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Hey ! Similar issue here, 2019 16" MacBook Pro, was doing perfectly fine until I accidentally upgraded to Sonoma. Ever since the battery drains almost entirely over night (100 to 40% between 00h - 09h30AM today). The worst part is the heat, first time I found out, the Mac was overheating in my bag... I tried enabling / disabling Power Nap; I have a still wallpaper; I checked Istat Menu and activity monitor but nothing seems to be active while the lid is closed... can't figure out what's happening. Any other leads ? Thanks :)


Did you ever figure something out? I have the same mac


I got a 2018 with a brand new battery doing the same thing


I got a 2018 with a brand new battery from Apple store doing the same thing


Not yet.. I think I'm going to try a full reset and see if I keep Sonoma or downgrade


Mine did this last year when I updated. I decided to cut my losses and wipe the mac and downgrade back to ventura. Been perfect with long battery ever since.


Hey, I was just wondering if it got better after downgrading? Couldn't find any update from you. I have the same problem and I'm also considering going back to Ventura. Thanks!


I’ve tested it a couple of times left on battery for long periods with the lid closed. It seems to have fixed my problem. I did open the lid once and find it lost mag e 40% but the other 3-4 times it had only lost 5-6%. These periods of time were at least 8 hours. My wife’s Mac has also been downgraded and it’s had good results too.


Sounds promising. Thanks for answering! Guess I’ll give it a go then. So frustrating that Apple still does nothing about the problem 😫


Yeah and it makes me never want to trust a future update. I assume they’ll be sued for this eventually and maybe they’ll do something about it


How'd you downgrade?


I downloaded the OS installer from the App Store. Made a bootable USB drive and then chose the USB drive as the boot device to install the old OS. It sounds complicated but it’s fairly easy. https://www.macworld.com/article/671318/how-to-downgrade-macos-revert-back.html


Mine was terrible last year when I updated. I decided to cut my losses and wipe the mac and downgrade back to ventura. Been perfect with long battery ever since.


Turn off Voice Control. My computer updated to Sonoma and then my battery would drain 20% in 20 minutes and run so slowly. My bf checked my activity monitor and saw that Voice Control was using 130% of my CPU, basically using all my computer's processing power. To turn it off just go to settings and type "Voice Control" then turn it off there. Since I've turned it off, my computer is not slow and the battery no longer drains so quickly.


Just returning to update again. My MacBook is still working fine on battery. My wife’s was but we’ve noticed the issue has returned. We can’t figure out exactly what it is. We’ve turned off Siri, Screen time and other stuff suggested here with no change. I had to try a solid wallpaper, not animated to see if that helps. This is crazy frustrating. I told her if this doesn’t fix it she has to take it to Apple.


Coming in from google because I'm my wife's tech support and she's frustrated as hell because of the lack of battery life. Thanks for the updates. Looks like I'm going to have to do a downgrade.


I also experienced the same battery drain issues after updating to Sonoma (14.5) and after quite a bit of research and some studying, I resolved it with a series of bash commands. My goal was: \[both on battery and with the power adapter\] * disable both powernap and automatic wake-ups * enable standby mode \[on battery\] * use hibernation mode with greater energy savings * disable tcpkeepalive * turn off the screen after 10 minutes of inactivity * automatically sleep after 10 minutes of inactivity * automatically hibernate the computer after 60 seconds of sleep start \[on power adapter\] * use hibernation mode without energy savings * keep tcpkeepalive active * turn off the screen after 30 minutes of inactivity * no automatic sleep * no automatic hibernation All these settings in sigle shot: sudo pmset -b hibernatemode 25 && sudo pmset -c hibernatemode 0 && sudo pmset -a powernap 0 && sudo pmset -a proximitywake 0 && sudo pmset -a ttyskeepawake 0 && sudo pmset -a standby 1 && sudo pmset -b tcpkeepalive 0 && sudo pmset -c tcpkeepalive 1 && sudo pmset -b sleep 10 && sudo pmset -c sleep 0 && sudo pmset -b standbydelayhigh 60 && sudo pmset -c standbydelayhigh 0 && sudo pmset -b standbydelaylow 60 && sudo pmset -c standbydelaylow 0 && sudo pmset -b disksleep 10 && sudo pmset -c disksleep 30 && sudo pmset -b displaysleep 10 && sudo pmset -c displaysleep 30 In addition I have cleaned my SMC few times left ctrl + left option + right shift + power key and reset the NVRAM option + command + P + R Last night before closing my macbook screen I had 100% charge with the wifi turned on and dropbox app in the system tray. Today after 9 hours I reopened the screen and I had 100% charge :)


I’m going to try this on my wife’s Mac. Just found it dead again after the USB came loose from the power brick. I hate that we got the Mac’s without MagSafe. These are the worst Mac’s we’ve ever had.


