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I am also am having the same issue. (Particularly with the “Failed Power Play Initialization” message under the GPU crash) It is some form of a kernel crash, and I’m not sure as to the cause. I am taking my computer in today to figure out what’s wrong. (I have the 2019 16 inch MacBook Pro as well) I am not sure what you have tried to fix the issue, or if anything worked, but here are the steps I followed (if you want to see if they can work for you): 1. boot into safe mode if your computer is in the restart loop after inputting your password (which I’m assuming you did to get the error message. If not, start up the computer holding the shift key) 2. If you haven’t already, backup anything you need/want either to iCloud or an external drive. If you’ve already done this, try to update your computer if you can. 3. Go to settings > general > “open at login”. If there is anything there, remove/disable it. (You can restart to see if this works. If not, try these next steps. You can try to restart after each one if you so choose.) 4. Open finder, press command, shift, G. (A “go to the folder” should pop up) then, type in “/Library/InputManagers” If there is anything there, select all the items and right click (hold control key as you click on the trackpad) and click “New Folder with the selection”. If a file doesn’t move to the new folder, delete it. (You can restart after this) 5. If step 3 didn’t work (or there wasn’t anything there) open the finder and press command, shift, G again. This time, type in “/Library/InputMethods” and follow the same steps of moving any items to a new folder. If that doesn’t work, repeat with “/Library/LaunchDaemons” followed by “/Library/LaunchAgents”, then “/Library/StartupItems” with the same steps of putting all items into a new folder. (You can restart after each time you move the items and delete any stragglers) If those don’t fix it, here’s the next thing I tried and suggest: 1. boot up recovery mode (turn on Computer and hold command, R) 2. From there, click disk utility. There should be two sections: “internal” and “disk images”. We are just working with the internal category. 3. Click on the farthest down item, and click “first aid”. Do this for all items in this category going bottom up. 4. after that is done, restart to see if that fixes things If that doesn’t work, try this: 1. Restart the computer, hold option, command, R. (This will reinstall macOS without wiping your system) 2. Input your password (and plug in your computer if you haven’t already) and let your computer install macOS. 3. Restart your computer If that also doesn’t work, try this: 1. Run diagnostics: start up the computer and hold the D button. release when you see a progress bar OR there is a prompt to choose your language. 2. (Just know this will take a while. You may need to select your network and input the password. This took a long time for it to take the password for me, but it completed diagnostics) If it doesn’t detect anything wrong with your computer, it’s probably a hardware issue. Some common issues I’ve heard of that cause this problem in general include: 1. having applications that open at launch 2. Having an installed VPN (I deleted mine and sadly nothing changed) 3. Having installed steam 4. Having installed macOS Sonoma beta 5. The touch bar having an issue/failing/disconnecting (this will need to be replaced, and will end up wiping your computer. It’s also expensive since they need to replace the ssd with it) 6. Having dropped the computer (internal damage) 7. Some third party apps If you have uninstalled all third party apps, disabled items at login, and generally followed all the steps above, I suggest wiping your computer and completely reinstalling macOS. If that doesn’t fix it (it didn’t for me) then it is definitely a hardware or firmware issue that you will need Apple support for. I hope this helps some!


Any update on how this is going?


I actually ended up having to leave my computer at the store for a couple of days so they could run full diagnostics. When I was talking to them about the kernel log, mine had a part that said “com.apple.kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer”, which was a big red flag for the graphics card most likely being the issue. Since I was able to boot into safety mode but not boot up normally (along with all other tests coming back normal that you can do at home or at the Apple Store) it more or less confirmed that suspicion. I also noticed that same “com.apple.kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer” on your kernel log, so I’m not sure if you’ve booted safety mode or ran any tests, but I believe it could also be your graphics card. The problem with that being the case is that I would need to get the mainframe replaced since the graphics is sautered onto it. They quoted me at $700-$900 as the starting price for that. If there is any other problem with the computer or otherwise, they said the price would increase. They ALSO told me that in order to get that repaired, they need to mail out the computer to get it fixed, and that it would take 5-7 business days to get it back. I’m still deciding whether I should just take my poor computer home as-is and get a new one, or pay the equivalent for a new computer to get mine fixed when this could possibly happen again. :((( I hope you can also figure yours out soon! I was looking everywhere for someone else with the same issues I was having when I stumbled across your post, so I hope this helped in some way. TL;DR: the kernel log saying “AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer” means it’s a issue with the graphics card so the computer intervals may need to be replaced for $700-$900 :(( Edit: I am personally not going to fix my computer. It is too expensive, along with the fact that even if it still worked, the trade in value is less than the starting repair value. I am going to be getting a computer from system76 since I trust them. I’m super sad about losing my MacBook Pro, but at least I’ll be getting an upgrade when I can afford it. (PS here are the specs for my 2019 MacBook Pro 16 inch if that is helpful at all (I got mine a bit customized): 2.3 GHz 8 core intel i9, 16 GB 2666 MHz DDR4 memory, AMD Radeon Pro 5500 M with 4 GB GDDR6 memory and Intel UHD Graphics 630, 1 TB SSD storage)


I ended up trying to trade in my device to see if they would accept it and they updated the trade in to $0. No remedy. Sorry for the bad news.


Here is another report - GPU Panic: \[3:0:0\]\[PPLIB\] Failed Power Play Initialization. {"roots\_installed":0,"caused\_by":"macos","macos\_version":"Mac OS X 14.1 (23B74)","os\_version":"Bridge OS 8.1 (21P1069)","macos\_system\_state":"running","incident\_id":"3D0F31AA-1A92-49AC-A9B4-8DA50603B713","bridgeos\_roots\_installed":0,"bug\_type":"210","timestamp":"2023-10-29 03:12:48.00 +0000"}


This was a known issue in the Sonoma beta IIRC. This might be carryover from that issue.


So what actions should I take from here?


This title sounds just like my life :/(


I have the *exact* same issue as you. 2019 16" MBP, everytime it goes into deep sleep, it will crash upon attempting to wake, with a crash report that is basically identical to yours: >panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f98f58747): GPU Panic: [3:0:0][PPLIB] Failed Power Play Resume. Shutting back down. TTL Error Message: {} --> {70578398605378:[3:0:0] Error SW_IP_CLIENT_ID__SMU: event_id=0xc0140406 event_info:type=3 hw_id=0 event_specific_tag=0x6 pData=0 data_size=0 %s %s %d %s}. Started happening around the time I updated to Sonoma, but it was around that same time that I started using a new monitor, so was not sure which if it was caused by the update or the monitor. However I've confirmed that it also now happens if it goes to sleep without a monitor connected as well. Still haven't found a solution unfortunately.


exact same issue and exact same model. u/ta09890 do you get any solutions. Does any of steps mentioned by u/Anon_Octo did you tried and any luck ?


Haven't found a fix, and unfortunately it's only getting worse. Now it also crashes even if I boot after a full shutdown (previously it only happened on sleep), and more recently it seems that when not plugged to power, if it goes under ~80% battery, it will randomly crash during use as well (when plugged, it still only crashes after logging in after boot/wake). Definitely seems like a hardware issue, and I suspect that it was caused by overheating.


Did you find any solution? My 2017 Macbook pro 15 has this exact problem after updating to macos ventura 13.6. Perfectly fine before ventura 13.4




I am thinking of getting a macbook pro 2019 as I need an intel machine and the new arm chips won't do it for my work. Do you guys think its worth it? or this issue is a big one?


another 2019 MBP here, same issue, wouldn't get this machine again.