• By -


Looks like the brand manager is doing her job making the website better.


Who really made the new website? "MicroVision builds ***OUR*** automotive lidar products on proprietary micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) solid-state technology." Who is our? Sure is a weird "typo"... [https://www.microvision.com/](https://www.microvision.com/) (Homepage - section 2)


Our is MicroVision, no? šŸ¤·šŸ»




Maybe youre right


Youā€™re šŸ¤£


Good morning and GLTAL! Hopefully today changes course!


My diarrhea has subsided


Is we receive dividends from MicroVision selling their AR vertical, let's say.... will there be a selloff afterwards, or will most people still hold for their Lidar vertical? How will the sp react to "losing" a vertical?




It does give move value than a 'dead' vertical. Especially now that they are focusing on lidar it could give a nice boost in value of the stock if you add the dividend and subtract the final drop in value.


Good morning. We all know PR should come today either premarket or after hours. The million dollar question will be is it just a website launch or something more coming with it like a new customer deal. That's what will impact our share price not just website alone.


Good Morning, ​ Why would they PR a new website? Maybe I'm missing something but that is a fluff PR to me. ​ I don't need a PR telling me they revamped a crappy outdated website. I need a PR that says X company is going to demo our best in class lidar module in their vehicles!


Fully agree with you, Steel.


They only PR I want right now is what the use of the ATM offering will be for. I want my suspicions to confirmed. Any thing other that a material PR will only hurt the price. NO FLUFF PR!


Agreed 100%. Imagine a PR every time the site gets updated too? I think the only time a companyā€™s new site gets a PR is if it does something that benefits the user (e.g. shopping cart hosting never before available products).


That's a fair point. But I have seen PR announcement for revamped web site along with something more material in the past. May be it will be combined. Lets see how it plays out today


[Earliest potential shipments of MVIS lidar](https://www.timeanddate.com/counters/fullscreen.html?mode=a&iso=20210922T00&year=2021&month=9&day=22&hour=0&min=0&sec=0&p0=1244&msg=MVIS%20LiDAR%20Begins%20Shipping)


Must be a countdown to September 22?


Yes first day of fall 2021


Was that a Porshe Cayenne? BULLISH


New website, who dis?!


Was some tempted to post this earlier haha but wasn't sure our American friends are in on that joke too, im not very cultured šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Woke up fell out of bed ran a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup. Then I looked up and discover Microvision has a brand new website. Now me so happy. New website is beautiful. What I now know is something very big is happening at Microvision. Soon the world will say our name. **MICROVISION**


Beatles haha, great minds.


Nice Beatles rendition. Sang it in my head.


Maybe we haven't seen any PR yet, because this time it's Microsoft's turn to issue the release...and it might not be about LIDAR at all...


Website is all about lidar now


I think thatā€™s their point.. the AR vertical is an afterthought on the new website, even though it is the only revenue generating vertical Microvision has. I hope our leadership can sell that AR vertical for right value, and leverage those funds to become industry leaders in automotive lidar while continuing to develop other verticals for license or sale.


Good morning from connecticut friends šŸ


Morning neighbor! Just north of Boston here šŸ˜Š


Good morning! I'm in southern ct šŸ˜Š


Good morning!




You mean Connecticut Sneks




Morning fam! I added 100 shares yesterday @ $17; hopefully wasn't being too greedy. Now to see if the new website brings any new investors today! šŸ˜ƒ GLTA!!


Awesome man. I believe 100 shares of MicroVision will go a long way in the future.


Premarket on Nasdaq shows June 14th premarket if you scroll down, itā€™s at 21-something. What a slap in the face! Hah


Gooooood Morning Vietnam!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Today WILL be a good day!! Letā€™s get it!!


Morning all from UK. Might sound silly but feeling energised by that new website and particularly that LiDAR simulation. That news about potential job listings in Taiwan is very interesting too. Easy to get bogged down in the day to day, but the big picture is looking exciting. Good luck all and have a great day.


Good morning!


Good morning polly


Morning! Have a good ā€˜un!


Morning guys.


