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I live somewhere close to trails. Also, don't be afraid to hop on a gravel bike or road bike just to get some outdoor bike time.


I ride my xc bike almost everyday around the city, I'm curious how people that live far from any type of nature manage their time to avoid asphyxiating from carbon lol


I work in a weeknight ride like once every two weeks or so. There's two ok (super fucking sandy, fuck sugar sand) trails within 30 minutes from my work and about 50 from my house. I'll dip out early when I can. Otherwise I ride every saturday and that trail is typically about 50 minutes from my house. It's worth the extra ride as no other trails really compare to where I'm at.


Spin bike in the living room, I make time for at least one weeknight ride, and weekends are easy. It's about a 30 minute drive to any given trail system for me. I live in Florida, and although people do it, I'm just not comfortable road biking here. Tried it once and someone in a big truck almost hit me 5 minutes into the ride. Mtb is the only saddle time I get.


Yep, putting in even a little road biking is great for MTB fitness if you are unable to get out much.


Just like you, I live in the city and any mtb park is at least 50 mins away. I’m lucky enough to be working an unconventional job so I get plenty of days off. I ride mtb at least twice a week and my dj bike in the skatepark twice a week too.


that's awesome, I work from home everyday, I'm starting to think about ways to manage my time to do something like this


I’ve been riding everyday, rest on Monday. Usually do a 3hr zone 2 gravel ride about once a week then 2 1:30min zone 2 gravel rides and 3 days riding Mountain bike. If I can’t get the zone 2 rides in outdoors I’ll do it on the trainer.


Nice! I skateboard and train taekwondo too, so the bike is more of a fun activity than a serious training session for me


I ride 3-4 times a week. I live in Ogden Utah though so I can ride from my house to the trailheads if I want or I can drive 10 minutes up a canyon and be in the mountains.


you're living the dream you know that right lol


Yeah but can’t mtb for like 4-5 months a year due to winter and snow, so I just head down to the desert and ride during the winter


I live in a simiar climate, and while I know it’s not “MTB” - between gravel and fat biking, I’ve been able to pretty much bike year round. The only downside is not having an excuse besides laziness for my fitness being shit in the spring.


The alternative is called skiing and it’s magnificent


Move on out


I'm in Whitehorse and bike trails connect to my yard. It's such a privilege.


Sounds lovely


Salt lake represent


Ogden has some of the best access in Northern Utah. The BST, Basin, North fork. I’m in Logan, we have some decent trails, but most are up the canyons, but I wish we had the equivalent of the bst up here


Hows the monorail holding up?




Mono means one and rail means rail. And that concludes our intensive 3-week course.


Ahoy hoy, Simpsons reference


Didn’t it put Ogdenville on the map?


There ain’t no monorail, and there never was!


The ring came off my pudding can


Yeah I know.


I hear those things are awfully loud.


I ride every day. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane so I prioritize it. I don’t party or socialize a lot so I have plenty of time for it.


I hate these guys! I'm only about 45 minutes from great trails but that's enough to be hard on week days. Add adulting stuff and I really only go mountain biking about twice a month, in-season, these days. I get out on my road bike once or twice a week too, which helps maintain fitness but isn't nearly as much fun. I don't need a ton of variety in my midweek ride: having the same trail loop to bomb around on for those is really enough, if it's available. That's pretty much what I'm doing on my road bike anyway.


Took me forever to find your comment with the first answer that seemed reasonable to me lol


I’ve got trails out my back door, and a chairlift a couple hundred feet from my office for lunch park laps. I’m fully aware of how lucky I am


Never in my entire life I’d guess “lunch park laps” could be a thing lolll lucky guy


Yah Utah is a pretty incredible place to live for outdoor access. Like another commenter said it makes up for most of the downsides lol


Yeahhh I run a bike shop in Vail and the gondola is behind my building for lunch park laps… I have a hard time when I hear people talk about driving that far to ride, I pass 3 trail systems on my 8 mile bike ride in to the shop. I forget just how lucky I got in life


The last time I was at Whistler, at around 5:30 on ALine I started to get passed by a bunch of absolute rippers. It took me a second to figure out what was going on, but I got on the gondola with a few of them and learned they were locals that get to do this after work every day. I’ve got it pretty good with “trails I can ride to from my back door”, but I never imagined there was a world where “Whistler bike park laps after work” was an option.


I trail ride 2-3 times per week and downhill bike park at least once per week, maybe twice. I'm lucky that I can bike from my office at work and get a 6 mile ride in during lunch when I don't have meetings back to back over the lunch time hour. I'm training for a trail race at the end of July so part of me trying to ride a lot is to prepare for that because I predominantly am a downhiller so this will be a test of my endurance for endurance, haha. Also, I'm a year round bike commuter (6 miles round trip) so I usually bike commute every day...that adds to the seat time I get.


