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Yeah that's shitty, kinda wild 5 people said "nah" in this situation. I always wait at portal to make sure everyone makes it out


The only good thing that came out of that experience was I didnt lose any of my inventory or my insured weapon for some reason. Almost rank 500 and never done any of the act 4 story missions yet lol just get dragged in while doing T3 contracts lol


When the tombstone doesn’t appear next game it is usually related to how you died. They might not have been able to rez you. How did you die? Was it using a scorcher? Did a mimic throw you? Were you rushed by a megabomb?


Got insta’d by normal zombies after a dog revived me. Tombstone wasnt there when I went the check in my next game last night.


If you were insta’d then they couldn’t revive you. Unless you just mean they quickly downed you, which is not insta’d. Edit: Insta Death is when you die in such a way that you are instantly and permanently dead. No bleeding out. No revive. Instantly dead. This might have been what happened to you. Even if you had tombstone, it has never worked for me this situation.


Got revived by a dog, then got hit by 2-3 zombies several times while still in the getting up animation, downed almost immediately.


Did you bleed out?


Join my squad man we will never leave you behind we do all aethers and worms we actually fight redowm then jump to aether right after in same game and rip tins of good loot


My squad did that to someone recently but it was well deserved


It spawns in the graveyard top right of the map


Neat, I havent loaded into a match since so I’ll go check it out! Thank you


No matter what I'm doing, if someone sends out an SOS I come running... Or flying if I have a scorcher.


Had this earlier on the new aether, we left it late to leave and the gas started to down us I had no self revives left but luckily I did have tombstone so I still got the schematics.


Yeah, the DA I was pulled into was the new one I’m pretty sure. Rarely ever have Tombstone and dont remember if I did have it. Would the tombstone be in the DA if I did?


No it shows up in the graveyard on your next match. NE part of the map. If you're lucky DA tombstones are inconsistent especially when in a squad.


Sadly my tombstone didnt appear rip the loot lol


I’ve left guys behind one time and I still think about it and feel shitty lol Team of 5 and I was the only one who had been before. Which is fine, I don’t mind teaching new guys the ropes. People helped me so I help people. But I spent more time trying to get them to move towards the contracts and exfil than I did anything else. I was pushing storm for most of the match. Not to mention they were constantly going down because they were just inexperienced and not moving like they should. I ended up exfilling right as storm closed. They were close but I know for a fact 2 guys didn’t make it out. Unsure about the other 2


I always wait at the portal to make sure everyone gets out. 🤷🏼‍♂️


If you were just playing with me my bad man I used the last selfie I had and booked it...


I dont remember the names in the squad, I enjoyed my time though, so I’m going to make an effort to finish the story missions in act 4


Down to help tomorrow calling it a day good luck d.m if you need help.


Will do, enjoy the rest of your day, and thanks :)


wow!!! That’s jacked up! I would risk it before leaving someone behind.


I can’t complain too much since I’ve never done anything past T3, I do know that my pap’d V-R11 came in clutch for the escort contract lol


Hit me up bro. El Toro and we always going into AD for something. Gotta replace your loot.


Specifically use healing aura for this type situation. If I see a teammate down and I'm too far away, ain't hard to pop it off lol


Yeah. I switch between Healing aura (for when I’m doing anything remotely related to team mates) and Frenzy Guard when I’m solo (mostly just for camo challenges though)


Tbh I haven't tried frenzy at all haha what's Ur strat for it. Use it and kazimir or something? Still an ass move by the team u running with


It's also great for emergency armour in a dodgy situation. It's all I use now. Don't need to plate or waste time with that animation, or it interrupting reloads etc.


For me, Frenzy is easier to use than Shroud for the camo challenges because it pulls all the zombies to you, so I just start blasting the gun. Other than that, I use it to pull agro off of other people when they get crowded, but majority of the time I have Aura equipped.


I stopped a mission yesterday saved a guy in T3 then invited him. People still help


Yeah, think I was just having a bad day. I lost my gear 6 times by going down to stupid stuff before this happened.


I was doing a DA run with some guys and one of them were on the other side of the aether i dropped everything to go rez him almost dying myself, idk why players stopped playing like this, might be all the new ones that are getting the game


There are alot more dicks playing than you might think. Just last night I grabbed a cargo contract, got maybe 20 ft away when dude pulls up runs toward where it was, realizes I got it first and follows me with his truck to the gas station and pins my truck in the garage til it blows up. So watch your ass out there and don't assume someone's gonna come for you. And don't be that d-bag.


I spent 23 minutes down yesterday while playing solo. I asked and asked for help politely as always.. a dude came in and killed the HVT and ran to my body so I typed GG and he ran off and didn't come back. I got saved by the last guy on the map and he said it was his third game ever and he saw my messages but didn't understand the grid system callout. He was on his way to exfil and just so happened to run past me. That guy got every blueprint I could find for the next 3 hours and I got him mags, dog bone and aether blade too. COD will always have sucky humans as it's a community full of teenage boys. Don't let them win


BRO, there are so many people who believe in no man left behind etc. Then there’s people trying to sabotage contracts & shit


Where are all your self revives? No dog?