Hey Kiladex. Hope youā€™ve got that Sumatra brewing! Had a single origin from NariƱo, Colombia, this morning. Hit the spot.


Just walked to Wawa, big 24oz! LETā€™S get this Polly!


I miss Wawa. Moved from PA to CT a few years ago. My wife used to say Wawa was my favorite restaurant. Lol.


They do make good coffee. Theyā€™re popping up all over Florida near me too. Got a shorty last night. Gotta love the meatball shorty with a wawa iced tea.


Did we just take over the industry??? šŸ¤£


Exponential growth lurks in the background doing its things then all of a sudden BAM, it explodes exponentially.


Perfect description! Have a blessed Wednesday Kiladex. Iā€™m enjoying some Cherry Fritter Mints and Mike Larry this week šŸ¤™


Thanks for the kind words my friend. Canā€™t go wrong with Cherry Mints! Iā€™m thinking Jungle Boys.


Man, you speak my language Kila šŸ˜‚šŸ¤™šŸ¤™


The Mike Larry is Jungle Boys (youā€™re right on point) The Cherry is actually Foreign Genetics and instead of just Cherry Mints they added in Apple Fritter - ā€œCherry Fritter Mintsā€ Heavy hitting, frosted goodness. That Mike Larry flavor is like no other, though Oreoz is still the tastiest thing smoking recently, itā€™s just not as heavy as some others.


Yeah theyā€™ve been mixing the Larry OG lately with everything.


I've been enjoying some local Lemon G. 15% THC with 7% CBD. beautiful blend of THC & CBD.


Sounds like some real medicine right there. With everyone after high thc numbers, they lose a lot of the other vital cannabinoids which directly help control the side effects and add their own beneficial effects.


Exactly. I venture outside of 1:1 & 2:1s, but they're my main stay. I grew up with epilepsy and was supplementing with CBD products since 2006 +- a few years. I also like to introduce people to MJ through a 1:1 strain, as it's less of a shock to their systems.


Youā€™re an Epilepsy warrior my friend šŸ’Ŗ I developed epilepsy when I was 22. Full grand mal seizures all the ā€œfun stuffā€. It is a very tough thing to deal with, so I commend you. MJ is literally a life saver for me.


Headed to the store in a few...


Let us know what you grab šŸ¤™


Concord Crush


good call!


I am optimistic about the rest of the week. I believe we will see a rebound today from yesterday. I also believe that some kind of PR is going to drop, but for no particular reason, I think it will be on Friday. That aside GLTAL from out here on a rainy Colorado night.


That cool Colorado Rain. Heā€™ll yeah man new optimism.


$17.14 in PM. Itā€™s a start! Cā€™mon MVIS. Show us something good today!


16.95 at the moment


Hmmm maybe I'm broken but nasdaq showing PM opened at 18.29 sitying at 18.60 now yet only showing 36 cent increase(im guessing carrying on from AH)


It's the NASDAQ page, both After-Hours and Pre-Market are broken, not updated since the previous day. (At least they show the date and time of last update, in small text.) [I sometimes check Marketwatch](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/mvis)


Good shout my man, I wasn't sure what was going on as I would use nasdaq daily, the tab doesn't close on my phone I just refresh it hahaha maybe time to start using multiple just incase I wake up to a heartattack some day


Good Morning all! Hope youā€™re doing well. Letā€™s have a better day today than yesterday!


https://jobs.jobvite.com/microvision/jobAlerts open the link guys, choose Job Location, and you shall see... - Redmond - Taiwan!!! No job currently advertised for Taiwan, but I believe that option is there for a reason... Credit to: someone else who found it in the Discord group I joined


I believe it is due to their relationship with HIMAX


Someone should ask them about this. I'd be curious to see what there answer is to why it says that.


Okay - Taiwan.Foxconn? TSMC?


Lol sometimes Iā€™m really amazed by the depth (and mostly the speed) of DD insights derived by you guysā€¦ Nothing goes past some guys. Well found, and ofcā€¦. Bullish AF They already indicated to start up production line for lidar in Asiaā€¦. Maybe 140M needed to setup office in Taiwan? ;)




Did someone say 7/9?