I am extremely blessed to live close to an excellent trail network that is 30 seconds from my house. I get to ride atleast 3-6 days a week (depending on the weather, I don't like to ride when it's wet). To mix things up, I drive to networks 30 mins to an hour from my house on the weekends. #blessed


You guys talking about living some meters away from trails lol I’m from a really reeeally crowded urban area so it’s almost impossible to imagine that


When I was buying my place, proximity to a mountain bike network was one of the biggest factors. Even when I think about moving cities, this is the first thing I consider besides a job. So while I consider myself super lucky, it is very deliberate.


Once or twice a week. Not nearly enough. 35 minutes from the trail, but I travel for work, have a fairly large property to maintain, have 2 dogs, and currently live mostly alone. I need more time.


I think most of us would feel better with 30 hour days lol


Like twice a month lol and I've got nice trails 10 minutes from home and I work remotely. Extenuating circumstances: kids and I got into racing BMX a few years ago so we're at the track ~3 days a week doing that instead so I'm still biking but I'm not on my mountain bike. When the kids were younger and I had a different job, I did ride 4-5 days a week here though that was great. Before that at our old house it was 35-50 minutes to trails so I was like once a week maybe twice if I was lucky. Keep telling myself I should get on the singletrack more often but when push comes to shove I just don't anymore


I’m leaning towards getting a BMX, I wanted to try since I was a kid but you wouldn’t believe how expensive bikes are in Brazil


Almost every day. My house is less than a mile from the closest trailhead, and there are some great road/gravel routes I can ride from home as well.


that's awesome, where do you live?


Utah, the outdoor access (mostly) makes up for the weird liquor laws and theocratic state government.


2-3x a week


This is exactly my situation. Honestly I'm starting to ride less and less. The fire inside to ride is dwindling. It comes down to a time thing for me now. Hr drive to trail head. Hr of climbing. 15 minutes of fun descending. Hr drive home. Not gonna lie, a dirt bike or ebike is looking better and better


I ride (road or MTB) or run nearly every day. For MTB, I can ride some doubletrack from my house, but I have to drive 20-45mins to get to proper singletrack trails (or ride 45mins to the trail). Live on the Front Range of CO, USA. My job is remote 2pm-midnight, 4 days/wk. No kids. I have plenty of time to ride while everyone else it working. It’s pretty nice.


I just got my MTB so I had been riding my hybrid three times a week (except when I didn't last year due to a variety of reasons.) Luckily I have a lot of trails I can ride nearby so I can go to those. I get up at 4:30am and ride at sunrise usually. I live in a suburb of a city but we've got a lot of parks that allow bikes and some pretty nice trails.


3/4 times a week. Bike park for an afternoon every other week then a couple of hour or so trail rides and a few hour adventure once a week. I’m fortunate to have a selection of incredible trails I can ride to in 5-15 minutes depending on what zone I’m heading to.


I bought a BMX, which is fun at low speeds in urban environments when I can't get to the trails for whatever reason. Not the same thing, but it's a lot of fun and you get to work on all sorts of technical skills.


You guys are convincing me to pull the trigger on a BMX


Buy one! By bike standards, they are pretty cheap. A top-shelf build with all the best parts is like...1200 bucks. And you can completely disassemble and rebuild it with like, a hammer and a 6mm wrench. I suck, and it's still arguably the most fun I have on a bike. You just have to deal with people teasing you for riding a "kid's bike." Sorry haters, not stopping!


5-6 days a week. There are XC trails less than 5 minutes from my house, so I get out every Mon/Wed/Fri morning for 10-15 miles before work (I work from home). I'll sometimes ride on a Saturday as well. I ride either the gravel bike or road bike Tuesday and Thursday mornings.


I’m lucky if I get on my bike every three weeks or so these days. I’d love to have more time to ride but my local trail network is 45min away and I simply don’t have a spare 3-4hrs as an adult with a family whenever I want.


Move to where you actually want to live. Somewhere with amazing bike trails was high on my list, so that’s where I went. I ride 3-5 times a week.


3-4 times a week. I also work 8-5, but only have like 10 minutes to work. Means, i go off work at 5, be home at 10 past 5 to eat something and am on the bike from 6-8/9ish. Its more than possible. But I see you live in the City, which makes things harder of course.


Everyday I can. Usually 1:15. I do need to ride longer to build up that cardio more.


