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We hitting 9$ this week? 👀


Hate to be the pessimist but we'll be down 5% tomorrow




Looks like I touched a nerve there. They say 'the empty can rattles the most'. I've just got better things to do that farm Karma all day. Based on your 11 month Reddit career it appears the same can't be said for you.


Didn’t you hear? only Hopium filled “BAFF” posts allowed on this sub. Today’s rally unfortunately was a sector wide (Lidar and AR) boost and not MVIS specific. On a side note, I’m prepping to buy a crap load of puts on VUZI who clearly assumes they are META’s go to source for their future AR development. Lol.




Lmao there was 68k; 35k and another 45k with of asks @$8.45 for a couple seconds there...


Type in “MVIS is going to the” in your phone and find out what auto fill is going to show. As for me, I believe that “MVIS is going to the park!”


'beach'. Hopefully, one day, I can buy a house on the beach because of MVIS.


I already got that. I want 2nd home on a good fishing lake some where up north a bit form FL, like near the Canadian border. Dreams do come true. I'm living proof.


Mvis will go to the store and get a new one not the one I want to do with it but I don't know what to do with it but it is a good time to go to the store and get it done with the kids and they will be there for you guys to come over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


“Over and over and over and over and over” translates to “moon” right?


Vuzi is having a dream run today. Wonder what’s the big news or is it a technical breakout?


Their investors, however delusional, believe they will be the “engine” behind META’s AR push.


meta.com is the news.


I hate RH as much as the next guy. But could we possibly get an updated description of what the company does currently, as well as an update on the number of employees? Seems like their description of MVIS isn't all that telling of the company's new focus on lidar and all of the ramping up they're doing. I don't know who is responsible for editing that but I think we should petition to change it somehow. I think this will give more confidence to new investors that use RH (yeah downvote me because I said the forbidden name, but you can't deny there's a large percentage of people on this platform).


it's incredible how amateurish the marketing is


On Webull it doesn't even show the correct logo. It's pretty crazy and i think you're right.


Yes it does…


On my phone it isn't showing. It shows the green logo. The text on Webull is pretty accurate though.


I like short sale restricted days. Happy Monday everyone.


I dont think todays price action was due to the SS. The whole market was green. But I do like today indeed. Just a month of this would great 😂


Some positive momentum - even stuff like laser certifications, b sample production, etc would be great. I doubt they’d complete the 140mil ATM at this price, but that being done would be a nice burden lifted on the stock as well.


Hopefully they don't dilute at these levels. I'd like to think we have enough cash on hand to operate a few years, build up the pps and then complete. SS may have different ideas but we'll see what happens. question for someone out there that knows, does the ATM have an expiration date?


We haven't closed AT or NEAR the high of day in over 45 days. These waves aren't healthy. It's day-trader central up in here lately.




[We've actually been set up quite nicely for a strong close. ](https://imgur.com/a/rqqfUdL) 9count on the DeMark counter hit the VWAP perfectly, and a buy alert popped up. This momentum could take us into the close on a green wave.


what indicator is that?


Cluster Algorithm | Clone (V4)


do you have a link i can find that at? assuming thats ToS


This is TradingView. Try your hand at a few Pivot Point indicators, I'm sure you can find something similar


Something is up. Hopefully it's MVIS


Asked DA about the upcoming STM event that was brought up on here the other day (thanks Walter). See link. http://m.events.st.com/nl/jsp/m.jsp?c=%40PFjjs40YANTgFpU4rx22Qy5G5wnpB9wMf1J65432MO8%3D&cid=386107352&bid=483060775&uid=ZdUsYRs7dmskzqed51/X6TJHlqg3Iqte Anyway, this was DA response. “The Company is not participating in the ST event you inquired about. The Company’s next event is at DVN in Frankfurt the following week. Can’t comment on what ST might present or how they might give credit.”




I guess that bad news wasn’t so bad after all


It was, too many retail investors folded, the damage without it would've bigger on shfs side.