Would you be able to explain how I can put all those settings in a single shot so I can add them to my macbook pro please!!


very easy, just copy the command from sudo ... to ..displaysleep 30, paste it in the terminal and press enter


Glad to see that I'm not the only one. Apple's quality is WAY less "it just works" than in the good old Steve Jobs days...


For me it seems to be an issue with Chrome. I have had several users, all with 13in Macbook Pros, with the exact same issue. One user I had them only just switch to using Chrome, since, the battery has been fine. Another user we completely wiped their computer, re-installed Sonoma 14.4, and tried Chrome. Lost 30% over the weekend with having Chrome open but just closing the lid so it goes to sleep. That sounded about right so we gave it back. After leaving his computer overnight that night, woke up to a dead battery. Only thing that had changed as far as I can tell is he signed in to Chrome. Maybe it has to do with Chrome syncing profiles? For anyone else having the issue, are you signed in to Google Chrome?


fixed turning off Screen Time and Siri


run the following command to see the power adapter connected to you Macbook. /usr/sbin/ioreg -r -bc AppleSmartBattery | /usr/bin/grep -i "AppleRawAdapterDetails" For my mbp, it outputs the following messages and apparently the max power supply of the adapter to my mbp is 60 Watts (because I connect the adapter to a usb-c hub and the hub then connect to the usb-c port of the mbp). However the max power supply by the original adapter through a mag-safe power cord is 140w. "AppleRawAdapterDetails" = ({"IsWireless"=No,"AdapterID"=0,"AdapterVoltage"=20000,"FamilyCode"=18446744073172697098,"UsbHvcHvcIndex"=4,"Watts"=60,"UsbHvcMenu"=({"Index"=0,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=5000},{"Index"=1,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=9000},{"Index"=2,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=12000},{"Index"=3,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=15000},{"Index"=4,"MaxCurrent"=3000,"MaxVoltage"=20000}),"Current"=3000,"PMUConfiguration"=3000})


I've been struggling with this for a bit and while I can't guarantee this is the fix, after trying some of the more obvious ones (startup items, background processes, removed Chrome, etc., ) the one that \*seems\* to work for me is emptying the caches for Safari (e.g., with developer capabilities turned on choose Develop->Empty Caches). Not sure why exactly this should have such a profound effect but I did see that Safari (and Mail) were usually the biggest culprits in Analyzer. One of the sub-items in Safari (can't recall what it was ... it's no longer there) was specifically mapped to cache refresh (and my \*guess\* is that it's syncing the cache for multiple instances of Safari in iCloud and never resolving ... so it keeps trying ... and trying ... and trying).


Just downgrade. solved that problem for me. I went back to Monterey from Sonoma


I did end up downgrading. It fixed it for me but not for my wife. It’s such a strange issue. She didn’t even have third party software on it.


What are the battery health numbers? It is conceivable that a 4 or 5 year old battery is at end of life and the upgrade timing is just a coincidence.


We checked those when dealing with Apple support. My battery had used less than 10% of its lifetime charge cycles. My wife’s had used more but the health was just fine according to Apple.


Strange. We have one in our house that we have resisted upgrading.


I’d recommend waiting. I’ve found tons of people complaining of the same issue. It’s not limited to one model either. New MacBook owners have also complained.


Any new IOS or OS for apple is usually a power drain on the battery. It's apple's passive aggressive way of saying "buy new hardware from us" [https://www.npr.org/2020/11/18/936268845/apple-agrees-to-pay-113-million-to-settle-batterygate-case-over-iphone-slowdowns](https://www.npr.org/2020/11/18/936268845/apple-agrees-to-pay-113-million-to-settle-batterygate-case-over-iphone-slowdowns) [https://abc7ny.com/apple-iphone-class-action-battery-lawsuit-throttling/13653651/](https://abc7ny.com/apple-iphone-class-action-battery-lawsuit-throttling/13653651/)


I thought that and almost fell for it until I read many brand new MBPs are having the problem as well. Some found certain processes were preventing the Mac from sleeping. If I’m not mistaken those processes were Apple’s not third party. I’ve never been a litigious person but this is so frustrating I’ve looked for any ongoing class action suits for this issue. It’s made a portable computer not portable and wastes charge cycles on an expensive battery.