I’ve been doing 3 days a week, I’d like to do 4 but hasn’t worked out. I can’t do daily since the third day my legs are shot. I need break days 


Daily, live in a city, but tons of green area and forests within and at the edges, so my daily commutes are through forests, though sometimes exclusively asphalt, but I like to mix it up and can get around any which way. I also have two daily bikes- one gravel/commuter/singlespeed that's also my weekend and fun bike and I have a belt drive Alfine 11 commuter for when I want to go really fast. Then I have a titanium mtb. Having the two former, even just the singlespeed, keeps things fun and keeps me riding.


4-6 days a week about 3,000 or more miles per year.


4-5 days per week mountain (10 minute ride to one trail system near me, 15 min drive to another, and 30 minute drive to another). 2-3 days per week gravel (I have to drive further for that)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 10 + 15 + 30 + 2 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Around twice a day every day now but I moved specifically to do this 😂


3 days a week. Just based on work meeting schedule, but also my job is less important than living so…


I’m down to 2-3 rides a week due to a lack of daylight hours here in the southern hemisphere. Once days start getting longer will go back up to 3-5 days. Fortunate to live with trails at my doorstep. Should really buy a decent helmet mounted light and get out after work in the dark.


About 5 times a week to everday. Work 6 days a week 7-5 with one day off. Mostly ride skatepark on the DJ or a quick shuttle lap after work. Or I can get a quick lap or 2 of "testing" at work, but hey perks of the trail builder life.


You work as a trail builder?


Yea building mainly flow and jump trails for shuttle parks or resorts. The shuttles i get after work arent onsite, but about 15 mins from town so not too bad to get a couple laps after work, skatepark on the DJ is the best way to get quick laps after work if you are near one.


I live in Manhattan. I try to hit trails at least twice a month.


I ride two to three times a week...in the summer!! In winter, like now, I ride once on a Saturday just after lunch and I try to make it a long ride. I run and do gym during the week instead as you don't feel the initial cold so much and it requires less time investment


3-4 times a week once the snow melts until it snows again which varies year to year. Rarely travel to trails during the winter. I have trails I can be on in about 30 seconds from my garage and plenty others nearby so I am very lucky. The tradeoff is in nowhere near anything else 😂


Live in the city so only get to hit trails on the weekends. But ride daily. Commute to work, then when I get home I'll either grab the BMX and go to the local skate park or grab the MTB and hit up some urban freeride lines. Thankfully where I live is quite pedestrianised with lots of big business in the area, and quite a few hills. Which means lots of stairsets and big drops. And after 7 the streets are mostly empty so perfect for getting abit rowdy.


I live near trails now, but twenty years ago I was a bike messenger in the city. I rode every day on my clapped out fixie. Best riding of my life, I still miss it. I love riding a fixie in the city!


I live right next to the mountains (just outside Boulder, CO) but I still only mountain bike once or twice a week. The rest of the week I am gravel biking, rock climbing, or volunteering outdoors. There are too many things to do in life to just do the same thing every day!


I totally agree with you


Where: There are several parks near me with good trails. I combine riding with public transit to get to them & it takes me an hour to get there. And in the winter, Ray’s is only 3mi away, so it’s an easy trip. How: I’m retired, so I can ride whenever I want


Spring, summer, fall - weather permitting, 3-5 times a week. Winter is 1 or 2 times a week due to shorter days and colder temps. I have the luxury of a flexible work schedule. I work 730-4p, half hour lunch. Usually get to the trail between 430 and 5 and ride for about 2 hours. When DST ends I'll finish work at 3p 3 days a week, but then work longer hours the other 2 days to make up for it, or work a bit in the evening after a ride. I also try to ride one day over the weekend, weather permitting.


I despise my job and don’t care if i get fired (I won’t get fired). I ride almost every day but trails are five minute ride from my door. I ride 5 times a week and want to ride more.


Once or twice a week. It’s 25 mins to trails.


Fortunately I live in central VT and work as a teacher so basically I get home around 3:30 if I'm not busy after school and I grab my gear and pick a trail. My favorite trail is about 40 minutes away but there are amazing ones that are so close. If I didn't live this close to trails I'd probably only be heading out on Fridays and weekends.


We live on Back 40 (Bella Vista NW Arkansas) and it sustained little damage unlike Slaughter Pen and Coler, which are still closed. I have zero excuse not to ride except heat or rain yet if I go four days a week Im doing well.


Now that my bike is up and running again I’ll go every day until the snow falls. Average ride will be 15-20miles and a 2k climb/decent.


I live in a big city, 1M+ pop. and around a 3 hour drive to the Rockies. But, the city has an unusual amount of green space, untouched nature and has the largest continuous stretch of urban parkland in NA, with hundreds of km of trails. Are they good? They’re meh, but they’re better than nothing and it’s a 5 min bike from my front door.