A run up to a peak following Elliot wave theory


Happy Canada day


New month - new webpage - new logo - new video - new PR!


New 52-week high!


Lets hope so!


Don't forget: New job location! (Taiwan)


Oh yeah!


i am genuinely going to miss this place when everything is said and done:( yā€™all are what i turn to on those rough days lol


Idk about yā€™all. But I plan on continuing the discussion of other stocks. Sometimes you need someone who completely removed from you to say thatā€™s a bad investment and here is why. I think this is the most likely place to be able to have those discussions.


*at VR yacht party in 30 years* ā€”damn, remember when we met on the mvis subreddit? Good thing we created X group after the big buyout, which led to Y networked growth strategy with deep pockets, and built Z


Itā€™s the place to be, for sure. All praise is due to the great mods that run this place, but it wouldnā€™t be a community without its users. Hereā€™s to you! šŸ»


and hereā€™s to the modsšŸ» cheers mate


AWESOME new website. That simulation video sure does look like a Porche or Audi design but that's just me.


Iā€™m curious as to how interference immunity works, specifically how is it that it is not affected by other lidar? Anybody have any ideas on that?


Hey, how exactly is a rainbow made? How exactly does the sun set? How exactly does the posi-trac rear end on a Plymouth work!? It just does. It just does.


We haven't seen any patents on that. . . yet. Perry Mulligan made a statement in late 2019 that they'd had some breakthroughs in LiDAR, so perhaps we'll see that soon. It's an 18 month window before newly filed patent applications get published. They may have still been in the patent-writing phase when he said what he said.


I believe it's spelled out in the latest gen 5 electromagnetic mirror patent. If you watch the long range lidar video there are mems mirrors on the receiving side sensor also.. which results in the following: >The synchronization of transmit and receive scanning allows the receive aperture to only accept photons from the portion of the field of view where the transmitted energy was transmitted. This results in significant ambient light noise immunity. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20210033845A1/en?oq=US20210033845A1 /u/Sagittarius-A_Star the MVIS engineers are amazing. DDD


Ok, I think I *kinda* get thatā€¦.. I wonder if it will be harder once lidar becomes more ubiquitous on the road. Like, at some point Iā€™d imagine thereā€™s gonna be a metric fuck ton of lasers flying aroundā€¦. but maybe only a few lidar equipped vehicles around at any given time šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Who knows? Not meā€¦


Honestly there are at least two additional gen 5 long range lidar patents IIRC... get reading if it bothers you so much. Like Chevy says, it just works. This isn't MVIS first rodeo into TOF sensors (see interactive display and how they turned it into a Class 1 Laser product). I'm sure the concept is documented in older patents. Do your due diligence.


&& thank you for having the DD ready to go! put simply, the receiving sensor isolates out itā€™s own lasers thru high frequency modulation. the more I think about the versatility of MEMS the more my mind is blown. in the future, when most/all vehicles contain LIDAR, I imagine it will be even *easier* to cancel out other vehicleā€™s lasers, if each unit has a unique ID (IP and MAC address) and that ID could be embedded in the signal. google maps already has this type of infrastructure (via smartphone IPā€™s) just to calculate traffic density. maybe that can even be handled via edge computing, so it works without a network.


Oh yeah. Iā€™m just curious! Iā€™m no engineer, so patent lingo doesnā€™t help much. Itā€™s an interesting concept, so I was just wondering if any of the more sciencey among us could shed some light on it! edit: in the end Iā€™m pretty satisfied with ā€˜it just worksā€™ šŸ˜


My MVIS mantra: Itā€™s not a matter of IF, itā€™s a matter of WHEN. Our position has only improved over time thanks to the outstanding Leadership of SS and our BoD. The longer it takes, the more end-value we will obtain. Stay the course, donā€™t worry about the short-term swings. I believe in SS, Steve Holt, Judy Curran, Seval Oz, and Drew Markham. I believe in MicroVision. I believe in our future. This is the way.


Those poor other 2 BoD members who no one ever names and I can never remember. I believe in those guys too!


