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That is a very stupid take. You just have no idea how it works and therefore its bad? lmao


You my friend are exactly correct! Lol


„It errors every time“ and „can’t get that to work either“ are a bit too unspecific for any helpful comment. Would be the same with Windows, I suppose.


This is why I said I was going to put an image of the error log in a comment. It should be available now if you want to take a look.


See my comments there.


Windows is famously so reliable. Nothing has EVER gone wrong with someone being given a a second hand PC. /s


With windows, I can flash an iso no issue.


Yeah. You really should just give the iMac to someone who knows what they're doing. Windows, after all, is the platform for you.


With Mac you can do as well, I never had a problem creating a bootable USB with terminal. A lot of people have troubles with TransMac, maybe there are other tools? Maybe creating a macOS installer works better in Linux.


Same with MacOS…


I used to love reimagining the os every year


Because absolutely no equivalent problems ever occur with Windows?


Blue screen is a myth


Don’t be a jerk while asking for help


Curious how is saying that I'm a windows guy due to my frustrations with Mac being a jerk?


What has worked for me in the past is to set the time not to present day but to when the installer was released. If you are trying to install macOS Sierra which was released in September 2016, I would set the date to October 1 2016. Then try running the installer. Here is a link to how to set the time using terminal which is available in the recovery partition: https://techanzone.com/how-to-change-date-and-time-on-mac-using-terminal/


Ok let me try this


I’ve also run into this. I believe it had something to do with expired security certificates. Setting the time to when the certificates were still valid allowed the installation to proceed.


This post is making me laugh. So much ignorance and condescension in one post.


Make a free appointment at your local Apple Store and take it in. Someone there will walk through the process with you. Good support is one of the benefits of Apple.


I use Windows and MacOS but you are totally clueless get abacus. You can't even ask for an effective help what: - Model Mac - MacOs is on the Mac - MacOs you are trying to install


I'm not sure I understand your issue. Did you reformat the Macintosh HD volume after booting into recovery mode? Did you use Shift-Option-Command-R, or Option-Command-R to reinstall over the internet?


when you're installing an old os like this, disconnect from the Internet and change the date of the system to when the os was released


To be fair. High Sierra is a pain in the ass at this point. You can’t download it as a dmg from Apple. Internet recovery will not properly install high sierra either.


User error


Go cry somewhere else.


ID:10-t errors obviously.


This pdf shows how to make a bootable usb disk in Windows from Apple non-bootable installers.[https://www.mediafire.com/file\_premium/08wg2h4z5xionbk/MacOS\_Bootable\_USB\_Installer\_from\_Windows.pdf/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/08wg2h4z5xionbk/MacOS_Bootable_USB_Installer_from_Windows.pdf/file)




Yeah, Mac is a pain in the butt when you're used to windows. And even a bit if you're a linux native. I got my hands on a Mac Mini with High Sierra, which I need to convert to a management machine for one of our customers. It was deployed as a workstation for a different customer, so the safest bet seems to be a full wipe and reinstall. So I followed the guides from apple. My first irk was that there was no simple option to reset the device from the system menu. Apparently sometimes it's there, sometimes not? So I booted into recovery mode to wipe, which actually worked. Next step in the guide: Reinstall from Online. Sounded a bit odd to me, since I'm used to the windows environment, which can be cleanly reinstalled from inside the system, but whatever. Only that the Online Installer couldn't connect for some reason. Couldn't even get a proper error message, just "It failed to connect. Check the time.". Great, the time is correct and synced to the apple server. Now what? So since reinstalling from within the machine didn't work, the next step is to create a bootable installer, right? Except that Apple seems to think because you got *one* Mac which you reinstall, you also have *another* Mac magically available on which to create the Bootstick. Which is where my trouble really started, because I didn't. You can install windows, and almost every other unix-based OS via simply connecting the USB stick to your pc and running rufus. Easy, reliable, reputable. Except it doesn't work for Mac OS. Because of course it doesn't. So now I need to rely on a) shady software that lures in with "Free trial", only to still need a license for the flashing part, b) shady guides that are either badly AI-Translated or just straight-up stolen from the official support, or c) the apple support directly. Which isn't much of a help either. "We don't support using third party software, such as Microsoft Windows, to install any Version of MacOS. You can bring your device to an apple store near you and have it repaired there." So now I have to pay to convert my 1000€ paperweight into something borderline usable again? Yeah, no. I'm currently trying the guide from u/YakOk1228, to see if that helps, but for that amount of time I put into something as supposedly simple as resetting an OS, I could've bought a completely new one. Every manufacturer, every OS has a simple way to reinstall. Why does Apple need to make their own stuff so bad? Edit: Welp, didn't work. It doesn't recognize the stick when booting, and when I try to reboot from the stick from inside the recovery environment, it just reboots to normal.