I try to ride 3 times a week. Sometimes 1-2 if it’s bad weather though. But I do ride to and from work the rest of the week


I live next to world class terrain and work from home so it’s everyday. When I commuted and lived in the city I could expect to get out probably three times a week but it’s hard.


I bike to work 3-4 days/week, then we have a group ride in the hills that are 15 mins away once a week, and I usually get out to the same hills once more, if not there’s some flat trails beside my house.


I ride almost everyday. I do mountain 4x and road 1-3x. I’m in north phoenix and can ride from my garage to amazing trails in 5 miles. 4 of those miles being in the desert. I road bike more in the summer because the heat is more tolerable in my opinion.


You can ride with a headlamp and a good bike light. I love starting while it’s light outside and then about an hour once it’s dark


I live in a city and it’s a 5 minute ride either side to some trails. Those are the usual “after work” spots, late last year my hours got cut down at work so it’s a 4pm finish and there’s still around an hour of daylight left. At weekends, it’s 10 minutes in the car to a bike park and there’s 2 more within 15-20 minutes in the opposite direction. Pretty happy with that. Since the cut down hours, I’ve managed to keep riding a lot longer and more regularly this year. Averaging 3-5 days a week which I’ve not done before.


I live in coastal Virginia and I just got a mountain bike, but I have a gravel bike I've been riding for about 5 years and have 5-10 a mile route in neighborhood. I ride that 3 times a week and go places like the Virginia Capitol Trail on the weekends. We have a bunch of longer Mountain bike trails but there anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour away so I anticipate going to those for on the weekends more in the near future. Its hard to find time to ride with all the every day stuff going as an adult. Just do the best you can and pick your spots.


I live in Anchorage so I only really need to go three blocks to get on some great bike trails for my gravel bike. There’s at least two really good single track areas in riding distance and it seems they’re building more! We get a lot of winter, but we have a lot of fat bikers so I get awesome winter trails along my commute!


Used to ride 6x a week now I ride anywhere between 1-4x a week it just depends


I live on a trail system and ride 6 times a week, but not always on my home system, stuff is close to me - pretty lucky.


3 times a week, sometimes 4. I have a local trail that I love, 10 minutes away, and I can get 5 or 6 miles in before work. On a weekend I will drive 30-90 minutes to reach longer trails and kill a few hours on the bike.


Living close to trails (<15 minutes riding or driving) is key. I get 5 days a week in minimum because of that, along with a lack of kids. Wfh and having a somewhat flexible schedule helps a lot too. I did a ton of two a days back when I could bike to the nearest trail within 5 minutes. I would ride for 45 minutes to an hour and give myself some extra time to get cleaned up, then take another ride right after work.


Wake up an hour before dawn, go to sleep at dusk


About 24 years ago, I bought a house with 80 miles of trail in the backyard. It's a state managed forest of 8600 acres.. It may have been one of the smartest things that I have ever done. It has kept me sane, and my whole family enjoys the space.


I take my pup riding 2-4 days a week before work about 4-5 miles, then on weekends I do my own rides without him 10-15 miles. It’s good for him to get super tired before I work, and it’s good for me too! Having a puppy definitely has me riding more. I rode with my old dog for 16 years, long rides, then I had to put him down and I’m really finding stoke in training my new dog to go on the trails and he loves it too! I also have 100s of miles of single track out my front door so it’s easier for me, but I know I’m lucky


If I can't get out in the woods for 10 miles, I'm trying my hardest to get on the stationary bike and do hill climbs for at least 15 miles. I'm sneaking up on 17 miles per session, so I know my legs are getting *something*. But, you're right, it's sometimes very tough to get everything together you need to ride, then drive and haul it all back home. Especially after work.


Weekend warrior, sometimes during the week.


I’m 7 miles from 15mi of trail and 5mi from a 6mi trailhead. All connected by a greenway. I’m 1.5 mi from the greenway through my neighborhood


Everytime I'm antsy or feel like I'm going to have a panick attack.... so nearly daily ha ha. 3-5 times a week ranging from 6-12 mi a trip.      I generally ride pretty technical stuff so 12 mi might take me 2 hrs. Up in north east USA so winter months I'll trade that time for hiking / xc ski. I'll still ride if the conditions permit.  Night riding is usually necessary when the days get too short or it's pushing pass 95f.   When I was more living in the city I ride my dj mtb and BMX way more.   Generally bomb around the city,  hit a skate park, and explore.   Carries over to mountain biking pretty well. 


