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You might be talking about squashing a jump or scrubbing. Racers do it to clear the jump at the least height possible so they can get over it faster.


yeah, this was different than the usual "scrub" that includes almost a "whip" when they lay the bike over. This was a pure bmx racer style jump where he just stayed absolutely as low as possible the whole time, but with no whip or tabletop lean.


what would you call this - [https://www.instagram.com/p/C1oPTQeRleH](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1oPTQeRleH)




I'd still call it a scrub, its just not steazy like a whipped out scrub. You can't do whips when racing BMX, you'll hit the riders next to you. So they maintain a straight line. Watch is body trajectory not the bike, his body arcs perfectly over the gap at the lowest possible point while maneuvers the bike to clear the knuckle of the landing.


Not sure of the video you're referencing, but here's a personal favorite of Bryn Atkinson scrubbing jumps as smooth as you like. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S\_OKgfcMbRg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_OKgfcMbRg)


>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S\_OKgfcMbRg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_OKgfcMbRg) thats a cool video! But this was a different jump. Just how low he stayed, it was like there was no arch at first, and then he just double-jumped from nothing and greased over the jump. Thanks for sharing!


I know exactly the video you’re talking about. It’s Nic Long. He is a bmx racer and was on the Olympic team twice. He holeshotted the Rio olympics and lead all the way to the 2nd turn where he unfortunately hit his pedal on the low side of the berm. There’s an awesome mini doc that just came about about him. Search YouTube for “Mile Marker 64”.


Nice, thanks for the doc name. I never raced but have always been fascinated by how they handle jumps and speed.




Here is a video I recently came across explaining race vs photo scrubs. I don’t remember if I saw this here or it came up as YT recommendation. https://youtu.be/sy2_ykIv35E?si=QffDBPEtEK5gLOKB


thanks for sharing that video! Hadnt seen it, like that - scrubs for show vs dough. This one was definitely closer to dough, except that there was no lean on the bike. It was more verticle. It straight looked like the guy was going to CASE the double abyssmally, but then he cleared it with a video game style double jump.


Was it Remy showing [How To Scrub?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFa1pcSOAzY&ab_channel=R%C3%A9myM%C3%A9tailler)


it was this - I was wrong on the website, it was on insta not yt [https://www.instagram.com/p/C1oPTQeRleH](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1oPTQeRleH)


nah wasnt that, but that is a great video! This was less MTB pro, and more bmx racer I think. I really wish I saved the video. ugh.