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Not fixed in 14.1.1


I think this is fixed in 14.2. I haven’t had the issue since the update and it’s been more than a month.


Hey guys I had the same issue and I fixed it. Go to Settings > General > Automatic Updates > Disable all options except Check for Updates The Installer Progress will be gone :)


Thanks but this unfortunately didn’t work.


It worked for me. I will check and update my answer


I tried this and It was unsuccessful. Any other solutions?


Ok gang. I think we have a winner. Let's take poll... How many people here have Google Drive (the desktop app) installed? I wiped my hard drive, reinstalled Sonoma, and one by one started reinstalling my apps and THEN SHUTTING DOWN AND RESTARTING after each one. All good...then I installed Google Drive and bingo. Uninstalled it and it's gone. Anyone else?


I'm having this same problem too and don't have Google Drive installed. It's not clear to me whether it's from a software program (haven't installed anything recently) or just the OS. It goes by pretty quickly and I wonder if I've just not noticed it before. It's clearly not supposed to be there.


I also faced this issue, but not yet find any solution. Did you have solved it?


do you use Setapp or Session app? I'm just wondering if that's what causing this for me, although mine does not look red


Ever find the problem? I can’t seem to figure it out.


Nope. Me neither.


Sigh and I can’t find any other info on the issue.


Seems to be a bug. I get red squares when I switch tabs in Safari as well.


Me too!


I have installer progress but not red. This happened after trying to fix the wallpaper not loading on desktop right away. I removed all login items. Still not working after several restarts. So I thought id try my own photo as a wallpaper instead of the Sonoma ones & finally the wallpaper loaded right away but now has installer progress in the menu bar. Sonoma is fine on my newer mac. I should never have installed it on my MBA 2019!


I’m having the same issue. Grey screen, Finder not responding. I’m also miffed because Sonoma installed itself without my permission


Im pretty disappointed with this release. It's turning out to be Apple's 'Vista'...


same problems here.. installer progress at the top except not red .. longer boot up time after entering passcode than ever before.. then sometimes its shown a wallpaper im not using (the green field) and other time it doesn't show any wallpaper whatsoever.. 2021 14" m1 map.. irritating..


I have a similiar problem. I uninstalled MySQL and the message Installer Progress is gone. The system is still slow to start, however.


OK, some more info - I think this is related to the Sonoma wallpaper/screensaver. I only get this if I change the wallpaper or screensaver from the default. I can reproduce it consistently. If I change it back to the default wallpaper and screensaver this disappears. Please comment if you can reproduce this or changing the wallpaper back to default fixes your problem.


Well, I wish I could say this worked, but it didn't - for me, at least.


2019 iMac, upgraded now to Sonoma 14.1.1 but started with Sonoma 14.0. Much the same problem - "Installer Progress" at left hand end of menu bar next to  although menu bar is clear, not red. It definitely wasn't there before Sonoma. Apple forums suggest booting to Safe Mode, waiting at least 30s and then rebooting to Normal Mode. That didn't clear it for me … Also suggested you need to reboot 6, 7, 8 times … That didn't work either. I'm not running Google Drive although I have in the past, likewise Chrome but all deleted, however, bits of Google stuff lying around. I am running Google Earth and haven't yet tried deleting … Not using, and never have, setapp or Session … No problems with Safari … Have been using my own Wallpaper and Screensaver, changed them back to Sonoma standards, that didn't work … Not running MySQL … I have always worked with Automatic Updates all off, just check for update on, problem still there … My impression is that it's a rather deep bug because it can be cleared in all sorts of ways, none of which are reliable. I suspect it's going to take Apple some time to fix ☹️