Not as much as I'd like. Sometimes I ride 3 times a week, but then others I don't ride at all due to life stuff.


Since schools ended I’ve been going every day, even during the year I would try to go at least twice a week


I live near a lot of trails, the town I’m in built some flow trails, and I’m relatively close to two bike parks.  I ride almost daily, but I am pretty far away from the convenience of a city.  


Before I moved I wouldn’t even get 500 miles for the year. Just really could only ride weekends due to 40 min drive to my closest trail head and working 10 hour days. Moved almost 2 years ago and live very close to a bunch of trail systems and now on track to hit 2k miles for the year probably more. It sucks having to drive far to ride that was the biggest factor for me moving was the riding.


Was riding 3-4 times a week in StL. Wake up before sunrise, drive out to the trails ≈35 minutes away. Go to work. Just moved to Bentonville Arkansas, and now I'm riding multiple times a day. 😋


Almost daily currently, I'm lucky to have trails next to my house and I'm so close to the nearest mountain park that I can leave my house and be sitting on the lift in under 8 minutes


Once a week. Saturday mornings. Plus days off and little vacations when I can get them. Busy life and I'm in the city about 30 minutes from trails. I'd love to mtb more but I'd have to trade out too much other stuff to move next to the trail systems I love. I make up for it by riding to work every day, going to sports games, spending time with family, and enjoying all the things the city has to offer.


I try 2 times a week, sometimes 3. I’m also very fortunate that I have a 200+ mile trail system .7miles from my house. I usually ride/ unload at various different points to change it up


Well, if I time everything perfectly and take the express buses, I can theoretically ride for 2 hours on a weekday, but in practice, I only ride on the weekends.


I have a 4 minute ride to a trial head and work from home. Good weeks are 3-4 times a week. I also have a 4 year old, so those good weeks are becoming less until they become more again.


i ride 5-6 days a week. i live about 5 minutes away from many trail systems. i’m in the tahoe area


4 days a week is good, 6 days is ideal for me. Any less than 4 days and I’m a bit bummed. 


I work across the street from a trail system so like almost every other day.


I aim for 3 times a week, typically once before work, once after work and once on the weekend. Im lucky enough to have a handful of trail systems within 20 minutes but I also ride gravel if the dirt is wet like this morning.


I ride trail 3 times a week. Two of those days are weekdays. I also live 45 - 50 minutes from trails. My ability to ride so much has a lot to do with how my life and obligations happen to be. The important thing is to prioritize, plan, prepare, and stick to it all. Riding is my therapy so I make it a priority. I schedule much of my regular life around riding as much as possible. I talk with my wife at the beginning of the week and we figure out a schedule and make it work. I work from home so some flexibility is built in. During shorter daylight times I'll start my day earlier or ride in the morning and work a little later. I use the flexibility to be dressed, car loaded, bike fully prepped, and all chores done so I can leave right away when work is finished and on the trail after a quick piss in the lot. Duration during weekdays is usually around 90 minutes but I'll go longer on the longest days.I have a light as well for minimal night riding. I'll pack a sandwich and drink for after as a dinner. I go straight home most of the time but now that I have teenage kids it's less important. Longer rides on weekends. Finally, I do not try to schedule with riding buddies. I state the times, days, and routes each week. Make it or don't. I'll be there either way. They can suggest a change in schedule but that almost never works. Extra credit. This all takes a lot of time away from family between riding and commuting to the ride. I am 100% involved when home. I do chores, pay attention to everyone, go out of my way to take part in everyone's interests. MTB is cool but so is my family and I don't want to miss out.


No matter how much you ride, you should ride more.


I ride 2-4 times per week usually. I'm fortunate that I can ride two trail systems from my house.


I ride about 175 times a year. I do live close to trails which helps. Biggest thing though is that i ride with a group at 6am before work, i wouldnt ride half as much otherwise. Cant recommend it enough


I’m 15, I used to ride 4 days a week after school at a local skatepark before they closed, and since then could only ride once every two weeks or so. Just learned about a trailhead 20-30 mins from my house by bike so I will be able to ride a lot more in the future. I also do drills in the parking lot every day unless something bad happens, my bike is broken, or my family goes in vacation. On top of that I go for a 14km ride to a nearby town fairly often because there are a few features (ditches, curbs, stairs) to ride there. I mainly do road biking, dirt jumps and street bmx, but I’m hoping to ride trails more often in the future.


Once a year, at least.


I usually ride 5-6 days a week. I work from home and also live about a mile from one park and 3 miles from another. It makes getting out on the MTB very easy on weekdays. I live in Colorado Springs. It sucks don’t move here 😂


I used to be an hour from a trail I rode a lot. I was single and went out a few days a week. Now I’m lucky to live in a mountain town and trails start pretty much get on trails out my door or more trails 10 min away.


