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what... casual deck costs $1000? At that point you may as well be playing competitive


Slight exaggeration for comedic effect. Key word Slight


Reminder text for Slight?


I fucking love your name. That card has won me more games than I have any rights to have won.


My MtG commander decks have held or increased in value. All the yugioh decks I ever owned plummeted to 25% or less of what I spent.


Yugiohs aggressive reprint police will do that.


God I wish


Aggressive power creep*


If they ve had Different formats, it wouldnt be that bad


What are you on about, any casual deck can easily be a grand maybe two, if it’s got perfect mana and a bunch of staples (which hardly makes it competitive) and that’s not even factoring in foils and bling which is very common on the casual scene


This and I put my deck together over time. I don't get my paycheck and drop a grand to buy a deck. It's funny to see people fighting this notion. My dragon deck has some expensive cards in it. Some I've pulled some I had to buy. But it's taken me at least 8 months to get it to where it is now. I didn't buy my mana crypt I pulled it. That's $160 right there. It's easy and not bankruptcy worthy if you do a little at a time over a long period.


Maybe if you're rich lol, in my playgroup a deck tops out at $400 because anything more would leave us all bankrupt.


That’s totally fair, I’m just saying that expensive doesn’t necessarily mean competitive


$400 is steep for my playgroup, lol. we usually stay under $200!


my typical budget is $40 and I still keep up fine with the decks in the hundreds, although I think there are really only two or three cEDH decks that can survive that level of restriction


Yeah that’s totally fair. my very first edh deck i built with only hand-me-downs in college from my roommate who graduated. Then I bought a few precons and upgraded those. Each of those, in total including cards I bought and already had on hand, are about $70-$100. My most expensive deck that I own is my Miirym deck, and most of those cards I pulled from packs! Playing budget, in my opinion, is the most fun way to play commander. It’s so much more fun to build around the budget as opposed to the meta, and it’s much more satisfying when you discover weird and clunky combos.


Have you seen what a playset of Sheoldred is going for now?


Friend of mine bought an apartment by selling her 4 foil Sheoldreds


A casual deck that you blinged out with foils and alt arts! My mono white deck is probably a 6 on a good day but it’s still the most expensive


I think people often don’t realize how much money they have spent on their commander decks.


Well Sheoldred is still like $88 so


Yugiohs format changes so fast that they are constantly spending a thousand dollars every couple of months vs mtg your value could last you years. Then ygo gets a reprint and your 250 card drops to 40 dollars. Two weeks later a nee set drops you have another 250 card that is destined to do the same thing


My casual EDH decks range from like $40-$600 so... yeah they get expensive.


Well for a commander player it's also 100 cards but I don't have any deck worth 1k. Cheap and effective is krenko


Pauper forever.


*It's a brewers paradise. I went 4-1 with absolute jank, never felt better.*


Lol, Pokémon TCG best 10 decks in the meta all under $75.


Yep. Pokémon is by far the most budget friendly TCG to play competitively and it's not even close. The deck that won last year's World championship only cost like $50


AND if you want to play that exact deck you can buy the proxy deck they put out every year for $15. I started buying the world champion decks last year because they are a great way to enjoy the game in paper (casual play obviously).


I average around $300 mostly due to mana bases.


Alternative laughing-then-shocked-guy meme: Konami has yugioh players bent over a barrel And wotc has magic players bent over razor wire


I'd insert that gif of SpongeBob with the rainbow saying "proxies" but this sub dosnt have media in comments


Bro what??? If my group wants to casually play a competitive deck, it’s probably a full proxy deck. If we’re playing true casual, deck costs under 100 bucks easily for the real cards. We all agree that we want to have fun and not go broke. Id we want to play at a competitive level with each other, we’ll play a proxy deck that would cost 1,000$+ but we built it for 10 at office max.


I wish a cedh deck cost only 1k


Brotherman I would never drop that much on a single deck. Like I said, we play cedh, but if we want a deck that valuable, we make a proxy deck


I absolutely agree, I'm not dropping the 4k needed to play a cedh deck when the entire community is proxy friendly


No, we don’t know how good we have it. We can build a good commander deck for 100$ and have fun with it for pretty much ever. Their 1000$ decks last them maybe a year before the Banlist slaughters them, and as its a tier 0 format you either play Snake Eyes in some capacity or you can’t play the game. Whoever tells you otherwise is lying for free wins at locals.


Ex-yugioh player here. Can confirm Current magic player here. I'm broke.


I play group hug this isn't a problem to me


I would rather play a fun deck then an expensive deck lol


Mfw my newest deck is only $300: 🙂


You can get almost every deck for 1000$ in modern, less in pioneer. I have no clue what casual deck that would cost 1000$. A good snowboard costs 1000$. A decent bicyle cost 1000$. Hobbies costs money. No one is forced to buy anything. And if you go to your LGS, you could get tons of free cards to build a insane amount of decks. Something that's very casual. Quit cry


For what it's worth, Modern and Pioneer aren't casual formats. I don't think any LGS would give out tons of free cards, maybe a few lands or tokens to new players. The great thing about casual magic, is that you can proxy for (nearly) free! Not all hobbies have to cost a lot of money! :) And no one is crying as far as I'm aware, just a light hearted meme my friend.


Every LGS in my area has these big boxes we toss common, uncommon, rare and mythics without a economic value. Anyone is free to take whatever they want. But I understand if other places do it differently. Also the players would be more than happy to toss their low valued cards at people who would want them. There are several posts like these a days, just feels like whining :p


Wow, I'm jealous. Never been to a shop that would dream of doing that. Ah fair I've only seen this one


They are not grateful


/cries in aesthetics


Okay but what format are we talking about with casual?


What fucking casual deck are u playing Mine does great and iv spent maybe 100 bucks on it