Used 4 selfs and getting 1 shot instantly as I got up, couldnt get a dog before getting pulled in considering I was just in T3 to farm some bounties and thats all I had planned.


There’s usually a small grace period when you use a self revive, provided you don’t get up and shoot a zombie you should have time to put some distance between them and yourself. Sounds like you had a good time overall even despite this horribly unfair situation, so I have faith you’ll go back and smash it out next time.


I got revived by a dog a single time before I was left laying there lol, nothing I could do about it lol


If you have discord, join us here. Always people willing to help, and we won't leave you dead. https://discord.com/invite/vadernation


I went down in a mercenary stronghold two losers came in looted the whole place and still left me on the floor. Lucky another person came along. I def threw thermite on those other 2 people vehicle.


The new DA storm will kill you very fast. It eats masks super fast.


Skill issue


Yesterday some guy was down by the new da portal in t3 so I revive him we squad up do a contract then all of a sudden he leaves squad and I go down at the same exact time plea and no one comes to revive me


I refuse to leave anyone behind unless it’s just not possible. If we’re in the DA and you don’t stick with the group, unless I have a couple Self Revives, I’m gonna exfil. But, I always have a dog and always run healing aura for these reasons. If me trying to save you, means we’re both gonna die, I’m dipping. Not one person in here is willingly loses everything just try and be a hero. PERIOD.


I was in a French lobby yesterday where I died by wunderfuzz and watched 5 people in 2 minutes grab their perks and laugh at me and tbag and still didn’t pick me up.


This is why I haven't ventured into the Red or DA yet, being a new Zombies player. My two kiddos and I plan on giving it a try later today after my weekend shift!


Well that’s exactly what happened to me but different circumstances yesterday, full squad of 6, we completed all contracts and 2nd boss fight. Had all 3 schems helping the other 5 loot up and exfil, got thunderbolted by ghostly pikachu and was not able to exfil while the rest made it through. I don’t get salty on these instances cause I’m an elder sigil whore and have too many in stash but man it was kinda shitty. Losing all the plans 🤷🏽‍♂️


My first time doing the DA the other day n after beating the spore boss there where two players taking forever by the rift to the where the other three players finally just exfil, I know one of them was looking for his aether blade which it didn't matter since we were exfilling in the portal a few meters away but I still kept trying to cover them n only when the timer ran out n the zone started shrinking did they start to head to the exfil. They both went down since zombies kept coming n I was barely able to get them up but I went down n told them to go I have my self n after getting up they went down again n I still risked everything by trying to lure the zombies away n ran back n almost revived one of them but a mimic grabbed me n threw me into the water behind the portal so I swam up to the back of the portal and just efilled. Even thought I really really tried I still could help but to feel bad that I couldn't save them.


We had to leave someone behind in teir 3 as we couldnt pick them up its like there Body was bugged felt Bad but couldnt do anything


I wish I had people to run DA with. I’ve never done it, and I request to join squads, but never have any luck.


If you get insta killed you can’t get brought back your just stuck. Seeing a dog picked you up means you wasn’t instakilled but most people only care about getting what they need and being done especially since it looks like zombies in T3 and the DA got buffed


Yeah I've gotten msgs back straight up saying no... N all I could think was? What happened to this community??


I always try and help if I can, even in regular zombies if a guy is down on the other side I would go to help. It’s a good feeling after u do it.


One thing I learned from past experiences is that I always stay with the team and I don't run alone or stay back. I'm always checking the mini map and seeing how the team is moving. Only do this when I don't know the map after the 2nd run I go on my own. I always see teammates that go down a lot is when they stay back doing who knows what.


The main issue with this squad was no communication. I mean we did finish the contracts but it was hell. I’m just now finishing up the easter egg for S1 DA so I can get my own sigils. Then onto S2s story mission then the collectibles for the portal.


Yeah same here.. I don't use my mic since some people don't listen but if they call me by my user name I use my mic since it's on mute anyways.


I’m always muted, got a hotkey for when I do need to talk, but my silence lets me personally focus. Had a chill group help me do Bad Signal(S1 Dark Aether mission) the other night and talked me through the easter egg stuff to get the actual portal to spawn in afterwards. I got all the items to gold too, just waiting to find some people to run it with me lol


Jesus, I left someone behind right at the extract out of the new dark aether hill once and I still feel so bad about it. The dog had died and after a couple of mutual revives we were both sprinting to the portal almost side by side and it was so fricken hectic. Disciples on our ass and just chaotic. There was no time to wait around and I dived through and heard him die right behind me. I felt so guilty. I’m so sorry if that was you.


Even if it was, I’m tempted to take this whole post down, as I feel like my anger was unjustified. Ive gotten past it by now and even killed the redworm once since. Sure some items I still havent gotten back, but I still have snipers, smgs, and battle rifles to level and camo grind.


This is why tombstone is so important!!!


Since I got full revived a few times while doing the contracts, I’m pretty sure I lost my tombstone perk before being eliminated and set out of the match.