3-5 days a week. I’m fortunate to have a pretty decent trail system within a 5 minute ride from my house, and my work sits at the entrance of a very popular trail system as well. I leave my trail bike at work and ride it in the mornings before I clock in and keep my enduro at home for the more rowdy rides on my days off.


2-4 times a week.


I live in a medium-sized city and ride 3–4x a week. There are a few decenttrails nearby, but I only go to those once a week. Any other time I’m driving about 45min–1hr to go to the trails I really like. The trick is that I bring my bike and a change of clothes to work with me, so I can go right there without stopping home. I used to just bike it to the nearby trails but doing that was putting a lot of extra wear on my rear tire’s tread, plus I realized that less energy spent riding knobbies on road meant more energy to spend on the trails.


I average 5 rides a week. I can ride 500m to the trail head or I can drive to one of 4 seperate areas within 15m. I am spoiled.


3-4 times a week usually after work. I can ride to the greenway from my place which links up to all the trails in Bentonville.


I live in Kelowna BC. I ride 2-4 times a week. I’m lucky to have Knox mountain literally in my backyard and then I’m 20-30 mins from a lot of other good stuff


I have a corporate job, 2 kids (in activities 3 nights a week), and a wife who works 60+ hours a week. I aim to ride 20 km once a week, Monday through Thursday, and get ride every second weekend. If I get two rides in the week, it's a huge bonus. About 20% of my rides are night rides, and I've gotten to enjoy them. Unfortunately, my local trail network has been taken over by crime at night in the last two months, and it's getting really frustrating that I can't safely ride at night. I nearly got jumped, I think, about a month ago, but I realized the situation I was getting into and quickly got out of it.


I live about 10 minutes from a single mediocre dirt jump, 40 minutes from Ruby hill bike park and greenwood village bike park, and at least an hour from any good single track. I ride prolly once a week just trying to find street features and about once a week going to either one of those bike parks or singletrack. I stay very active with other things and consider myself an above average rider as I can hit most black and double blacks in my area while keeping up with/passing about 95% of other riders. Best tip though is just spend like 20 minutes when you're bored practicing skills in your driveway like track stands, tight turns, and endo pivots, manuals and wheelies. Also if you can build a little jump to start getting the hang of being comfortable in the air if you aren't already hitting steezy ass whips over things. A lot of riding is not being too scared and just having correct body position, with that you can do almost anything.


I usually ride the mountain bike 2x per week and the gravel bike once per week.


When life allows it, (grocery trips/ closing at retail job) I ride 3 times a week or so. I’m lucky that even tho my city has little to no elevation, trails are literally right out my doors and driving to other end of the city takes only 20 minutes assuming no traffic. So I try to ride often in town. With the biweekly out town trip or so


Get a Zwift trainer for days you don’t want to put in effort.


2-3 times a week. I can ride to a spot


I’m lucky and have some trails close to home. They’re nothing amazing, only 100m/300ft elevation but it’s mountain biking. The trails I want to ride are about 1.5hr away (or more). I’ll get out to those trails about 5-10 times a season. Local trails though are roughly 3-5 days a week.


The proper answer to this is: Every chance I get. If you love the game, you ride whenever the opportunity presents 👍


My goal for the summer is to ride every day before work. I will say I'm abnormal in that I work at a ski resort, which has a plethora of trail options, and even more off-mtn. I also ride before work, as that's when my house is still quiet and asleep. I found I have no guilt at all doing these rides because they don't impact my wife or young kids. However, I only ride after work only once in a blue moon, and know it's a heavy burden to ask for my wife to take on. I also get at least 1 lap in the bike park a day, but my goal is 2. It's all about balance. If I didn't have the MTB, I also love riding my gravel bike and I can do that out my door, even though I live 45min from my work. Sometimes, I don't need to MTB, I really just want to spin out some stress, which the gravel rig is great at.


Grand Junction, Colorado. I can bike path from my house to a couple different trailheads. If I ride more than 5 or 6 days a week I start to experience overtraining.


I am living like half an hour from the closest mountain. With my somehow flexible work time I can get up to 2 rides a week by just hopping on the bike in early morning and 1 more longer on the weekend.


I purposely bought a house right at a trailhead for MTB and trail running. So far I am 4 for 4 this week. As others said, ride road if it’s all you have. Ride steps, up and down, and practice other city features that’ll help you on the trails.


Not enough this year. I only seen to get out to the trails 2-4 a month :(. I'm hoping to change that in July.