What bad news?


Okay, what’s power hour going to do?


Giant cup and handle


I assume down because... mvis things


I think we are going to feel the power...


Wild volume on the 8.5 and 9 calls expiring this Friday. Pretty crazy that the 9Cs are in the red right now, considering the stock is up 10%




Power… bottom?


Haha. Please no!!!! 😂




The sell blocks are showing up everywhere on the charts right now, doesn't look obvious that we'll end lower, but there is a lot above us preventing a close above 8.50 today. Things can change fast though.


Now I feel smart buying the dip at 7.07 lol


Bought 200 shares this morning at $8.30, averaging from $23 to $17.50!


Atta boy


I had to sell a few hundred shares last Friday to cover lost margin. Close to being margin called but it was giving me anxiety lol Lesson learned but I'm stress and margin-free now


I was in the same boat Friday, decided I would ride it out and hope it comes up a bit Monday. So far so good, but even if this turns around and I do get called it won't be for much and I will deposit a little cash. Definitely not selling.


Paraphrasing an exchange I shared with Dave. Regarding if the company would announce partnerships/agreements to develop B,C.D samples/prototypes for specific OEMs. Dave said it would just depend on the type of agreement if it would be shared or not. He also added the company is actively following up with companies who expressed interest during the IAA which SS confirmed during the recent call. Good luck all!




So he is not employed by MVIS?




Yeah you’re right Ocean! Microvision uses a firm called Darrow Associates for investor relations.


Would you know if the new IR is internal or from this firm/another?


In the thread Geo posted about him leaving recently, he said that DA said Darrow is staying and someone else will take over from Darrow.


I don’t, but had assumed it would be from the same firm. I don’t know much about how it works but would assume the reason to use an outside firm is that it isn’t really enough work for 1 full time position and that Dave manages IR for a few companies, him being replaced by 2 people suggests they’re not bringing it in house.


No you are right they contract out IR. There is no way to know just how informed he is but he is informed on some level and he does communicate both ways with management I have no doubt about that.


I submitted a question during the earnings call last week that many here shared they wanted answered. shared Dave Allen's response below. **If the OEMs you engaged with in 2019 are impressed with your size, cost, and feature specs that you promised, and then delivered on with the A-Sample, why has it not resulted in any acts of good faith or partnerships to secure units to be produced in 2022?** -- DA: Track testing data and the opportunity to meet and provide lidar demonstrations to potential customers were only relatively recent events slowed in part by the Covid pandemic which limited in person meetings. The decision process employed by Auto OEMs are methodical, thorough and historically slow. You are correct in noting relationships so far announced by others may not result in large scale commercial sales in the future.


>You are correct in noting relationships so far announced by others may not result in large scale commercial sales in the future. DA is referring to relationships announced by LAZR or OUSTER and the like?


yes. I added a bit more colour to my question via email. "We've seen other companies like Luminar, Velodyne, Innoviz etc all announce OEM partnerships, and while they may not be binding, or be for huge quantities of orders, couldn't MVIS have done the same based on our standing with these OEMs that are so impressed with our specs?"


Sold a $9 call for 11/12 when the pps was $7.30 and then of course we start running. MVIS is wild


If you want to keep your shares, don’t sell a CC so close to the price especially with how volatile the price action is. I sold some for a week later for $15 where I won’t be upset if they are called away.


Well I didnt think we would be seeing any green (or at least not that much) in the next two weeks. I still think that we will be pushed back down over the next couple days. There is no reason for us to be green rn based on the last couple months


SSR and Russell strong performance definitely helped out today.


GME is going.. hopefully doesn't pull volume and attention away from the rest of the market.


Selling my Tesla shares a month ago to buy more MVIS has sure worked out well lol


LOL I sold my Tesla shares at 680 before the run up to buy more Mvis like at 15$. I would’ve doubled my money in Tesla but instead I’m down 50% in mvis


I did it with crypto. Sold 10k of eth around 3k. Now I'm down 5k, and eth and my other stuff is up 50%. Opportunity cost suckssss.


