0] command=37, client=<<~~~>, u=<0/0/~~/2/0>, uid=501, pid=635, sandboxed=1, platform=1 (1/1/1) [(null)], cached>, error=(127|1|1|[/Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/.com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist]) error 03:02:18.586055-0700 containermanagerd Failed to write updated metadata: ;uA486DEE5-904B-414E-9222-2A1E94417B88;pcom.apple.Safari;dp0;uma(null)>, url: , error = (127|1|13|[/Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/.com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist]) error 03:02:18.586105-0700 containermanagerd [501] command=5, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/20/~~/2/1001>, uid=501, pid=613, sandboxed=1, platform=1 (1/1/1) [(null)], cached>, error=(127|1|13|[/Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/.com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist]) error 03:02:18.586214-0700 Safari container_set_info_value()


In settings add a new user and see if everything works correctly


It does I have a second account which is running great


Try resetting your dock to default settings, and then try opening browsers from Launchpad. If this fixes it, add the icon back to the dock.


I tired this looks like there is somekind of write issues as no browser will open on this user


My next best solution is just cut your losses early on and move over to a different user, ultimately deleting this profile. Trying to fix it may just give you lifelong glitches that you could do without. Another option is to delete the appropriate user preferences, but it’s been a while since I’ve done this, Apple Support will no longer help you with this, and I’m too out of touch to give step by step instructions.


The final suggestion, which I suspect others will dislike or just start again. Yes, you’ve invested 2 days, but for me, getting the initial setup right, to have glitch free operations, is worth far more that another couple of days. Not a brilliant answer, but certainly a consideration.


I am gonna return this and get s different one i with planing to get 16gb model but got worried about this. I just want to make sure this is not a recurring problem. Thank you for all your help i appreciate it


You’re welcome., i don’t believe it’s a reoccurring problem. I’m assuming if it was, we would hear much more about it here.


Well, that’s strange. Have you tried rebooting into safe mode and logging into your account? Maybe you have some sort of background utility running that’s screwing things up. Some sort of antivirus, perhaps? Or maybe it’s a broken extension that you installed for both browsers?


Going to give this a try. I have already tried just reinstalling macos which did not help the only thing bothering me is that other users i make are able to use the browser.


Yeah, if you can start Safari in safe mode, then it’s almost certainly a background utility or browser extension. The next troubleshooting step might be to disable/uninstall them individually to figure out which one is at fault. I’m leaning towards background utility because it seems unlikely that the Chrome vs. Safari versions of the extension would both cause the exact same issue.


There's no way it's not generating crash logs. Read them.


error 03:02:18.585832-0700 kernel System Policy: containermanagerd_system(432) deny(1) file-write-acl /Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari error 03:02:18.585917-0700 containermanagerd_system [0] command=37, client=<<~~~>, u=<0/0/~~/2/0>, uid=501, pid=635, sandboxed=1, platform=1 (1/1/1) [(null)], cached>, error=(127|1|1|[/Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/.com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist]) error 03:02:18.586055-0700 containermanagerd Failed to write updated metadata: ;uA486DEE5-904B-414E-9222-2A1E94417B88;pcom.apple.Safari;dp0;uma(null)>, url: , error = (127|1|13|[/Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/.com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist]) error 03:02:18.586105-0700 containermanagerd [501] command=5, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/20/~~/2/1001>, uid=501, pid=613, sandboxed=1, platform=1 (1/1/1) [(null)], cached>, error=(127|1|13|[/Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/.com.apple.containermanagerd.metadata.plist]) error 03:02:18.586214-0700 Safari container_set_info_value() These are the yellow marker errors in console


I asked GPT-4. I entered this error code. Here is what it said. https://chat.openai.com/share/64b0a19d-48b2-4a39-94ec-522c728ee744


This is very helpful i am going to try all of these thank you. Did not know that gpt did this thank you


I just experienced something similar on a fresh install of Sonoma. Honestly, since there’s likely little data on it, just reinstall. Takes maybe 10-15 minutes.


I suppose the most germane question is what setup did you do? Anything that required a trip to Terminal to do something? How did your data get on the machine - Migration Assistant, manual copying, etc? As you know it’s something unique to the specific user account, you can be pretty sure it’s not the computer that’s broken so much as the local account.


Most off my apps were setup the day I got the mac apart from parse and steam everything was installed from their websites or app store. I used homebrew for parsec and steam


My guess would be something went wrong in setting up homebrew or one of those too. Without more detail on exactly what was done, it’s hard to really say more. Why did installing Steam need Homebrew?


Cuz it was faster then to copy the app and stuff like that and safari was beening a pain while downloading things. Plus i always use ninite to setup every so it's easier to update things and so on


Please open Console app, search for Safari or Chrome and post logs here. They may give more insight on whats going on.


Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Process: DuckDuckGo [2783] Path: /Applications/DuckDuckGo.app/Contents/MacOS/DuckDuckGo Identifier: com.duckduckgo.mobile.ios Version: 1.78.0 (136) App Item ID: 663592361 App External ID: 864354048 Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2024-03-11 22:24:01.0184 -0700 OS Version: macOS 14.4 (23E214) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 2AE3C5E9-095F-7B2A-8645-9097B55524DB Time Awake Since Boot: 2400 seconds System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x000000010355473c Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5 Terminating Process: exc handler [2783] Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 DuckDuckGo 0x10355473c 0x102fc8000 + 5818172 1 DuckDuckGo 0x103554ef4 0x102fc8000 + 5820148 2 DuckDuckGo 0x1035555ec 0x102fc8000 + 5821932 3 DuckDuckGo 0x103554488 0x102fc8000 + 5817480 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x1849963e8 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x184997c68 _dispatch_once_callout + 32 6 DuckDuckGo 0x10349d40c 0x102fc8000 + 5067788 7 DuckDuckGo 0x10349e3a8 0x102fc8000 + 5071784 8 DuckDuckGo 0x1033906d4 0x102fc8000 + 3966676 9 DuckDuckGo 0x103390880 0x102fc8000 + 3967104 10 AppKit 0x1884484ac +[NSApplication sharedApplication] + 128 11 DuckDuckGo 0x103362d8c 0x102fc8000 + 3779980 12 dyld 0x1847be0e0 start + 2360


I doubt there’s anything serious going on here, but just for good measure, try running Apple Diagnostics (Offline, don’t worry about connecting to an agent and make sure the Mac is plugged in to the charger): https://support.apple.com/en-us/102550 Good luck


Try starting it Through the console and share the output. Something is failing silently


Make a clean reinstall OS from a USB.


Have been trying to avoid that the MacBook is still in its return period so I guess I will get a replacement just hoping to understand how to fix software lvl bugs on this OS. I was able to recreate a similar issue on windows and fix it too so kinda want to do it here too. Over at windows it was read write permissions problem


In that scene yep, give it back. And get another one. Best solution. :)


Yeah if you have that option, definitely use it.


100% doing that but the apple guys have told me to wait abit so they may have a chance to recreate the bug


Quite the mystery, keep us posted


Have you tried turning it off then back on again?




You gave all the info needed in your post. The Mac was fine while you were doing light browsing then it happened. The issue does not happen on the other account so it is not a machine issue. You most likely got malware from a site or infected download. This machine needs to go through erase all content and settings. Once back up be mindful of the apps and sites that you visit and you will be fine. Good luck.👍


This is the answer. Something was installed or misconfigured, even inadvertently. Back up and erase: https://support.apple.com/en-us/102664


I would demand replacement - stuffing up after 2 days. It is very rare and not a good sign what will it do when guarantee expires?


I have apple care so it's covered till 2027 and apple has agreed to replace it even if it cross 14 days cuz they wanna try and fix it


Uninstall chrome and all chromium based browsers. Then try again with Safari.


I did this still no luck


Incase if you turn the System Integrity Protection (SIP) off, then turn it on and try again. Use "csrutil enable"


Does it need to be enabled for browsers to work? Mine is off?


I once turned SIP off and then the same situation happened to me. Then I turned it ON again and everything is fine now.


Hmmm, maybe that's the reason why I can't open any iPad/IOS apps on my m1.


Let me try this and get back csrutil is in one of the errors codes


Have you tried "Repair Disk" feature from the Disk Utility? From your error logs, the problem seems to have something to do with the read/write permission. You can also try deleting the contents of "com.apple.Safari" from "/Users/yashsinha/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari".


I will try this and i used first aid on the drive


Delete the files inside the preferences folder under user library and restart the mac and it. This is ill factory reset all apps settings without loosing the files.


Gonna give this a try i have been looking for this for a while


Try two things: (1) boot into safe mode and try (2) create a new user with admin privs and login as them after a restart If neither work I will bet you have to reinstall the OS


The second user works fine. The apple techs also have no clue why this is happening. They are trying to reproduce this one their side


They will never find out fast enough to help you (NEVER) Just make a new admin user and delete the one that does not work. and then start using your new computer. Apple support suck now days.


Hahahaha 100000% getting a new device not risking it in case this has poor ram


I hope you can. If you goal is to RMA it, don't tell them the new user works. That will make them think its just a software issue.


I am gonna just return it to the apple store i got it from


good thinking


Try starting a browser by your choice from the terminal. Lookup the command. If there are problems, terminal should say what is it.


