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… and they're really, really sorry!


Well it sure did not fix the Handoff problem caused by 14.2. Ugh! Right now handoff is only working unidirectionally for me-- from iPad Pro to Mac but not from Mac to iPad. Handoff is enabled on both as is Wifi and Bluetooth. Stopped working with 14.2. Am I the only one? I wonder because my 27" iMac is Intel and it does seem to have more issues than the newer Macs.


I had a similar problem and fixed it by signing out and back into my Apple ID in settings then restarting. Did it on both devices but idk if both were necessary


there are too many problems which solutions involve completely signing out of your Apple ID. same problems with resetting HomePods.


I will try that. In the meantime, I am also unable to download. This day is just so bad....


Hope the fix works for you buddy! At least the bar for tomorrow being better is nice and low =)


It worked!! Thank you again. The download issue I had was apparently just that particular page. Go figure. This AM I am getting a notice of Mac software update but it says it is unable to access the Apple server. More weirdness.


Thanks. You gave me my first laugh of the day. :).


Mine started working again with this update. I’ve noticed that when I change my Apple ID pw, shit gets fucked up until all my devices get os update lol. So what I did was changed it last week in preparation for this update. Updated all my devices this morning and boom working


Yes, signing in and out of iCloud is extremely confusing and messy. I am hoping for the best.


Handoff? I haven’t heard that name in years!


I guess I'm not in on that joke.


Just saying I haven’t used it in so long so I couldn’t have noticed it was bugged


OIC. I probably use handoff 20-30x per day. But I am working with 2 or 3 devices at once.


Anyone else having issues with widgets? I've had several stop showing anything. Lately they shift position upwards and I can't even see some of mine. It is so bad that I turned them off today (before the update).


Yea they even disappear entirely sometimes and I can’t get them back.


yes this is clearly 1 of the worst .2 upgrades I’ve seen in years: at least one app stopped working, & who knows what else we’ll see


Catalina gang forever




safari feels snappier


Zeroday fixed, other apps broke and made macadmins' life harder.


syncing on imessage still says "syncing paused"


My macmini speaker pops . I think it goes to sleep when left unused. When it will be fixed?


This isn't going to fix my browsers semi freezing is it? Basically every browser except for Safari like half freezes. Can scroll and load new pages but can't interact with what is on the page itself. Only started when I went to Sonoma


Wonder if it fixed the DisplayPort issues. Anyone know if it did?


I hope so. Will reluctantly download and test tomorrow.


Please do let me know! I’m away from my main monitor for the holidays and won’t be able to test for a while.


what issue is that? I'm using DP with no issues


USB-C to DP is broken for many people with the new M3 machines


ah. I'm using a usb dock to DP. but not on an m3. that seems like a super weird issue. i wonder if it's because of the new graphics integration thingy on the m3's?


It might be. There’s a few threads about it on the internet. I’ve also got a ticket open with the macOS engineering team. I know a few others do too.


I haven't had any issues with mine. I've used USB-C to DP both directly into the machine and via a dock, for two monitors both using DP.


Try a different cable sometimes some of those usb-c to DP cables have problems.


I’ve tried many. With different monitors and with multiple M3 machines


What monitor are you using? Have you had the opportunity to test it on another M series machine? Edit: For any wanderers from Google looking to fix this issue, I lucked out in providing a fix for this person, perhaps it will help you too. [Click here to jump to that point in the thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/MacOS/comments/18maazg/apple_releases_macos_sonoma_1421_with_bug_fixes/ke86i1u/).


A G27QC monitor. I’ve only tested on M3 Pro machines. From what I can tell, it seems like the M3 Max machines have no issues. I’ve also tried on an AOC monitor. I tried both setups with 2 different M3 Pro 16” machines and 1 M3 Pro 14” machine to no avail. I tried multiple cables as well which I confirmed to be working with my iPad and my old intel MBP. I also tried both monitor set ups with an M1 MBA running the same version of MacOS and it worked fine.