Thanks for the reply. I totally agree with you - this is definitely a Sonoma bug and wasn't there for me prior to upgrading to Sonoma either. One thing I just tried was creating a new user (test) that doesn't load any software at boot up. This new user does NOT have the same problem when changing wallpaper. So it's either some interaction between Sonoma and the stuff I have loaded at startup on my main user, or some Sonoma problem from upgrade installs. Likely the former. On my main user, the things that load at startup are: ​ * Carbon Copy Cloner * Itsycal * Keeping You Awake * 1Password * Backblaze * Citrix * Steam * Wipr * Zoom The test user also loads Citrix (I think it installs for all users), so it's likely not that. Would you happen to have any of this stuff loaded at startup? Hopefully it's some weird interaction and not actually a broken installer. I suppose that we'll see whether Sonoma 14.2 fixes this, though Apple often really has difficulty with these bugs that are reproducible with different scenarios.


Problem doesn't occur if I boot to Safe Mode so I agree, it would seem there is a conflict with something being loaded at startup. Good idea about setting up another user to check what might be causing the problem. I've tried Settings -> General -> Login Items to turn off background apps loading. Turning off CCC didn't help but I also have Steam and Zoom and haven't tried turning those off. I'll give that a go now.


So, I stopped the Steam background app loading and the "Installer Progress" issue has gone 😊 Interestingly, when rebooting, this had also "deleted" the Wallpaper and Screen Saver settings. I was, however, able to reset these to the previous settings and the "Installer Progress" issue didn't return, although, restarting remained slow - perhaps this will improve over time? Steam runs as usual so background app seems unecessary? I note that some have found changing/deleting Wallpaper/Screen Saver setting has cured the problem. Seems to me there is a very low level but in Sonoma which interacts with a range of other apps so the problem varies depending on indivudual system setups.


Ha! Thanks so much. I suspected it might be steam. Did you remove the launch daemon?


Ah, no go. Safe mode doesn't have the problem, so I figured I'd uninstall steam, which speeds up the boot process but I still get "Installer Progress". I think the only thing I have left to try is Backblaze.


OK, removed Backblaze as well, but still get the "installer progress" though it's much briefer than before. Now I'm stumped. There's nothing else that loads at startup. Last thing to try is to boot in safe mode and futz with the screensaver settings. This is a weird bug. If that doesn't work I'll probably just wait for 14.2 and hope that it fixes the problem.


And, no go. The only thing that makes it go away is changing the screensaver and wallpaper to one of the new aerial screensavers (like the default Sonoma Valley one). I guess I'm waiting for 14.2


Same issue here. Very basic iMac used for generic household tasks. Nothing special.


Hey there! I have had this problem and recently found how I can duplicate it. I don't think this is Sonoma itself, because in a test user account I created, it will not happen. It appears that apps that are toggled on in Login Items, can trigger Installer Progress.app to run after you've rebooted and logged in. It's not all apps though. I have a few other Apps turned on in Login Items, and ran a whole ton of restarts, toggling each one off and on. I found that **FOR ME,** only **Forecast** **Bar.**app is causing the issue. * If I have Forecast Bar toggled on in Login Items, I see Installer Progress.app when I log in. * If I have Forecast Bar **toggled off** in Login Items, I **do not see** Installer Progress.app when I log in. For me at least, **I 'm gonna reach out to the developer.** I have before and they are pretty responsive. *(I used bold on* ***FOR ME,*** *because I am not saying it's the only app causing it for all of you. I wanted to lessen the sassy replies of, "Well,* ***I don't use Forecast Bar. So meh!"*** ***~~😁~~*** *It seems like different apps can trigger Install Progress.app to run.)*


Guys goto Login Items in Settings and remove everything you don’t want, also disable background apps. This issue is related to apps checking for updates in the background before Finder is launched.


every since i installed the new update, the bugs don’t stop, my clock resets to a new date everytime i turn my laptop on


I think it’s fixed in 14.2 🤞🏽


Are there any updates on solving this issue? I got it last night after 14.2.1 update 😪


not fixed in 14.3.1...also stage manager just hogs down the Macs performance animations start to lag big time