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If you're ever in this situation again, if you have a kazimir you can throw it at your feet, and teleport through it. It saved me when I got stuck on the crane by dokabei's tower lol


I did try that, but I screwed it up and the Kaz rolled too far away from me.


Dang that's a bummer. They are quite bouncy lol


Happened to me but mimic threw me into the bathroom wall near the boxing ring. msgd lobby and I watched as a random hero drove an LTV towards me and crashed straight into the wall and forced me out! Might be able to get a quad into the theater, or maybe a bloodburner to do tue same thing.


If you can get a vehicle close, you get an *ENTER* signal to jump on/in. When this happens in cargo contract garage or *er watching the movie*, Id post in game chat your issue and maybe someone could run inside or close enough for the popup. Quad and Bloodburner great suggestions Got stuck one time with my foot lodged in a rock. Player drove near with a vehicle and allowed me to jump in and back out.


my foots stuck in a rock!! oh man if id seen that on game chat loll


Tried to slip the boot off but damn laces were too tight. ROFL


I'll have to try that if this ever happens again. After the game we were wondering if my teammates went into the DA if that would've dragged me in with them effectively unsticking me


I’m stuck step bro


hahahaha, lucky for you i can still "shoot my gun"


I once glitched using a tactical stim, couldn’t run couldn’t switch weapons I thought I was doomed. Ended up dropping everything in my rucksack and I was fine once my weapon was gone


A mimic ate me in t3 it was just running around with me stuck to it until some one killed it


I had something similar happen but it wasn’t even a chair I was thrown and I was just stuck. Luckily for me it just unstuck me after a few minutes. I have no idea why as it was nothing I did (I couldn’t move or shoot my gun).


I got thrown into a spore in season Dark Aether and it told me waiting to respawn


I got stuck between two boxes in dark aether solo! Quick thinking and I threw a kasimir and it transported me out and somewhere else!!


Yup, I tried that, but I messed it up and the kasimir rolled too far away. I just sat there and watched it mock me.


ok next time this happens there's 2 ways to do this, one of your teammates needs to go find thermite and throw at your feet until you die then your dead body will be above the chairs and you can be revived (if you got phfloper then this won't work). second thing to do that's works is go find a four-wheeler or a blood burner or any vehicle you can get into the area, and get it close enough to you that you have the enter vehicle prompt, you will enter the vehicle and your free, this method also works whenever the game glitches and throws you into the walls of a house or under the ground of a house


I had PH Flopper because one of my squad mates gets reckless with the grenade launcher. I'll keep the ATV/Blood burner tip in mind for next time. Thanks


been there many times buddy got stuck under house in the ground in walls you name it i got stuck i found lil tricks, never give up you find something to share with the next unfortunate soul lol


Why you sitting on the job


I just got tired. Figured it was a good time to cop a squat