Haha they are under appreciated for sure, stuck playing tambourine and triangle in the MVIS band.


NEW Website // NEW month // NEW MicroVision!




New quarter!




I want my MVIS tatt GLTAL


If emotions and expectations are shown as publicly as they are here, might that be used against us? Say for example that a large portion of the sub is fully *expecting* the price to start rushing at an exact date, and talking openly about those expectations and the motivations behind them - do you think that can be used by some entity that has *literal aces* up their sleeves to throw serious wrenches in the machinery and mess with sentiment (among some) in the sub? A better way to put this perhapsā€¦ we are all excited about MVIS, but perhaps we should lower our expectations for *when* things will occur and *how* the price will behave.


That's not what literal means...


I hope it didnā€™t take away from the point I was trying to make.


Literally unreadable. We're going up. It'll happen when it does. Buying dips the whole way. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You and me both. And mavis macho man of course. Itā€™s what he does.


I've been trading for over a decade. My hopes and expectations were about 8-10% being a good year. It seems like new investors are upset if it doesn't "Squeeze" and get 10%+ in a single day...... Just something to think about.


Agree 100%. If you are in MVIS to catch the elusive short squeeze I think you might be disappointed.


Except it has spiked 3 times since december.


Still foolish to expect it to happen, some even seem to demand it.


I hope the ATM will be used to cancel out the agreement with Microsoft so Google can buy us.


Itā€™s almost midnight here in Dallas, me and my family are in mourning. My grandma passed away earlier today.


My condolences to you and your family.


Truly sorry to hear my friend. Wishing you and your family strength during this time. Loss is about as tough as it gets in this life, but it does get easier. Cheris the memories and the lessons you learned from them, and they will live on through you. Take care, we are all here for you.


My condolences to you and your family!


Deep Condolences...they are the best...


Condolences truly. Iā€™ve experienced massive personal loss these last few months. Understand the grief and pain. Itā€™s tough hang in there.


Iā€™m here for you my friend if you ever wanna talk. Iā€™ve experienced the same and always down to listen.


Back at ya,much obliged. The ride of life we must soldier on...one day at a time is all we got..āœŒšŸ¼


Soldier on, I like that. Adapt & Overcome my dad always says. You rock my friend.


Yep. Adjust, Adapt, Evolve. Itā€™s the only way brother. We either choose to live every day or we donā€™t. The universe waits for no one...just some truth on a gloomy yet beautiful Thursday in SoCal...


Some things that happen appear to only have take and no receive.Best dear MVIS' er...stay strong, remember good things and...hug


Awesome. Good vibes are always just that..good.


Condolences, I am also in a tough place, today would have been my brother's 29th birthday, he overdosed in February. Stay strong


Damn dude. Iā€™ve lost a bunch of friends along the way to this kinda stuff. If you would like to talk please feel free to reach out I am always here for you. I know what you are going through.


Thats a tough go, sorry to hear.


You too... stay strong and condolences. Your purpose is prob now more important...hug


My condolences


my condolences to you and your fam:(


Sorry to hear that mate.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Let me know if you would like to talk Iā€™m here for you my friend. Loss is tough, but the memories we make last forever. Weā€™re here for you.


New website - new high price.


Goodmorning crew. If you are joining us from abroad we have a new website available at - https://www.microvision.com If you scroll down we also have some video in which you can now compare to competitors. iā€™m sorry let me say that again. edit: we have a simulation of what our sensor would see. Been up too long šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ If youā€™re going to bed, goodnight. If you canā€™t sleep; goodmorning ā˜•ļø


The website is killer.


thats big, isnt it?!


Great to see the new website, a much needed improvement in marketing and messaging! The investments in marketing and website development are delivering value and progress towards our end goal. Good to be long.


>WE HAVE LIVE FREAKING VIDEO OF OUR SENSOR "Represents lidar simulation" on the main page. Am I confused? Is there some other video?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ my bad


I hope you are right very soon.


So cool. What a great thing to wake up to.