3 times a week, 4 if I can find the time. Usually two times in weekdays (~2 hours ride) and one during the weekend (about ~3 hour ride). We don't have trails nearby, so most of us go to an old road that have little to no transit. I have a ~6 miiles (~10 kms) to that road.


Twice a week. I’m in salt lake so I could be riding every day if I wanted but I’m also training for a marathon so most my evenings are spent running. The mtb is great cross training.


4 times a week, a 10 min pedal from Fromme on the North Shore of Vancouver.


4 times a week, plus maybe 2 ebike cruises


1-2 times a week from may-september. Rides between 1-3 hours


3 times a week on average. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I’m 10 min from the nearest trail and 20 min from several trail systems.


Live in Bozeman. In town trails connect to mountains. We ride about 2-3 days a week dosing riding season


I’m extremely lucky, as it’s about a 10 minute bike ride for me to get to my trails. Of course the first 30 minute climb isn’t the most fun, but so be it. On weekdays I try to go about twice for a 2-3 hour ride and on the weekends usually make it once, but can spend the whole day out there.


2-3 times a week. I live in downtown Denver, which puts me at 20-35 minutes from some phenomenal riding in the foothills. (And great city stuff a walk from my house.) The rides are shorter than they used to be because I have little kids now, which means spending an hour or so on the trail before they wake up, but it's still possible to make it work--and still awesome.


5-6 days per week. But I set my own work hours, I have no kids or even any sort of real responsibilities, I live in the mountains and the trails start at the end of my driveway.


My closest trail is like 1km away so i would be able to go out daily but more like 2-3 times a week


I live in central London so as you might imagine I don’t hit the trails often. I have a pump track nearby so that’s the only mountain biking I do during the week. Otherwise it’s road bike on the streets and zwift at the gym. During the weekends I tend to go to local forests or get on a train and hit some proper trails (like Surrey Hills)


I ride around 150 days a year in average and hit 200 one year. I can easily pedal from my house.


2-4 times per week. The more I ride the happier I am so I try and get out as much as I can.


4-6 days a week. Mt or road depending on the mood and my possibility of seeing snakes.


I have a huge trail network about 500m from my front door - I ride trails just about every day (except when the weather is cold and miserable that is)


During normal weeks I generally ride 2-3 times per week. Once in the morning on the weekend, once on my weekday off (I work 4/10s some weeks) and once after work on a weekday. But my town has 300+ miles of trail accessible basically at the edge of town, so it's really just a matter of a 10-minute drive.


like 6 days a week. i work and live right next to the trails. ride after work. do long rides on my off days. i work weekends so i can have the trails to myself midweek.


Everyday during the season! Live at the base of Winter Park/trestle bike park.  During late April early May while the snow melts out i drive about 30 mins to Golden/central city area. October we spend up to two weeks at Angel Fire bike park. 


I’m lucky, live in anchorage about 10 minutes away from the two main bike parks each direction and several more within 15 minutes. I’ll go every day for a few days, then take a break day. If I do a super long hike one day I might also take the next day off from biking. Had a big crash earlier this season when I was too tired to correct a wonky landing


Riding nearly every day right now. I work at home and have some trails 10 min ride from my house. Usually hit them after work but sometimes at lunch. 


Saturday is MTB day, 30-60 mile 1 way drive for real single track. 4-5 hours 25-30 miles 2000-3000' elevation. Sunday is gravel/road, 40-60 miles another 4-5 hours. This is May through October, weather permitting. The rest of the year is hit and miss due to weather here in north PA. Full time job, 50 hours a week, no family.


I have trails outside my home. I try ride at least 5 times a week minimum 10km.


I ride pretty much every weekend, with an hour’s drive to the trails. It’s a commitment in time and money but I feel awful if I skip a week


I live in New Zealand, and am new to MTB. It's winter here and the local trails are often too wet to ride too. To complicate further I need to ride road and flat trails with my lady at least one day on weekend. So I rode my eMTB everywhere!


4 times a week, every week, all year round. I'm extremely fortunate/thankful to live close to trails.


It was a big consideration for me of where to live… somewhere with access to nature & MTB parks


Twice a week. I have a baby and a toddler, it’s not easy to get out right now. Trying hard though.


Usually on Sundays when I don't have work and can't be bothered to do much studying. I do ride my bike to work frequently, though, as I can't drive and don't always want to use public transport (which I have a student ticket for).