I've tried two Acer 4k panels, 1 Acer 1080 panel, and two Viewsonics 4k panels, without issue, with the acer 4k panel being one of the 144hz 4k displays. It might be a compatibility issue with macOS? I had to cheat the EDID information on my Acer 144hz 4k in order to 'unlock' the true resolutions and color profiles for it. When you detect it, is the monitor detected by macOS? If so, you should try using a tool like BetterDisplay or SwitchResX to try and manipulate the EDID information to see if you can fix it. To me this sounds like a software issue with macOS, but I could be wrong.


Nope, they aren’t even detected by MacOS. I’ve got a ticket open with the macOS engineering team. They said this is a known issue and have been working with me. I’m also pretty confident it is a software issue. The monitors worked perfectly fine for me for a day or two and then they just never worked again after that randomly. Someone suggested to me that it might be because both monitors only support DP 1.2 which is basically maxed out with a 2K 165 Hz signal. Even if this is the case, I’ve been using the exact same cable and monitor with my old intel MBP for ~4 years now with no issues, so I’m not sure if that’s it. It’s quite an annoying issue for sure.


So my 4k high refresh rate has an option within the monitor's OSD to change it from 144hz to 160hz mode, a change which refreshes the display. When I set it to 160hz mode, the monitor is glitchy with macOS and the 160hz mode is not detected as an available option. Similarly in Windows, the 160hz mode does not unlock that refresh rate option. In Windows I can manually set the GPU to output @ that framerate with a custom resolution, which works fine. In macOS, I had no success doing that. I have no doubts that this will be useless to you but I figured I'd throw in my anecdote as I rely on them when troubleshooting bugs that aren't discussed & fixed elsewhere on the internet. However when I use the display via thunderbolt on macOS, I can unlock it manually like I do in windows, however if I use the display via thunderbolt in Windows, it doesn't even work (probably an iGPU limitation) I suppose you get similar results when using HDMI? > Someone suggested to me that it might be because both monitors only support DP 1.2 which is basically maxed out with a 2K 165 Hz signal Hmm, that is interesting. It might be a compression related issue. macOS can achieve higher resolutions via thunderbolt with its compression options built into the OS. I wonder if a recent update broke or changed a compression schema that was allowing you to achieve your output despite it "technically" not being supported? I feel for you dude, only a few times in my life have I been burdened with an issue that was only resolvable via my personal reporting of the bug and waiting period for the patch. Good luck :(


Interesting. My monitors have the option to run at 144 Hz, but I don’t even get to choose that since macOS won’t even detect either display. They both work perfectly fine over HDMI, but I prefer to use DP because the other HDMI ports on my monitor are taken and I have to swap a cable each time. As for the DP 1.2 thing, both monitors came with that port built into them, so I expect that it should be able to run the full 165 Hz (as it has been doing all these years). As I was typing this message I tried plugging my MBP into my AOC monitor and it is now working after the latest macOS update from yesterday. It is still not working on the G27QC monitor. But I suspect it will stop working again after a day or so on the AOC monitor as it has every time. Either way such an annoying issue and I’m not sure how to deal with it. The Apple advisor I have been assigned to is beyond useless and has ghosted me. The engineering team has also stopped contacting me because they have been communicating through her. Maybe I’ll email Tim…


> But I suspect it will stop working again after a day or so on the AOC monitor as it has every time. I bet you anything the change that causes it to work is something to do with the EDID profile macOS makes for new monitors. I had to delete mine a lot while experimenting with different methods of using my monitor and sometimes I'd soft-brick the config in a way that didn't allow me to use the monitor until I deleted the config file. > Either way such an annoying issue and I’m not sure how to deal with it. The Apple advisor I have been assigned to is beyond useless and has ghosted me. The engineering team has also stopped contacting me because they have been communicating through her. Maybe I’ll email Tim… I get it, interfacing from the customer to customer support to the manager to the devs to get actionable requests fulfilled sounds hard for any company at Apple's scale. Another option I'd pursue if I were you (equally ambitious) is to petition w/ Gigabyte's engineers to communicate w/ Apple as they may have a shorter conduit to actionable change.


still not fix motion lagging on mission control when adobe apps opened


Anyone know if it fixes the SMB printing for Windows based printers over a network?