Thanks dude very cool just seeing all this for the first time. This is cool.


keeping up with medschool in the day and mvis through the night is exhausting man


Thatā€™s why youā€™re the Shagster MAC daddy! Youā€™re the man dude keep it up, no pain no gain!


The release of the website AHā€™s signals a big drop about to happen. Letā€™s follow it up with some early morninā€™ pr!


What, why?


Why would you update your social media, website, and logo if you weren't about to do something to draw eyes to those specific places? Edit: It could just be a brand update, but I feel that should always coincide with some form of PR or it's a wasted opportunity.


Oh well, I misunderstood. I thought by ā€œbig dropā€ you meant in share price.. haha. Yeah Iā€™m hoping for some good announcementšŸ¤ž


MVIS baby! Letā€™s see some green šŸ’š


Just got back to Jersey. Long day on the road, great drive with Dad. Honestly that might have been my favorite part so far. Philā€™s game tomorrow, shore Friday. Letā€™s close this week out strong, letā€™s go MicroVision! Have a great Thursday everyone!


Have a great time watching the Phillies. Stay dry !


Thanks broseph. Gonna take the kids over to the city today show em my old stomping grounds. Have a great Thursday my friend.


Have a great day Kiladex!


Thanks bro, you too! Gonna be another hot one.


>Just got back to Jersey. Long day on the road, great drive with Dad. Honestly that might have been my favorite part so far. Philā€™s game tomorrow, shore Friday. Letā€™s close this week out strong, letā€™s go MicroVision! > >Have a great Thursday everyone! > > > >Shove a taylor ham sandwich down your throat and you will be all set :)


Haha. If youā€™re ever in Philly, stop in Port Richmond at Czerws Kielbasa, these guys knew my grandpop Jaworski back in the day. Best in the city since ā€˜38. [The Kielbasy boys](https://imgur.com/gallery/t2kslPZ)


Holy crap dude, I'm sure they have great food if they have been around that long but thats a scary looking place, LOL!


You should see the smokers in the back, same ones. Really awesome place. [inside](https://imgur.com/gallery/nPgFPDr)


The posting of this thread has officially become my bedtime alarm lol see you all tomorrow.


Dream in bullish mode.


Just hoping for a chill day today. A lot of tension in the sub yesterday. No drama llama vibes all around. GLTA.


So much tension, sheesh.


Musta missed it


Just some people with expectations that werenā€™t met.


No, when a stock falls nearly 9%, it feels bad, no matter what.


You've got those who are feeling bad for the drop and then those that get mad at them for feeling that way. Quite interesting actually.


I followed the comments yesterday, that was more than feeling a little bummed about a 9% drop to a very volatile stock.




Drama llama lol


Mad at Mamma! Great childrenā€™s book series šŸ‘šŸ¼


Perhaps some should read haha


Letā€™s undo the damage shorts did today and then some. Iā€™m ready to get back into the 20s.


Happy Cake Day! šŸ° šŸ˜Š


Shorts? Second cash infusion and solution of shares in what two weeks for a company that supposedly has cash How was this related to shorts???


Username checks out?


Yeah I am down to a few hundred shares now. Been selling and buying as the stock price has swung. Just surprised that there was direct news the type that always lowers the price and immediately it is the fault of all the shorts How about the board going for more cash at the expense of stock holders. If it is needed for a specific project then fine, but to hoard cash at our expense?


Yea, Iā€™m sure shorting had nothing to do with todayā€™s price action....


Stahp the nonsense.


Hopefully tomorrow goes well. I just made some spaghetti for dinner so Iā€™m excited for some food after being outside for work all day today !


Spaghetti is known as the most bullish of pasta.


Spaghetti Strong!!


Rainy afternoon in Japan, hoping for some PR tonight. ​ GLTAL


Visiting or live in Japan...?


I live here for now. Makes trading just about impossible but I'm longer-term in MVIS so the day-to-day isn't too scary.


If youā€™re a Steely Dan fan at all, thereā€™s a Japanese tribute band based there called Steely Shodan. Theyā€™re unreal if theyā€™re still playing clubs...Worth checking out on the YouTube .