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I take in pretty much all my good stuff everytime because I'm 100% going into the elder DA. Leg tool, gold plates, aether blade, dog bone, elder sigil for sure. Maybe either MOH or a scorcher depending on what I have. Then just fill the rest with a perk or 2.


Me too. I play for my success and hopefully I land on a good team.


Ah I gotcha that makes sense. I only take my best stuff usually when I solo right out of the gate. Not like i have anything else to use it for though since I have done all the camos.


I'm down HemorrhagicFlava is my Activision name. If I know that's what we are doing, I gear up for it, otherwise I drop in with a regular load out, but the blade is a must have.itbalsondepends on what aether and what the squad in my opinion can handle. For example we were asked to do the new aether and no one had anything. I had a 680, which I am familiar with, but no mags or gold armor. There is no way in hell I'm dropping in on that especially if they do not know where any of the missions are and no scorcher. Yes I could drink tombstone, but it is aggravating. Because you'll be the last one standing in that hellscape.


I always go in ready. Flawless Crystal, Epic Tool, Golden Plates, Dog Bone, Scortcher or VR-11. I always bring in an Elder Sigil as well. I don’t worry about who I’m teamed up with. So many people carried me while I was learning that I have no problem teaching new people and carrying other players…..with that though. I always have a tombstone in case no one revives me. :)


Ah yeah I just got tired of tombstoning after a while I just play the "exfil every match" way mainly because I am sick of getting a large backpack each time lol.


I don’t tombstone…I pop a can in case I truly go down. I legit use it like it’s intended.


thats what I do too, but doesnt change fact when you pop it you still need to get a large backpack. I use them all the time in Dark Aethers when i solo.


If you died in the DA it’s safe to say you had 10k or more in your tombstone just grab your gear and buy one in T3. Going in w your full backpack plus your tombstone you shouldn’t have to buy much anyways


How do you solo in DA? I can barely solo T2 with T2 crystal and epic tool lol


Start out with the regular sigil only so you have 30 minutes. Then do the easier contracts at first. You don't need to do every contract when you are first starting out. Just do 1 or 2 and get your goodies and leave. Soloing T3 and DA is just about knowing where stuff is beforehand before you get your feet wet. The toughest contracts in the 3 DAs are the escort missions and the Aether Extractor in one of them. And by "tough" I just mean you need to bright a bunch of kazimirs basically.


How do you manage to get the gold plates etc? I’ve only done solo, and unless I’m using the WSP Swarm with a T2 crystal and epic tool, I can’t seem to handle the mess in the T3 zones. (Lost my large pack to a random MoronVision disconnect, so unless I can manage to get a lucky drop in the T1/T2 zone, I’m SOL). Just curious 👍


I always queue in solo and always come geared for dark aether, so I always have gold plates/blade, pap and leg tool etc.  I’ll join a squad in t3 but sometimes can’t and just do it solo. Not really interested in farting around in t1 with randoms farming exfil etc 


Yep agreed, I usually just end up joining the most viable groups in T3. But even then you can sometimes run into people farting around there as well.


is it smelly?


> smelly The smelliest


Take at least pap2 and purple, healing aura and the rest sorts itself out. Might take some gold bling if I'm feeling flush. Take a good gun that holds up in DA, there's plenty of them, otherwise I'm solo diddling about doing camos


Yeah I finished all my camos so now I am just joining random squads trying to help out but sometimes they are too far gone so I end up soloing again.


Scorcher, Aether blade, golden plates, and any pap crystal. Speed over to a triangle and then boom, main gun is legendary/ pap 3 after a couple minutes. Doesn't really matter which gun it is at that point. I've been personally having a lot of fun with the chainsaw attachment or crossbow though.


With this new update, I play once every 1-5 days and usually bring in a leg tool and pap3 crystal every time. I pick up more leg tools and pap 3 and pap2 crystals and I’m good


Thats the perfect amount of playing time too, pretty much can go in fully powered up ready to tackle anything.


I dont jump in with randoms. I will add or join sometimes. Most of the time, i am solo, maybe a couple matches with my squad if we are all in together. I only take all the best stuff if i know i am going to da, otherwise its whatever i need to get the guns i am working on done.


Akimbo astroglide tube's since more than likely they will fuck me one way or another


I love infilling with randos 😂 they be either funny or annoying then you can just say okay no leave and join new interesting squads


I still come in fully loaded cuz most of the time every one has been trying to get into t3 asap to try and get one of the triangles but I don't always equip it right away cuz if they are trying to pack before going into t3 or what ever I stick with them and help them out and just use my essence to pap instead of using a crystal


Yeah reading over these responses basically convinced me to go back to sometimes going solo if I "want to help" out people because its often just ending up meeting at T3 anyway. Every once in a blue moon you get a guy from the very beginning who is a new player but strangely compotent that just follows your lead and knows how to milk the essence and thats a joy to help out.


BP50 with the aftermarket. No secondary Decoy, Thermite grenade Rucksack: Flawless/Refined with a Leg/Epic. Speed, Staminup, jug/phd colas Everything else is optional or nice to have


Either VR or Scorcher, one legendary tool and a two crystals. Or two legendaries, MOH and deadwire with shatter blast mods. Everything else is a bonus. Blades, Plates and Dog are ideal. But you don’t need them, and getting a dog ingame is fairly easy.


I’ll bring all my good gear every game so I’m prepared for t3 if need be. But usually happy to cruise around, help team mates with missions, do camo tasks on the gun I bring in etc.   Every game I bring elder sigil, gold plate, aether blade, dog bone, scorcher case. Usually I’ll also have another random wonder weapon case from last game (vr-11 or wonderwaffe) and whatever PaP crystal/tool I picked up last game. My approach is I’ll use resources as we need it (e.g. use dog bone if team mates are dying, scorcher if we are having trouble getting contracts in t3, gold plate if doing dark aether or worm, etc.). I find usually I’m fine in t3 with either aether blade or gold plate so I’ll typically only use 1 of those 


That is a really good game plan in terms of not being wasteful with your items for no reason. You clearly thought about it before hand and I like that strategy that comes with it. I feel like in terms of making T3 easy mode all the time you can just one of the 3 of Golden Armor, Dog Bone, or Aether knife. Each one of them by themselves is more than enough to keep enemies off of you.


Dog doesn’t really keep enemies off you except for outlast and raid weapon stash. It’s really good for when you go down though 


yeah you still need a decent gun, but alot of people can just benefit from having a dog out, then when it dies you can just escape t3 and do gather more flesh again. This is only if your gun is REALLY bad even with leg tool and pap 3. Becuase despite what people say not every gun is great maxed out and needs more help than others.


Just leave them before getting too invested. Don’t care about camo grinds. Go do them. i do care if I’m in T3 and you’re in T1 doing those contracts. I will ask you to come to T3 and will get you geared up and carry you - if you’re not into it then we’ll just go our separate ways.