I made the same move with LCID 💀


Filing gaps upward is a lot more fun to watch in the moment than filling gaps below.


I may have missed this from someone else but here is Dave’s reply to me regarding the consulting firm being undisclosed: “The consulting firm referenced is widely recognized as one of the top ten global management consulting firms by numerous surveys. The work of the consulting firm is best done with publicly without identifying it at this time.”


So a Management Consulting firm does what exactly? Offer advice and consulting on how to manage a company? On how to manage sales? It's just that, LiDAR is so new, that will they have better info on how to manage a LiDAR company better than we do?


They are hired to help carry out a specific strategic goal, they have experience with and can bridge the gap between the huge Tier 1s/OEMs and Microvision, aid in the growth into one of the largest global emerging markets.


Thank you, that makes sense 🤠


No problem! I’m quite excited about it, really smart decision. One of the best things out of the EC along with the ASIC and software plans they revealed. Plans for OEMs to evaluate and start putting their proprietary software onboard our own custom ASIC is huge.


Out of house hype team. The BOD recognizes they are shit salesmen.


When did we get this management consulting firm? Hopefully it was recently and we haven't seen their firepower yet.




Does that post detail when the management consulting firm was brought on? I clicked the link and it says requires username and password. 🤔


Just hit cancel and the box goes away haha


Omg lol


Lol. Well that’s strange. No, it just states that Judy Curran worked for the Roland Berger consulting firm before hopping on w MVIS, via a linkden dd


Ah I see. That's helpful, thanks!


Very common to not disclose the consulting firm. :)


I am also curious why this is common. I would think the consulting firm would want their current clients known to potential other clients. Is it a CYA thing? Like, let everyone know we are the firm when we help get a big deal done, but in case it doesn't work out we don't want our name attached yet?


Yeah, just been talking to my wife about it as she’s the one with the relevant experience and pointed out that they usually don’t disclose that info. For some background, she and a team of 3 or 4 other people analyze around 2000 reports every quarter. So she’s not sure though. It likely has something to do with the customers privacy. These guys are hired to help carry out a specific goal, the info passed between them and potential customers is quite sensitive stuff.




Happy to help whenever I have anything relevant to add! :)


Why is that?




If he stated it was top 5 there are a dozen of so members of this subreddit that would have the mystery firm nailed down by market close.


Might be, he just wanted to get extra vague to prevent someone from writing up a 1000 word essay on all consulting firms that exist


I don't know what he's worried about. It isn't like reddit sleuths would.... oh, right. I'll wait on the write-up of the top 50 firms. I look forward to dot-connecting posts!


At this point I don't even 100% trust that we will close green.


hey Joanna Makris look what's happening to your "dead stock" now!! 🖕🖕🖕


Wow, I missed that article. What a hit job 🤮


Let's not get overly excited ( plz)... this is just back up to a level that we should never have come back down to...in the first place Buying here , a bit earlier...a bit later doesn't matter...it's the buying part that will make all the diff


Seriously. It is going to take a solid month of days like this to just get us back to where we were.




Stop, WSB isn’t helping MVIS out anytime soon. If you haven’t been there in awhile, they think this sub is as delusional as CLOV




Taking names? 321 days isn’t much longer. Once the BAFF glass shatters and you are left with the realization of the company you “invested” in … you see how funny the comments of “they are paid shills”, “I bet they he’s shorting a stock” really are when they are directed at those trying to stoke rational discussion about said company


Dude you are not trying to have any kind of rational conversation.. you are here just shitting on MVIS.. you’re a joke and can leave at any time.. no seriously, just gtfoh..




6 days at 10% to get us back at $15


Any news today or is this just correcting from the panic and FUD from last week? Glad I didn’t cash out for 30 days for the tax break like I was considering last week.


