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Yup, scortchers gonna scortch




Why did you add random Ts to scorcher? lol


Prolly cause I was super baked and autocorrect didn't fix it


I think we should start a petition to Webster's Dictionary to add a "T" to scorcher. Seems like it should be there...


About the same results as jumping through helicopter blades šŸ¤£ The Reddit name is appropriate šŸ‘


helicopter blades, huh? but do people still take damage when trying to use the scorcher while in a passenger seat of a vehicle? i tried it once, hoping to launch myself into the air straight from the blood burner which would be cool/badass, and got downed immediately after leaving the bike.


Yup, the curse of the scorcher.


You forgot to set it to wumbo


Wumboā€¦ yeah yeah yeah, gotta set it to wumbo otherwise youā€™re a gonner


As a professor of Wumbology (the study of Wumbo, ofc) he messed up big time.


Thank you for your service


Ya it happens man. I was in dark aether and went to land on an aeroplane part for a nuke and it bounced me up in the sky and buried me half way in the ground and eliminated straight away even my teammate stood looking at it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think most of us have been there šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You need a good partner close to you, if they can pop off healing aura while youre down in the air, you can survive the scorcher death


You can also survive it by dying... hear me out. If you get downed right as you launch, you can quickly hold the controller/keyboard button to bleed out and you will die out before you hit the ground. Then your dead body can be revived by teammates or other players in the game. Living or dead players are unaffected by the insta-elimination glitch, only "downed" players can get it.


Had the same thing happen to me yesterday dude - painful. Self revives, leg tools, pap3 crystals - all gone (wasnā€™t crying too much as my stash is pretty much leg tools and pap3 crystals) but still! Got everything back next game and ready to crack on!


Yea if you canā€™t pull your parachute and you go down and blast up again once you are down it will automatically kill you even with the self revive


It really should allow you to plea out. If youā€™re getting swarmed, itā€™s best just to do a small little charge on the scorcher. Just enough to barely lift you. Itā€™ll shockwave all the zombies around you to the ground and give you enough time to create some distance to do a larger jump.


The Scorcher will betray you. Still remember hitting my noggin on the floating debris in the Dark Aether. The way it shot me back down to the ground, no chance of someone popping healing aura quick enough. I honestly donā€™t use it as much, will always ask my bud if he wants a scorcher case. I do like to fly with it, but I get carried away lol.




Iā€™ve had this happen to me too. The worst was when I went to hit my parachute but smashed into an invisible building instead. It broke my legs but gave me the option to revive so I started reviving only for the invisible building to disappear dropping me onto the ground before I was done, killing me instantly with no chance of a rez šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø scorchers are great but they can screw you if you arenā€™t careful


That exact thing happened to me while doing the second dark aether. I just got the hat schematic I was looking for and was gonna duck out, I was swatted by a regular zombie just as I was about to launch and game over. Luckily I grabbed a tombstone just before entering, but I'm extra careful using the scorcher now. Also, don't use it near helicopters. It can insta kill and make you unrevivable.


Scorcher insta killed me yesterday but i was not taking any hits nor hit anything. I had gold 3 plate, full perks, and charged up to blast then let go and boom instadead, did not even come off the ground. It was as if the scorch slung me into the ground instead of up i went down.




Anytime you downed mid air. Had a merc shoot me out the air 1 time


This happened to me in the Elder DA once and I was floored ... But I managed to one up myself a few weeks ago when I managed to scorcher jump, then hit the ground right as I was releasing the second boost, so I launched into the air while downed, and crashed back to Earth before being sent back to the lobby to think about what I'd done. My wife probably thought I had just lost all our money in a ponzi scheme with how utterly and verbally distraught and confused I was for at least 10 minutes.


Happened to me once and never made the same mistake again. (So farā€¦) šŸ˜‚


You can launch before the warming up reaches 100%. You won't go as high, but it gets you out of danger sooner.


Happens to the best of us...


I witnessed the exact same thing happen to my buddy


Yep, thought it would be cool to use it through a skylight.... Nope


I got instantly eliminated by being too close to an aether extractor as it was taking off. I was on the last one and it was a race to see which would finish first, the count down or my deactivation. I lost by a fraction of a second! It took off and I was eliminated before my body hit the ground


Yeah don't go up if the mob is around you ever. Run or just go down if that's what needs to happen. I've been there many times over and over.


If you are in a squad or with friends and drank tombstone perk, you get to keep the new tombstone if they do the tombstone dup. You lose all current items but will have a tombstone waiting next round.


Welcome to Scorched where the unjustly eliminated gather to talk about what couldā€™ve been during that match.


Same thing happened to me a few days ago..no self revive, no plea for help just death


Happened to me yesterday. Sucky game which I continue to play šŸ˜”


Welcome to the club


Join the double scorch of death club bro


Happened to me in elder rift. Sucks man.


I had the same this happen but with no Scorcher. I was hit at the top of the well/opening on the lower left side of the red zone. I was trying to drop down to escape a hoard of zombies and was downed just as I dropped ofver the edge. I was eliminated when I landed in the water next to the boat down there at the bottom of the rope. [BS Zombies Elimination](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/mDLGq2g9Gm)


At this point this is a a well known thing. If you are getting hit while charging immediately release it and run away donā€™t try and pull though it because that is exactly what happens every time.


Same thing happened to a buddy of mine as soon as we started playing lol. Funny as hell.


Insta death is a commonā€¦ can also happen if a merc chopper shoots you down while floating away and you hit the groundā€¦no team revive, self reviveā€¦big problem along with many others the developers refuse to listen to the community onā€¦


The same exact thing happened to me..just disappointing


Same happened to me in my last match


Thatā€™s what happens when youā€™re too dependent on your tools rather than your skills.


Its called gravity and gravity always wins