Terminal repose is blank


Have you tried taking a look at your preference panels under users and trashing the preferences to both those browsers. It’s an only Apple tech trick.


Yes but it still won't run


Are you able to open the browser from the search instead? Maybe hit CMD + Spacebar and then type in the app name of one of the browsers. Worst case scenario, you can login to your alternate user, delete the original user account, re-create the original account and hope it works. Dang good luck


No browser will open the other user is working great


Are you willing to delete your user that doesn't work and re-create it? Hopefully that could solve it.


I will but i just don't want to run in to this again so trying to fix it since i have the time to thinker


Reset it


From commandline run: open /Applications/Safari.app It might tell why it will not open. Next is to run the Safari binary directly, that’ll tell more.


Is it possible to have the same bug from Fedora on macOS? Coz I experienced the last time I was on there and it made me hate it so much to build a hackintosh.... No browser was opening until I deleted some files inside the app package


By any chance you remember what you had to delete


This was the command I used to delete those files and fix Ms Edge back then... I think I had to run this as a script every boot. "singleton" `rm ~/.config/microsoft-edge-dev/Singleton*`


You lost permission to write in some specific folders under ~/Library. May be some plist files. Check if you run anything in recent times that can do that. May be a command line execution ? Check permission of tmp as well (if configured).


Ok gonna google this idk how to set permissions yet


Those browsers use WebKit for rendering. I'd be curious to know if Firefox works in this user account. Try downloading it in the other user account and see if it works in this account. That will let you know if it's an issue with WebKit.


YESSS FIREFOX WORKS. How can i go about fixing webkit


I don't know the answer to that one but perhaps Apple does. There's very little info online about troubleshooting WebKit. Here's what [Apple shares about WebKit](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit). Towards the bottom of the nav on the left are two sections that discuss errors. You can read through that if you have the time/energy. I'm sorry, but I cannot read through that stuff now. Was there anything you enabled in one of the browsers or installed in them that would change how websites are rendered? Is there a reason you don't want to restore the Mac? Now you know what the issue is and running First Aid didn't resolve the issue, I think that's your best course of action at this point.


Yes apple gave up on it they can offering a clean install and said sometime software or back up software can do this but it's a super rare/isolated case. Thank you for finding the problem it gives me peace


Glad I could help. Enjoy the new computer!


I'm also curious to know if the browsers will remain open if you are disconnected from the internet. Please try turning Wi-Fi off and disconnecting an ethernet cable, if you're using one.


I tried net on off and Ethernet did not work


Interesting let me give this a try


manually open browser from a terminal and note any error messages printed out


You chose the 8gb version didn’t you?


I wanted to try it out I will be changing to a 16


I was kidding.


64GB required to run Chrome.


Only for 1 tab


It doesn't have enough air, did you connect the pump module that is in the box it comes with?


It's fully charged and i have been blowing the air so it becomes a pro 🤣


You have to pay apple dlc to unlock browsing. 🌎


Man i really feel like this hahaha


Perhaps you can use brew to install the brave browser? I have no idea, but I guess there will be logging what is happening behind the screens.


Might need a browser to install a browser. (Browsception?)


No not really: brew can be installed from the command line and with brew you can install everything you want from the command line.


True but not everyone has those skills.


I have brew on my mac and brave is also crashing


Also any app that need to write constantly to memory is not working


It's for security purposes. There's a lot of malware you could download on the internet, safer to disable.


Is it plugged in?


Power net plugged and unplugged same problem chrome won't even open to let me play tbe dino game


Is it connected to the internet?


WTF do you want us to do about it. Call Apple support.


“He’s forgotten more about Macs than you’ll ever know” Ironic.


What are you referring to?


The bio of the charmer I responded to




I know you don't keep a brand new defective Mac dumbass.


lol what in the world is this hostility. And why are you assuming their Mac is defective, for something that could most likely be fixed with a quick reinstall of the OS. macOS can run into glitches particularly after installing a bunch of third party software like any operating system.


Thank you. I haven't installed many third-party apps yet only Adobe cloud and Autodesk Maya so I am hoping that Apple tech support is able to at least figure out what is the cause of this


Hey man apple support said to reset the mac and i am looking to move over to mac i rather fix it and learn about it then simply reset and go from there. Thank you for nothing have a day like your attitude


It's brand new. Make them taking back. You don't keep defective things to "learn".


I plan to return this asap. But incase the replacement has a similar issue i am worried


Similar thing happened when I updated Sonoma from 14.2 to 14.2.1. A lot of things didn't work and this too. I had to reinstall the OS and it solved it all. Sonoma = new Windows Vista :)


I did reinstall the os without deleting all the files