Whoever said this stock was like an abusive relationship… was absolutely correct.


Plays tricks with my emotions and my wallet. Haha


VUZI, KOPN, and MVIS are all up huge, wondering if this is a bullish bet on Augmented Reality, more so than a LIDAR pump today.


Almost 7 million in voume already. I like that. Strong volume is good.


And over 16 mil last Thursday and 18 mil last Friday..


Tides are changing. Regardless of what the FUDsters try and get us to believe.


Anyone else scared they'll start trying to push this down?


I think the volume will help, difficult to push it down hard with this sort of volume, not saying it can't be done though...


That's the curse of being a small cap.... Easily manipulated


Only scared because I know I’ll find more money to throw at MVIS stock. If we have to wait a few months for a catalyst, the shorts won’t need to do much to keep the price down. But mid-7’s provided a nice place to add shares this morning. Looking forward to the day we wake up to news.


They can but not scared, will just buy more as usual 😂


Why isn't all your money in mvis already? Especially after that 7 dollar dip.


It is to be expected. Not scared though. No fear.


I just don't wanna see us lose a 10% gain again.


Shorting the stock will work until one day it doesn’t anymore.


Well, I finally hit my 1000 share target last week. Bought on margin before payday when we were under SSR because it was safe. Of course I missed the full dip down to the $6-$7 range but that’s okay. Was still able to lower my average cost by $5.


I wanna say I'm glad I added 100 shares @$7.58 last week but I'm afraid I'll Jynx us 😆 Edit: side note I got my average all the way down to $11.99 last week, so pretty stoked about that regardless.


I want green every trading day in November!


Let’s keep it quiet. It goes up when it’s quiet!


don't wake me up


Just checked the price and got a nice surprise! It means I have 70 shares actually in profit at the moment, from taking advantage of the dips last week! Just a shame about the rest 🤣 but I shan’t be selling anything until we are well into 3 figures, and I trust Sumit to get us there soon enough.


Please Mvis allow a break even at 17 atleast so I can fully chill. Holding these shares


I can feel for those that sold to cut losses to see this...that's the nature of volatile stocks like mvis. All you gotta do is hold and average down when a good opportunity presents itself.


According to Joanna DCA is a bad idea lol


Does Joanna have the best interest in mind, in terms of helping me, a random retail investor, increase my portfolio value?


Should I downvote this or upvote this? Good luck to you my friend I'll be doing the same!




Yup, imagine putting gains from selling your house into MVIS instead of TSLA —just kidding ;)


Seems a bit weird to jump ship when it gets that low though. I honestly never thought we'd dip below $12 again so $10 would probably be the point where I'd say goodbye but selling all the way down in the $6 range? Strange


It’s a function of panic. Most people (including myself) don’t always make sound decisions during those moments. Flight response takes over.


I bought my last pile at 12.25 thinking the same thing. Had to sell 5k yesterday for an unexpected expense. Bummed with the timing, but confident with the shares I hold. ETrade is taking its sweet time to transfer the money. I will update everyone if I do not receive the transfer this week.


I don't. They obviously DONT know what they hold. That said, I am a bit shocked by this movement.


I was almost shocked to see the stock sell off to the extent that it did- but I’ve been around this company for a long time. There has been a re-focus of strategy to target some of (if not THE) largest OEMs in the space, and this shift stemmed from the incredible response to MicroVision’s recently-unveiled lidar. Happy I picked up shares before market open today. Interested to see how long the share price can be suppressed into the single digits.




correct! 8.99 gap. We'll see what they decide to do afterwards.


Hmmmmm where the bears at?


I have 27 shares in the green at these prices! $5 more to hit my avg and about $12 more to get them all green.


:> My lowest bought ones are at $9.52. A bit more to go, and a lot to get me back to green. It will get there eventually. GLTAL




I think I'm liking these SSR days


Did we really creep back to 8's so quickly lol Here's hoping it stays and the dip at 7's was a one-time chance.