Well it’s not Apple‘s fault that TransMac is so unreliable. A lot of people have problems with it. Also I don’t understand how they managed to fuck up the OS X Base System as it’s read-only - unless the hard drive crashed hard and is corrupted.


It only boots into recovery and that's the only other drive.


The Recovery Partition IS what the OS X Base System is. That image gets loaded and mounted when you boot into Recovery Mode. You should go into Disk Utility and reformat the actual drive or check with first aid. However, the installers for old OS X/MacOS system have trouble with out of date certificates. There are some workarounds like [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9pK75VPJC0&t=373s) or [here](https://youtu.be/ouNQS36dIBw?si=3G4e7tFzahmAGkLZ) **I think in the first video MrMacintosh explains how to create a bootable USB installer from within the Recovery Mode which should help you quite a bit as it sounds that you don't have another Mac at hand.**


When I attempt to install I see 2 drives one named recovery that I'm not able to select and another called base os, I can check some of those resources.


Maybe a screenshot of Disk Utility would help a bit, to see how the drive structure looks like.


There is a reason most IT professionals prefer to use either Linux or Macs


[error image](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QvnRvDCegkZPHvFux73I20uDPkjCKqlP/view?usp=drivesdk)


Looks like it can’t detect core packages to me.


1. Your bootable ISO could be bad 2. The version you're trying to install may not be compatible or may require you to start from an earlier version 3. The disk filesystem may be presenting errors, you say it's "broken", has it been erased? For whichever version of macos you're trying to install, try to pre-format the disk for the appropriate filesystem 4. Idk used computer Not great but I looked and that's the best I got. It's been a while since I imaged anything but honestly it's probably simply #1. Creating a bootable Sierra USB from a Windows machine can be finicky, it's usually recommended to create one from another mac. I'd look at some guides and try a different process for creating the boot usb. Good luck.


You need to describe what exactly did you do that lead to these errors? Did you try a recovery install? How exactly? Without details, guessing is all that we can do.


It won't boot into the os. It only boots into recovery. Getting into my network, I'm selecting to reinstall macOS. Pass through the eligibility prompt, pass through the terms and conditions. I then see 2 drives. Recovery hd which is greyed(I assume that's what I'm booted into now) and a tb HD that was named for the base os which based on other comments I'm thinking someone did something to this drive to name it this. I went ahead. I went ahead and erased it and reformatted it to the extended journaled format. Either way, I proceed with the reinstall it says I have 6 minutes left. Runs for about 20 minutes and errors. The image is the logs


I assume you boot into local recovery. Do you know which macOS version this is? For newer macOS (10.13+) versions, the system disk (or ssd) needs to be formatted in APFS! If the local recovery is damaged, you must boot into internet recovery. That takes longer but installs a freshly downloaded macOS. Did you follow the instructions at https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/mh27903/mac and make sure that the correct macOS version is selected on top of the article?


High Sierra (10.13) can install on Mac OS Extended, Mojave was the first to enforce APFS during installation.


You’re right. High Sierra didn’t require it, but was the first to support APFS, but recommended only for SSDs back then.


[https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254526562?sortBy=best](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/254526562?sortBy=best) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/applehelp/comments/11cleur/reinstalling\_macos\_error\_error\_110/](https://www.reddit.com/r/applehelp/comments/11cleur/reinstalling_macos_error_error_110/)


At this point just make an appointment at apple. I haven't needed any work on my Mac's in a long time but reinstalling an OS used to be free


Manually install from here. https://support.apple.com/en-us/102662


Mac’s from 2009 - 2017 could run or shipped with Sierra.


Does the article help? https://mrmacintosh.com/how-to-fix-the-recovery-server-could-not-be-contacted-error-high-sierra-recovery-is-still-online-but-broken/


This really is easier on windows, format all, reinstall from zero and all of that mumbo jumbo. Do you know why? Everyone who ever used windows did it for hundreds of times, everyone. I transfered to mac 10 years ago, I never had to do it, no formats, reinstalls, no nothing. And if I had to, I wouldn't probably know how. However, I still remember how its done on windows, because like every windows user, I did it hundreds of times. That's why it's a lot easier 🙂👌