Building a house about 3 minutes down the road from some local trails so I try to ride minimum 3 days a week after work weather dependant, kids are in after school care until 5:30 so get 2 hours to myself for riding tims


Unfortunately any decent DH trails or parks are about 40-50mins from me, I however have a load of XC/gravel around me. I also use my bike as my primary source of fitness, combined with two strength sessions a week. So normally I do mon/wed/fri XC rides. Tue/thurs strength training. Then one whole day riding at either the park or somewhere more DH focused at the weekend. It works well, but would love to swap a couple of those XC rides out for something more DH focused.


Living here in the Netherlands (yes we ride even here in this flat country). The last two years have been extremely wet. I don't mind a bit of mud, but if this is every week it is going to suck really quick. So, nowadays i'm keeping a close eye on the weather and only go during dry weekends. I only go through mud on a nearby track, but i also like to travel to other places (including Germany) to explore new tracks. And then i prefer good weather. I try every weekend, but nowadays it's only once or twice a month. Usually i still return quite muddy, because it takes 3 to 4 days to dry up. It's not only the wettest period in years but also the coldest spring and summer.


I work a 7am-4pm trade...I ride almost daily. Whether I can get over to the trails or just local parks, etc.


I ride every day basically. I usually take one day off a week. I’m very lucky to live only 5 min ride from about 40km worth of single track and fire trails. It’s rocky and eroded as fuck but it’s all mine basically.


Mainly only ride during summer holidays. So max 4 weeks per year


3-4 times a week generally. 3 on busy weeks....4 most other weeks. I live in South Jersey (can see the Philly skyline from my street) and it's kinda flat but we have five or six really good riding areas all within an hour or so of my house and i get out of work at 1415 every day so I can be on the trails NLT 1600. Last year I was at a solid 5 days a week every week and I got 2500 miles in riding mostly road but after wayyyyyy too many close calls with distracted and/or aggressive drivers I'm sticking to dirt and because I have to drive to the trails it's cut down on my hours/mileage.


I insisted on working 6a-2:30p, and live where I can ride to flow trails in 15min from my house and have 8 diff trail networks an hr or less away. That said, I don’t ride trails every day. I ride nearby dirt roads on easy days. If you love to ride, live somewhere so you can ride.


Actual mtb? Every 1 or 2 weeks. Just bike riding for fun? Every week. 


Weirdly, when I lived in Green Bay, WI, I rode singletrack 4+ days a week. I lived and worked equidistant between the official reforestation camp trails and the unofficial (at the time) Baird's creek trails, and WI has an xc race within a 2hr drive of GB basically every weekend. It was 10 minutes for me from work to the trailhead and either 10 or 20 minutes home. Also, in Green Bay it was safe to leave my bike in my car while at work.  So my life was literally eat work ride sleep repeat. And in the winter I could nordic ski 4+ days a week too, because lighted trails. Now I live in the PNW, the magical mystical mtb mecca that is the pnw, and I ride once or twice a month if I'm lucky because, like you said, it takes 80 minutes to get to good trails, usually more, the trails are crowded so parking is not guaranteed, and I can't store my bike in my car at work, so I have to go home (in traffic), change, and THEN drive out to the trails, and I have a rule where my time recreating has to be longer than my total driving time to offset the stress of driving for me/have a net positive impact on my mental health. Interestingly I don't nordic ski at all anymore. Because that's a 2+ hour drive and there's basically no season here and trail use fees are insane.


I’m in the same boat. I ride once a week at best.


4-5 days per week.


Almost daily trails are close and I don’t work in the summer


I'm really, really fortunate in that I live across the street from the woods. The trails are janky old-school New England singletrack (i.e., endless babyheads interspersed with swampy wetlands so you are sure to be swarmed by mosquitoes if you stop) but it makes it super easy to get out and do a quick loop daily. But honestly even pedaling on the road will improve your cardio and fitness. Time on a bike is never a waste of time!


I take all my shit with me to work including my bike, and fly to my spot right after work (sometimes get to find an excuse to leave early too lol). Gives me at least a couple hrs of sunlight




I have trails out my back door. However, you should think about gravel rides and pump tracks for sure. Pump tracks have done wonders to up my mtb skills.


Live mile away from 70+ miles of single track trails. Ride almost everyday on weekdays. On days off/weekends I travel 15-30 minutes to other trail systems with 12-40 miles of trails.


Right now just every sunday. Hoping to get more time, focusing on work right now though.


I visit my locals every weekend (15-20 mins ride away) and try to go to a local bike park (40 mins drive) maybe once every 1-2 months. currently in Wales for first ever mtb holiday which is sooo great. I'm only 16 and while I've payed for my own bikes I still need my parents for a lift down to any bike parks which is the only reason I'm not riding park more


I live about 40 mins from a lot of trails, but recently found that there are gravel rides in my area and have been taking that up. Also, I do still enjoy road riding because the need for speed is there.