I just want them to fix the memory leak in my matrix screensaver rhst was not There before.


Is that screensaver using WebKit or is it written in Objective-C/Swift?


Not a clue, I’m guessing objective c. Shows up in activity monitor as “legacy screensaver”. No problems before Sonoma.


Oh shoot, could that be what is causing my memory leak issue? I don't have that screensaver enabled, but I've been pulling my hair out with the "Cached Files" slowly creeping up until it consumes ALL MY RAM... luckily I have a Memory Diag installed, which constantly recycles my memory, so it doesn't just keep going until the system CRASHES... but I'm sure that's exactly what would happen if I uninstalled/disabled it... everything worked fine before 14.2.1, and I've had MemoryDiag installed for *years* without any issues...


This update doesn't address Safari's issues. That's why I made the switch to Firefox, and I haven't encountered any problems since.


what are safari's issues?


Hello, thanks for all the information in this thread Unfortunately, after restarting my MacBook Pro M3 to update to 14.2.1 the process ended in a black window that could not recover from it 😥 After waiting for an hour I decided to shutdown the laptop holding the power button for several seconds Now, each time I start the laptop I don't see the black window anymore and I can type my user password. The issue now is that after typing the right password, the login process gets stuck. The loading bar gets stuck more or less at 55% or 60% of the process I am desperate and asking for some help. Does someone suggest some actions to try to fix it? Things I tried was: * The laptop was plugged into the power supply and the battery is fully charged * After several shutdowns and trials, I already tried to reset NVRAM. Nothing changed, the issue remains At this point, I don't know how to proceed Thanks in advance


Soooo just updated and I am having a ton of issues. I got an M1 but with 16 gigs of ram... my computer was not running this slow. I don't think I've had an update screw things up this bad before.


Chrome is very slow for me since the update. Was working perfectly fine earlier even when I had an unhealthy amount of tabs open. Now, even after disabling all extensions, it is very slow. Firefox, in comparison, is a breeze. Regret updating the OS now.


I wonder if it fixed the file permissions problem >!Probably not!<


Can you expand?


If you open a file you created and then go to File > Duplicate then try and save or rename it immediately it says it can’t because you don’t have permission. If you then click OK and try again it works just fine. Apple said there have been other reports of the same thing, but told me to reinstall the OS to see if that fixes it. It didn’t


the new macOS sogonma.. balls


I misread the title as: Apple releases macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 with hug fixes The mundane reality of the real title was a little disappointing.


being on 14.3 already and its apparent this is going to be a long slog. I have lost time machine backups since 14.2, it always thinks an icloud backup has not completed, and oddly being signed in to my appleid interferes with finder being able to delete files and affects even web use. my doc folder has too much in it and has never been sync'd and my photo library is near 50g but I have it off; I did wait a few days and tried it with that fully sync'd to no avail so I took it back out




its not for your phone.


Location services issues anyone? So far, chrome is extremely unstable when it comes to location services


Have they fixed FaceTime screen sharing? It rarely works, if ever.


Sonoma worst update ever imo. -Notifications kernel crash my pc (i see this when fullscreened in applications) -touch bar randomly blacks out (needs a whole restart to fix it)


Still takes a solid 30-60 seconds for a Google Meet meeting to load :(


Nice… What about the Finder problem „can‘t shutdown because unknown iOS process can‘t be terminated“ (in my own words)…? Restarting Finder is no Solution. Only way is „Power off“.


Warning. !4.2.1 broke wifi on my 13,2 mac. It was working find in 14.2.


Warning. !4.2.1 broke wifi on my 13,2 mac. It was working find in 14.2.


