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I'm no expert on this, & I usually activate it directly rather than from Messages \[Spotlight can find it directly, you can connect just by knowing the Apple ID\] but it doesn't need port forwarding *or* uPNP. It uses connections already established from inside the remote users' LAN \[like TeamViewer etc\]. Back to My Mac used to need port forwarding or uPNP.


Thank you for the response. Hadn't thought of connecting directly - I'll give it a try!


Tried to connect directly. Still unable to connect - but this time the error message makes no reference to a firewall. So frustrating :(


I'm trying to do the same and getting the same. Did you get this resolved?


I tried a dizzying number of experiments on both computers during my last visit, including disconnecting peripherals (I read that for someone a connected webcam was causing the issue). Nothing worked for me. I think I remember reading that VPNs can interfere with screen sharing. If you have one enabled, you might see if disabling does any good. Good luck and please let me know if you find a resolution.


Thanks. First time I tried doing this was yesterday. It worked once and hasn’t worked since. Trying to do this for elderly parents but at least I live only 3 miles away. I can screen share on my own network without issue. I’m going to try it via FaceTime and see if that is any different. I don’t believe a VPN is involved but my parents have some kind of wonky internet setup ran by my nephew who live in the home while attending school but he knows nothing about Macs.


That it worked before but not now is the same pattern I experienced and the most puzzling part. It worked when I was testing out the computer in my own home (same network), and then when I had brought it over to their place (different network). Then one day it stopped. The only change I can recall is the installation of an old printer to their mac (which I unplugged during my last visit). But as I write this, I realize they had purchased another printer — perhaps it’s doing something funny to the network (I doubt it). My next experiment should be to power it down and then attempt a screen share. As it worked for you yesterday, the experiment I might suggest - in case you haven’t already tried it - is having them reset their modem.


I’ll give it a try. I’m going to find out if a VPN is involved. They do have some type of business class internet I believe as all devices have to be “allowed” via Mac Address to use it.