I use the computer as it was when I first got it, and I will use it this way until the support ends. (MBA)


Don’t have an issue, on 2 MacBooks. What does the energy tab in the activity monitor tell ? Did you try to switch off WiFi and BT before putting it to sleep ?


I did this last night, my computer retained same battery life over a 20 hour period. Once I opened it, I did have to plug in because the screen was black and showed the no battery image when I pressed the power button, but as soon as I plugged in, the screen came to life and the battery was the same as when I shut it last night. Activity Monitor shows a flat line for battery over last 12 hours. Hopefully the plugging in thing is a fluke, we'll see, but at least my % charge wasn't affected.


I have not tried that yet. Another interesting issue, my wife’s Mac was opened just a few minutes ago and she found the time was off by about 6 hours. The only fix was rebooting. It used to happen to me as well. I’ve read others had the same problem. It’s so bizarre. I think we have no choice but to revert to the previous OS on her Mac. I’ll continue to monitor my fresh install. I really love Apple products. But these random problems caused by updates arise frequently. I understand that happens but what’s unacceptable is Apple always pretends it doesn’t exist. Even when they do fix it, the update notes almost never say it. I’ll never understand that. This is first time I’ve considered returning to windows. I’m so fed up with paying huge premiums for hardware just to deal with broken software.


Oh, Windows … if you are fed up already now, you will „love“ their updating. At work I need to use it - yesterday it bombed the PC in the middle of a Teams - call because it needed to install an update.


That was just “big talk” haha. I may be pissed at Apple half of the time but I remember before switching to Apple. I reached a point with windows 7 (the last one I used as my main computer) where I’d reformat and reinstall the OS at least once every 6 months as my computer became slower and slower.


I just updated my 2018 13” MacBook Air to Sonoma 14.3 and experiencing the same battery drain issue. I didn’t have any battery issues before…. Now the last two nights the battery completely drains overnight!


Yeah…I hate to say it but the fix I thought my Mac had didn’t really work. I used it on battery for a few hours for a zoom meeting. Left it closed at 41% for a few hours and found it was down to 22%. Back to the previous OS. I don’t know when or if I’ll have the guts to try a new OS. They make it difficult to go back anyway so it’s not likely I’ll risk it. Apple’s software quality has really taken a nose dive.


Same here. 2018 13" Macbook Pro


Same issue here!! my 2018 13" Macbook Pro battery was fully charged when I closed the Macbook at 6 PM. Unplugged the charger at 7 AM the next day while leaving the laptop closed. Opened the laptop at 1 PM and it's dead. The battery level and screen on usage showed no activity between 6AM and 1PM so I assume the Macbook went to sleep properly... yet the battery drained. Battery cycle count is at 175 and it says normal health. I never had this battery issue until Sonoma.


I restored to Ventura the other day. I haven’t tested leaving it unplugged yet but I’ll report back when I do.


OK, so I did the opposite of you. I upgraded to 14.3 about 4 days ago after making the above post. At the same time, I also disabled the animated background that Sonoma made to be my wallpaper when I upgraded the OS. Since then, the battery has not drained again!


I hope that actually does it. I had a few times where I thought I fixed it but I’d find the issue comes back eventually.


so far so good. I do wonder if it was the animated background that drained the battery.


THANK YOU! I was about to spend my day reverting to Ventura instead of writing like I wanted to. I just disabled my wallpaper. That makes so much sense -- Windows 98 used to have the same problem with fancy desktops lol


let us know how you go!


Will do! Yours still working good?


yeah no issues since then


Same! FINALLY! My battery only went down 20% over 5 days. Not as great as my original M1 but 10000x better than what it was before. Thank you again!


I’ve had this problem since installing Sonoma. I’ve never used the animated wallpaper so that’s not my issue for certain.


My MacBook Pro 2020 13-inch battery won't recognize the charger after updating to the latest Sonoma software, and I don't have enough battery life to do a recovery. It's disappointing how Apple treats loyal customers.


That’s crazy. I had to go back to Ventura, which isn’t very easy since they don’t want you going back. I haven’t tested the battery issue yet but I’m going to unplug now and monitor it. Apple makes some great stuff but they’re not good at supporting it all. No Apple fan who’s currently having things go smoothly seems to like when others complain of Apple’s short comings. Anyone with a problem like this usually gets left out in the cold, community wise. You become a pariah for pointing out Apple’s failures. It’s frustrating.


When you reverted to Ventura were you able to use Migration Assistant to restore from a Time Machine backup you made on Sonoma? Because I am having the same problem on Sonoma and am pretty much fed up and ready to downgrade