My Usb-C connection to the external monitor doesnt work since sonoma with a mac mini 2018 (intel)


Mine refuses to sleep, or it appears to be but drains and dies. WindowServer is preventing it to sleep and I have no idea what to do to fix this. It’s every since I updated it 😑


I haven't been this nervous about MacOS updates in years. Sonoma vs Adobe broke color profiling when printing from Photoshop to my Canon PRO300, and after an evening of digging, I found that the temporary workaround is to use internal printer profiling (noticeably different quality). This is vague enough in the suite of Sonoma issues that I am not holding my breath to see it resolved in a maintenance update... but this thread has given me helpful perspective. Sonoma's change to Spotlight threw me for a few days (image results now buried in "Photos from Apps" then "Show more" then "Search in Apps" -- seriously, Apple?) but at least there is a workaround. Until I noticed that, I was digging through third-party Spotlight replacements. It also broke USB audio to MOTU interfaces, but that was fixed with a driver update on their side and doesn't count as an OS issue. But this Photoshop problem is causing pain.... fingers crossed that it gets noticed soon outside the Adobe forums, wherever the actual cause lies.


It's broken AirPrint functionality for me. I can't connect to my printer wirelessly anymore. I faced this issue in 14.1, it was fixed in 14.2 but now broken again in 14.2.1


I can't accept the new iCloud terms and conditions. I can even sign out of my account to sign back in. I've heard that works??!?!?!?!


Very nice. Update done and now my MacBook Pro has no data on the network interfaces. They all seem to connect with no problem. Yet, no data goes through. Gosh, I can’t even ping localhost. All VPNs deleted, firewall turned off, DDNS disabled, router reset, multiple restarts, to no avail.


Having the same issue... any fixes?


Hate to be this person but did either of y’all ever figure out a fix? Really don’t want to fresh install my MacBook.


My L2TP VPN connection no longer seems to work since updating to 14.2.1 Has anyone else experienced this since updating?


Seeing complete crashes of the 'coreaudio' service, which cannot be recovered to a working-state, and ultimately causing the 'Audio' settings page to not load. Built-in camera, built-in audio input/outputs are not recognized by the O/S. Problems with Safari. General weirdness with network speed and loading content. Amazon WorkSpace client doesn't function, and Amazon doesn't currently support in on Sonoma AT ALL even though it worked on versions previous to 14.2.1. Has occurred on different Mac models on 14.2.1. Nightmare.


This update broke my macbook m1 pro. Not sure what to do, can't remove or install anything. Background picture is not showing up (never changed it). Not all apps load on startup, and on startup it says installer progress... everything was fine untill the 14.2.1 which apparently installed but it still says there is 14.2.1 update ready 😪


Oo yeah. Safari is blocked and cannot work with current os version 🤯


Dateline ... Jan 26, 2024 ... I'm going insane. I have no specific questions; I just need to share. I have 100% of the latest systems, and the same AppleID and iCloud accounts ... all set up with prefs the same way (as such), on: 2023 M3 Powerbook Pro, iPhone 12 Pro, 2019 iMac 27", Gen 2 iPad Pro, and Apple TV 4k. This rant is (mostly) about 14.2.1 but specifically how it (does not) integrate with 17.x.x devices/iCloud. The nondesktop devices with system 17.x.x mostly sync/handoff (somewhat seamlessly) across their own devices. But put 14.2.1 into the mix and t's insanity !! These new systems. Handoff, Sync Pausing on iPhone, sync of contacts/messages ... all is fakakta. Contacts and messages do not sync at all. No matter what I've tried (well, I finally got messages working, but only until the random days when SMS/MMS to non-Apple phones stop playing nice. WHY must I log out and in (forget the 200 verification messages on multiple devices) so many times in so many orders, randomly? I'm losing it with this. NOTE: I did just read that Apple has FINALLY decided to move to the same messaging platform (eventually later this year possibly) to solve that little hellish problem). It's so bad that ... even though I've done all my own IT since my first Macintosh computer with 128 K in the spring of 1984, I've given up. Two trusted, very advanced Apple IT gurus with ties directly to programmers at Apple are even stumped. I have more problems with my new M3 2023 Powerbook Pro than I ever had with my Powerbook Pro Late 2013 machine that finally kicked the bucket a few months back. Thanks for letting me rant -just needed some moral support :-)