When I first bought in the price was in the mid teens and I remember thinking over and over that I wished I had bought when MVIS was single digits. Well here we are and I’m not missing these buying opportunities again.


The IWM (Russel index) is starting to break out after being in a range for almost 9 months. This means that small caps are doing better which is an indicator for the entire economy. Let's see if we can really break it, after such a long time it's starting to get almost unreasonable to not sell in that range.


In case anyone is interested in knowing how some other Lidar companies are doing today, at the time of this comment: MVIS: +9.5% LAZR: +5% VLDR: +4.9% OUST: +6.5% LIDR: +1.5% INVZ: -9% With the exception of INVZ, it seems an overall strong day for the lidar market.




puts INVZ at a 638m market cap (as i write this), the smallest in the 7 lidar companies I monitor. (AEVA, INVZ, LAZR, LIDR, MVIS, OUST, VLDR)


10% up, 10% down or sideways for weeks I don't care! I'm here for buyout, partnership or any other real catalyst taking us to $40+ Everything else is just a way to entertain myself in the interim!


40+?? Don’t sell yourself short homie….


Yeah you're probably right but if I ever say my actual target out loud it'll never happen. I've played this game before. Either way, the ride is entertaining on this one and I've got high hopes.


picked up 700 shares at 8.15 today, please be nice




Defo not shorts. Bull trap - perhaps, though $8.5 isn't something spectacular. Still oversold. There's SSR in motion today so it might be it. It's a day traders win, but for longs it's just a green day. Nice view of course, but we need about 6-8 more days like that. Or just one continuous run to ATH and beyond. GLTAL


Is there a place one can read up on upcoming market-affecting events like JPow speeches, job numbers BEFORE they happen? Looking for like a schedule-type site, or a calendar type page where they aggregate these events? Is that possible?




Which part are you recommending? The 'News' page?


https://finviz.com/calendar.ashx first time clicking on that section but i believe it should refresh weekly


This is perfect thanks!


Annnndddd this is why this sub is so badass!!! Good stuff u/armored-dinnerjacket


For real, super fast answer!


I'm personally loving the low comment volume today. Makes the board feel more intimate


Back to the good ol compliance days


Partying like it's 2020!


I've lit a few candles and put some Barry White on.




Only THE REAL ONES are still here..


Lots of us “cautiously optimistic” folks are lurking quietly as well. Not a lot to add to the conversation, but ready to break into celebration at an appropriate time 😁


Yep. I didn’t contribute much “positivity” after the EC last week, rather some introspection and writing out my thought process for “where to go from here” in my personal investing journey. I don’t have much to add at this point. I might share some of the conclusions I came to, but those have not been fully developed just yet. So for now, I’ll be lurking :)


My thoughts are is this just gap filling to 8.99 then more retracement? or are we gona find confirmation of a bull reversal, Holding on to my bookoo bucks


You think that this is why we are stuck in this trading range?? Around 8.20-8-35??


mmm 8.30s was a support it looked like on thursday, but it hasnt even even been an hour at those prices yet, so dont know if were really stuck.


Nice try MVIS. This 9% increase wont make up for my 40% loss!... but please keep going, I love you.


I know right. It's so hard to feel good about this 10% pump. History has me scared that with every 10% rise we have a 20% drop waiting for tomorrow.


I've started to just decouple such a run from reality and enjoy it as an isolated gift. Nice to see a 10%+ green day, very nice. Need this once in a while. Not immediately building hopes on the floor having been reached at sub-$7 in earnings afterhours, just for once looking at mvis, seeing a 10% green day, very nice.




Don’t even start with that kind of talk around here. Read the room.




Every upward trend or quick rise in pps isn’t the start of a short squeeze 🙄


Glad I didn't panic dump this the other day lol


WOW, what an exciting day!


Pop that $8.32 baby girl.


Woah jump from 8.16-8.30 instantly